Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 377: The calm of Fort Edmon

"Okay, is the trip to the UK going well this time? Why have you been there for so long? Did you get everything?"

Andrew frowned and crying aggrieved, "Boss, don\'t mention it. There are a dozen or so big trees near the coordinates you provided. They look exactly the same and you can\'t tell them. I can only take my brothers to dig with a shovel, if not We gave up the boss’s order a long time ago. In order not to attract the attention of passers-by, we pretended to be garden maintenance workers. We stayed in Leeds for half a month and a tree a day. Fortunately, we were lucky and finally got the last one. I found something under the tree, hiding it quite deep, dug down a full 1 meter, and saw the roots of the tree."

Yang Cheng is also a black line, so luck? It’s the luck that the **** is about to get home, but he doesn\'t bother to complain, anyway, he just got the stuff.

"Where is the thing? Isn\'t it damaged?" Yang Cheng asked again.

Andrew shook his head, "Of course not. We took it all the way back. Even if I fold it, everything will not break. I will give it to Hansen when I return."

Yang Chengle is happy. Andrew is going to South Korea and his tongue is slick, "What are you waiting for, take me to see."

Sending Andrew down to rest, Yang Cheng alone followed Hansen to the company’s underground vault, which was originally used to store gold bars and valuables. Four-dimensional space has not only the financial investment department, but also the art investment department, but this department. Nowadays, the scale is small, there are only three people in total. They run all over the world to collect artworks for the company that have the potential to add value in the short term. Recently, I went to Xiangjiang to participate in the auction. Yang Cheng wanted to find a confidant to help. No identification was found.

After three locks of fingerprints, passwords and pupils, Yang Cheng successfully entered the vault. The vault is not large, with a maximum of 20 square meters. Bright lights are lit overhead. On the left is a row of silver safes with metallic luster. It is an emergency cash reserve, mainly in U.S. dollars, supplemented by euros, pound sterling, and RMB. Generally, companies or Yang Orange will withdraw money from them if they have any cash transfer that is inconvenient to use the company\'s accounts;

In addition, there are also a number of contracts stored in it, including options contracts signed by the company for various projects;

On the right hand side of the entrance, there are glass showcases, which are similar to the showcases that are not allowed to be touched by guests in art exhibitions. However, they have not been put on art. At present, the art investment department mainly focuses on modern Calligraphy and calligraphy works are targeted at a certain writer. As long as they stir up their fame and raise their prices at auctions, the people in the investment department will sell all the works purchased at low prices in exchange for high prices. The amount of profit is a very simple but effective routine.

The "national treasure" just brought back by Andrew was supposed to be stored in the showcase, but Hansen was not sure about Yang Cheng\'s intentions, so he simply threw it on the platform where the gold bars were originally placed, even the bag was not opened, it was black. The outside of the travel bag is still stained with the fragrance of earth.

Well, this is nonsense. I didn’t smell the fragrant Yang Orange, but with a decadent aura. He shook his head, opened the travel bag with his own hands, peeled away layers of sponges, and took out another one from the inside. A vacuum package contains the sheep\'s head in the bronze head of the Chinese zodiac. It carries a lot of weight, but it is insignificant for an adult. It is about 50 centimeters high and takes up a lot of space.

Across the vacuum packaging bag, Yang Cheng looked at this so-called "national treasure" that has been mentioned countless times, and there was no wave in her heart at all, because the artistic value of the bronze head of the Chinese zodiac is really not high. You must know a cultural relic. The value should be derived from the cultural value carried by the cultural relics. The beast head of Yuanmingyuan has a short history from the perspective of antique appraisal, and its own sculptural craftsmanship does not conform to Western aesthetics.

Of course, there are quite a few people who think that the carving of the beast head is the pinnacle of the world. This is a matter of opinion. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people.

Although the artistic value of the beast head is not high, it is located in the Qing Dynasty where China and the West meet, and it is located in the top garden at that time. The value of a cultural relic is not only a concept of artistic value, but also represents a historical measurement and testimony. .

First of all, the beast head embodies the architectural concept of combining Chinese and Western culture, reflecting the architectural views of the society at that time and the society\'s view of Western culture at that time; secondly, it is a testimony to the humiliation history of country Z, with additional historical cultural value and nationality Emotion is in it. With these derivative meanings, although the artistic value of the animal head is not high, it is undoubtedly a treasure of China. Therefore, whenever there is an auction where the animal head is dedicated, it will always be sold at a sky-high price.

Stroking the horns, the round eyes, and the beard of the goat through the vacuum packaging bag, he stood up with a sigh, and ordered, "First, take care of the two copper heads and put them in the showcase. I have great use."

The boss stood at the door holding his hand and nodded slightly, "It\'s the boss."

