Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 379: From the Federal Reserve

(Thank you for the reward of "Zhou Ne FLY" and everyone\'s tickets. It was too late to come back from working overtime today, and there was no time to check the typos. To make up for the mistake, I will post tomorrow\'s supplement in advance! ~\(≧▽ ≦)/~)

"So, are you using this painting to make a shot?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, motioned Hansen and the others to wait outside, stood up and came to the window, looking at the open-air garden that had withered in winter and the branches were covered with snow. The crowing of seagulls accompanied the sound of waves lingering in his ears. , For a long time, whispered, "Mr. Skyler, the origin of this painting is not quite right. It may not be long before you will know where this painting came from, but these are not important. The important thing is how you handle this painting. ."

Skyler came to Yang Cheng, "You mean this painting might arouse the suspicion of those who care about it?"

Yang Cheng didn\'t answer directly, but made a bend, "I know you have secret channels to obscure the source of this painting, so please do this, for your safety."

"Ohmygod, can\'t you make my old life quieter? And I don\'t know how many years I haven\'t been out of Roosevelt Island." Skyler said absurdly, but his tone was very calm, as if it was not what Yang Cheng said. Worried.

Yang Cheng whistled, "For the 10% bonus, please try your best."

"20%" Skyler calmly opened his blood basin.

Yang Cheng laughed, and put his arms around Skyler’s shoulders, and faintly threatened, "Mr. Skyler, although I don’t know much about your past, I have also heard what my peers say about you. You can’t take less money, and you don’t want too much money you shouldn’t take. Why? People’s appetites become bigger in old age?”

Skyler stared at Yang Cheng in a daze, "Young man, my channel is very confidential. 99% of us may not be found by others. I have to pay a high price for this. This price cannot be solved by 10%. ."

Yang Cheng listened, "99%? Is it very high? Isn\'t there 1% left?"

Seeing that Skyler was about to get angry, Yang Cheng smiled relievedly, "Well, Mr. Skyler, seriously, I\'m afraid you haven\'t realized the true value of this painting."

Skyler was puzzled and turned his head to stare at Yang Cheng, "In my opinion, Matisse\'s paintings are sold for 40 million or even 50 million US dollars."

Yang Cheng was stunned. Obviously, he didn\'t expect that Skyler\'s valuation would be so accurate. He laughed and said, "But you don\'t know the unique meaning of this painting."

Skyler was also calm and admitted, "I really don\'t know, and I have never heard of this painting before."

Yang Cheng didn\'t speak much, he sighed towards the window, the water vapor condensed on the window, and quickly stretched out his index finger to draw a symbol, na~cui symbol!

Skyler\'s small eyes instantly zoomed in, almost twice as fast as they were before, showing the degree of shock.

"This is?" Skyler watched the fog disappear in disbelief, and the sign disappeared, and he was speechless in surprise.

Yang Cheng nodded with confirmation, "Just what you think, if you find the right channel, I think the Jews are willing to spend a lot of money to buy this painting!"

Skyler calmed down for a while before accepting this fact, ecstasy flashed across his face, and he took Yang Cheng\'s arm and asked in an extremely low voice, "Have you found the treasure of Na~Cui?"

Yang Cheng opened his mouth. This time it was his turn to speak, and he couldn\'t help but deny, "You think too much of Mr. Skyler, I only have this painting in my hand, not to mention that even if I really get the treasure, Will you come to Roosevelt Island to share with you?"

When Skyler heard it, he felt reasonable and was a little disappointed. "Well, if so, I am confident that I can sell this painting to 9 figures. 10% is really not low. I agree."

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and shook Schuyler\'s shook. This was the result he had expected before he came, so he appeared very calm, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation, don\'t blame me for being long-winded, and I\'ll ask you one more thing. In a boat, if you find me, you will find me, and if my information is leaked, you must be jointly and severally liable, so for the happiness of your old age, please be cautious."

"Don\'t worry, I\'m more afraid of death than your kid! Let me put it here first, is it okay? You can get out of it." Skyler got a straight face as soon as he finished talking about business, and started to blast people.

Who knows that Yang Cheng is not moved at all, "Mr. Skyler, have you forgotten something? For example, what is the sacred Mr. Z.H?"

Skyler\'s face was already invincible, and he walked to the fireplace very calmly, took out a note from somewhere and handed it over, "I found the address, you can find it yourself, the bath that imitates Degas~ Female me Just laughed, the door is over there, walk slowly and don’t deliver it, remember to close the door for me.

Pushing Yang Cheng for a few steps, he turned around and re-appreciated the "Sitting Women" by Matisse. Yang Cheng smiled helplessly. There was no way to take this old man, but when he went out, He deliberately yelled goodbye loudly, which shocked Skyler, cursing for 10 minutes, and then stopped uneasily.

