Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 426: I owe you my life

"Good evening, Mr. Yang. I\'m Tom Corey, the head of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Office at Huifeng Bank. I am honored to serve you. Just call me Tom."

"Good evening, Tom, I need to trouble you with a small matter. I need to open an ordinary account in the mainland of Country Z, immediately and immediately! I believe you have the ability to do it for me, right?"

Only five minutes after Yang Cheng put it down, the banker, led by the housekeeper, knocked on Yang Cheng\'s room door, accompanied by a British aunt, who should be the account manager who was responsible for the specific account opening operations.

"Of course, Mr. Yang himself is a VIP of Huifeng Bank. We always treat any request of VIPs with the highest standards."

Nothing nonsense, Tom Corey had to go through the formalities of Yang Orange\'s identity, and he directly asked the aunt next to him to start working.

Yang Cheng asked the butler to serve drinks to several people and waited quietly. During the period, Tom Corey veiled to recommend wealth management products to Yang Cheng, but he refused with a smile. Just kidding, the bank\'s wealth management projects can have him pass the four-dimensional space. To make money from investing?

Anyway, before his passion has completely subsided, he will never choose the conservative financial management of the bank. Of course, if there is a good project, he doesn\'t mind investing in a share, but obviously, with this Tom Corey Because of the permission, Yang Cheng has no access to high-yield projects, so Yang Cheng can only smile and decline.

The aunt has a wealth of work experience, agile and well-organized, she helped Yang Cheng handle the data entry in the same way, and then opened an ordinary account for Yang Cheng in Huifeng Shanghai branch through the internal network, which is the most common. There is no discount at all, except for the three five-pointed star logos for key customers inside, nothing special.

Seeing that the matter is almost handled, Tom Corey said, "Mr. Yang, I can’t issue the card for you here. If necessary, I can contact the Shanghai Stock Exchange branch and mail the card, but it’s fine. In your normal use, just remember the card number and use the login password you just set to complete the transfer operation on your mobile phone, which is very convenient.

Yang Cheng got up and held Tom Corey and thanked him sincerely, "I don\'t need the card anymore. Thank you very much for your help. Your work is excellent, Mr. Corey."

After a few words of greetings, they sent away several people. Yang Cheng couldn\'t wait to send the card number to Xu Lingyue, stared at the screen for a long time, and did not wait for a reply. Some decadently threw the phone away, but the phone was still flying in the air. , Before falling on the sofa, it rang abruptly.

He grabbed the phone with a quick eye and didn\'t even look at the phone display. He answered directly, "Miss Xu, have you received the card number?"

However, what came out of the earpiece was not Nuo Nuo\'s pleasant voice, but a heavy man\'s gasp, "Uh~Boss, what did you say?"

by! It\'s Andrew, this guy really doesn\'t wink, he won\'t come sooner or later, but Yang Cheng almost exploded when he called now.

Fortunately, the reason is still there, and the uncomfortable is quickly calmed down, and he said seriously, "It\'s nothing, you\'re done over there? What\'s the situation?"

"Yes, the boss, the action was very successful. Several half-savage savages are not our opponents at all. Both painting and Mr. Skyler are safe." Andrew roared beamingly.

Yang Cheng rolled his eyes and didn\'t care about this guy with thick lines. The most important thing is to draw it safely. He doesn\'t have to worry about breaking his promise. The pressure on his body has disappeared by more than half of an eye, and his mood is extremely relaxed. , "Are you all right? Has anyone been injured?"

Andrew does not have the delicate emotions of Hansen. It is normal for him to care about Yang Cheng in his heart. It is not the first time. It is no fuss. He laughed and said, "Don\'t worry, there is only one hapless guy who has wiped it away. It’s because the captives resisted too much. One who accidentally stepped on the stairs and fell on his own. Everyone was safe. The main reason was that those guys were too weak. We didn\'t even shoot."

Yang Cheng felt that she didn\'t roll her eyes enough, and spit out angrily, "You can be honest, there is New York, and you want to shoot? Are you afraid that I will die too late?"

When Yang Cheng said so, Andrew was not embarrassed, but he was also a bachelor, and simply admitted his mistake, "Mistaken tongue."

"Okay, don\'t talk nonsense, you personally send the painting to London, the business jet is ready, just go directly to the airport." Yang Cheng has no time to talk to Andrew, time is running out, and only when he draws it can he be completely relieved .

"It\'s the boss, I will leave for the airport, wait for the boss, Mr. Skyler wants to talk to you."

Without waiting for Yang Cheng\'s consent, the phone came into Skyler\'s hands, and his voice sounded very sluggish, "Jason, thank you, I owe you my life anyway."

Of course Yang Cheng couldn\'t say that saving him was just an incidental task. If he told Skyler that painting was the most important thing, would this old guy rush to London desperately to fight him?

"Yes, after all, this happened because of me, how about you? It\'s not a big problem, right?" Yang Cheng pretended to be concerned.

