Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 373: Eiffel suddenly appeared

(Thank you for the reward of "Zhou Na FLY" and everyone\'s various tickets, continue to add more! ~\\(≧▽≦)/~)

The matter has basically come to an end, waiting for Mikhail Prokhorov to determine the transfer matter, submit the formalities, and then wait for the league to review, hold a board meeting, each team boss or boss’s representatives vote and get With 22 votes or more and the team\'s transfer approved, Yang Orange and the others can hold a press conference to announce their arrival to the league and the American fans.

The process looks simple, but it actually takes a lot of time to complete. Just reviewing the qualifications will take a certain amount of time. Although fools know that Yang Cheng has money and there is a local tyrant partner, if they have no money, The owners of other NBA teams are poor!

Standing in the lobby on the first floor of the Olympic Building, before the car arrived, Konrad Koch talked about Delta Air Lines, "I am about to get 3%. According to our original agreement, 3% will be Hand it down, the oilfield has gone through the mining procedures, and the negotiation with the tanker leasing company is still in progress, and it will be completed soon. Should you speed up the pace here? Delta Air Lines can\'t drag it anymore."

Yang Cheng was startled, "So fast? It only takes a few months to have mining capabilities?"

Konrad Koch chuckled, "You haven\'t been in the business of resource extraction. In fact, the most troublesome thing about mining oil fields is finding oil. As long as the oil is continuously sprayed out, the rest of the work will naturally be done by machines."

Yang Cheng blinked, "We have been on Delta Air Lines for half a year, and we can announce the reorganization of the board at any time. Of course, we need everyone\'s cooperation."

"Okay, I will go back to inform Roman, and strive to announce the change of ownership of Delta Airlines before February."

"The oil refining work is done by Koch Industries?" Yang Cheng asked as he saw his Maybach stopped at the door as he walked.

"Our private joint venture refinery, technology and equipment are imported from Koch Industries. You don\'t have to worry about this. The quality of aviation fuel is standard. We can\'t dig our own grave." Konrad Koch knew Yang Cheng\'s concerns. , Said comfortably.

Yang Orange nodded when he heard the words, "I see. In addition, I will pay the transfer fee for the Brooklyn Nets by the end of January."

Konrad Koch patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder, "Don\'t worry, it\'s normal to pay for such a large sum of money in several months."

Yang Cheng didn\'t answer the call, so he couldn\'t say that he would have a large sum of money in a month. Wouldn\'t it be taxed if he didn\'t spend it?

Smiling and saying goodbye to Konrad Koch, wrapped in a trench coat quickly got into the car.

The Maybach Zeppelin, like a moving castle, was on the road steadily. The bodyguard who was driving suddenly braked suddenly before he walked a few meters, so that he had just adjusted his sitting posture and could wait for Yang Cheng, who was wearing a seat belt, to be unprepared. With the inertia rushing to the front seats, fortunately, Maybach has a lot of space in the back row. It did not hit any hard objects. It was just the sudden shaking that made his head a little confused, but he quickly recovered. Blame the bodyguard for the first time, but ask Hansen, who he trusts most.

There was an experience of assassination. Now Yang Cheng did not show a trace of panic, and her voice was unusually calm, "What happened?"

Hansen was sitting in the co-pilot. Before the brakes were stepped on, the pistol that had been attached to his waist was already raised. A pair of eagle eyes stared out the window with sorrow, and he answered without turning his head, "Boss, it\'s Eiffel." !"

When he was in charge of investigating the North Sea Manor theft gang, Hansen carefully printed the information of the Eiffel team in his mind, so he recognized the person for the first time.

Yang Cheng\'s eyes widened when he heard this. Eiffel actually found America? why? Want revenge? Before I could think about it, my head came out from behind the front seat and looked out the front of the car. Eiffel, who looked like a scholar and wore glasses, stood in front of the car like a tramp without speaking, just watching the car quietly. Smile inside.

"Hansen, go down and bring him up." Yang Cheng thought for a while, and felt that Eiffel shouldn\'t find himself to seek revenge. Now he suddenly came to the door, things must not be simple, and there are many people on the street, both sides It\'s easy to be suspicious just like that.

"Boss~" Hansen tried to persuade Yang Cheng for his safety.

"Go, there is you in the car. What kind of waves can a scholar dig out." Yang Cheng\'s attitude was firm. Hansen didn\'t dare to disobey. The gun was hidden in his clothes and got out of the car and took Eiffel to the co-pilot, while he quickly Going to the back row, sitting beside Yang Cheng, raising his right arm with a cold face, the black muzzle pointed directly at Eiffel, without a trace of tremor, of course Yang Cheng would not stop it. Who knows if this Eiffel has rabies? What to do if you are mad and threaten yourself.

"Unexpectedly, the first time we met was on this occasion, it was really embarrassing, Mr. Yang." Eiffel looked relaxed while pushing his glasses, and was not frightened by the pistol that could head his head anytime.

With a faint smile on the corner of Yang Cheng\'s mouth, leaning on the back of the chair, in an extremely relaxed and comfortable posture, the bodyguard, who was driving with his hand on the holster, ordered, "Drive first."

When the car restarted, Yang Cheng joked, "You should be thankful for Eiffel. If you suddenly rush out after the car raises the then according to my safety rules, the bodyguard will treat you as a threat to my safety. The enemy, not only won\'t step on the brakes, but will directly knock you into the air!"

Eiffel seemed to have not heard the threat in the words, but seriously thought about the problem, and came to the conclusion, "Indeed, you must not use this method next time."

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes silently, "Okay Eiffel, you can tell what you are here, why did you suddenly appear in New York?"

"I need your help, Mr. Yang." Eiffel said very solemnly.

Yang Cheng shrugged, "There are so many people who need my help, why should I help you?"

"Because I have something you are interested in." Eiffel said with no extra expression on his face while pushing his glasses.

"Tell me!"

"You also know Mr. Yang. I stayed in Leeds for a while before coming to New York. I bought a few antiques by the way. I think Mr. Yang, who is a Chinese, must be very interested."

Yang Cheng knew that Eiffel had attacked the castle of Earl of Edmond, and according to reports from the team that had been staring at him, he succeeded and retreated from the castle. After that, Yang Cheng was retreated out of the castle. In his opinion, Eiffel Having obtained a large amount of wealth, he must have brought his daughter incognito, and no longer has any ties with him since then, but reality slapped him severely, and this guy even dedicated himself again, and he appeared in front of him.

As for the antiques mentioned by Eiffel, Yang Cheng is only slightly interested. The ones that can be brought up by Eiffel and come to the door are nothing more than antiques from Country Z. If the price is cheap, he doesn’t mind buying it for private possession. So far, Yang Cheng I haven\'t thought that Eiffel will produce any national treasure-level antiques. I just thought it was ordinary porcelain, calligraphy and painting.

However, the next second. . .