Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 371: Abacus failed

"Starz TV, I used 2% of Starz shares for the "New York Observer" newspaper!"

"Starz?" Yang Cheng said lightly. He had an impression but didn\'t know much about this cable TV station. It seemed to be a cable pay channel headquartered in Colorado. There were not many masterpieces. The most famous one was "Spartacus". The characteristics are not worth emphasizing. Anyway, American cable TV stations are very huang and violent. Otherwise, who would pay to watch it?

"Starz, the current market value is about 2.6 billion U.S. dollars, 2% of the shares are worth more than 50 million U.S. dollars, I only need 30 million, which is equivalent to your offer to acquire the "New York Observer". I think compared to a regional newspaper with only tens of thousands of sales, The shares of TV stations that cover one-fifth of the paying users in the United States are more helpful to you, don\'t they?" Jerry Kushler emphasized the value of Starz.

Apart from other things, Yang Cheng can understand why Jerry Kushler is holding onto The New York Observer. At least half of his current position is due to the fact that this newspaper that can influence public opinion on Wall Street is in hand, even if it suffers from the Internet. The impact of "New York Observer" no longer returns to the sun.

Without "The New York Observer", he would not be qualified to jump in front of the top two generations like Yang Cheng, and even his wife would not be able to hold him back, chuan~Pu. Unreliable, there is still a wealth of more than 20 billion US dollars, and the family has roots in Manhattan for dozens of years. The background is much deeper than that of the Kushler family. By then, his Jewish descent may be worth some money. .

However, these have nothing to do with Yang Cheng. The only thing he needs to consider is the shares of the TV station? Still want the "New York Observer" newspaper.

The importance of the TV station to the media group need not be repeated. What about the New York Observer? Today’s New York public opinion field is divided between the “New York Times” and the “Wall Street Journal”. Among them, the “Wall Street Journal” of News Corp. has the upper hand, but the organization structure and outdated operation are too bloated. The model has resulted in the decline of the Wall Street Journal. If you want to ensure financial health, the only way to go is to lay off employees.

The "New York Times" has just been incorporated into the new era media. Although it has gone through the initial turmoil, in the face of strong capital, the hard-pressed old employees can only bow their heads and re-accept the fresh Internet thinking brainwashing, plus the help of the headline app , Like the sun at 9 o\'clock in the morning, full of vitality, the future prospects are promising.

It seems that the "New York Observer" newspaper can only serve as the icing on the cake, and it is a few grades less important than the TV station stocks.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong, Yang Cheng suddenly found out that Jerry Kushler had led him to think wrong. This **** was giving himself a set. It is more important to watch TV on the bright side, but actually the 2% The shares of the company have no effect at all. They have neither board seats nor voting rights. After obtaining the shares, they can only wait for dividends, not to mention the amount of dividends that are beyond their control.

Moreover, according to Yang Cheng’s understanding, the only two cable stations in the U.S. that are currently profitable seem to be HBO and Showtime. Starz TV station may not be sure what the loss will be. If not, Jerry Kushler is still calling. Taking the opportunity to solve the abacus, it seems that this grandson did not read "The Art of War" less, and used the strategy of killing two birds with one stone.

Yang Cheng was so angry that he couldn\'t fight out. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would have fallen through the hole.

Looking at Jerry Kushler again, he looked extremely indifferent, and smiled negatively, "Since the TV station shares are so important, I don’t want to be loved anymore. I still want the "New York Observer" newspaper to be more realistic for me. What do you say? Jerry?"

Yang Cheng really underestimated this cunning fox, but it also reminded him. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. He can\'t underestimate the enemy. Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang, who is extremely powerful, is not too careless to lose Jingzhou. ? These are all **** lessons learned!

Jerry Kushler realized that Yang Cheng might have broken his mind, and his dying struggle was completely miscalculated, so he stopped talking nonsense, "Okay, give me a week, then you will send someone to the company to take over. ."

Yang Cheng looked at the tall back of Jerry Kushler leaving quickly. Somehow, he inexplicably remembered the famous poem "It is advisable to chase the poor, but not the famous academic king." Yang Cheng just mentioned it to himself After waking up, I would never make the second mistake again. This time the calculation of Jerry Kushler was purely a coincidence and a fluke. At the time, I was thinking of revenge against the Chuan~Pu family. This result was unexpected. and.

But no matter what, there is no need to vomit it out when you eat it. Not only that, this Jerry Kushler has to get rid of it as soon as possible, at least to destroy his ability to fight back. After such a grievance, Yang Cheng doesn\'t believe it. This cunning fox will not wait for an opportunity to take revenge, but he is very sorry, for his own life, he can only be sorry for others!

Solved the lunch by himself, and was stopped by the waiter before leaving. It turned out that Jerry Kushler didn\'t check out. "It\'s really stingy!" Yang Cheng secretly spit out, and irritably dumped a Benjamin without looking for it. Zero is considered a tip.

