Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 417: Skyler is missing

(It is customary to work overtime, it is too late for the code word, only this chapter, sorry sorry!)

In the Chairman\'s box at Anfield, Yang Cheng\'s increasingly angular face was covered with clouds, completely uninfected by the frenetic atmosphere at the scene.

Looking down on the green field through the spotless glass curtain wall, the red figure performing a fancy ball game, but his thoughts have already flown far away.

Susu\'s wry hands were not far behind Yang Cheng. Since receiving a call a few minutes ago, Yang Cheng\'s smile on her face immediately changed to 18 degrees, which was two extremes.

. . .

Back in time, 5 minutes ago, Harry Kane on the field kicked the football high into the sky, and then used the inverted foot to stop the ball steadily, showing an extraordinary sense of the ball and a Stopping skills that a top center must master.

With the fans screaming and cheering, Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but applaud. The deal was done well. Although there are not many opportunities for this kind of performance technique to be used in the game, Yang Cheng can still see one. The confidence a star should have is enough.

Seeing Harry Kane conquer the picky Red Army fans so quickly, Yang Cheng was relieved, at least his efforts were not in vain.

It’s a pity that the satisfied expression on his face didn’t last long, and he hadn’t waited for him to go down to meet with the emergency sign to replace Sturridge, or possibly the head of the Red Army center in the next few years, and congratulate him. Andrew’s phone call was destroyed. Yang Cheng\'s good mood.

"Boss, I didn\'t find Mr. Skyler, but his home seemed to have encountered an accident." Andrew\'s voice seemed very solemn, and the whistling wind came down the earpiece.

"What do you mean? You mean someone else has entered Skyler\'s house before us?" Yang Cheng frowned and guessed.

Andrew seemed to be looking for something, "Yes, boss, and it seems to be looking for something, the entire house where you can hide things has been searched, and it\'s a mess."

Yang Cheng squeezed his brows into the shape of Sichuan, licked his lips, and asked, "Can you see how many people have entered Skyler\'s room?" Because entering one person is completely different from entering several people. Just have this question

Andrew did not say a word immediately, and after checking the room for a while, he replied, "The footprints on the scene are not obvious, but from the traces of several flips, it is obviously more than one person. According to my visual observation, the specific number should be at least three."

"In other words, the possibility of burglary can be ruled out, right?" Yang Cheng believed in Andrew\'s professionalism and put forward his speculation based on the analysis.

Andrew hesitated, "This possibility cannot be completely ruled out. After all, a theft team is also possible. However, their method of finding things is not professional, and the cleaning afterwards is not careful. Evidence such as fingerprints and footprints is still I can find it, and I think this group of people came in in a hurry, seeming to be in a hurry. Of course, if this group of thieves are novices, it may also cause the current situation. I lack effective evidence to support my point. Sorry boss."

"It\'s okay. Then you can check it carefully. It\'s best to find out what Skyler has lost, such as paintings, cash, jewelry, etc., if you have any news, notify me as soon as possible, and give me some hands, at least I want to know if Skyler is in New York!" Yang Cheng said coldly, he was also cruel, after all, there was only less than a day and a half left to deal with Joe Lewis.

After hanging up Andrew\'s call, Yang Cheng rubbed his chin and dialed Hansen in Albania.

"Boss, this is Hansen." Hansen was on a mission, using a military satellite phone. He didn\'t know where he was now. The signal was not too strong and the call quality was poor, but he could barely hear him.

"Hansen, where are you now? What\'s the situation on your side?" Yang Cheng has not actively contacted Hansen about the execution of the mission for safety reasons, and Hansen has not called for support, which proves that everything is in place. Within his controllable range, this is the best news for Yang Cheng.

"Boboss, we have found the specific place where Zachary’s family was detained, and we are now preparing a rescue plan in a nearby slum. According to our observations, there are at least 20 armed men outside the house where Zachary’s family was detained. The water in the third and outer three-tier enclosures could not leak, but although it was a bit difficult, we were confident to take Zachary’s family back." The signal was still unstable, and occasional noises appeared, but Yang Cheng still received Hansen completely. Information conveyed.

