Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 430: Charter a warship

(Just came back from overtime, sorry, two in one chapter!)

As the saying goes: people are not greedy and worthless!

But as a prince of Great Britain, someone who should have regarded money as dung, even tried to have both. I don\'t know if he was forced to lose his integrity by reality? Or have you stayed with Yang Cheng for a long time, and those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near Mo are black?

Anyway, Yang Cheng couldn\'t adapt to William\'s sudden change, so she urgently needed to see the beauty.

For the time being, Glencore\'s affairs are temporarily set aside. After all, things that cost tens of billions of dollars are not negotiable in a day or two, and they have designed many top consortia on three continents. The distribution of benefits is enough for them to quarrel for months. , A profit of hundreds of millions of dollars, who can give up lightly?

However, today it may have been hit by an evil spirit, or the gods may deliberately oppose him. Land Rover has just started up and has not yet gone far. A call from Hansen completely dismissed Yang Cheng\'s plan to "encounter" Miss Sister.

"Boss, something went wrong here." Hansen\'s tone was very frustrated, but at the same time mixed with anger.

Yang Cheng held the steering wheel with one hand, and turned on the hands-free with the mobile phone in the other hand. The car slowly blended into the traffic, "What\'s wrong?"

"We were attacked during the rescue of Zachary. Zachary\'s parents were seriously injured. If we don\'t seek medical treatment as soon as possible, we may not be able to leave Albania alive." Hansen did not hide, and truthfully reported his situation.

Yang Cheng frowned and knocked on his forehead with his right hand holding the phone. This is not good news. He is sure that the prerequisite for Zachary to work for him is the safety of his family. If the ashes of his parents are saved The box was brought to the front, and Zachary, who was extremely paranoid, could still do anything crazy!

Is it even possible to suspect Yang Cheng\'s black hand?

"Have you been discovered? Or are you being followed?" Yang Cheng has no thoughts for the time being, and can only ask the reason. He believes that with Hansen\'s ability, a group of amateur mercenaries will not be discovered by a group of amateur mercenaries, even if they take them. A few ordinary people.

"We just entered the room where Zachary’s family was being held, and before we were able to retreat, we were surrounded by groups of people. Obviously the other party came well prepared and set a trap early to lead the king into the urn. With the fortified weapon, we almost fell here." Hansen had just stepped down from the battlefield, still in a state of excitement, with a loud and terrifying voice.

However, Yang Orange didn\'t have time to take care of the others and exclaimed, "So it\'s the leak of the news? How is this possible? Wait, could it be that Andrew\'s actions spread to Albania?"

Yang Cheng is also a guess, and there is no real basis, but the most important thing at the moment is the injury of Zachary\'s parents. "Boss, it is better to make a decision as soon as possible. What about Zachary\'s parents? There is definitely no cure for this kind of injury in Albania. ."

"Where are you now? Is it safe?" Yang Cheng instinctively stepped on the accelerator to follow the flow of traffic, and his mind had already drifted to southeastern Europe.

“It’s safe for the time being. After we got out of the siege, we rushed out of Tirana. We are now on a run-down farm in the suburbs, far away from the main road. I arranged for someone to set up obstacles at the fork in the road. I couldn’t get it out without a closer look. , But if the opponent has specially trained soldiers, this little trick can\'t be kept for long, so the boss has to make a decision early."

Yang Cheng murmured, "I know I know that Zachary\'s parents must be saved and must not die. Let me think about what should I do now."

Superman’s IQ seems to have lost its effect at this time. There is no such thing as the usual excitement. He has a lot of ideas, but he has rejected them again and again. Now if there is an American garrison nearby, he can use the relationship to find the military. Ask them for help. The cooperation between the US military and military contractors is no longer a secret. As long as enough money is given to mobilize nuclear warheads to engage in deterrence, it is not a difficult problem.

Wait, there are no US troops, but what about other countries?

"Hansen, where is your current position in Tirana? How far is it from the nearest seaside?" Yang Cheng had some ideas, but it still needs to be verified whether it can succeed.

