Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 431: There is only 1 truth

The London Eye, the full name of the British Airways London Eye, also known as the "Millennium Wheel", is the world\'s first and once the world\'s largest observation wheel.

With a total height of 135 meters, the "London Eye" towers over the Bellans area on the south bank of the Thames, facing the Palace of Westminster and Big Ben. It is not only one of the most popular tourist attractions, but also a new landmark in London.

The London Eye has a total of 32 cabins (ranked from 1 to 33. Because of religious taboos, there is no number 13), each cabin can carry about 25 passengers, and the rotation speed is about 0.26 meters per second, that is, a lap takes 30 minute.

It is hailed as a mathematical miracle!

The engineer revealed that the computer computing power required to build the Ferris wheel exceeds the largest and most complex building in the world, and that the London Eye weighs 1,600 tons and is built on a platform floating on the surface of the river. The construction is extremely difficult. In any modern building.

The sight that Yang Cheng brought Xu Ling more and more was the London Eye, and he said it was not inferior to the superb view of the Mist Lock Tower Bridge. When they took the cockpit as the London Eye rose, everything in London was at their feet, this city that never sets. , Magnificently beautiful in the sunset.

"Wow~ It\'s so beautiful!" The more Xu Ling couldn\'t restrain his excitement when he saw the beautiful scenery, the SLR camera in his hand kept beating the shutter sound.

The beauty is watching the beautiful scenery, while Yang Cheng is admiring the beauty, "Shall I take a picture for you?"

At this time, there are not many tourists in the cockpit. In addition, there are less than 10 people in the cockpit. In addition, there are less than 10 people in Yangcheng, a pair of couples. Under such a beautiful scenery, all are romantically entwined together. The war of words has started, and there is no shy about the presence of other people.

Such a scene made the two people who met for the second time a little embarrassed and inexplicably ambiguous. Fortunately, Yang Cheng suddenly spoke and broke the silence.

The more Xu Ling hesitated, he handed the camera over.

Yang Cheng smiled and took the camera, and skillfully adjusted the settings such as the brightness through the menu page. Seeing his actions like this, Xu Ling couldn\'t help holding his back, curiously approaching, and happily asked, "Can you still take pictures?"

If a man wants to attract a girl, he must first equip his own weapon arsenal, and cultivate his own characteristics that can attract girls. If you have many skills and don\'t overwhelm you, what photography, sports, and tea ceremony will make girls have a sense of admiration for you. The premise of falling in love with you.

This is how it is now. From the first time I met with Yang Cheng, her unique self-confidence and her always smiling gentleman\'s performance left a very deep impression on Xu Ling, especially when Yang Cheng appeared like a prince charming yesterday, helping her out of the predicament. After being out of the siege, this impression became particularly deep.

In addition to today\'s "coincidence", Yang Cheng\'s intimate hot milk tea showed her the scenery she dreamed of, and now she will take beautiful photos of her, surprises one after another, and Xu Ling feels that she is about to lose track of the rhythm.

Yang Cheng smiled, and said faintly, "It\'s not a matter of amateur play, not professional, but your Canon 60d is a mid-range SLR model that is very friendly to novices. If there is no special camera requirement, it will be enough. You used it."

From Xu Lingyue’s photo posture and the settings he had never adjusted before, Yang Cheng knew that Miss Sister was a complete novice photographer. Of course, his own level was not high, but the basic theory was still very solid. It’s a female friendly training.

Xu Ling tickles her hair shyly, "I also have some changes in my quality of life recently, so I have spare money to buy this kind of SLR. There is still a lot to learn."

When Xu Ling talked about his life more frankly, Yang Cheng was impressed. Not everyone has the courage to admit that his life is not satisfactory.

"It\'s okay, learn slowly, unless you want to become a master photographer, otherwise you can take more photos, and you can develop good camera skills based on experience."

A word of relief, and then said, "Don\'t talk about this, hurry up and take pictures for you, otherwise you will miss it."

The cockpit was slowly climbing, and there was still some distance from reaching the apex. Taking advantage of this gap, Yang Cheng also took a dozen beautiful photos for Xu Ling on an experiment, mainly to find feelings. Anything can only be shown by being emotional. Shocking works, calligraphy and painting, cooking, including photography, are the same!

"Leave your head slightly, with your arms on the railing to support your head, yes, very good, don\'t move!" Yang Cheng entered the camera mode and directed Xu Ling to pose one after another, but the young lady deserved to be a model and suffered. Professional body training, almost without too much guidance from Yang Cheng, can naturally find the most beautiful movements.

After taking a few photos of the perfect combination of beauty and beauty, Yang Cheng began to focus on shooting people. The characteristics of Canon camera CMOS sensor, soft colors and high redundancy, are more suitable for portrait and post-processing, and he specially set it up The background is blurred, and all the focus of the camera is on the face that is full of smiles.

"So beautiful!" Yang Cheng put down the camera, still more beautiful than a real person in the lens.

Xu Ling didn\'t understand, so he thought to talk about the scenery, and nodded in agreement, "Indeed, such scenery can even purify the soul."