"Very well, you have worked hard, but there was an accident on my side. You may need to work harder while rescuing Zachary\'s family." Yang Cheng said politely.

Hansen did not hesitate to give Yang Cheng a reassurance, "Boss, though, you must know that when I was in the army, I received up to 7 tasks at the same time."

Yang Chengqiang raised the corners of his mouth, grinned reluctantly, and exhaled heavily to briefly describe the disappearance of Skyler to Hansen, and finally ordered, "So, I doubt whether this incident was imprisoned by Zachary. The family gang learned that, after all, we dealt with their two subordinates at the time. I hope you can help me inquire about the situation there. It is a hundred thousand in a hurry. On the premise of ensuring the safety of your lives, at all costs!"

The heavy tone made Hansen on the other end of the phone subconsciously close his heels, standing upright, and replied solemnly and simply, "It\'s the boss, I will investigate this matter myself."

"Well, Hansen is handed over to you." Yang Orange put great trust and expectations on Hansen.

In the Chairman’s box, Susu saw that Yang Cheng had finished the phone call. He hesitated for a long time before taking the courage to move small steps forward and whispered, "Boss, the welcome ceremony is over. According to the process, it is now you and The time for Mr. Harry Kane to meet."

Su Su’s words, Yang Cheng will not fail to hear, hesitated for a moment, and intentionally canceled the meeting, but considering that the new aid is joining, and in such an emergency situation, as the boss of the club, he does not personally show up to Harry Kane. I welcome it. It seems that I can\'t justify it, and I am worried that Harry Kane is a sensitive person. If he canceled the appointment and made Harry Kane think he would not wait to see him, it would affect the state of the game and the on-the-spot swing. Up.

Therefore, even though he is now in a state of confusion, he suppresses his inner irritability and calms down and said, "I know, bring him up."

Susu was relieved to trot out to arrange. After a while, under the leadership of Ian Ayre and Love, Yang Cheng finally saw his baby from the Tottenham pit, followed by his agent.

The good qualities he cultivated since childhood allowed Yang Cheng to adjust his emotions in a very short period of time. Who can see that a standard smile was still full of sadness before?

"Hello Mr. Harry Kane, Liverpool have been looking forward to your joining for a long time. If you are welcome, you have listened to it today? But I still want to say, Mr. Kane, Liverpool welcomes you." The friendly and polite opening remarks immediately closed the relationship with Harry Kane and comforted the new star who was nervous before entering the door.

I usually don’t see it on TV. When I really face a football player who is known for his physical fitness, his sturdy figure fully reflects the strong male charm. Yang Cheng, who was originally a standard figure, turned out to be in front of Kane. It looks a little petite.

Of course, the actual situation is not the case. Harry Kane, who seems to be one size older, faces this billionaire owner who is not a few years older than himself, but is already a billion-dollar wealthy boss, shy like a child, how much There is a spirited look on the court, but at the first meeting, Yang Cheng\'s wit still left a very deep impression on him.

I instinctively touched the gold that I didn’t know how many catties of wax he had put on, and shook hands with Yang Cheng rather shyly, and said modestly, “It’s good for Mr. Yang to call me Harry. People have called me like that since I was young. It is also the greatest honor of my life to join Liverpool."

Yang Cheng looked very happy and laughed unabashedly, "That\'s good, to be honest, **** you from Joe Lewis, I have spent a lot of work, if you are not satisfied with Liverpool, my Efforts are going to be done."

Harry Kane, who had been tensing his strings, didn’t even hear Yang Cheng’s joking. He thought that Yang Cheng was beating him. He quickly got up and promised, “Mr. Yang, please trust my professionalism. It’s stated in the contract. After signing, I will contribute my best to Liverpool."

Of course Yang Cheng could see Harry Kane’s nervousness, and patted Kane’s hard and thick shoulders kindly like a brother, “Of course, if I didn’t believe you, I wouldn’t pay such a big price for you. I sat down and said, Don\'t worry, you must know that you are the main center forward of Liverpool appointed by our head coach, Mr. Love, and Mr. Love is the top player in the team\'s game affairs. Even the boss of me has to follow his deployment."

