Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 342: Christmas Eve

"They are upstairs, they just answered the phone, it should be an important matter, and their expressions are more serious." Old John pointed to the upstairs, and said with confusion.

He has worked in the Yang family for half his life, just like his father, he is very relaxed when talking in private, not to mention that all the big and small things in the Yang family are taken care of by Old John. Based on his judgment, Yang Cheng does not doubt it.

Nodded and spoke to the direction of the restaurant, "You are busy, I will go upstairs and have a look, and by the way, ask them to come down to enjoy the Christmas dinner."

"Ok, don\'t worry, the big meal will take more than an hour to be ready."

Going upstairs and heading straight to the study, the door is concealed, and the voice inside is clearly audible. Yang Cheng didn’t need to overhear. He knocked on the door and pushed in. He confronted the old man sitting on the Eames chair. Mom and Dad asked, "What\'s wrong? It\'s Christmas Eve today."

Dad raised his head when he heard the sound, put down the tulip cup, and beckoned to Yang Cheng, "You happened to be here, on Tenerife Island a few days ago, do you remember the topic you told Jamie Dimon and others?"

Yang Cheng shrugged and laughed, "Of course I remember, I don\'t have amnesia."

Ignoring Yang Cheng\'s complaints, she shook her phone, "Jamie just called and invited our family to the Christmas dinner tomorrow."

Maybe because it was Christmas, Yang Cheng didn\'t think about the complicated direction for the first time, "Then go? Anyway, we have to attend various Christmas dinners every year."

Liu Yun patted Yang Cheng\'s **** vigorously, "This is an internal dinner party where the donkey party leaders gather. Do you know what it means for us to attend?"

Hearing this, the corners of Yang Cheng\'s mouth sank, and her face that was smiling with the sun also became cloudy, "Never go, it is not yet time for us to make a decision."

Yang Sen nodded and said, "Of course, but the problem lies here. When we go, we will fall into a passive position, which is equivalent to being dragged onto the boat by the donkey party. There is no chance of jumping off the boat. We can only follow the road to the dark, but don’t go. It\'s not giving Jamie or mg Chase face again, after all, they have sent us a formal invitation."

This matter may be troublesome for the wise man, but for Yang Cheng, who has always been used to being clever, it is easy to solve, "It is not easy. You two will fly back to Texas tomorrow morning to accompany Grandpa. At the dinner, I did not succeed Yuanshan in one day, so I am not qualified to make any decision on behalf of Yuanshan. When that happens, I will give them a six-two-five push, and no one knows anyone!"

Yang Sen frowned. Obviously Yang Cheng’s method did not suit him. "You are now too influential and the focus of the Internet chase. When you appear at a gathering of Donkey Party leaders, you can easily be caught by the outside world, especially the Elephant Party. Excessive interpretation, this is not good for your reputation. Once you get the mark of the donkey party, it will be difficult to get out."

Regarding this, Yang Cheng could only say that his father thought too much, but as soon as he rolled his eyes, he had an idea, "Well, I will invite Georgina to be my female companion to accompany me tomorrow night. There is a big elephant in the party. Who dares to label me as a donkey party?"

Liu Yun suddenly laughed, she liked her son\'s clever performance, "Indeed, there is Georgina as your female companion. No one can say anything. Okay, that\'s all set. We will fly back tomorrow morning. Texas, New York is yours."

After the mother\'s final word, she didn\'t give Yang Cheng a chance to applaud and flatter, so she pulled her father downstairs, making Yang Cheng troublesome.

He shook his head helplessly, strolled back to his room, took a leisurely bath and changed into a light gray home clothes, picked up the phone and fell to the ground, and dialed Georgina without hesitation.

"Hello dear, happy Christmas Eve." As soon as the call was connected, Yang Cheng preemptively offered his blessings.

There was music and Georgina\'s silver bells of laughter on the phone, "Happy Christmas Eve, it\'s not easy. Our Jason hasn\'t forgotten me yet."

Yang Cheng curled her lips, "Well, you were in Australia when I was in New York, you came back, and I went to the UK again, our time is always out of sync."

Georgina was in a good mood. At this time, she should have walked to a place where no one was there, and the receiver was much quieter, "If you pass the test, calling me specifically is not as simple as sending blessings, right?"

Yang Cheng snapped his fingers and said grinning, "You guessed it, come with me to a dinner tomorrow night?"

Georgina said in a tone that she knew for a long time, "No, I only think of me when something happens, so I don\'t want to accompany you this little villain, I have to accompany my father at home."

"Don\'t, it\'s about my life, you can\'t save it from death, can you?" One trick is not working, and the next trick is weakened. Can a little woman be unbalanced?

"So serious? Did you offend someone?" Georgina asked in surprise.

Yang Cheng rubbed her nose angrily, "That\'s not true, it was a dinner hosted by Jamie Dimon, you should have heard of it?"