Yang Cheng, who succeeded in the prank, ran all the way downstairs, took a few breaths, and opened the note Skyler gave him. Of course, Yang Cheng didn\'t know where the address was, but the NY behind was very familiar. This Mr. ZH now lives in New York, which saves trouble.

Yang Cheng was about to find this Z.H, but was delayed by a phone call. He was still a big man who couldn\'t refuse, Richard Debin.

"Jason, if you are not busy, I would like to meet you." Richard Debin said straightforwardly as soon as the call was connected.

Yang Cheng got on the bus around the island. Except for him and his bodyguard, oh yes, there was a driver, but there were no other passengers on the bus.

Feel free to find an empty seat and sit down, "What\'s the matter Richard, I\'m working outside now."

Richard Debin pondered for a moment, as if he was holding the microphone and discussing something with someone, "It\'s more urgent, and I\'ll fly back to DC at night. If it\'s convenient for you, how about we meet in your company? Another one My friends really want to talk to you."

Yang Cheng thought, "I\'m afraid this is the point."

After thinking about it, it doesn’t matter if ZH goes to look for it one day at night. Richard Debin still has to give his face, so he promised, "Well, when will you arrive? I guess it will take half an hour at the earliest. back office."

"Great, we are on Wall Street, and it will only take you 20 minutes to get there. Don\'t worry, let your secretary or assistant take us around." Richard Debin is quite talkative.

Yang Cheng tapped her fingers on the armrest irregularly, looking a little upset, "OK, see you in the company later."

When she hung up, she informed Susu and asked her to entertain Richard Debin and his party so that she could go back. Then she calmed down and thought about the other party\'s intentions. Suddenly, I came to New York, and I went to Wall Street. Related?

Yang Cheng cursed secretly, and began to feel nervous.

As he expected, it took more than half an hour on the road to arrive at the company.

Instead of going upstairs in a hurry, I asked whether Richard Debin at the front desk had arrived. The answer was no surprise. You Susu went downstairs to receive him personally. At this time, I should visit the department of Toutiao app.

Yang Cheng sent Susu a text message that he had returned to the company, and then took the elevator back to the office and waited. As for why he didn’t accompany him, it’s very simple because Yang Cheng didn’t want to be too close to Richard Debin. , It’s not good to misunderstand.

After waiting for a few minutes in the office, looking out the door from behind the desk, the elevator lights were on, indicating that someone was coming. He got up and quickly came to the elevator. As the elevator doors slowly opened, Yang Cheng hung the warmth like summer sunshine. Smile.

"Mr. Debin, good afternoon, I will not go out if I knew you were coming. I have not been able to greet you personally. Please forgive me." Yang Cheng hugged Richard Debin and made a polite greeting.

"Haha, Mr. Yang, it\'s because we interrupted."

The two used the honorific name tacitly, as if they were just strangers who knew each other\'s name, but had never met, their superb acting skills, even Susu who was most familiar with Yang Cheng was not noticed.

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Dudley, Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank." Richard Debin then introduced.

Yang Cheng\'s pupils shrunk slightly, and his smile stagnated. UU read but quickly covered up his surprise, and reached out to Dudley. This is an old man in the Federal Reserve system. He will retire soon. The evaluation of Dudley is very fair, calling him a\'moderate dovish\'.

"Mr. Dudley? Long admired the name."

"It should have been a long time since I admired you for a long time. We have not seen a stunning and brilliant young man like Jason in New York for many years." Dudley\'s smile is very sincere, unlike the smiles of other people who met at first, even if they were bright. I can\'t feel a trace of temperature either.

"I have praised Mr. Dudley, this is not a place to talk. Let\'s sit down and chat in the office. What can some of you drink?"


"me too."

Yang Cheng turned to look at Susu, "Just give me a latte."

Let Susu prepare coffee, Yang Cheng brought the two big men to the reception area and chatted for a while. After Susu delivered the coffee, the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

"Jason, this trip to Switzerland on Wall Street has been very rewarding." Dudder said in a meaningful way.

Yang Cheng\'s heart sank. Is it really for Switzerland?

Smiled without saying a word, looked at Richard Debin who pretended not to hear, and started Tai Chi, "I haven\'t been to Switzerland recently?"

Dudley smiled, "Jason, don’t worry. I didn’t come here to ask the teacher. In fact, Wall Street is making money for the United States. Of course, the Federal Reserve will not intervene in the matter of making money. It’s just that your goal this time. It’s too big, not only the Swiss National Bank, but even the European Central Bank protested to us, hoping that we can stop the barbaric behavior on Wall Street."

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Mr. Dudley, I can\'t represent Wall Street by myself, even if we add the old stock gods, we can\'t."