A casual ridicule not only eased Harry Kane\'s mood, but also warmed up the atmosphere in the chairman\'s box.

Loew, who is also familiar with people, echoed with an elegant smile on his face, "That\'s right Harry, don\'t look at us all with boss salary, but in football, I am the boss, so even if you come to me after flattering."

This is what Yang Cheng said in front of an open-minded boss like Yang. Other people thought he was going to rebel and prepare to usurp power. Of course, these trivial Liverpool with a harmonious internal atmosphere did not exist at all.

Harry Kane, who was sitting on the sand with Yang Cheng, also showed a sincere smile, but his high emotional intelligence was fully revealed at this moment, "Mr. Love has to be flattered on the court, and the boss must be shot in private. Flattering, I also pointed to the boss\' salary and bonus to support the family."

Harry Kane, who was born in 1993, has not yet passed his 22nd birthday. Let’s not mention his football skills for the time being. With his emotional intelligence, Yang Cheng feels that he has a bright future. There are definitely not a few top sports stars he has contact with. He has absolute right to speak for their character.

In Yang Cheng\'s view, anyone who can dominate a field, whether it is the three major basketball and volleyball balls, tennis, table tennis, etc., can be known to the world and become synonymous with this field, regardless of the real character. But you must have a worthy high EQ, otherwise it will be difficult to cut a blood path from the sword, it is absolutely impossible!

And Harry Kane obviously has the basic conditions to become a superstar!

Yang Cheng felt that he had made a beautiful investment, but it was unsuccessful, and he still needs time to prove it!

Regardless of the future, the addition of Harry Kane solves the urgent needs of Love and the team. At least for the second half of the season, the Red Army need not be depressed by the lack of a siege hammer.

Following the process, I had a brief exchange with Harry Kane for about ten minutes, and after caring about his life off the court, he let him go.

After all, the English League is still in full swing. Harry Kane must seize all the time to integrate with the team. There are not many opportunities for Liverpool to make mistakes. Once Harry Kane fails to find the status in time, the team\'s results Affected, by then the impatient fans will verbally criticize him, but he is not the only one, I am afraid that Yang Cheng will suffer unpretentious disrespect.

Watching the group of people file out, the huge chairman\'s box appeared empty, and Yang Cheng\'s expression changed again and again, like the changeable weather in Britain. The sun was shining in the first second, and the next second was heavy rain. omen.

"Boss, are we going back to London?" Susu, who sent Kane and the others away instead of Yang Cheng, asked timidly when he came back.

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "Don\'t I\'m still waiting for a call, you can go down first, free to do, I will call you if I have something to do."

Susu opened her small mouth, wanting to stay with Yang Cheng, but after another thought, Yang Cheng might just need someone to be quiet at this time.

Gently hammered his head, complaining that he could not help, pouting his mouth and exiting the box.

2o minutes later, Andrew\'s call was picked up by Yang Cheng for the first time, "How is it?"

"Boss, it is basically certain that the group of people who entered Mr. Skyler’s house has a purpose. The finances that Mr. Skyler hides include hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, which are completely stored in the secret grid. As for what was lost. We don\'t know anything." Andrew reported truthfully.

Yang Cheng pressed his temple, and the thing that worried him the most was the birth. He can only hope that the group did not come for the painting "Sitting Women", otherwise he could not explain to Joe Lewis.

He closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and his sharp gaze flickered, "Andrew, I think it is unlikely that Skyler will take the initiative to hide, and he has no motivation at all, then is it possible that he will be kidnapped?"

"Sorry boss, I can\'t judge, but at least there is no trace of fighting and struggling in his home."

"In this way, you can find a way to get the surveillance video on Roosevelt Island and near Skyler\'s house, find the last video of Skyler, and touch it a little bit according to his course of action. I don\'t believe he can disappear out of thin air." Yang Orange ordered viciously.

"Boss, I have sent my brother to collect the video." With Andrew\'s ability, how could I not think of this way.

"Okay, let me know if you have news."

He hung up the phone and sighed, but there was still no good news, so he didn\'t dare to return to London.

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