Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 344: Mutual advantage

"Georgina? Are you here too? I heard that your father is already preparing for an independent campaign!"

Jamie Dimon didn\'t say hello to the two of them, but rather surprised Yang Cheng and said something that made Yang Cheng drop his chin.

Independent campaign means that Michael Bloomberg is a nonpartisan, but when did this old guy leave the Elephant Party? Why doesn\'t he know?

Subconsciously turned her head to look at Georgina with a calm face, and only listened to her reply with a leisurely smile, "Father does have this intention."

Yang Cheng lowered his head and smiled bitterly. He realized that he might have been tricked. It was wrong. More precisely, it was used. It was wrong. It could only be said that the two were using each other!

Quickly set up his emotions, sorted his expressions, raised his head again, met Warren Buffett\'s abusive eyes, and laughed at himself, "Don\'t look at me Warren that way, I don\'t know it."

Georgina bit her lip, slightly apologetic, and gently pinched the fine meat around Yang Cheng\'s waist, giving her eyes to explain later.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Jamie Dimon quickly broke the topic, "jason, welcome you, haven\'t your parents come?"

Yang Cheng took out the excuse he had prepared a long time ago, "Sorry Jamie, my parents flew back to Texas this morning, and I can only participate in it."

This kind of obvious excuse is no longer obvious. Jamie Damon can\'t hear it, but he can\'t pick it through. Otherwise, everyone will not look good. They can only pretend to regret and say, "It\'s a pity, coming tonight. Many good friends."

After a pause, I looked at George Soros before remembering to help introduce him, "George, this is Jason Yang, the founder of New Times Media, the son of Yuan Shan Yang Sen, and the outstanding young generation. You have to know him."

Soros’s face looked a bit vicious, but he was still very kind in private. He smiled and said, “I don’t need to introduce me to know this young man who has been in the limelight recently in Manhattan. The little guy has done a good job. When you retire, you must take a stake in your company."

Hearing Soros’ words of encouragement, Yang Cheng is still very useful, no matter how "cruel" his previous reputation is, but his position in the financial world is unshakable and can be appreciated by this financial crocodile. , But countless people dream of it. Although it is not exciting, Yang Cheng still forgot the little depression that he found to be used before, and said very happily, "Thank you, Mr. Soros, New Times Media welcomes your family in the next round of financing. Fund entry."

There is no need to be humble in front of these people. Just follow what people say. After all, you won’t be able to praise anyone easily when you get into their status. Once you really praise your ability, that’s Isn\'t humility hitting people in the face?

Soros waved his hand with a smile, jokingly said, "Just call me George. Your company is expanding too fast. I only do a small business now, and I can\'t afford it."

Everyone laughed, no one would really think that Soros could not afford to vote, the old stock **** is also a naughty boy, and then said, "He doesn\'t play and pull down, you can\'t forget me, Jason, no matter how many shares you release in the next round , Berkshire will eat it all."

Yang Cheng felt painful for a while. With this wealthy performance, he was about to catch up with the coal boss. Looking at the serious look of the old stock, he half-joked and tentatively said, "Warren, if you are really optimistic, it is better than I sell you the company. Right? Just give me 30 billion."

Several other people were unfamiliar with Yang Cheng and couldn\'t understand his attitude. They all showed surprised eyes. Aren\'t the young people very possessive? How can you sell the company so easily?

Warren was the one who was most familiar with Yang Orange among the people present, and he laughed after a little thought, "30 billion is impossible, 20 billion I am willing to take it all."

Yang Cheng understood Warren\'s meaning. The reason why he used a joke to sell the company was to see how much his company was worth in the eyes of predators.

Now it seems that in the eyes of the old stock gods, according to the valuation of the last round of financing, a premium of about 30% is worth the acquisition. This is enough, and the words of the old stock gods endorse him and lay a foundation for the next round of financing On a solid basis, if you don’t accept the $20 billion valuation, then you will not be able to play as far as you can.

The topic ends here, and Yang Cheng has said in a few words, this is not his home court, and it is inappropriate to talk about the company.

After Yang Cheng was polite with a few people who were not very familiar, Jamie Dimon sighed deeply, looked at Yang Cheng and Georgina and said, "No matter how many people join us this time, the increase in campaign funding will be It’s an indisputable fact, everyone must be prepared."

Seeing that the topic was drawn into the election campaign, Yang Cheng had the intention to withdraw from the discussion. This was not what she should have participated in, but Georgina was so stubborn that she couldn\'t move. This girl didn\'t know what to think about, could she participate in this matter randomly? ?

But he couldn\'t forcefully drag with brute force, so he had to bite the bullet and stay, but his eyes were low and he was not ready to speak at all.

Dan Webb replied, "Thinking that the Elephant Party only spent 100,000 U.S. dollars to make Lincoln the sixteenth president of the United States, but in 1960, a hundred years later, 100,000 U.S. dollars was only enough for us. Candidates appeared on the national television network for 30 In the last session, our Mr. Oguanhai spent a record US$2.4 billion to win the final victory. It is foreseeable that this election It will leave an astronomical figure in history."

It must be emphasized that the general election fundraising in the United States is different from other countries. Most of them come from private donations. The flexibility is very large. For donors, this donation is actually equivalent to investment. For presidential candidates, the risk is not large in exchange for the zz bonus for at least 4 years in the future, and the benefits are expected, so they are naturally easy to accept.

Of course, this money cannot be misappropriated by candidates at will. The agency that the federal government supervises campaign funding is called the "Federal Election Commission" (fec).

This committee does not conduct elections specifically. Its responsibility is only to supervise the fundraising and use of candidates, political parties and political action committees.

The "Election Funds Law" stipulates that political parties and political action committees must truthfully report the financial status of cash in stock, expenditures, loan repayments and balances on a quarterly or monthly basis.

Under the protection of the law, as citizens, there are many ways to get candidates to collect campaign funds. People can request access to the parties or the Federal Election Commission (the relevant information of elected local officials is the local corresponding agency), which is also convenient To obtain detailed information from related websites such as the Federal Election Commission, it is almost impossible to embezzle donations without being discovered. A considerable part of the failure of the future Mrs. Zipton lies in this point.

Therefore, the money for the US election must be spent, and the key is whether the money is worth it. The reason why Jamie Dimon raised this topic is also to test the attitude of several main donors, whether they are willing to pay this high price!

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