Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 419: Albanian action

After Donna Lande checked in at the hotel, she hurriedly rushed to the next planned location with her staff to inspect the venue of the show, which was also one of her important tasks during her trip. Yang Cheng didn’t bother to intervene. After all, this little thing can\'t be handled well, and Donna Lande is not qualified to sit in the high position of President of Universal Pictures.

Taking advantage of the light rain outside, the sky was not gloomy at all like the day, Yang Cheng simply took off his clothes, drilled into the bed, and fell asleep, anyway, he was anxious about things in New York. , It is better to take a nap to recover and regain energy. If it is not good, there can be some new ideas.

While he was asleep, far southeast of Europa 6, the Albanian capital of Tirana on the Balkan Peninsula, Hansen took a man lurking under a dilapidated 3-story building, and saw the two fully armed. , Wearing a desert camouflage uniform, shoulders the most common new-generation assault rifle of the U.S. Special Forces-mk16scar. Among them, Hansen also carried an extra sniper rifle, but it was hidden in the holster. model.

"Boss, who do you think our boss is? You and Andrew admire him very much." Hansen\'s men observed the situation of the tube building a few hundred meters away, put down the telescope, and squatted down like Hansen. Behind the dirt wall, his face was painted with oil paint, and he couldn\'t tell his true face at all, but judging from his height and body shape, he was definitely an expert in close combat.

With a dog\'s tail grass in his mouth and a sniper rifle in his arms, Hansen glanced at it casually, and chuckled, "What? Cruise, you want to work with the boss too? Come out from here. You have asked 4 or 5 times along the way."

The little guy named Cruise by Hansen, with a silly smile on his face, thiefly approached, "Yes, it\'s too much money to be with the boss, and it\'s safe, boss, there is no one else here, you and me To be honest, did you earn 10,000 yuan last year?"

It\'s not wrong to call Cruise a little guy. After all, his figure is very short, but he still has a childish look. If he puts on a suit and shows his elegant gold, he is definitely in the hearts of countless women. The invincible Xiao Zhengtai, but the explosive power contained in that burly and thick upper body will definitely make everyone who despise his figure regret coming to this world.

Hansen grinned. Although he was so cruel, his pampering expression made no secret. Of course, the two of them were not gay. From a certain point of view, they were more like masters, fathers and sons!

"Whenever you can control your excitement, I will suggest to the boss to transfer you to work with him."

Cruise had a bitter expression, "Boss, you know, I\'m just more curious, and I definitely don\'t dare to mess around with the boss."

Hansen said with a playful smile, "Really? Yesterday, who was taking a peek at the Arab women to take a bath, and almost was spotted by the guard after missing an inch at his feet?"

Cruise stubbornly refused to accept, "I didn\'t pay attention, otherwise the **** can show me?"

Seeing Hansen\'s chuckle, Cruise\'s expressive expression came closer, "Okay, okay, I admit my mistake, but can your old man say something nice in front of the boss? I want to earn too. Money, one million a year, earns more than those soft dans who sit in the office and wear suits. As long as I work for a few years, I can marry a beautiful wife and retire."

"You\'re thinking too far, how old are you this year? 23?" Hansen was speechless, this kid doesn\'t care about his age, it\'s just that he was enlisted early.

"22, 23 next month." Cruise replied with a smiley face.

"That one million is not so easy to take. Although the boss has a good temper, your unrestrained free and easy temper is too easy to scold. Don\'t blame me for not speaking for you then." Hansen saw Cruise. Speaking seriously, could not help but solemnly remind.

Cruise patted his head through the helmet and promised, "Boss, don\'t worry, I won\'t say a word of nonsense when I really get to the boss, I\'ll listen to your instructions, let me do what I do, and make sure you don\'t mess with it. "

"Okay, perform well on this mission. I have reason to recommend you when I go back, so as not to get gossips, and the company is not all our own." Hansen didn\'t talk any more, and directly agreed. He knows better than him about Cruise’s excellent melee combat skills. Combining real swords and guns, he and Andrew may not be able to beat Cruise after practicing. Besides, he also hopes that his little brother can improve his living conditions. , To rely on for the rest of my life.

It’s just that this kid has a loose personality, and he doesn’t listen to anyone except Hansen’s words. That’s why he was kicked out of the Delta at a young age. He happened to be informed that Hansen, who had become Yang Cheng’s personal bodyguard, recruited his own. In the security company, as the age is growing, the sharp edges and corners will always be smoother. Hansen also thinks this is a good opportunity to recommend Cruise to Yang Cheng.

Cruise was overjoyed when he heard the words, and after a military salute, he was dexterous, with a pair of eagle eyes watching the prey in the opposite building, raising a bloodthirsty smile.

"By the way, boss, you haven\'t said how this gang of gangs offends our boss? I will go in later to see if I don\'t squeeze their 1uan~dan!" After a few seconds of silence, Cruise still did not. Hold back, find a topic and ask.

Hansen was still leaning against the wall, kicked Cruise intolerably, rolled his eyes and faintly replied, "These people have touched the interests of the Then they are just looking for death. Offending has nothing to do."

Cruise stuck out his tongue. "Are we boss so cruel?"

Hansen, who knows Cruise very well, patted him on the shoulder, "Don\'t worry, the boss never does things that make people angry, otherwise I won\'t be willing to serve him, even if he gives me more money!"

Cruise sighed slightly and murmured, "That\'s good." In fact, one of the important reasons why he was kicked out of the Delta was that he resolutely refused to carry out the secret mission of killing civilians by his superiors, so he was regarded by his superiors as disobeyed. No matter how strong such a person is, he is not allowed to survive in the army, but this also proves that Cruise\'s nature is still very kind.

The two chatted like this, until it got dark, Hansen stood up like a lion who was going to go hunting, and the muzzle with the muffler stuck out the window, like a lion king. Fangs, ready to open a mouthful of blood to the prey.

"Cruise, remember, don’t expose yourself. Our temporary mission this time is just to sneak into the gang, collect all useful information, not kill, understand? Of course, the safety of your life is the priority. This It\'s also what the boss has repeatedly told us." Hansen\'s eyes were set in the infrared scope, his voice was suppressed to the lowest, and finally he ordered.

Cruise also had no hippie smiley face, and his murderous expression quickly repeated Hansen\'s command succinctly, "Understand, everything is the priority of life safety, only collect information, and don\'t kill."

"Very good, action...!"

Following Hansen\'s order, the two rushed out of the earth building one after another in a tacit understanding. The dark clouds covered the night and they could not see their fingers. However, they looked like civet cats, seeing the night like day, silently disappearing into the ink.

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