Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 425: Beautifully called: protection

"Only you are here to travel? No boyfriend to accompany you? It\'s too dangerous for you to be a girl hanging out on the streets of London at night!"

Yang Cheng\'s temptation is a guilty one.

I don\'t know if Yang Cheng stabbed the wound, Xu Lingyue\'s expression was darkened, "I\'m here to relax."

How could Yang Cheng fail to see such an obvious sentimental color. Judging from his years of picking up girls, this girl is either just falling out of love or solo, but according to his experience analysis, the former is more likely.

Without continuing to entangle this topic, the voice changed, "Do you know what industry you are in? I feel you have a good temperament."

The beauty of her little temper came and went and hurried, and she was troubled by unknown emotions just now. At this moment, she heard the praise from the excellent looking man, she immediately smiled and waved her hand shyly, "How can you say That’s good. I used to learn dance, and then I worked as a model for a period of time. I want to develop my acting career in the near future."

Xu Lingyue had nothing to hide, and she shared her work openly with Yang Cheng. From this, it can be seen that under the elegant appearance of a girl next door, she has a playful and lively temperament. Generally, such a girl will get along well. It\'s very comfortable, approachable, and there is no such thing as a beauty.

"Oh? So I have met a big star?" Yang Cheng\'s surprise was really not a pretense, but after another thought, it is not uncommon to switch from a model to an actor in the entertainment industry, no wonder the temperament is moving, close to 170 It’s a shame not to be a model because of her slender figure.

However, Yang Cheng still has a little regret in his heart. No one knows how messy the model circle is. The general environment is like this. Whether you are in the Z country or the United States, the channels for promotion are the same. girl? Yang Cheng can\'t absolutely say no, but there are certainly not many.

He sighed inwardly and continued to dominate the rhythm of the conversation. With his rich experience and intellectual wisdom, he easily drew out Xu Lingyue\'s information, such as what she likes to eat, wear, and use, family background, where she currently lives, etc. The most speechless thing is that the more ignorant Xu Ling knows, she was trembling with Yang Cheng\'s teasing, and slowly became acquainted with Yang Cheng. However, in the end, her understanding of Yang Cheng still remained at only knowing the name. Degree, what a silly girl.

At the door of the store, Yang Cheng first helped Xu Ling to hold up the umbrella, carefully shielded her from the rain dripping from the eaves, and smiled and asked, "Should I send you off? London is not too safe at night."

Xu Ling shook his head again and again, and brought her hair to fly, "No, I live in the short-term apartment next to me."

Sing Cong\'s finger pointed towards the small building next to her, and she smiled.

"That\'s good, then, let\'s say goodbye. Thank you for spending a nice evening with me." Yang Cheng knew that enough was enough, and left a good first impression on the other party today. It should not be ruined by the anxiousness. Besides, he feels that he lacks the impulse to xing for the girl in front of him. Unlike other women, he feels that his interest is entirely to trick the other party into chuang. Of course, it will come naturally in the future.

"I should say thank you. I would be awkward here today without your help. By the way, remember to send me the bank card number after you go back. You must not forget it! You are dead if you dare not send it, you know? "The more Xu Ling raised her small fist, pretending to threaten Yang Cheng fiercely, but she couldn\'t think of it, because her lovely expression at this time was deeply engraved in Yang Cheng\'s mind, causing him Did not fall asleep all night.

Watching Xu Lingyue\'s back disappear on the stairs of the hotel, Yang Cheng still did not leave, until a certain room where Xu Lingyue was suddenly lit up, he left with an unconsciously satisfied smile.

The Rolls-Royce, who had already sent Susu back to pick him up, stopped at the street. Before getting into the car, Yang Cheng once again looked at the lighted room, but did not appear the expected figure. He sighed and carried a little. Disappointed, bent over and got into the car, and told the bodyguard who was driving, "Let\'s drive."

But when the car just started, less than 1 meter after driving out, Yang Cheng suddenly stopped, "Wait!"

Looking at the co-pilot, he just kept following the bodyguard who was protecting himself, "Did you see that girl?"

He was referring to Xu Lingyue.

"Yes, boss!" the bodyguard replied.

Yang Cheng squinted his eyes for a moment and looked very entangled. He wondered if he wanted to do this. After all, his personal yu defeated everything. He was not a good person at first, pretending to be innocent, and finally met someone he liked and moved his heart. , There are even some girls who fall in love at first sight, how can they wait for the arrangements of fate?

After he made up his mind, he no longer hesitated and instructed, "You work hard to help me protect the girl. I want to know her every move after leaving the hotel, but you should pay attention to it and don\'t get caught."

The bodyguard certainly wouldn\'t question anything, and simply replied, "It\'s the boss, I will protect that girl."

Yang Cheng uttered and said hard, and then exhorted, "I\'ll go back to Hansen for reimbursement of the funds, so I don\'t have to treat myself badly."

"Thank you boss."

The bodyguard pushed the door and got out of the car, without an umbrella, trotting back to the previous street.

The car restarted, but Yang Cheng didn\'t call a stop this time, and returned to the hotel smoothly.

Susu was asleep at this time, closed the bedroom door lightly, took a quick shower in the bathroom outside, and returned to the living room to lie down on the sofa, resting his head with one hand, waiting for Andrew\'s call. , Unconsciously recalling the various fragments of the conversation with Xu Lingyue, Xu Lingyue\'s arrogant threat when he parted, lingered in his mind for a long time.

Suddenly he stood up and took out all the bank cards in the card holder. MMP, there was no ordinary bank card in Z country, all black cards and platinum cards of major banks in the world. Yang Cheng felt that way for the first time. Ungrounded gas!

He didn\'t know that he had installed a 13 before he knew it, and he was full of anxiety. What should I do? Miss sister is still waiting for him to post an account.

After scratching his head and pondering for a long time, he finally thought of an alternative method. He remembered that Mandarin Oriental was supposed to provide banking financial services, but he didn\'t know which partner bank was. He picked up the landline on the table and called the hotel butler. On the phone, he asked, "I need to temporarily open an ordinary bank account. Does the hotel have a partner bank? Send someone to my room to find me."

The hotel butler is responsive to guests’ requests, "No problem, there is an office of Huifeng Bank in the hotel. Mr. Yang waits a moment, and the staff will arrive within 5 minutes."

Yang Cheng grumbled with satisfaction, "Let him bring all the equipment and procedures needed to open an account."

"I will ask the bank."

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