Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 429: Greedy William

"This is definitely a big game against polar bears!" Yang Cheng thought so. &1t;/

After confirming the idea of ​​continuing the investigation with William, Yang Cheng still did not get out of the car, reading the information from William carefully with his mobile phone. &1t;/

In William\'s position, it was almost impossible to retrieve some less important information from the intelligence department, and this information was not available on the market. &1t;/

So Yang Cheng took it very seriously. Since he decided to intervene and make a fortune, he naturally knew Glencore about himself and his opponent.&1t;/

Glencore first started as a trading company. Starting in the 1990s, Glencore began to provide direct financing or other supply chain financial services in exchange for mining companies’ stable product underwriting rights and competitive prices, and then re-used Glencore It can take the lead in logistics and warehousing, with the help of commodity futures and derivative tools, and take advantage of time and space or information to arbitrage profits. &1t;/

Following the bull market in bulk commodities since 2000, Glencore has completed the transformation from a light asset model of pure bulk trade to a heavy asset model of upstream mineral resources through continuous acquisitions of assets such as metal minerals, oil fields, and coal mines. &1t;/

In 2008, when the global financial crisis was intensifying, Katanga Mining, which was listed in Toronto, had lost 9o% of its market value in just six months, and urgently needed cash. &1t;/

Glencore fell from the sky at this time and gave Katanga Mining a life-saving money that could not be denied, and at the same time, under simple and rude conditions, obtained the control of the latter. &1t;/

In 2013, Glencore completed the merger and acquisition of British mining producer Da, with a $61.9 billion merger, which rewritten the global mining landscape. Through this merger, Glencore became the world\'s fourth largest mining production group. &1t;/

Prior to this, the “titles” that hung over Glencore were: the world’s largest electric coal trading company, the world’s largest ferrochrome producer, the largest zinc producer, the third largest copper miner and the fourth largest nickel mining company. Business and other series. &1t;/

Glencore\'s influence in the commodity market is mainly concentrated in basic metals such as cobalt, nickel, zinc, aluminum, and copper, followed by energy. It has a large number of important warehouses around the world, and inventory control alone is sufficient to have a huge impact on the market. &1t;/

However, this company headquartered in Switzerland has chosen to be low-key all year round, and many do not know that it is one of the top 5oo companies in the world, and even ranks above the z country ~ Commercial Bank, Mercedes-Benz, Total, Ford, Honda, etc. , Even last year, it was still above Apple and three stars. &1t;/

Until the listing in 2011, the outside world can see the clues of Glencore. &1t;/

In 2011, Glencore went public in Hong Kong and London, and finally completed fundraising of up to tens of billions of dollars. &1t;/

But the glory of Glencore began to freeze at the moment of listing. The commodity trading market began to decline at the end of 2011. At that time, it was the craziest moment for Glencore M&A. &1t;/

In the period from 2oo5 to 2o13, through frantic leverage and rapid expansion through mergers and acquisitions, Glencore is no longer just a commodity trader, but a comprehensive mining company integrating mining, smelting, production and trade. The business sectors include metals and minerals, energy products, and agricultural products. &1t;/

However, because of this, Glencore’s liabilities continue to rise. In the past two years, Glencore has been selling assets and cutting billions of dollars in debt to stop the bleeding, and even shut down some mining operations in order to reduce The high debt of 300 billion US dollars, but now it seems that the effect is not good. This time everyone gathered in London, I am afraid it will be the final blow of Glasenberg, who is nearly 60 years old. This is his last fight. &1t;/

With success, Glencore continues to dominate the global energy market in a low-key manner. &1t;/

Otherwise, they will follow Lehman\'s footsteps and disappear into the rolling river of years. &1t;/

Glasenberg, Ma Shimin, Qatar Investment Authority, Changjiang Industry, Lloyds Bank, Blackstone Group, these destructive figures gathered together, and there was a mysterious figure Zheng Jiaxuan watching around, and Yang Cheng suddenly felt a little heartbroken. Tired, I blame him for his **** greedy yu, and it\'s not good to mess up, and it has to be messed up in the chaotic energy market. &1t;/

In fact, in addition to wanting to make some money, Yang Cheng is thinking more about Yuanshan. After all, the acquisition of the airline and the cooperation with the oil company formed by Abu and the others has already involved him in the energy field. If he can take this opportunity, he will If the market stands firm, will it be beneficial to Yuanshan\'s future? &1t;/

No way, as the heir of Yuanshan Capital, these are all things he must consider.&1t;/

Forget it, let the troubles go for the time being, and it may be a good choice to go on a date with a beautiful woman to change your mood. &1t;/

But what about people? &1t;/

Yang Cheng put down the phone and looked through the car window in the direction where Xu Lingyue was before. There is no one, hell? &1t;/

He quickly took out his cell phone and dialed the bodyguard\'s number. &1t;/

"Where did the people go? The time is gone after a while?"&1t;/

"Uh~boss, the lady stayed by the river for a while, then walked into the alley beside her, the destination is not clear yet." The bodyguard answered truthfully. &1t;/

"Oh, then, let me know after she stops."&1t;/

Just hung up the and then the bell rang again, Yang Cheng was speechless, so why can\'t he stop for a while? &1t;/

It\'s William\'s call again. Is there anything wrong? Quickly pick up the sound. &1t;/

"Jason, Zheng Jiaxuan just called me and asked me about Glencore shares. I excuse the inconvenience to answer the phone now, so I put it off for a while, but how should I reply to him? His tone sounds very impatient." &1t;/

Yang Cheng was bored in the car, so she simply got out of the car and got some fresh air. She also took the opportunity to think about the way to deal with it. "William, do you think we still need to cooperate with him? Looks like Glencore\'s expectations. The benefit is even greater! In addition, I have been unable to figure out the context of this person, and I feel very uneasy."&1t;/

After a pause, he added, "Also, Alex Bilder\'s attitude is very determined. At this time, he will never sell stocks."&1t;/

William hesitated for a moment, and tentatively said, "You mean we don\'t care about Zheng Jiaxuan\'s affairs? Focus on studying Glencore and several major consortia?"&1t;/

"Yes, but the risk of this matter is far greater than Zheng Jiaxuan. You have to think carefully. If you want to continue, then you have to find a way to persuade Alex Bilder. This is the whole thing. The core of the matter, otherwise we can\'t get what Zheng Jiaxuan wants and everything is in vain!"&1t;/

"Can\'t you have both?" &1t;/

Yang Cheng’s surprise was overwhelming before, "Are you crazy? William, I have to say, I have a new understanding of your greed!"&1t;/

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