Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 346: The power of a big mouth!

(Thank you for the rewards of "Fly", brothers! Applause for you! Sprinkle flowers! Add more! ~\\(≧▽≦)/~)

Of course, let’s not consider the hypothetical question for the time being. Anyway, Yang Cheng asked everyone to take it into his own thoughts. After thinking about it, he was shocked to find that, as Yang Cheng said, it seemed to have happened several times in the past. In the incident, Mrs. Zipton’s performance did not have the decisiveness that leaders should have. Instead, she was more concerned about how to respond to public opinion and how to reduce the adverse impact of the incident on her.

As Yang Cheng said, even if this shortcoming is transferred to other politicians, it is not enough to be afraid. After all, no one is perfect, but it is not suitable for the president of the United States. It is definitely one of the necessary qualities of a country’s leader. One.

At this moment, even the old stock **** with a firm heart and mind was shaken subconsciously for a few seconds, so that he was as wise as him, and immediately figured out the loopholes in Yang Cheng\'s words, but who is he? A legend who has been on Wall Street for dozens of years, what he can think of does not mean that other people can, let alone ordinary voters who can’t see the essence of things. Warren Buffett took a deep look at Yang Orange and said, "What a terrible young man, it is rare to have such a sharp vision at this age."

Of course Yang Cheng didn\'t know the old stock god\'s evaluation of him. With a solemn expression, it was a secretly happy heart, "Let you cheat the young master and see if I don\'t fool you!"

As Buffett had guessed, Yang Cheng only took out the analysis of the afterthoughts of later generations to make them doubt among the leaders of the donkey party, so that they can temporarily withdraw themselves from this whirlpool, and now they choose to stand aside, even if The other party is willing to pay part of the benefits, but it is by no means maximized. Will Yang Cheng do such a loss-making business?

When it comes to critical junctures, such as when the number of votes is deadlocked, the Yang family strongly stepped in and became the key **** in deciding the direction of the general election. That is the moment when the Yang family can reap the greatest benefits. A group of barbarians with only a few hundred years of history dare to follow their ancestors. The descendants of Yan and Huang with thousands of years of history play routines? I really want to be blind!

The banquet started very quickly. The traditional Western-style dinner was served in the order of starter, main course, and dessert. During the banquet, because of the arrival of Oguanhai, everyone had to put down their knives and forks and stood up and applauded.

The amount of dishes for this kind of formal dinner is very small, even if the main dish is two or three bites, even the appetite of a normal adult man may not be able to satisfy, and Yang Cheng can\'t afford any appetite. It is restricted in occasions with strong zz colors. Too many, Yang Cheng casually ate a few lamb chops and put down the tableware, chatting with the guests at the same table.

Yang Cheng is at the third table on the right. The audience here is mainly young entrepreneurs under the age of 35. One of them is a young financier from Boston, with a wealth of billions, or the economics of Harvard Business School. An academic expert, who can combine academic and theory in such a perfect way, must have its own advantages, so Yang Cheng was also very interested in exchanging a few words with him, but this person is not very good at talking, and even criticized the new era in his words. The media was too radical, which made Yang Cheng uncomfortable. If he didn\'t talk too much, Yang Cheng lost the need to continue talking.

Turning around to see Georgina still dealing with desserts, it suddenly occurred to him that he still had an account and hadn\'t settled with this woman.

"My dear, shouldn\'t you explain something to me?" Yang Cheng asked with her arm on the back of Georgina\'s chair behind her.

Georgina was relieved of the spoon, leaned back in Yang Cheng\'s arms, and slightly raised her head and whispered, "Explain what? You are also using me to avoid being misunderstood by the elephant party?"

Yang Cheng curled her lips and leaned a few minutes closer. The heat he spit out went straight into her ear holes, causing Georgina to fidget itchingly, "That\'s different. I\'m asking you for help, but you are hiding it from me. When did Uncle Michael quit the Elephant Party, why didn’t I know? Why didn’t I announce it to the public?"

Georgina put up Erlang’s legs, folded her shoulders in her hands, and looked petite and exquisite in Yang Cheng’s arms. “I didn’t mean to hide it from you. First, you never asked, and second, my father didn’t let me disclose it at will. This is a matter for the core members There are also opponents. No one else knows. As for why it is not announced to the outside world, I don’t know. My father may want to announce his participation in the general election to attract attention."

This reason makes sense and is reasonable, but Yang Cheng clearly knows that there is no Michael Bloomberg in the final two candidates, which means that he was eliminated early, and he suddenly remembered that Michael Bloomberg Berg seems to despise Big Mouth very much, criticizing Big Mouth as a prodigal son who inherited the family business, and believes that Big Mouth\'s business philosophy is extremely naive, and success is just a fluke.

From this point of view, with Michael Bloomberg\'s stubborn and domineering personality, it is very likely that he will stand on the side of the Donkey Party after being eliminated. I have to say that this is definitely a huge blow to the party.

"Anyway, you have used my feelings and have to make up for me!" Yang Cheng saw that no one was paying attention to him, and quickly stuck out his tongue and licked Georgina\'s round earlobe lightly.