The restaurant is not far from the Olympic Tower. It is a 2-3 minute walk. Yang Cheng came out of the restaurant, wrapped in a windbreaker, bowed his head in the cold wind, followed by 4 bodyguards in the same black windbreaker, this posture In the icy and snowy ground, people are especially infiltrated, and pedestrians passing by unconsciously leaned to the sides to avoid accidentally getting into trouble.


Yang Cheng kept his head down without looking ahead. Before she knew it, she had come downstairs in the Olympic Building. He heard someone calling him and raised his head subconsciously. Who else was there besides Konrad Koch? Behind him was the enchanting female secretary of Sao.

"Hey, good day, am I late?" Yang Cheng stepped forward and asked.

Konrad Koch smiled and hugged the secretary\'s waist, "No, just on time, I just arrived, why didn\'t I drive?"

Yang Cheng spit out white mist with her hands behind her back, "It happened to have an appointment with someone nearby for dinner, and strolled around to change the air."

Conrad nodded, "Let\'s go, our business is settled."

Yang Cheng walked into the building side by side with Conrad. When waiting for the elevator, Yang Cheng took off his windbreaker and handed it to Hansen, saying, "I talked to Adam Silver on the phone a few days ago. This guy really does everything for money. I ignored it."

Conrad sneered, "What do you think? But this matter is good for us. You don\'t need to pay a penny, and we don\'t have to bear the pressure. Who cares how he does it."

Just when the elevator arrived, I went in and pressed the button on the 14th floor. Yang Cheng agreed, "You are right, this matter has nothing to do with us, as long as the goal is achieved, it is good, Mikhail, have you discussed it?"

Conrad looked at the beating floor numbers on the LCD screen and said, "It’s almost done. The final price is set at 2.2 billion US dollars. Mikhail is still hesitating, but I think it’s basically okay. He is too I need cash."

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, "2.2 billion US dollars, the price is within the expected range, does it include the Barclays Center?"

Conrad said helplessly, "Without the Barclays Center, what do I want a broken basketball team for? Besides, even if I buy the Nets, the Knicks are more valuable."

Yang Cheng smiled sullily, "Well, I\'m not asking, so how do you calculate the ratio of your capital to mine?"

Conrad replied without hesitation, "I gave out 1 billion, accounting for 45%."

"Okay, I take 1.1 billion, accounting for 50%, and Yuanshan Capital\'s 100 million accounting for 5%. Isn\'t that okay?" Yang Cheng turned his head and confirmed with Conrad.

"No problem, don\'t I say it? I\'m not interested in management. This money is my pension. It\'s considered conservative financial management. Don\'t let me lose money." Conrad was half-joking. Said winking.

Yang Cheng laughed and joked, "That\'s not good. If the loss is gone, I will give you a pension at that time. How about 1,000 dollars a month?"

"OH, Jason, you are such a stingy little guy. Why is $1,000 enough? Not enough for me to smoke a cigar for two days."

The two chatted happily. No one would know that in just a few minutes of taking the elevator, Yang Cheng and Conrad negotiated an investment worth 2.2 billion US dollars?

"Ding Dong" slowly opened to both sides as the elevator doors At the entrance is the building block figure of the current NBA star LeBron James. Adam Silver\'s conspicuous bald head reflects a warm light.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Koch and Mr. Yang Orange, the NBA headquarters welcomes you." Adam Xiao Hua turned around when he heard the sound of the elevator, and warmly welcomed the two Yang Orange.

Konrad Koch shook hands with Adam Silver and motioned, "You don\'t need to be so polite, just call us by name. We will be working together in the future, and you will need to take care of it."

Yang Cheng also followed politely, "Yeah, we can also be regarded as eating together under your hands."

"Don\'t say that, we are just playing the role of service and supervision, not taking care of it." Adam Silver did not take the olive branch thrown by Yang Cheng and Conrad Koch.

Give up his birth position and change the subject, "Let me show you everyone first? The league headquarters is quite mysterious in the eyes of fans!"

Following in the footsteps of Adam Silver, Yang Cheng and the others visited the office area, the alliance merchandise area, the staff restaurant, the meeting room, the studio and other departments in turn. Every corner was filled with elements of basketball and Kobe posters on the wall; inside the passage A wall of active players; various commemorative dolls and star autographed basketballs; countless out-of-print photos and autographs, all showing that this is the sanctuary of American professional basketball.

Yang Cheng was somewhat disapproving at first, but with the introduction of the professional commentator, he began to have a keen interest in the long history of this league for decades. The love and hatred between the various clubs and the love and hatred between the stars are distinct. All make this sport surpass ordinary competitive sports, become flesh and blood, history, and future!

Finally, after visiting the commemorative merchandise store, Yang Cheng and Conrad were invited by Adam Silver to his office and talked about business.