Yang Cheng shook his head, "I\'m talking about you!"

Xu Ling opened her red lips subconsciously, but didn\'t know what to say, don\'t leave her hair, and whispered, "Thank you"

The two fell silent again until the cockpit returned to the bottom and left the London Eye without saying a word.

"Um, sorry, I was a little bit abrupt just now, don\'t know if I can give me a chance to make up for the mistake? How can I miss the game when I come to London? Tonight is the red and blue game between Liverpool and Chelsea." As we walked to the parking lot, Yang Cheng suddenly stopped and suggested.

"Ah? But I don\'t know anything about football!" Xu Lingyue\'s expression looked a little embarrassed, but his tone didn\'t mean to refuse. Yang Cheng hit the iron while it was hot, "It\'s okay, just feel the atmosphere, like you must climb the Great Wall to eat roast duck in Beijing. Same, coming to London without watching a game is the same as Bailai."

For this reason, Xu Lingyue was also a little moved. Yang Cheng saw this and simply opened the car door for her, "Let\'s just listen to me. Let\'s go to eat first, and then go to the stadium."

Most women in this world actually want a man who can arrange her life properly, except for strong women, because this will make women feel safe, Xu Lingyue is the same, there is not much resistance. Coupled with Yang Cheng\'s just right overbearing, she had to obediently board the car.

Stamford Bridge Stadium is located in the Chelsea area and is still some distance away from the London Eye. However, there is still some time before the start of the game. Yang Cheng is not in a hurry. He simply drove around Hyde Park and found a French restaurant near the Mandarin Oriental Hotel where he was staying. After eating a romantic French meal, Xu Ling who ate more forgot the vow to lose weight. Until he felt his belly swell, he looked at Yang Cheng impeccably, and the faint sadness was revealed from his beautiful eyes. Yang Cheng\'s heart trembled.

He quickly remedied, "It\'s okay, you won\'t be able to sit still while watching the ball. It\'s estimated that you will call and jump again, and the calorie consumption will be almost the same in 2 hours."

Hearing Yang Cheng\'s explanation, the young lady directly pulled Yang Cheng into the car, wishing the game would start right away.

On the way to Stamford Bridge, Xu Ling suddenly turned sideways, with an expression that she could see through the truth, looking at Yang Cheng jokingly and asking, "Yang Cheng, you are honest, what are you doing?"

Yang Cheng was surprised, what happened? Recognized? Or did he reveal some flaws? However, his psychological quality can withstand the test, and he asked calmly in surprise, "Why do you ask?"

Miss sister suddenly hugged her shoulders, tilted Erlang\'s legs, and Nuo Nuo said in a weird voice, "I\'m also stupid enough, I just shaken all the old things out after meeting twice, and now I realize what I am doing to you. If I don’t understand, I’ll just come out to play with you! I’m also drunk, and I have to count the money if I was sold by you."

Yang Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that this was the case. When he had just eaten, he put out a lot of useful information. Unexpectedly, the young lady reacted and became dissatisfied. Then she burst into laughter, "So, do you think I am What is it for?"

Turning to his side again, because of the seat belt, the uneven lines of the upper body of the young lady are perfectly outlined, rubbing her chin, pretending to be advanced reasoning analysis, "First of all, I know the car you drive, Land Rover. It sells for millions in China."

Yang Cheng interrupted, UU reading "misunderstood, this car is equivalent to the domestic public in the UK, it is not expensive, and white-collar workers who earn a little bit more can afford it!"

Xu Ling made a small face, and slapped Yang Cheng dissatisfiedly, "Don\'t interrupt!"

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded in acquiescence. She started not to shy away from her image and acted on Yang Cheng. This proved that the young lady had let go of her basic guard and began to use Yang Cheng as an acquaintance, a good sign!

"Even if you say it, it\'s definitely not affordable by anyone, right? So your salary is definitely not low, which excludes some common service jobs!" Miss sister is playing Conan\'s reasoning What about the role?

"Secondly, I have never seen the brand on your body. It is not a common luxury brand on the market, but from the perspective of fabrics and layout design, it is definitely not a civilian brand. It should be a non-mainstream light luxury brand with a unit price of several hundred to A few thousand RMB!" The more Xu Ling is a model, it is not surprising that he has an understanding of fashion.

Yang Cheng still couldn\'t hold back, "It\'s wrong again, my clothes don\'t exceed 3000 yuan."

Xu Ling pouted and stared cutely, "Talk back again!"

Yang Cheng patted her forehead and made a gesture of zipping her mouth, and signaled the young lady to continue the analysis.

"Finally, and the most important point, your temperament is extraordinary, very expensive, very confident, I have seen many top rich second generations, you have similar temperaments!"

There was a pause, "But you are more approachable, you are not arrogant, you are very polite in talking and dealing with people and things, and you know how much, as if there is nothing in the world that you don\'t know, just like those academics."

Xu Ling became more excited as she spoke. She felt that she was approaching the truth. Suddenly her eyes lit up and snapped her fingers, "So there is only one truth..."

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