Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 347: Party whip

The term party whip originated in the United Kingdom. In the traditional hunting activities in Great Britain, someone followed the hunting dog group and waved the whip from time to time to warn the hunting dogs that were "running off the track" to keep in formation. This person was called the "whip hand".

The "party whip" first appeared in the British Parliament in the 17th century. At the end of the 19th century, the U.S. Congress began to establish this position. In 1897, the Republican Member of Minnesota, James Taoney became the first House whip in the United States. Two years later, Alaba Representative Oscar Underwood of Massachusetts became the first whip of the Donkey Party.

According to legend, the prototype of the hero in the American version of "House of Cards" is this Underwood.

In the past, the party whip in the United States was mostly appointed by the party leader. It was not until 1986 that the party whip was elected. The party whip can be a single person or a team.

An expert on ZZ in the United States once described the party whip as "a person or a group of people holding a whip to maintain the formation." A very vivid description of the function and importance of the party whip!

To further explain, the party whip is part of the operation of the U.S. Congress. It is equivalent to the second-in-command or the third-in-command. Generally speaking, the party whip does not control the outside. Other auxiliary work.

Just like the Underwood in "House of Cards", although "hands and eyes are open to the sky," they often live behind the scenes. In reality, they are very low-key and rarely find their names in the media.

Above the party whip, there is a party leader named "party leader", and in both houses, because the party that holds the majority of seats will also occupy the position of "speaker", in this case, the party whip can only condescend to sit third.

Richard Debin, whom Yang Cheng asked McCobert to meet with, is a well-deserved number three figure in the Donkey Party in reality. He has been in office for 10 years and has an unparalleled influence in the White House, the House of Representatives and the Donkey Party. , Is a big guy among big guys, like Felix Morgenthau, who caused a lot of trouble to Yang Cheng before, if it weren’t for family and Jewish influence, he wouldn’t even be qualified to have a positive conversation with Richard Debin. ! Not an exaggeration.

Of course, whether it is the second child or the third child, the party whip is a member of the first echelon in Congress, not just a transactional role. He (or they) is a strong or even powerful policy promoter, in order to achieve ZZ The purpose is to mobilize all the resources of the party, use unscrupulous methods to coerce and lure, and even create various accidents, causing the death of opponents. He is a top trader hidden behind the scenes.

Therefore, McCobert was so surprised that ordinary little things do not need to see the party whip, and even Jamie Dimon can do it.

"Are you sure?" McCobert confirmed very solemnly.

"Of course!" Yang Cheng replied more firmly.

McCobert did not persuade him anymore. Even if it was because of Liu Muqian\'s face, he would help introduce him, "Okay, go back and wait for my news. You also know that there is too much internal party affairs at the end of the year, and your meeting time will not Too much, and you have to fly to DC."

"I understand. Just help me make an appointment with Mike."

Watching McCobert leave, thinking about not leaving the corner, took out his phone and called Felix Morgenthau.

After waiting for a full minute before the call was answered, Morgenthau\'s tone was blunt, "What\'s the matter?"

Yang Cheng didn\'t care, "Mr. Morgenthau, did you also attend the elephant party dinner?"

"What do you mean?"

"Help me pass a message to your party. The Yang family has never promised any help to Mr. Big Mouth. The Yang family has maintained a neutral position from beginning to end."

The other side was silent for a while, Felix Morganthau smiled playfully, "Why should I help you?"

Yang Cheng sneered. He wasn\'t in the mood to talk to the old fox, and said bluntly, "If the Elephant Party doesn\'t mind that the Yang family falls into the arms of the Donkey Party, you can completely assume that you haven\'t answered the call."

Without waiting for Morgenthau\'s response, he hung up the phone. He believed that this old fox was not dementia, and he knew how to choose!

After thinking about it, he still felt that it was not safe enough, so he called Georgina back, told her about the matter, and asked her to help spread the news in New York, as far as possible to dispel the relationship with the Big Mouth family. Audiovisual, we can\'t let Yuanshan stand side by side like the news of the party.

After that, he instructed the vice president of New Times Media to cut off all business contacts with Chuan~Pu Group, even if he paid liquidated damages.

After this crazy phone bombing, he still felt angry. This tone could only be comfortable on the big mouth, let him know how many eyes Ma Wangye has!

However, it is impossible to beat someone by hand, only from the people or assets around him.

His eldest daughter can\'t move, this man has a serious love complex;

His son is a trash snack, not worthy of Yang Cheng\'s hands;

Chuan~Pu Group\'s influence and size are not small, and if you really want to move it, you don\'t even think about it without a few months of layout;

MD, with such a calculation, the **** big mouth still means something invulnerable?

"Still sulking?" Georgina also came back after the phone call, and saw that Yang Cheng was still standing in the corner with her waist pinched. A dead face was like a person owed him tens of billions.

Yang Cheng regained his senses, hugged Georgina\'s slender waist and gritted his teeth and said, "I have to teach Big Mouth a lesson. Some things can be said, and some things cannot be said nonsense."