Georgina suddenly wanted to understand the cause and effect, "Oh, it turns out that this is the case, so I can\'t go anymore. It\'s a donkey party gathering. I don’t want to go there. I heard that the donkey party Christmas dinner is hosted by everyone in the party. Supporters take turns to hold it. This year it will be Jamie Dimon\'s turn. As his friend, President Oguanhai will also attend."

Yang Cheng was very surprised, "Aoguanhai will also go? Shouldn\'t he hold a Christmas dinner at the White House to entertain all envoys?"

"The White House dinner is held tonight. Tomorrow is usually the president\'s family dinner. However, this year President Oguanhai gave up his own plan and chose to attend the dinner hosted by Jamie. After all, he is also a member of the Donkey Party." zz Regarding the matter, as the most beloved daughter of the New York Mayor and Elephant Party boss, she must be clearer than Yang Cheng, a layman.

"Then you can\'t even save yourself. These uneasy guys are trying to force the palace. Do you have the heart to watch me, who have had close communication with you countless times, and fall into a pack of wolves?" Yang Cheng was pushing his nose. Face, climb when you see the pole.

Georgina was helpless and cried out aggrieved, "Then do you know what my attendance at the donkey party\'s internal dinner means? It is guaranteed that a large number of elephant party officials will come to the door the next day and ask my father if he wants to change his banner. !"

Yang Cheng’s bad ideas tonight are one after another, "That’s not easy? You come to the donkey party dinner, and by the way, you can help your father consolidate the status of the elephant party and let the other people in the elephant party realize the importance of Uncle Michael. , Is indispensable, this is a good opportunity for your family to fight for the benefits."

This idea sounds a bit unreliable at first, but it seems like that after careful consideration. The main reason is that Georgina hasn\'t heard a saying in country Z—a crying child has milk, otherwise it will definitely feel very appropriate.

Georgina hesitated for a while before he relaxed, "I will discuss with my father. If he agrees with me, I will accompany you on a trip. If he doesn\'t agree with me, I can\'t help it. After all, this involves family interests and I can\'t just do it. "

Yang Cheng accepted it as soon as he saw it, and replied again and again, "Sure, then send me a letter after you have discussed it, and I will pick you up tomorrow."

Georgina snorted softly, "I\'ll be blocked on Christmas Eve too. I hate it. Remember to make up for my Christmas present. If you are not satisfied, see if I don\'t squeeze you."

Tsundere\'s threat is of no use to Yang Cheng, squeeze me out? I didn\'t even look at whether my small arms and legs were enough. Although Georgina did not directly agree, but in Yang Cheng\'s opinion, this matter has not gone away. Will the old fox Michael Bloomberg fail to see the benefit? Then he doesn\'t need to be the mayor of New York!

Jumped up from *, and came to the first floor. In the middle of the huge dining table, there was already roasted golden roast turkey. The surface was covered with oil, and the aroma was overflowing, it was not too attractive.

Surrounded by turkey, they are the most classic Christmas dishes of every household in the United States, but the ingredients selected by the Yang family are the freshest and top-notch. For example, the Christmas salmon is a wild king salmon from the deep sea of ​​Norway. It is made by cold-smoked and grilled, served with butter or fresh lemon juice, to show the freshness of salmon to the fullest.

In addition, there are simple but extremely classic dishes such as prosciutto ham and Christmas pudding. When paired with the unique Chinese cuisine of the Yang family, it can definitely break the belly.

Finally, as a whole roasted suckling pig was brought to the The Christmas Eve dinner officially opened. The whole family, including Old John, the servant, the driver, and several of their families, sat around At the long table, a happy face was waiting for the host Yang Sen to give a speech. Of course, the most important thing is that the lucky draw person for Christmas gifts, did you see the big Christmas tree by the fireplace?

Under the tree roots are piles of gifts, large and small. As the dinner begins, there will be three rounds of lottery. The prizes are of different value, but one can be guaranteed. As for what you can get, it depends on everyone\'s luck.

Last year, Janssen’s driver took the top spot and won the most valuable prize of the night, a Jaeger-LeCoultre limited edition watch, worth close to 200,000 US dollars. This guy has worn the watch all day since he got the watch. Except for taking a bath, he never took it off. It’s very rare. You have to deliberately show your wrists wherever you go, and deliberately watch the time in front of people, for fear that others will not see him wearing a $200,000 top watch.

Good luck will naturally not always favor the same person. This year’s general will be obtained by the maid responsible for washing the clothes for the whole family-a 20-day family tour in New Zealand, including air tickets for the whole family, boarding and lodging within 20 days, tickets to attractions, etc. Similarly, the 20-day holiday is also a paid vacation, and the value of this gift is no less than the $200,000 limited edition watch.

Of course, although others have not won the award, they will not be jealous, because at least they also get a latest iPhone mobile phone, and there are different lengths of paid vacation, can they ask for more?

Anyway, since Yang Sen announced the start of the family banquet, the atmosphere on the first floor has always been at a boiling point, and there is no sign of weakness. The faces of the servants are almost laughing and cramping. Every year after Christmas, the servants working at Yang\'s house are all neighbors. The object we admire, this is also their pride!

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