Hansen didn\'t know why, but he thought about it for a while and answered truthfully, "We are now located in the west of Tirana, about 7,80 kilometers from the nearest sea."

Yang Cheng exhaled, 7 or 80 kilometers, which means that if you speed up the time to hurry, you can reach the sea in one hour, which gives his plan the possibility of implementation.

"I see, wait for my call."

. . .

"William, I need your help." Yang Cheng reconnected to William\'s phone, without talking nonsense, and said directly.

Hearing Yang Cheng\'s solemn tone, William did not dare to neglect, "You said."

"My people have encountered some trouble in Albania. Among them are the seriously wounded. The Royal Navy must have warships on missions or cruises in the Mediterranean, right? Could they go to the sea off Albania to pick up my people and let them follow? The warship medic will perform surgery on the wounded as soon as possible and must save them. I will give your foundation 3 million pounds later. You decide how to distribute it, please."

Yang Cheng didn\'t give William the opportunity to refuse at all, and put forward the requirements and conditions in one breath, 3 million pounds, let the warship turn a turn to save a few people when carrying out the mission, a modern warship is equipped with more than 200 crew members, even though Everyone is given a bonus, and it can guarantee a manpower of more than 10,000 pounds. What\'s more, this kind of thing does not need to be known to the whole ship. As long as the officer’s appetite is enough, this kind of free money is not dangerous private work. No one will Refuse.

Sure enough, William pondered for a bit, and he responded. He didn’t even ask Yang Cheng what mission he sent to Albania. "The Royal Navy’s Diamond guided missile destroyer is currently cruising in the Mediterranean Sea. Unidentified creatures were found in the sea to Albania. Fleeing, Diamond decided to pursue further."

Yang Cheng sighed, William had even figured out the reason, unknown creature? It is definitely the No. 1 excuse of Tianzi, and there is no way to prove it anyway. As long as the money falls into the pockets of the crew, no one will talk too much.

"Don\'t worry, my people are all professional, and they won\'t scurf or talk a lot on the boat."

"Well, give me the contact information in a while."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng kept reconnecting to Hansen’s satellite phone. “The guided missile destroyer Diamond of the Royal Navy is performing missions in the Mediterranean. You can pick you up by the way and will get in touch with you when you get on board. How do you know better than me, I won’t talk nonsense, I must bring people back alive, understand?"

"Yes, boss! We are now ready to go to the beach." While Hansen was excited, he secretly sighed Yang Orange\'s magical powers.

One of the few guided-missile destroyers of the British Navy came to pick them up. This is no face. It is said that Hansen used to perform missions in the Middle East and land, or to perform missions on warships. Back, following Yang Cheng, all kinds of yachts did not take less time.

After several consecutive phone calls, Yang Cheng’s heart calmed down slightly. Through this incident, Yang Cheng felt that some military-industry investment should be increased in the future, and there would be no need to go around with the military for help. Hierarchical relations, like the president of Rock Martin, travel to certain war-torn areas with F-22 **** is not a day or two, and it is not a secret in the circle.

Enjoying the same treatment as the President of the United States does not have to bear the infamy of the President. Of course, the risk is not small. After all, as the maker of the killing machine, countless people are in the eye of the eye. The price is comparable to that of a head of a country. What happened to such an important person spending some money to buy peace of mind? Airplanes are all made by others.

Just like Yang Cheng’s occasional use of money to ask the military for help, it’s not an exaggeration compared to the above-mentioned situation. After all, the military expenditures of each country are limited, and every cent must be spent on hurdles, occasionally taking advantage of the leisure. Besides, going out to do some private work to earn extra money and improve the welfare of one\'s own troops is basically something Western developed countries have acquiesced. As long as it does not involve their own interests and causes international conflicts, the defense ministries of various countries will turn their eyes to nothing. Just look, the foolishness passed.

Far away~

After this incident, Yang Cheng was not in the mood to find Xu Lingyue for the time being. He returned to the hotel and remitted 3 million pounds to William’s foundation through his offshore private account. In addition, he arranged for Susu to go out to William’s eldest son. That is, Little Prince George chose a bunch of toys and sent them to Kensington Palace, all of which are limited editions of top brands. They are made of environmentally friendly materials and will not harm children.

