Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 380: Bad news from Debin

"Mr. Dudley, I can\'t represent Wall Street by myself. Even with the old stock gods, we can\'t represent it. In fact, no one dares to say that I represent Wall Street."

Yang Cheng didn\'t want to be a big-tailed wolf. The bird that shot the head was not exclusive to Country Z, and he couldn\'t settle his head even if he died.

Dudley didn’t mind Yang Cheng’s attitude, took a sip of coffee, and slowly said, “I’m here this time I hope you can stop at enough time and cause resistance from the European Central Bank. It is not a happy thing for you or me. Secondly, I personally I hope you can extradite the\'trophies\' back to your country. The Fed has the intention to raise interest rates recently. Wall Street should set an example."

The Fed\'s interest rate hike is not a simple deposit interest and loan interest. The United States is a country that advocates a market economy. How can this behavior that is dominated by the will of the state be accepted by free brainwashing people?

Direct designation through administrative means is deemed to be very LOW, but they can adjust the interest rate to their ideal level through market means. In their view, the interest rate designated by administrative means is destined to be pulled back to the true level of the market by the black market. .

What\'s more, the interest rate hike does not increase this interest rate. Although these two interest rates will eventually be affected, in fact the interest rate increase adjusts the "US Federal Funds Rate", the interest rate when banks borrow from the Federal Reserve.

The inter-bank dismantling interest rate refers to the interest rate paid when the bank ran out of money and the bank borrowed money, and all banks ran out of money and could not borrow from each other. You can only ask the Fed about the interest rate paid when borrowing , This is the US federal funds rate.

After this interest rate adjustment, it will directly affect the capital cost of the banking industry, and then the drumming and spreading will generally affect industrial and commercial enterprises, and then affect private consumption, investment and the national economy.

As the largest participant in the interbank lending market, the Federal Reserve did not have the ability to adjust interbank interest rates from the beginning, because it can only adjust its own lending rate. The reason why it can determine the federal funds rate of the entire market is because:

1. The Federal Reserve lowers its lending rate, and the lending between commercial banks will shift to between commercial banks and the Fed. Because the cost of borrowing from the Fed is low, the lending rate of the entire market will drop accordingly.

2. It is easy to cut interest rates. What if the Fed raises the lending rate? Banks can borrow from him instead of borrowing from other banks, and allow the Fed\'s lending rate to be "unpredictable" alone.

Of course, the Fed is definitely not a good crop. At this time, he began to use the method of "open market operations" to throw high-interest Treasury bonds on the open market and absorb excess money in the financial market, which caused a shortage of funds in the inter-bank lending market and forced banks. The inter-dissolving interest rate has risen simultaneously with the Fed’s lending rate.

Because the Fed has the ability to intervene in market interest rates in this way, its repeated operations will form reasonable market expectations. At this time, as long as the Fed announces an increase in its lending rate, the entire market will follow the wind and you don’t need to do anything. Once the operation is done, I can honestly take the initiative to follow the upward adjustment.

Therefore, raising interest rates means tightening the currency; cutting interest rates means preparing to stimulate currency circulation.

So this time Dudley came to the door and told Yang Cheng that they were going to raise interest rates. Why did they hope that Wall Street would set an example?

Because they are going to pay their debts, so what? Of course it is cash. Where does the cash come from? Of course it\'s Wall Street. Who makes this group of vampires have the most cash?

However, Yang Cheng disagrees with this. He has lived a little bit of his life. He has only seen the Fed wipe his **** on Wall Street. When has he seen Wall Street give charcoal in the snow? Stop dreaming, it would be nice if Wall Street didn\'t spill the money and wantonly short the US real economy. Why don\'t you be grateful for Dade? Still want Wall Street to save lives? No doors!

After thinking about it, Yang Cheng relaxed, as long as he didn\'t restrict him to make money, but he couldn\'t refuse to be too blunt. After all, the old man was about to retire. He had to come to the door with great pains, but he still had to refuse in a tactful way. Cry poor!

"Mr. Dudley, it’s not that I don’t want to help you. I really don’t have any money. This time I finally got some extra money, all of which has to be used to pay off debts. Let’s see that I will have tens of millions left. I bought it, and deposit it all in the bank to contribute to the Federal Reserve. You can\'t let outsiders poke my spine, right?"

Yang Cheng\'s awe-inspiring shamelessness, but it really refreshed Dudley\'s three views. He was the first time he came into contact with Yang Cheng. He had heard about it before but couldn\'t take it seriously. Now, seeing it with his own eyes is really shameless. MMP, tens of millions? How about sending a beggar?

Didn\'t you see Richard Debin who was next to him smile and endure uncomfortable? Obviously, this guy had expected Yang Cheng\'s attitude a long time ago. This is a little fox who is only paranoid about money. If he wants to take advantage of him, I am afraid he can only daydream.