"It\'s okay, a little bit of skin damage, my old bone is very hard." I said so, but it sounds really bad.

Yang Cheng frowned, "You\'d better go back and rest soon, do you want me to lend you a few people to protect you for a few days? I won\'t be killed again by the carbine."

Skyler thought for a while, and did not reject Yang Cheng\'s kindness, "It\'s okay, but I can\'t help with painting in a short time."

"It\'s okay, I\'ll take care of the whereabouts of the painting, but your commission will definitely be gone." One yard is one yard. If the painting is not sold by Skyler, he will naturally not pay any more commissions, even 1%. nothing.

Skyler has been mixed up for a lifetime. He still doesn\'t understand the truth, and he said indifferently, "This is natural."

"By the way, Mr. Skyler, there is a small matter. Have you ever recommended the picture "The Sitting Woman" to Joe Lewis in the UK?" Before hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng suddenly remembered this little doubt , And asked me to ask for answers.

But Skyler\'s answer was not as satisfactory as he was, "No, I haven\'t even been out of New York, how could I have contact with Joe Lewis?"

"This is strange!" Yang Orange murmured suspiciously.

"OK, then you go home and rest quickly, we must have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future."

Finally, Yang Cheng gave Andrew a few more words and asked him to arrange matters in New York and rushed to London. Although he did not shoot in the action just now, Yang Cheng never believed that Andrew would be soft-hearted. This guy started with his The skin color is the same black, and he is insidious when fighting. Even Hansen has to be vigilant when he is one-on-one with him, otherwise it is easy to be successfully attacked by Andrew.

Therefore, Yang Cheng did not ask about the specific situation at the scene. Did anyone die? How many people died? This is not a problem he needs to care about. With Andrew and their professional methods, the outside world can\'t find anything at all.

In any case, the troubles that plagued Yang Cheng for a whole day were almost resolved. After Andrew arrives in London tomorrow, he will hand the painting to Joe Lewis in person, and the transaction between the two can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

Oh, yes, there is also the follow-up Tottenham new stadium project. Don’t worry about Joe Lewis going back. It’s just that this project is mainly connected with Yuanshan. Before he officially took over Yuanshan Capital, he involved in Yuanshan’s business. There is a tall one, that is, his father is in front of him. He only needs to care a little and be lazy behind.

. . .

"Ding Dong~"

When Yang Cheng was about to go back to the room to sleep, the SMS reminder on his mobile phone told him that the expected text message was coming. He stepped back to the sofa, reached out and picked up the phone and clicked on the text message: "Received, wait for me to return home. I will pay you back."

A very serious reply. There was no familiar tone, and no playful expression. Everything was so official, as if it didn\'t match Yang Cheng\'s expectations.

Maybe it was because of the good news that Yang Cheng had just received. At this moment, Yang Cheng didn\'t get discouraged. He pondered for a while and typed on the screen, "Don\'t worry, why don\'t you sleep? Aren\'t you tired after a day of playing?"

This is almost a second time, "Tired, but can\'t sleep, annoying jet lag!"

Yang Cheng looked at the newly popped text message and tapped on the virtual keyboard with joy, "Jet lag is really annoying, but dark circles are even more annoying. If you don\'t want to leave a regretful selfie in front of the beautiful scenery tomorrow, you should go to bed?"

Just clicked to send Yang Cheng covered his face in annoyance. He committed the taboo of chatting between men and women. How could he say such things to persuade people to sleep when the woman was obviously chatting*? Doesn\'t it mean that he is impatient and doesn\'t want to chat?

Well, it can only be said that when men and women fall into a certain kind of sentiment, the IQ will be lowered without a bottom line. Even Yang Cheng, the enchanting evildoer who has fought with countless big people, can\'t resist the poison of love. Of course, he is He would not admit that he was in unrequited love, but he clearly realized that his state was not right and he had to adjust immediately, otherwise he would be taken over by this woman in the future, how could he chase the entire forest?

Ding Dong~

"It makes sense, then I will go to bed first, thank you today, good night~"

Emotions of self-blame and regret lingered in his mind at the same time. He suddenly felt whether he lacked exercise and the technique of picking up girls had become so blunt and rigid, that he would be affected by a few text messages, and he shouldn\'t.

Yang Cheng, who was compelled to calm down, replied calmly and unhurriedly, "You\'re welcome! Good night!"

Then he threw away the phone like a wind, and rushed into the bathroom to take a cold shower. He thought that this would completely cool down the heat in the body, but he didn\'t even think of it, lying on *, closing his eyes, when Xu Ling parted The demeanor is clearly reflected in front of him.

He even vaguely began to figure out his plans for tomorrow. Should he get the location of her through the bodyguard he arranged next to her, and have a ‘chance encounter’?

She should be pleasantly surprised, right?

Do you want to do this?

Isn\'t this bad?

One problem after another appeared, not only did she lose her sleepiness, but she became more sober. Regarding this, Yang Cheng could only curse herself depressedly, "Deserve it!"

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