Yang Cheng understood very well that he spent money on one side, but without Prince William’s relationship, the Royal Navy might not sell his face. Therefore, the courtesy and the purchase of gifts for Little Prince George to give to him also means that he has inherited William’s Favors.

Throughout the afternoon, Yang Cheng was in the hotel room, fidgeting and waiting for news from Hansen. I don’t know if they succeeded in connecting with Diamond, how Zachri’s parents were injured, and he was not treated in time. Taking precautions, he began to think about how he should explain to Zachary once Zachary\'s parents were not rescued.

Questions followed one after another, and he resolved them one by one. In this way, time didn\'t go too slow.

At 4 o\'clock in the afternoon, it was a rare sunny day in London today, and there was no rain. Yang Cheng felt that this was a good sign.

Sure enough, Hansen\'s call came as scheduled, "Boss, we have successfully boarded the Diamond. Zachary\'s parents have been arranged by military doctors to enter the operating room for treatment. The result is still unknown, but the hope of survival is great. "

Yang Cheng sighed heavily, now he can be completely relieved, unless they hit a quack with their backs, otherwise, the military doctor\'s words are still guaranteed.

"However, the captain of the Diamond said that they could not bring us back to London. They were on a mission and could only use the opportunity of docking in Naples to put us down. They were very determined and we had no room for negotiation."

Although Yang Cheng was dissatisfied, he couldn\'t say anything. After all, it was the captain who had the final say at sea, and he returned to China without authorization during the military mission. However, it is a felony of decapitation, and the captain would not go against it for the money. The charge of the military order, "In this way, I will allow the Jason to take off and rush to Naples. If Zachary’s parents’ vital signs are stable and can withstand high-altitude flights, you can take the Jason back to London and be in the hospital here. Receive treatment, if you can’t, settle down temporarily there, and when it’s determined that there is no problem, then return directly to the United States."

"Boss, we all understand battlefield first aid. We did emergency treatment as soon as Zachary’s parents were injured. Although the doctor said that the hope of life-saving is great, it is definitely impossible to withstand high-altitude flight in a short time, so Jason does not have to After being sent here, as the boss said, we are temporarily settled in Naples, and the medical level here is not weak."

Hansen bluntly refused Yang Cheng to send the plane over. What he said was reasonable and reasonable, and he had the right to speak at the scene. Of course, Yang Cheng chose to trust Hansen\'s judgment.

"Alright, let me know when you are sure that they are safe. Maybe it would be a good choice for Zachary to fly to Naples and see his parents and sister with his own eyes, and it can calm his heart."

. . .

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the London sky red. Yang Cheng comfortably drove the new Land Rover along the Thames River. He recovered his good mood, shaking his head from time to time with the dynamic music from the car stereo. Looking at the pedestrians on the road through the window of the car, I was rehearsing the scene of the\'encounter\' for a while in my mind.

What kind of expression should I use?

Want to be surprised?

Isn’t it too straightforward to ask for a meal together?

Will it make young lady disgusted?

Shaking his head, dispelling these messy thoughts, let it go, at least he feels that after the added value of money status, he himself is also a very attractive man, and it is easy to attract the favor of women. Blind, if you don\'t eat such a good piece of fresh meat, do you want to eat old bacon?

Okay, I don\'t know what\'s wrong, Yang Cheng inexplicably raised his self-confidence, and couldn\'t help but increase the strength of the accelerator pedal under his feet, so that he rushed out, the green light came on, MD, ran the red light!

The Tower Bridge across the Thames is one of the must-see attractions for every visitor to London. It seems that Xu Lingyue has also done a good strategy. He deliberately chose the sunset to appreciate this behemoth that combines history and human wisdom.

Yang Cheng parked his car in a nearby parking lot and stepped onto the Tower Bridge on foot. This behemoth made of steel and granite carries the aristocratic temperament admired by the British, and faintly the glory of the "empire that the sun never sets."