Georgina pinned a trace of blond hair behind her ears, thinking that her relationship with Yiwan~Ka was pretty good, and she persuaded, "Forget it, I believe that after we talk outside, Mr. Chuan~Pu will be somewhat restrained. of."

Yang Cheng gave a faint glance, "Are you actually speaking for that family?"

"I\'m friends with Yi Wan Ka." Georgina explained Yang Cheng on his arm.

"That\'s right, you call Yi Wan Ka and ask her father to stand up and explain, saying that what he said at the dinner party was drunk and couldn\'t take it seriously."

"Do you think that\'s possible?"

"Then why should I give in?"

For a while, Yang Cheng and Georgina fell into a deadlock, and no one could convince anyone.

After a long while, Georgina gave in first, breaking the deadlock and persuading, "Well, I will go to Yi Wan Ka to discuss tomorrow, and discuss a way to get the best of both worlds. Don’t rush to do it. How many business has Chuan~Pu family in New York? Ten years has not been so good."

Yang Cheng pondered for a moment, "I won\'t be so stupid as to target the entire Chuan~Pu Group, just want to give them a little color, and they will be punished if they say something wrong."

Seeing Georgina’s change of eyes and the sign of getting angry, she succumbed to her anger, "Okay, okay, you go talk to your girlfriend first, if you get a better result, don’t blame me for disregarding friendship, after all, we grew up together. big."

. . .

The day after Christmas, Yang Cheng showed up at Houston George Bush Airport early in the morning. Last night, he was not in the mood to relive his old dreams with Georgina because of his big mouth. When it was dark, he took the opportunity to fly to Dexsey and meet his family at Grandpa\'s ranch.

Compared with Texas\'s large ranch that easily exceeds 50,000 acres, the ranch that Yang Yuanshan bought more than 20 years ago, covering an area of ​​just over 12,000 acres, looks much more compact. Of course, this is also a relative comparison.

Yangyuan Mountain’s ranch is built on the mountain. The whole ranch includes a 3,600 square meter lake view villa. The lake view villa using a large number of bricks and stones is surrounded by the lake. The drop is used cleverly to introduce the lake water into the villa’s inner courtyard to form a small artificial The waterfall merges into a small stream and flows into the indoor koi pond. Every friend who visits the ranch is all amazed by this exquisite design.

In addition, around large and small lakes, there are also guest villas with a total area of ​​10,000 square meters. The landscapes are different and the interior decorations are also unique. Tennis courts and golf courses are available. Of course, the necessary cattle and sheep Needless to say, there are more than 5,000 Angus cattle, 2,000 Merino sheep, and 1,000 Lincoln sheep.

In particular, it is pointed out that these 1,000 Lincoln sheep are specially used to produce wool and are specially supplied to the lvmh group. This long-haired sheep breed originating in Lincolnshire in the east of England has the characteristics of strong physique, tall body, well-proportioned structure, and the whole body is white. Occasionally there are small black spots, because of its thick, curved, silk-like luster wool characteristics, it was used by the British upper class to make tapestries and high-quality blankets very early.

Later, with the war and other factors, the pastures for raising Lincoln sheep became Nowadays, there are very few pastures that can breed Lincoln sheep of pure blood in groups around the world. The supplier of precious raw materials, even if there is no relationship with Liu Yun, the lvmh group will focus on it.

As soon as Yang Cheng drove into the ranch, Yang Cheng was blocked by a group of Angus cattle that were migrating to the water source. Yang Cheng, who had been playing on the ranch since he was a child, instantly became interested and jumped out of the car and rode with a few others. The cowboy on the horse greeted him, smelling the familiar smell of cow dung, and a cordial feeling emerged spontaneously.

Especially when Yang Cheng saw the cowboy’s handsome throwing out of the cowboy locks, he couldn’t help blowing a whistle to give the cowboy the best encouragement. When he was a child, he did a lot of learning about cowboys, but unfortunately he didn’t have this talent, otherwise he would use Yang Yuanshan’s The character is not tied to the ranch and cultivated as the heir to the cowboy.

Wuyang Wuyang\'s cattle took more than half an hour to walk slowly in front of Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng didn\'t feel annoying, and occasionally teased the cattle dog.

Finally came to the lake view villa in the center of the ranch. Yang Cheng got out of the car and rushed into the living room. The voice came first, "Grandpa, your cattle raising skills are getting better and better."

Yang Yuanshan smiled and stroked his beard, smoking a dry cigarette and asked triumphantly, "That is, did you see the cattle when you came in?"

Yang Cheng nodded again and again, "Yeen, they are all sturdy good guys, they seem to have more than 300 kilograms, should they be fattening?"

Yang Yuanshan took a cigarette and smiled comfortedly, "Okay, I have not forgotten the knowledge of raising cattle when I was a child. You are right. When the coldest time of the New Year passes, it is time to prepare for fattening. The **** climate, the cow staying outside is warmer than in the cowshed, which is not conducive to gaining weight and cannot sell for a good price."

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