Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 421: Sore feet

In fact, Glencore means "global energy commodity resources". This resource is not only oil, but also mine resources. Glencore has 150 mines and factories in more than 50 countries around the world. The quality of resources is excellent. In the past few years, copper output has stabilized at more than one million tons, zinc output has approached one million tons, coal output has exceeded 100 million tons, nickel output has exceeded 100,000 tons, and oil has exceeded 5 million tons.

Of course, such a horizontal comparison may not show the influence of Glencore. After all, the mainstream commodities and metals operated by Glencore still have a big gap with other traditional mining giants. It only accounts for less than ten percent of its business. Glencore is the world\'s largest cobalt ore producer. It is expected to produce 38,000 tons of cobalt in the next few years. It is well deserved to be the number one in the world, with a market share of more than 30%.

In Africa, the Congo gold cobalt mine has as many as 10 producing mines. The total cobalt resources are about 7.23 million tons, and the output accounts for 70% of the world output. The direct holding companies of the five mines are Glencore and Glencore. The company\'s control of cobalt resources accounts for approximately 67% of the cobalt resources of the mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and accounts for 49% of the world\'s cobalt reserves in total;

Cobalt is already recognized as one of the most popular commodities in the global precious metals market, with an annual price increase of more than 100%. At present, the price of cobalt on the London Metal Exchange has exceeded 70,000 US dollars/ton. It can be expected that the price of cobalt will not touch There is still a considerable distance to the ceiling.

Why is metal cobalt so hot? Mainly due to the rapid development of electric vehicles in recent years, even a few-year-old children know that the future is electric vehicles, and the battery of each car consumes about 10 kg of cobalt.

Recently, Glencore hired a dedicated team to study the global impact of electric vehicles on the metal market.

According to this study, it is estimated that by 2020, when electric vehicles will account for 2% of global new car sales, the demand for related metals has become very significant, which requires an additional 390,000 tons of copper, 85,000 tons of nickel and 2.4 Ten thousand tons of cobalt is self-evident for Glencore, which controls two-thirds of the world\'s cobalt resources.

In addition, not only cobalt, but also Glencore\'s copper output and nickel output cannot be underestimated. These are essential elements for electric vehicles.

With the support of these data, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of these investment giants seeking to acquire Glencore. A company capable of leading the transformation of the automotive industry deserves any attention.

But what role does Zheng Jiaxuan play in this matter?

Putting down the phone, Yang Cheng walked out of the bedroom with a worried look. After watching the interview show, Susu was standing on the sofa doing stretching exercises. However, Yang Cheng didn\'t want to appreciate the alluring scenery, so she felt depressed. Too many things gave him a sense of depression, and he urgently needed some good news to relieve his tense nerves, otherwise he would have to collapse.

Of course, this may be a bit exaggerated, but Yang Cheng\'s current state is indeed not very good, her face is livid, and she wants to do something but doesn\'t know how to do it. Coupled with the low air pressure caused by the rain outside, her head is black.

Susu finally noticed Yang Cheng\'s strangeness. She jumped off the sofa and ran over with bare feet, her hands on her back, her delicate face, and a pure smile, and she met Yang Cheng\'s confused eyes, if anything. He pursed his red lips thoughtfully and gently hugged Yang Cheng.

Smelling Susu\'s head, the fragrance of the shampoo smelled, and the straight nerves that had been stretched before were disconnected in an instant with a\'bang\'. He closed his eyes unconsciously, took a deep breath, and carried the breath. Refreshing circled in the lungs and opened his eyes again. The previous backlog of troubles seemed to drift away with the wind, and the heart calmed down. The black on top of the head seemed to be torn apart by a beam of light, shining straight down, and life seemed to be full again. Hopefully.

He hugged his delicate body with relief, and the two of them did not speak, and stood together in such a quiet embrace. Neither the sound of rain outside the window nor the music on the TV could break this beauty.

About 5 minutes later, Su Su\'s body suddenly sank, and said aggrieved, "My feet are so sore."

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Susu had been on tiptoe to match herself, got used to the height of wearing high heels, and suddenly became half his head short. Yang Cheng couldn\'t help it anymore and laughed.

"Bad guy, I\'m so kind to comfort you, and ignore you." Susu, who knows her heart, pushed Yang Cheng away and ran into the bedroom in a hurry, making a grimace at Yang Cheng before closing the door.

Yang Cheng, who was almost laughing in tears, couldn\'t help but shouted, "What a big deal, and still shy? Didn\'t eat at night?"

Susu might be hiding behind the door, and a crisp voice came through the door panel, "Stop eating, I want to lose weight, big bad guy!"

Yang Cheng was not willing to let it go easily, and continued to molest the little girl, "It won\'t grow taller without eating!"

"Bang!" With the slamming of the door, Xiaoya lost her temper.

The funny Yang Cheng just wanted to knock on the door and call out the little girl to coax him. His cell phone ringing came from the bedroom. A few seconds later, the bedroom door opened. Yang Cheng just stepped forward and has not yet fallen. Seeing my black Apple mobile phone flew out, I instinctively reached out to catch it, the bell was still ringing, and then I looked at the bedroom door had closed again, as if it had never been opened.

Silently touched the painful chest that was hit by the phone, swiped the screen to answer, and said angrily, "Hey, what\'s the matter?"

On the opposite side, Andrew heard Yang Cheng\'s unhappy voice and asked subconsciously, "Uh~Boss, have you disturbed you?"

Yang Cheng glanced at the direction of the bedroom, and suddenly smiled and cursed, "Go away~ If you have something to say~"

Andrew said in a rather aggrieved tone, "Oh, it\'s such a boss, things are as expected by you and Hansen, and Skyler did not leave Roosevelt Island."

"Really?" Yang Cheng was overjoyed, is Susu his goddess of luck? Just a hug can bring infinite luck?

Andrew replied affirmatively, "Yes, boss, I ordered my subordinates to collect the surveillance video of the entire Roosevelt Island, and I checked it thoroughly without missing a second, and found that Mr. Skyler’s room had been entered by 5 people. It was a gang. There was also a van with a black film on the glass, so I couldn\'t see the situation inside.

But based on the compression of the van’s tires, it can be inferred that there are still people inside. Mr. Skyler should be in the car, because the van went straight to Mr. Skyler’s residence after getting off the boat. Five people went upstairs and searched about half of it. Hours, and then returned to the car with nothing. After staying there for a short time, he turned around and headed straight to the north of Roosevelt Island, stopping at the blind spot of video surveillance.

But they never came out again. They probably haven\'t left. After that, I personally confirmed that the van is still parked there, so I am 80% sure that Mr. Skyler is there.

Now that our people have surrounded the neighborhood, we are waiting for your next instructions from the boss! "

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