Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 330: Start moving

The birthday party went smoothly. Yang Sen and Liu Yun, as the host of the party, announced the start on the stage, and then joined the carnival army. Through the hotel, the local aborigines were invited to dance skirt dances on the beach, regardless of age or status. Everyone joined hands in a circle around the bonfire. The whole beach was filled with laughter and unique Canary ballads. Undoubtedly, Liu Yun was the happiest tonight. Although her personality is quiet, there are friends and relatives gathering. A piece to celebrate her birthday, with a happy smile always on her face.

Yang Cheng seized the opportunity to sneak out while everyone was scattered and enjoying the barbecue. He didn\'t forget that there were more important things waiting for him to do, but when he was walking around the hotel, he didn\'t forget to sit on the grill. He took a bunch of chicken wings. He hadn\'t eaten yet tonight.

The yacht marina is not far from the resort, but not too close. In order to avoid eyeliner as much as possible, Yang Cheng rented a bicycle in advance and placed it in the parking lot. He spit out bones casually, pedaled the bicycle and galloped towards the marina. go with.

"Stop! This place is temporarily closed, no outsiders can enter!"

Yang Cheng huffed and kicked near the pier. Before he could approach the yacht, he was stopped by a bodyguard hiding in the dark. At the same time, there were two black muzzles facing him.

"Don\'t be nervous, it\'s your boss."

The berth where the yacht is located is far from the entrance of the pier, there is not even a street light, the moonlight is dim, and it is pitch black. Of course, this is a good cover for Hansen and their handling work, but the bodyguards can’t distinguish clearly. Who is the comer?

Yang Cheng also understood this, and was very satisfied with their vigilance. He spoke softly and said his identity. Two black bodyguards who could only see the whites of their eyes in the dark night came up, and after carefully distinguishing them, they quickly saluted and said hello, "sorry, Boss, I don’t know it’s you."

"It\'s okay, you guys are doing very well, how is it? Nothing happened, right?" Yang Cheng got off the bicycle and threw the car on the side of the road casually, pointing in a direction where he could not see anything except for the sound. Asked.

One of the two secret whistle bodyguards replied, "Boss, everything is going well, but a yacht owner from a nearby berth came over just now, as if to fetch something, but left soon, so we were 10 minutes behind the scheduled start time. ."

Accidents happen anytime and anywhere, this kind of little situation Yang Cheng is still not upset, nodded and said, "Okay, I will take a look. You two have worked hard, and the benefits of turning back are indispensable for you."

"Thank you boss, I will inform over there, boss can rest assured."

"How many outposts did you arrange?" Yang Orange asked casually after walking a few steps.

The black bodyguard flashed a mouthful of white teeth and smiled, "Three, a machine gunner is arranged at the commanding heights. Unless a tank is used to charge, it is guaranteed that even a bird will not fly up."

Yang Cheng didn\'t have the consciousness of killing chickens with a sledgehammer. Such an important "goods" cannot be overly cautious.

Satisfied they waved their hands, motioned them to go back to the sentry, and shook their hands leisurely.

However, before Yang Cheng approached the yacht, he saw Hansen\'s tall body rushing out of the shady.

"Boss, you came just right, something happened in the UK."

Yang Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and waited for Hansen to rush over before asking, "What happened? Eiffel\'s gang attacked the manor?"

"That’s not true, they should not have the guts, but boss, didn’t you let me monitor the Eiffel gang? It was safe for the past few days, but this morning, the group suddenly drove north and arrived in Leeds this morning. They dispersed because we were short of manpower, so we could only stare at Eiffel and one of the brawny men, and found that they went into and out of the hardware store several times. This phenomenon was a bit abnormal. Obviously, they were ready to act, so I rushed over to notify you. "

Yang Cheng remembered the call with Eiffel five days ago, and raised his hand to interrupt, "Wait, is the Earl of Edmond family in Leeds?"

Hansen thought for a while, "It seems so, yes, it\'s just that Edmond is now living in London and his family is staying in Leeds. Did the Eiffel group go to the earl\'s family? Then should we remind He is on guard?"

Yang Cheng heard Hansen affirmed his guess, and suddenly became less nervous. It didn\'t matter to him anyway, and said with a smile, "Reminder? What to pay attention to? This is just our guess. Besides, even if we are kind People may not be willing to listen."

He hadn’t sent anyone to go down the rock. Edmond was at William’s family banquet, but he did not pit him. The fire was still in his heart, and his face was so uncomfortable that he almost disfigured him. .

It’s just that I didn’t expect such a coincidence that the earl whom the Eiffel gang was looking at turned out to be his own enemy. It can only be considered bad luck for Edmond. Facts have proved that doing bad things will lead to retribution.

Hansen shut his mouth tightly, looking at Yang Cheng\'s gloomy smile, he couldn\'t help but shudder. He felt that he couldn\'t offend smart people in this life, especially rich smart people. It\'s terrible to be calculated behind the scenes. It\'s totally impossible to guard against.