Georgina didn\'t care either, she just smiled charmingly and squeezed out a threat from her teeth, "I will compensate you when the banquet is over. Be honest now."

Yang Cheng shrugged. He was just joking. Even if Georgina took advantage of him, it didn\'t cause him any loss. It was just that it was uncomfortable to be kept in the dark.

The subsequent auctions were actually fundraising in disguise. This time, Yang Cheng was not stingy. No one would feel that he was contributing to the Donkey Party because of the money. He spent more than 400,000 US dollars and took a whole set of black pearls. Jewelry is going to go home and give it to mom.

The auction raised a total of nearly 20 million U.S. dollars. It was simply frantic. Before the campaign started, I flopped to 20 million U.S. dollars, which is much more efficient than robbing banks.

After the auction was over, all the guests were led to the side hall. The waiters of the Waldorf Astoria emptied the banquet hall as quickly as possible. There was a dance party shortly, and those who were willing to participate stayed.

Originally, Yang Cheng was going to take Georgina to her private room upstairs to ask for compensation, but before she could even go out, she was stopped by McCobert who looked hurriedly upstairs.

Yang Cheng said strangely, "I thought you weren\'t here, Mike, what\'s the matter?"

McCorbert looked at Georgina hesitantly, "There is indeed something."

Georgina knew that she was inconvenient to listen in, so she talked to Yang Cheng for a while, then left with a smile, and went to find a friend to talk about the past.

"Have you heard? At the banquet held by the Elephant Party, our big mouth in New York announced that we are going to participate in the presidential election." McCoberttra took Yang Cheng to the corner of the hall and said impatiently.

Yang Cheng was taken aback. Although he knew that Big Mouth was going to participate in the election, it was unclear when he announced it. However, it was nothing surprising. He said indifferently, "I have been here all the time and I have not received any news. It’s not the first time he participates if he wants to."

McCorbert said suddenly anxiously, "The key is that he claims that he has received strong support from Yuanshan Capital."


Now Yang Cheng couldn\'t care about his manners, she was really shocked, and yelled in an instant, shocking the people around him. He didn\'t have time to explain, and the news that McCobert brought him caught him by surprise.

I knew that the big mouth was unreliable, but I didn\'t expect it to be damaged to this point. I opened my eyes and said nonsense. This was preparing to settle the facts in advance and drag the Yang family onto his broken ship.

However, seeing Yang Cheng’s subconscious reaction, McCobert secretly sighed with relief. When he received the news, his first reaction was that things were going to be bad, but then he felt that the Yang family would not be so stupid. At this time, he was standing in public, so he hurriedly followed Yang Cheng to explore the situation. As he expected, Yang Cheng or the Yang family knew nothing about it.

"It looks like you don\'t know, that\'s all right." McCobert is really thinking about the Yang family. After all, he and Liu Muqian have been friends for many years, and most of Yuanshan\'s operating funds are deposited in Citibank, so he is in love Reason, he should consider the Yang family as a high-quality partner. Besides, he is not a member of the Donkey Party. He is just a supporter of the Donkey Party. His involvement with the Donkey Party is not as deep as Jamie Dimon. Being close is entirely in the interest of Citigroup.

Yang Cheng is not good at all, her face is black and scary, as if the end is coming, she can’t wait to shave all the golden hairs of her big By the way, use rubber to hold his big, unobstructed mouth firmly. Sealed.

"Mike, what did that **** say?" Yang Cheng took a few deep breaths in a row, calmed himself down, and asked McCobert by the arm.

McCobert smiled bitterly and broke free of Yang Cheng\'s bondage. He knew that the big mouth had completely offended Yang Cheng. This was a good news for the Donkey Party.

After another thought, I said truthfully, "I also heard the narration of a friend who attended the banquet, and said that you and his son-in-law are very good brothers. You two are like-minded. After learning that he will participate in the new presidential election, I am willing to provide The strongest support, etc., my friends did not say everything."

Yang Cheng\'s teeth were itchy, he finally experienced the power of the big mouth, and a broken mouth can make a dead person alive! I have to admit that this tm is also a technology!

"Good, good, good, friend? Brother, right? Help?"

McCobert was shocked when he saw Demon Yang Cheng. He was muttering something angrily, and he didn\'t dare to answer. Everyone had to be depressed for several days. The typical toad would not bite and respond. !

Suddenly, Yang Cheng slapped his forehead and said to McCobert, "No, I can\'t let the public opinion ferment. Once it spreads, it will be difficult to save it again, Mike, you have to help me."

McCobert hesitated for a moment, but he obliged to pat his chest, "Okay, just say anything."

Yang Cheng looked squarely, "Help me introduce Mr. Richard Debin!"

MacCourbert\'s pupils shrank and his breathing became stagnant. He didn\'t know what Yang Cheng was going to do, but he was sure that things would not be trivial, because Richard Debin was the Senate Donkey Party ~ Party ~ Whip, the real Donkey Party\'s No. 3 figure. !

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