Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 341: Double the budget

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"The prospects for the high-end resort project on the Big Island of Hawaii are very bright. If it weren\'t for the reputation of my hotel, it would not be your turn."

Paris raised his **** without raising his head, reading the plan intently.

Yang Cheng didn\'t bother, drinking champagne, thinking about the situation in London.

I don’t know how long it took, Paris put down the plan, rubbed his eyes, raised Erlang’s legs, and looked wisely, completely out of the old customs, "Jason, you only left me a share of 100 million yuan, is it a little less?"

Yang Cheng asked playfully, "So, how much do you want?"

Paris raised his lips, "Make the budget 800 million. I personally and the Hilton Hotel will cost 5o%, which is US$400 million. The resort development and construction are still entrusted to Yuanshan Capital, and the planning and management are solely responsible by Hilton Hotel Group. In addition, I want to be the chairman of the resort."

After finishing his request in one breath, he took a sip of the champagne glass elegantly, and cast his eyes on Yang Cheng, waiting for his reply.

"800 million? Do you want to build a sailing hotel on the Big Island? In the past, Dubai was reclaimed to build 6, and it only cost 1.5 billion US dollars. This is still a public figure, and the actual cost is about 1.2 billion. We know this very well. , And don’t forget, this is on the island, it’s impossible to build a tall building at all, I think 500 million is more.” Yang Cheng now underestimated this woman\'s ambition and appetite.

"Is it a lot of 800 million? If you want to be the world\'s top leisure resort, you have to show your courage, and you don\'t even have the courage to invest. I have to say that I have begun to doubt the prospect of cooperation between you and me. "Paris\'s fluttering tone made Yang Cheng really want to shout at her without shame!

Is 800 million dollars a lot? It is enough for 99% of the people in the world, but for the large-scale Hilton Group, it is less than one-tenth of the annual turnover!

Of course, the account is not calculated like this, but Yang Cheng knows that Paris has the confidence to say this.

She shook her head with a wry smile and didn\'t dare to tell the truth. If she told Paris Hilton that this project was just playing with her sister, would this woman get mad and scratch herself?

Thinking about it, I was a little shuddering. He sighed and sighed and muttered, "In which life will the $800 million investment be recovered?"

Paris threw the plan over angrily, "What are you worried about, anyway, the Hilton Group accounts for the majority, and we pay the most."

"To be honest, your proposal completely disrupted our original plan. I can\'t be the master by myself. I need to discuss with David Ellison and others." Yang Cheng did not dare to make a decision on his own. This is not his own project. , And there are several partners.

Paris nodded and expressed understanding, "Yes, but I will put the ugly words first, except for the plan I said, I will not accept the rest of the plan. If you disagree, go to another hotel."

Yang Cheng took a deep look at Paris. The unrejectable gaze let Yang Cheng know the other\'s determination, "I will tell a few partners what you said intact. Actually from my personal perspective , I am willing to accept your proposal, but you know, I cannot be dictatorial!"

For Yang Cheng\'s explanation, Paris is still very useful. After discussing the business, the atmosphere became relaxed, and the charming expression and tone reappeared, "Then, should we talk about pleasant things."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows and watched Paris, who was in front of her with her feet up and twisting the waist of the water snake. She curled her mouth and asked, "For example?"

Seeing Yang Cheng motionless, Paris didn’t mean to dodge. She was sitting on Yang Cheng’s lap with her enchanting posture, her fingernails lightly tracing Yang Cheng’s cheeks, and she said softly, " like me!"

Yang Cheng put his left hand in front of Paris\'s eyes, jokingly, "I\'m hurt."

A glimpse of beautiful eyes, "Without your hands!"

Yang Cheng knew that this "catastrophe" could not escape, so she stood up fiercely with her right hand, and dragged the beautiful snake like a koala hanging on her body. "Have the honor to invite Miss Paris Hilton to visit my bedroom? ?"

Paris is also a woman who understands sex. Although it is unsightly to wrap her two long legs around a man\'s waist, she has an extremely elegant face and replied cooperatively, "Of course this gentleman, this is my honor."

. . .

The next day, in the modern restaurant of Jason Manor, Yang Cheng looked surprised. He looked at Paris who was eating so much and exclaimed absurdly, "Paris, I didn\'t expect you to eat so much. This is the first How many?"

Dressed tightly in a purple nightgown with a vacuum in it, Paris bit the soup bag and complained, "It was too much consumption last night, and I must replenish energy."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows and said jokingly, "Who can be blamed? You have no restraint when you are crazy. Last night I suggested you go downstairs to dinner and continue fighting. What did you say?"

