Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 348: House of Parliament

Yang Cheng took a bowl of hot milk from his mother, drank it with two big mouths, wiped his mouth and said, "Wait to find a way to get a batch of wagyu from Japan, try to crossbreed, and see if you can get a new breed. ."

Yang Yuanshan licked his cigarette holder, pondered for a while, and shook his head, "It\'s difficult, an old friend of mine in Australia tried it, but it ended in failure. The few sires he bought at a huge price were eaten by his family. "

Liu Yun suddenly asked in surprise, "Dad, I heard that Australian Wagyu beef is also very famous in recent years. Although it does not reach the quality of meat of Japanese origin, it is almost the same."

Yang Yuanshan heard the words and nodded to confirm his daughter-in-law’s statement, “That’s right. Back then, Australia introduced a lot of Wagyu sires from the young Japanese, and conducted large-scale cross-breeding experiments, collected a lot of data, and then selected the best quality. The plan is popularized, and this data is still kept as a top secret. We privately want to allocate the plan, the cost is too high, it is not worthwhile."

Yang Cheng really has no talent for how to raise cows. He came to the ranch for gold bars. "Don\'t talk about cows, but talk about gold bars. How about? Is everything going well?"

At this moment, Liu Muqian, who didn\'t know what he was going to do, patted the dust on his body with a riding whip, came in from the outside, and replied smoothly, "It went well. It has already melted more than half of it. Just wait for the bank to prepare and follow the specifications. Recast and stamp the mark."

Yang Cheng turned her head and saw Liu Muqian\'s muddy legs, she couldn\'t help but smile with curiosity, "Grandpa, did you fall into the water?"

Liu Muqian has always been so elegant that he is so ignorant and replied uncomfortably, "Unlucky, I was thinking about fishing for a silver carp, thinking about getting a chopped pepper fish head to taste at night, but the **** fish was too big and almost dragged me. Drowned in the water."

Yang Yuanshan laughed loudly, "Haha, I don\'t know how to exercise!"

Not long after he bought this ranch that year, Yang Yuanshan put many Asian freshwater fish fry in the lake. With decades of growth, the fish that have not been caught are about to grow into water monsters. After all, they are in a closed interior. 6 There are no natural enemies in the lake, and the growth of omnivorous fish is surprisingly amazing.

However, Yang Yuanshan never takes care of it. Whenever he wants to eat, he drives a small sampan and goes fishing with the cowboys. If you want to fish with a fishing rod, the difficulty is not ordinary, and it is estimated that you need to fish for tuna. The fishing rod can hold up the strange power of the underwater giant.

Liu Muqian rarely returned his mouth. This time he was planted. This hatred will be paid sooner or later. He glared at Yang Yuanshan angrily, dropped the fishing rod and went upstairs to wash.

Yang Cheng smiled for a while and then withdrew the topic again, "Dad, Big Mouth spoke well at the banquet last night, do you already know?"

Yang Sen faintly exaggerated, "I heard it, and a series of your reactions, I also knew it for the first time and did a good job."

It\'s a pity that Yang Cheng didn\'t want to listen to praise, "Nothing? Are you not going to do something to the big mouth? Let him talk nonsense?"

Yang Sen chuckled, "No, it\'s enough for you to take action on this matter. The outside world can see the determination of our family clearly, but it won\'t cause overreaction. After all, you haven\'t inherited the family business. Everyone can only treat you as a junior. It is reasonable for a child to retaliate in anger, and after you receive the news, quickly let someone speak in the elephant party to clear the relationship with the big mouth. Such an obvious signal has been released. No matter what. It\'s superfluous, just relax."

Yang Cheng is not commenting on this. Since his father said, he can only listen. At least he has to wait until Georgina and Yiwanka have talked before making plans. If the other party apologizes sincerely, this will stop there. , Otherwise~

Of course, he didn\'t think he needed to tell his family about these careful thoughts, as long as he knew it.

In the evening, after having dinner with his family, Yang Cheng hurriedly flew to DC on his Jason. Before dinner, he received a call from McCobert. Richard Durbin agreed to meet with Yang Cheng. Surprisingly, , The other party seems to be looking forward to it.

The appointment time is set at 9 o\'clock tomorrow morning in the office of the Capitol. Yang Cheng doesn\'t want to get up early tomorrow, so he has to rush to Washington to live in early, and there will be more abundant time tomorrow.

That night, Yang Cheng did not choose the familiar Hilton Group hotel, but stayed at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel, which is less than 10 minutes’ drive from Capitol Hill. This five-star hotel opened a few years ago has unparalleled Location advantages, well-known landscapes are within 15 minutes by car, even if you are walking, you can reach the Pentagon in half an hour. If you want to experience Washington’s zz culture and various historical museums, this hotel is definitely the choice.

At 8:30 the next morning, Yang Cheng appeared in a navy blue winter suit with a black turtleneck sweater and brown leather boots in front of the fountain pool of the Capitol. Today, the stylist in the hotel made a simple styling. The whole person looks very chic, and with a touch of laziness, the noble and elegant temperament between the gestures, and the passing tourists can\'t help but look at it.

The Capitol is located on Capitol Hill. It is a three-story flat-topped building. It looks very similar to the White House. In the center is a tall dome, which is also divided into three floors. There is a small round tower on the dome. On the top of the tower stands a bronze statue of the Statue of Liberty, with a crown of feathers on her head, a sword in her right hand, and a shield in her left hand. She always looks at the place where the sun rises in the east. The whole building exudes a majestic atmosphere.

After getting out of the car, Yang Cheng raised his head to have a panoramic view of the Capitol, and looked around at the tourists who stopped to take pictures from time to time. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, the buttons of his suit were fastened, and he stepped on the white marble stairs calmly.

Entering the building through strict security check, and looking around, the hall decorated with many oil paintings and sculptures looks full of artistic atmosphere, which is different from the important places of zf institutions in other countries. Americans want to reflect what they do. Democracy and freedom, even the famous White House or the Pentagon, are open to the outside world. Every day, a certain number of tourists come to feel the "power" of the United States of America under the leadership of full-time tour guides and commentators.

Not to mention the unique historical significance of the Capitol. For the convenience of visitors, the building is equipped with many convenient service facilities, such as common family toilets that can be used to change diapers for babies; public telephones and automatic ATM and so on.

At the front desk of the Visitor Center, tourists from foreign countries can also use foreign language interpreters. People with disabilities can also request wheelchair services at the visitor center. If booked in advance, the visitor center can also provide sign language services for deaf and mute tourists, and guide dogs are allowed. Accompanied by entering the Capitol, the Americans have achieved maximum perfection in terms of convenient services.

Of course, Yang Cheng didn’t come here today for fun. He took advantage of the time to simply stroll down the Dome Hall, and looked up at the famous “Washington Emerging Immortal” picture on the dome. He curled his lips and felt a little disappointed. What kind of **** climbing the immortal picture, according to the Dunhuang murals, it is more than ten thousand miles away, and the narcissistic Yankees and a group of ignorant centrists take this kind of things that the ancestors have been playing bad hundreds of years ago. art.

Somehow Yang Cheng, who was angry with the upper body, resolutely withdrew from the domed hall. It was still important to do business. He dialed the number of Secretary Richard Debin in front of a Lincoln statue. He only knew that the Senate\'s territory was on the north side of the Capitol and the south The side is naturally the site of the House of Representatives. As for the location of Richard Durbin\'s office, he doesn\'t know. Besides, no one leads in the important office.

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