"Send some more people over and nail the Eiffel gang to me. No matter what they do, we don\'t participate, just observe and monitor, and don\'t do the rest. Wait for my further instructions, understand?" Yang Cheng sneered Ordered.

Hansen nodded again and again, "Understood, boss, I will make arrangements."

"Well, no hurry, wait until I\'m gone, and then move the goods safely. This is the most important thing right now."

"Boss, do I need to go with the plane?" Hansen hesitated and asked softly.

Yang Cheng thought for a while, there should be personal bodyguards of his grandfather and grandfather, there should be no problems, "You don\'t have to follow, you have been working hard recently, Andrew is almost done in Korea and will be back soon. help you."

Hansen scratched the back of his head in a naive manner, "It\'s not hard, I feel at ease when I\'m busy, otherwise, although I can enjoy living a heavenly life with the boss every day, my bones will rust after a long time."

Yang Cheng laughed and patted Hansen on the shoulder, "You, don\'t expect me to have a big deal. It means that my safety is threatened. Do you think this is a good thing?"

"Indeed, anyway, I will fight where you refer to the boss, it is absolutely unambiguous."

Yang Cheng was a little uncomfortable with Hansen\'s loyal actions. Is this still the taciturn and clean Hansen before? He recently discovered that the people around him have changed quite a lot, no matter what personality they are, they have a tendency to flatter themselves, something a little abnormal.

If Hansen knew Yang Cheng\'s doubts, he would surely spray him with blood. It was not that Yang Cheng\'s own temperament became more and more weird, making people around them involuntarily worried, for fear of doing something wrong and causing death.

Of course, if no one reminds him, Yang Cheng himself will never find the answer. The authorities are confused, who would think about each day as the Analects said? Are you looking for trouble if you are not busy?

"Okay, all of you are really weird these days. Have the goods been installed?" Yang Cheng waved her hand, looking like she didn\'t want to take care of you, and asked as she walked in the direction of the car.

Hansen followed Yang Cheng quietly, and quickly replied, "No, it\'s too dark here, and you don\'t dare to use the lighting equipment. Everyone has to slow down, otherwise it will be troublesome if you fall and be seen by others. It may be later than expected."

"Well~ the start was delayed by 10 minutes than planned, and the handling speed was also slower than expected. According to our record, there were guests flying out of the island around 11 o\'clock tonight, which means that we only have less than 2 It\'s been an hour, I hope there won\'t be any mistakes." Yang Cheng said to herself slightly worried.

Hansen pondered for a moment, "Boss, to be precise, there should be only one hour left. If the guest\'s private jet takes off at 11 o\'clock, then at about 10 o\'clock, there will be a ground crew preparing on the tarmac to check the plane. Pre-flight conditions, refueling, replenishment, etc., if the other party’s tarmac is far away, it’s okay. Anyway, we use a fresh-keeping box as a cover, which will not lead to doubt."

Yang Cheng thought for a while and nodded, "You are right. I probably have an impression of that guest. His plane should be on the 27th apron, and the Yuanshan is on the 5th apron, which is about a few hundred meters away. , There are many obstacles in the middle, and when I leave the airport in the afternoon ~ it has started to fog around the airport, so the visibility is even lower, and it is safe for us to come."

"Well, I\'m urging the brothers to work harder and try to finish the transportation by 10 o\'clock to minimize the chance of being found." Hansen pondered for a few seconds, but still didn\'t dare to ask for it. The reason why the accident is called Accidents are because of their unpredictability. If the future can be predicted, there will be no accidents. This batch of "goods" is too important to be sloppy or fluke.

"Okay, I\'ll leave it to you, I can\'t leave for too long." Yang Cheng didn\'t dare to delay here any more. He ran out sneakily. At the beginning, he could still rely on the excuse of the large number of people, but once someone specifically looked for it He can\'t see, that would be bad.

"No problem boss, you can go back without worry."

"Well, remember to call me if you have anything."

I watched the process of carrying a few bodyguards in place, then stopped staying and drove back on his bicycle.

After more than 10 minutes, I returned to the resort smoothly all the way, put the bicycle back to its original position, after breathing well, I went to the bathroom and returned to the beach. By the way, I ordered a cold beer from the bartender and started on the beach. Say hello to someone you know.

When passing by Yang Sen and Liu Yun, I didn’t forget to wink a relieved look to signal that everything is going smoothly. The next step is to see the performance of Grandpa and Liu Muqian. When they feel "uncomfortable", it depends on the situation. Depends.

However, Yang Cheng seriously doubted the "professional ethics" of the two old men, because he saw on the side of the beach where the two old men were fighting wine with the old guys. The shouts of Grandpa Situ were the loudest, and the spirit of persuading wine was like murder Yes, grandpa and grandpa want to escape but can\'t escape.

"Jason, where did you go? I have a good meal to find!"

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