But Yang Cheng was proud in her heart, "The Federal Reserve really regards itself as a soft persimmon."

It stands to reason that this matter should be referred to the old stock god, who has a lot of money in his hands, but he didn\'t expect to find himself first, and bullies were not so bullied.

The scene was a bit embarrassing. Du Deli was so speechless by Yang Cheng. Richard Debin couldn\'t hold his smile. As for Yang Cheng, he closed his eyes quietly, and the scene laughed funny.

In the end, Dudley did not get the desired result in Yang Cheng after all. He left with a disgraced face. Richard Debin had something to discuss with Yang Cheng, so he stayed temporarily. The two are now a community of interests, and they also talked. Relax a lot.

"Jason, in fact, you should have agreed to Dudley this time." Richard Debin began to post-mortem.

Yang Cheng doesn’t need anyone’s advice. His family knows his own situation. If he has hundreds of billions and doesn’t mind throwing a few billions to the Federal Reserve, he will be sold as a favor to the Federal Reserve, but the actual situation is that he is now even hundreds of millions. No, he said that there are tens of millions left.

"Don\'t persuade me to Richard. I really have no money right now. Even if the expected money is made, it has been spent before I get it. Where can I get some spare money to help the Federal Reserve." Yang Cheng was not upset. Shun complained.

Richard Debin smoked the finest cigar in Yang Cheng\'s office, spitting smoke and smiled, "Just as I didn\'t say it, but now I feel more and more that choosing you as a partner is very correct."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I didn\'t doubt this from the beginning."

"You are really confident. Okay, let’s just talk about it. I’ve already informed people in the party about your intention to buy a bank. The voices in the party are not united at the moment. Before we are unanimous, we have to conquer the party. Inside this level." Debin said solemnly while adjusting his sitting position while holding a cigar.

Yang Cheng frowned, "What\'s the situation? I think the Donkey Party should be happy to see it happen."

"Jason, even if we belong to the donkey party, we have different concepts, so naturally we are not just a force."

Of course, Yang Cheng does not understand the internal conflicts. What he does not understand is that the Lv Dang is clearly striving for his joining, so why he is stumping on this small matter. He wants these not to get it for free, and the money he should pay is one. There will be no shortage of points. Without affecting the overall situation, Yang Cheng has no idea why the Donkey Party would refuse, even if the positions of the various forces are different.

"Richard, you know that we are bound to win these banks. With the help of banking groups, my investment landscape will become stronger in the future, and you will benefit from it. This is also the basis of our cooperation!" Yang Chengjia The accented emphasis sounds to Richard Debin, but it is a hidden threat.

But he couldn’t refute it with anger. He himself was a little upset about this matter. When he mentioned it to a few bigwigs in the party, he thought that everyone didn’t care, but he didn’t expect it to arouse so many oppositions. Of course , He didn\'t tell Yang Cheng this, it would appear that his partner is incompetent.

"Jason, give me some more time. I believe I will resolve the disharmony in the party." Richard Debin was also fierce, and he fell in front of his partners at the beginning, which made him very upset.

Yang Cheng didn\'t urge because he had another thing in his mind, "Dudley will retire soon? I don\'t know who will succeed him?"

The chairman of the New York Fed is one of the eight elders of the Federal Reserve. According to the order of establishment, it is second only to the Boston Fed. The internal code is 2B! That\'s right, it\'s not a joke, it\'s 2B!

Qualifications exist all over the world. New York is also the world’s financial center. It sits in the high position of the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Its internal status can be imagined. Dudley has been in this position for 10 years and has jurisdiction over hundreds of companies in the New York area. It is not an exaggeration to describe a commercial bank as powerful. If the private bank headquarters of the Yang family will be located in New York in the future, the chairman of the Federal Reserve will be closely related to it. It is reasonable to care about it now.

Richard Debin was stunned. He really didn’t know the matter. He said truthfully, “I’m not sure. Of the 12 Federal Reserve Bank’s chairman directors, 9 are elected by members, and the other three have the management committee directly. Appointments, for positions as important as the chairman of the New York Fed, are generally recommended by the previous one and appointed directly by the management committee, without giving outsiders the opportunity to intervene."

Yang Cheng did not give up, "Is it possible to get involved at all? I think people in this position are best friends who have a good relationship with us. On some issues that do not involve principles, they are willing to stand on our side. Our plan still helps a lot, what do you think? Richard"

Richard Debin is a good ZZ player, how to push his own people to the desired position, but he is good at it, slowly sinking into contemplation, the sky outside is gloomy, and the low pressure that makes the chest tight makes people breathless. Then, the smoke of the cigar enveloped him and became hazy and mysterious. At this time, Richard Debin had the feeling of the big boss manipulating everything behind the scenes in the movie.