The remaining snake head Yang Cheng didn’t have any interest in admiring it anymore. He placed it on the ground at will, without the realization that it would be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of G coins. He clapped his hands and left the vault, and personally confirmed that Hansen closed the vault. At the door, he stepped onto the elevator with his hands behind his back, closing his eyes and thinking.

He intends to return these two animal heads to the country through the embassy. Of course, the premise is that he has to get the benefits he deserves!

However, he suddenly remembered something. It seemed that there was no news of the theft of the Earl’s Castle in Britain. What happened? Is it that the Edmonds haven\'t found it yet? Or was it deliberately concealed and did not choose to call the police?

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng suddenly pressed the button on the ground floor, "Hansen, send me to Eiffel."

Although Hansen was puzzled, he didn\'t ask more questions and simply responded, calling his teammates on the walkie-talkie.

In less than two minutes, Maybach had stopped in front of the building. After Yang Cheng bent down and got into the car, he found that Andrew was driving, "Why didn\'t you go to rest? Didn\'t you take your vacation?"

Andrew held the steering wheel in both hands and grinned, "Boss, I am not tired. I have been resting in Korea for long enough."

"Okay, you can master it yourself." As the boss, Yang Orange is very satisfied with the dedication attitude of his subordinates.

Hansen reported an address to Andrew, Maybach moved steadily, and when the red light was waiting, Yang Cheng asked again, "Is Eiffel all right?"

"No, since I placed him in the safe house, I sent someone to stare at him 24 hours a day. Apart from going to the snack cart downstairs to buy food every day, I haven\'t been anywhere, and I\'m bored at home every day." Hansen reported the truth.

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "Neither went to see the house or the car?" He promised a house and a car at the time. It stands to reason that Eiffel should take advantage of this time to go out to see the house.

"No, I didn\'t go anywhere." Hansen replied affirmatively.

The safe house is in an ordinary apartment in Queens. The surrounding facilities are complete. The key is that the terrain here is very complicated, and all kinds of alleys are staggered. If you are not familiar with it, it is easy to get lost, otherwise Hansen will not be selected as safe. house.

Soon, the car arrived at an apartment area, and Hansen pointed to one of the buildings inside and said, "Boss, right there, on the top floor. If there is an accident, our people will quickly go upstairs and leave the building with the target."

Yang Cheng didn\'t care about this, but just nodded and walked towards the direction Hansen was pointing. He climbed 4 flights of stairs to the top floor. There was only one house here, and he knocked on the iron door without hesitation.

"Who?" There was a sound of footsteps, and then Eiffel\'s voice came.

"It\'s me, open the door." Yang Cheng shouted.

With the sound of unlocking the iron door pushed open, Eiffel\'s messy curly hair and glasses were not worn, and he leaned out his head, shirtless and upper body, "Mr. Yang?"

"Doesn\'t even wear clothes in this cold weather?" Yang Cheng stepped into the room without waiting for the other party\'s invitation, gave Eiffel a surprised look, and wandered through the small apartment with his hands behind his back.

"The heating is on at home and it\'s not cold at all. Why did Mr. Yang suddenly come? Didn\'t find anything?" Eiffel shrugged and followed behind, picking up his pajamas and putting them on, asking strangely.

Yang Cheng kicked away the beer bottles piled on the ground, and covered her nose in disgust and replied, "I have already got the stuff, but there are some doubts that you need to answer, by the way. What do you think? Regarding my proposal to ask you to do things for me."

Eiffel rubbed his hair and sat slumped in a big*, his eyes were a little lost, "I am willing to agree, but I don\'t want to be known by my daughter. Can you please give me a formal identity, and of course I will help you do anything secretly."

Yang Cheng smiled in satisfaction, looking at the smelly socks on the sofa, he was not interested in sitting, just standing by the window, "Yes, this is a small problem, just give you a logistical position in the new era media. Don’t worry, I promise you will not be less, I will only give more."

Eiffel grinned reluctantly and pushed his glasses, "Then just ask Mr. Yang if you have any questions, I know everything."

"From the time you found your door to the present, there has been no news of the theft from the Earl of Edmond’s family in the UK. Even before, there hasn’t been a bit of news. I want to know why? Don’t tell me Edmond is stupid. I found that my baby was stolen." Yang Cheng still couldn\'t bear the strange smell in the house, frowned and opened the window to bring in the fresh air, and Eiffel shivered from the cold.

Eiffel looked at Yang Cheng bitterly, and saw that Yang Cheng was unmoved, so she sighed and put on thick clothes. "I also feel strange about this. Not only is there no news, Edmundsberg is as calm as before. Nothing happened, it\'s deadly ordinary."

Yang Cheng\'s furrowed brows still didn\'t relax, and she asked, "So you don\'t know what to say?"

Eiffel looked at Yang Cheng, then at Hansen and the others who followed in to protect him, and he stopped talking.

After a long while, he muttered softly, "I probably have a guess."

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