Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 372: Twenty-two yes votes

"Jason, Conrad, I think before coming here, you must have done a certain understanding of the acquisition of the team, such as team valuation, buyer qualification review and other processes will not affect the two acquisitions of the Brooklyn Nets. But I must emphasize that the key to the acquisition of a team is whether it can take shape, and that is the vote of the NBA board."

After a pause, seeing that both of them were listening carefully, Adam Silver pushed his glasses and continued, "According to the relevant regulations of the league, the transfer of a team must be approved by the board of directors, that is, you go out. For the objects to be acquired, the owners of the other 29 teams hold a vote, and you can receive at least 22 votes for the next transfer process."

Yang Orange raised his hand to interrupt, "In other words, before submitting the transfer application, we\'d better contact the owners of the other teams to confirm that they will vote for it before going through the process, right?"

Adam Silver hesitated and replied, "I will answer you in a personal capacity. In theory, this is true, but you\'d better act in secret. Once it is disclosed, fans will question the credibility of the league."

Yang Cheng nodded in understanding. If it is in the offseason, everyone will not be stingy with the voting rights in their hands. Anyone will be the same. They are all big figures in the upper class in the United States. Give some, but now is the middle of the season. Many teams are desperately trying to get a place in the playoffs for the final championship. At this time, introducing a strong opponent into the game, isn\'t it messing up? In empathy, Yang Cheng might not be willing to vote even if he encounters such a thing.

The mental activity begins. First of all, the two votes of Lakers owner Jenny Buss and Knicks owner James Dolan should be held securely. After all, Yang Cheng has a good relationship with the two families. Even if Yang Cheng doesn’t say hello in advance, then Will resolutely vote.

The Golden State Warriors and the Trail Blazers also have a lot of votes. The Warriors’ home stadium is Oracle Arena. Then I greet David Ellison and ask him to help speak. It’s not a big problem. The Blazers’ owner is Paul. Ellen, Yang Cheng has rented his Octopus yacht several times and kept in good contact. With the mind of this big man, how can he be afraid of challenges?

In addition, the Brooklyn Nets are in the East, and they have no direct interest relationship with the West. If you communicate in advance, you can basically guarantee 15 votes. This counts and Knick Dolan\'s vote. Yang Cheng is at least sure to get 16 votes.

Turning his head to look at Konrad Koch, he gathered a piece of communication in a low voice, and Conrad thought for a while and said, "Micky Allison of the Heat, Daniel Gilbert of the Cavaliers, Richard Divos of the Magic It’s all my friends, and it can be solved with one phone call."

"This is 19 votes. We still have to get at least 3 votes. To be on the safe side, it is better to get 5 votes or more." Yang Cheng muttered to himself.

The voice is not small, and the office is quiet. It is impossible for Adam Xiaohua not to hear him, but he can only pretend not to hear, and can not help but glance at Yang Cheng sadly. The meaning is self-evident, "You are too brazen, knowing that you are big Rich and powerful, friends all over the world, don’t have to show up in front of me, the president of the alliance, right?"

After coughing a few times to hide his embarrassment, Adam Silver touched the bright forehead, "Go back and discuss this matter slowly. If the negotiation with Mikhail has been completed, I think you can submit the transfer application first, we You can also start to go through the process, which can save a part of the time, and you have to complete the transaction process before the All-Star Game."

Konrad Koch shrugged humorously, and responded domineeringly, "I will let Mikhail draft the application and go through the process as soon as possible. As for voting, it should not be a problem for us. Jason and I will look back a lot. Make a few phone calls, I don’t believe anyone will not give us face."

"Okay, then Jason, are you not going to tell me about the trade you are going to try? So that I can be mentally prepared." Xiao Hua asked with a lighter topic.

Yang Cheng curled her lips, "If conditions permit, I don\'t want to run the Nets from top to bottom."

"Puff~" Adam Xiaohua almost failed to control a sip of coffee and sprayed it on Yang Cheng\'s face, which would be too embarrassing.

But Yang Cheng\'s words are really scary, don\'t want any of them? It seems that there hasn\'t been one* in the history of the NBA to walk all 12 players, right?

Konrad Koch thought it so, and then Yang Cheng said, "I also think so. Although I don’t understand basketball, I don’t miss the game. From the perspective of the fans, the current so-called stars of the team , Has been at the end of their professional career, has already passed the peak, playing is neither enjoyable, but also lost the spirit of fighting, and more importantly, the star flavor on them is too weak to attract fans to watch the game.

Just like Jason said, if it is possible that this group of people and the coach will pack and go, how about we try to get the 2003 Platinum generation members together in Brooklyn? I think the fans will be crazy for them. As for the luxury tax, it is not a problem for us. "

Listening to Conrad spitting out and dreaming about the future by the way, Yang Cheng said that he did a good job. He also thought so. It was really the same as the hero, but Adam Xiao Hua\'s face was almost green, without Such a play, it is really poverty that limits his imagination. Is the money of the rich not as money?

I hurriedly stopped Two people, I think we still want to be practical. The league will not allow more than 3 superstars to join a team, otherwise other teams will not be able to play. . "

Yang Cheng is speechless, as if it is indeed the case. If you don\'t believe it, please refer to the Olympic Games, the Dream Team and other teams\' games, that is bullying!

Forget it, for the sake of ratings and your own wallet, this unreliable operation is temporarily abandoned, but he caught the loophole in Xiao Hua\'s words, "This is what you said, and it is not allowed to exceed three, that is to say. Three or less is enough? Isn’t that simple? Get three super giants and have two All-Star substitutes. Can’t it be enough to beat the other 29 teams.”

Yes, when you hear Yang Cheng’s words, you know that he is a layman and doesn’t understand basketball at all. Let’s not talk about how much money it will cost to get 5 All-Stars. The single goal is not easy to distribute, and the regular time of each game is only 48. Minutes, as long as the stars are not injured, they average 3 to 40 minutes per game. Who will control the ball? Who scores? One of the stars is counted as one, and they are all tyrants. Can a star without a basketball in his hand be called a star?

Adam Silver felt that he had become a basketball teacher. He spread the basic knowledge to two local tyrants and basketball illiterates, Yang Cheng and Konrad Koch. It didn’t take much effort. Finally, Yang Cheng finally realized that basketball is not just five superstars. Can win, but Yang Cheng still did not give up the idea of ​​getting the little emperor James, if it wasn\'t for Kobe\'s retiring soon, nothing happened to the little emperor.

In fact, I don’t blame Yang Orange. Who made these famous names? Just like when he bought Liverpool, he always has an obsession to get Ronaldo or Messi to his team. The rich play sports clubs. There is a common problem of buying superstars.

Nonsense, how can you prove that you are a rich man without buying a few stars?

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