He cleared his throat and raised Lanhua\'s fingers, mimicking Paris\'s breathless look, "oh, jason, don\'t want to run away, I must defeat you."

In Paris Hilton’s experience, how can I be shy because of a ridicule, "fuckoff, you are a bull, why don’t you stop when I ask you to stop?"

Yang Cheng smiled triumphantly, "Woman, you have to be clear, in *but my site, there is only one person who can give orders, that is me, you only have to surrender, and want to resist? Then you have to accept punishment!"

"Go to hell, but your taste is good, and I\'ve got my wish." Paris\'s face was full of spring, white and red skin seemed to be in a spa, pinching water out.

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes, and was too lazy to care about the stamp collector, and said, "I\'ll fly back to New York in a while, do you want to come with me?"

Paris waved his hand, rubbing the oily corners of his mouth with a napkin, "I will fly home directly at night, you can go first, I will rest here with you, I am eating too much."

Yang Orange heard the pun in the words, and said with a smile, "Okay, then you are free, just ask White for anything."

"Well, let\'s go, by the way, Merry Christmas." Paris moved his head and put on red lips with the scent of steamed dumplings, as if he was at home, barefoot and went back to the living room to play with his mobile phone.

Four hours later, at 6 o\'clock in the evening local time in New York, after more than a month, he set foot on the land of Manhattan again. Feeling the biting chill and the white sky, Yang Cheng finally felt a touch of the temperature that Christmas should have.

Sitting on Maybach Zeppelin driving out of the airport, the lively scene filled the streets and alleys, which is the atmosphere that should be for Christmas.

New York at Christmas attracts tourists from all directions. The streets and shops are filled with bustling people. The large Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center is 2o meters high and covered with tens of thousands of colored lights and glittering ribbons. The skating rink under the tree has been overcrowded since half a month ago. Many skaters glided counterclockwise to the sound of sweet Christmas music.

Christmas Eve is approaching, and people are creating and enjoying the festive atmosphere in the streets and alleys. Usually during this period, robbery crimes also quietly increase. There are nypd on duty on the street. Black and white police cars flash red and blue lights to warn of intentions. The criminals are careful not to make themselves unhappy at Christmas.

Yang Cheng sat in the warm carriage, looking at the laughing people on the street, smiling unconsciously. Since childhood, he has seen such scenes countless times. He didn\'t know much when he was a child, but just followed Silly, even rushed to play with strangers he never knew, but when he grew up, he felt the indifference of the city of New York more and more, and only on this day, the Big Apple city has the temperature derived from human affection!

After being stuck on the road for more than an hour, the convoy finally drove into the underground garage. Yang Cheng couldn’t wait to get out of the car and gave them a festive red envelope. Not much, $50,000 per person, and $10,000 for Hansen. It is a Christmas bonus in addition to the year-end bonus. No one at UU Reading would be too scarce to take them home for the holidays and take the elevator to the top floor alone.

Old John, who had been notified long ago, personally greeted him outside the elevator. When Yang Cheng walked out of the elevator, he immediately gave a hug, "jason, welcome home, happy Christmas Eve."

Yang Cheng also did not hesitate to enthusiasm, and hugged Old John tightly, "Happy Christmas Eve, Old John, did your parents give you a red envelope?"

The Yang family is a Chinese, so naturally there is a tradition of red envelopes for the New Year, but because foreigners are not in the Lunar New Year, they changed to Christmas. Anyway, since Yang Cheng remembers, every Christmas is the happiest day of the year for the domestic servants, because This day will not only sit on the same table with the host to celebrate the holiday, but also hold 3 times the daily salary and a red envelope with the characteristics of Country Z. Inside is a check with the fragrance of ink, and the number above is enough for them. The family enjoys a winter.

Old John\'s kind smile never faded, and he blinked his eyes and joked, "Of course, I just point to the annual Christmas red envelope for the elderly."

Yang Cheng laughed happily. The two walked through the entrance corridor where the lights were all turned on. The waterfall wall was also lit up with Christmas red. After entering the living room, the decorated Christmas tree was placed next to the fireplace. The presents, red socks hanging by the fireplace, and possibly a garland of mistletoe and holly, classic Christmas music on the stereo, jingle bells, and the servants are busy and happily shuttled in each room, a happy atmosphere Infect everyone.

The smile hasn\'t passed from Yang Cheng\'s face since he entered the door. When will he wait until he is unhappy at this time?

"Where is my dad and my mom?" After turning around in the living room, he gave each servant who came up to greet each other the most sincere hug, only then it was discovered that my parents did not appear.

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