In fact, this bridge is not only a scenic spot, it is also the only way for Londoners to cross the two sides of the strait. The Tower Bridge is an upward suspension bridge. As the name suggests, the bridge has towers on both sides. The two bridge slabs usually form one piece and pass by traffic. When there is a huge wheel passing under the bridge, the lower bridge plate can be lifted up and opened under the drive of the pressure valve. The entire opening process only takes one minute.

There are fifteen such tower bridges standing on the entire Thames. The one in front of you is the oldest and the most fascinating. It is the product of the perfect combination of the elegant and gorgeous architectural style of the Victorian period and the mechanical power produced by the Industrial Revolution. It is also the result of the British attempts to tame and use the Thames for thousands of years.

Although Tower Bridge was built at the end of the 19th century, the bridge has to be raised and lowered about 500 times a year. It not only connects the busy traffic on both sides of the Thames River, but does not interfere with London\'s port transportation, and becomes a compromise and peace between the bridge and the ship. The classics of getting along, people often say that "the bridge and the boat are not compatible" has long been history.

If you stand on the Tower Bridge and look west, you can have a panoramic view of the bustling and modern London. For example, the London City Hall on the glass facade looks like a soap bubble swaying in the wind. It looks crooked, but it is carefully designed. It is to minimize the projection of the building on the ground, so that the sidewalk on the north side of the Thames is always sunny, which is very important for London, which is more cloudy and less sunny.

Moving my sight again, 122 Lidher Street, a trapezoidal shape with a height of more than 200 meters in the City of London, was originally designed as a cube. In order not to obstruct the view of St. Paul’s Cathedral from the west of London, only one piece was cut off. It is nicknamed "cheese grinder".

I bought two cups of hot British traditional milk tea at the convenience store under the bridge, and climbed back up to the tower. I looked at the figure wearing a camel-colored literary and artistic fan coat and holding the SLR camera in the orange red. The silhouette is formed under the sunset, showing the goddess Fan with gestures. In the cold winter, it can also be filled with the confidence and elegance of summer.

Stepped forward without hesitation, with a calm smile on his face, when Xu Ling lowered his head to check the selfie, he said, "What a coincidence?"

The more Xu Ling heard the sound, she raised her head, her pure and beautiful eyes filled with surprise, but the encounter of the\'coincidence\' did bring her a hint of surprise Repeated Yang Cheng\'s words like a repeater, "Such a coincidence" ?"

Yang Cheng nodded helplessly, adding to his tone, "Yes, what a coincidence!"

The more Xu Ling put down the camera, naturally hanging in front of him, with her sweet smile of four plus signs, inadvertently captured Yang Cheng\'s little heart again, "Why are you here? Don\'t you need to go to work?"

Yang Cheng didn\'t rush to answer, first handed over a cup of milk tea in her hand, and waited for Xu Ling to take it hesitantly, leaning on the railing like her, looking at the Thames in the distance like a layer of gold leaf, squinting He sighed with enjoyment, and explained, "It\'s been a long time since I saw London like this. It\'s so beautiful."

Turning his head to meet those curious eyes, he chuckled lightly, "I just drove across the bridge and just saw you taking a picture. Since I happened to happen so by chance, how can I not get out of the car and say hello?"

Xu Lingyue suddenly smiled and said, "I didn\'t expect that we are still very fate. Thank you for your milk tea. It\'s delicious."

Biting the straw and sipping the hot milk tea, the coldness on my body faded instantly, and my tongue was spit out cutely, pointing to the sky, "It\'s a pity, I checked the strategy for a long time before I came, and they all said that the fog lock tower The beauty of the bridge is a must in London, but the weather today is so good."

Yang Cheng shrugged and suggested to play together, "This kind of scenery is not easy to touch, otherwise how can it be called a super scenery? But I can show you another beautiful scenery, trust me, no Let you down."

"Really? What is it?" Xu Ling asked with his buns face, full of collagen, full of vitality and girlishness, raising his head curiously.

Yang Cheng put on his iconic smile, "Follow me~"

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