Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 329: I wish you all a fortune!

Yang Cheng’s tone contained a strong sense of irony, but it also happened to play a role in alleviating the embarrassment. At least a few big brothers had a smile on their faces. I have to admit that Yang Cheng’s words make sense. of.

But at this time, Yang Sen stood up at the right time and did not give Yang Cheng a chance to continue, "Okay, it\'s all your family\'s words, ZZ is nothing trivial, and it is not just a few words from you that can determine the people\'s choice when voting."

Yang Cheng understands what my dad meant. The Yang family still can’t stand up without scruples. Even if they really want to choose sides, they can’t let go so easily. Since the donkey and the elephant both want to fight, they have to come up with actual conditions. Come, the higher the price will get, this is a very fair deal, after all, Yuanshan is not so weak that it is forced to be obedient.

"Aside from this, since you are cooperating with Roman on the oil project, you must have a plan to deal with ExxonMobil\'s suppression. Then we will implement it as soon as possible to help us put pressure on Delta\'s minority shareholders and wait for our success. When you get more than 35% of the shares, you can announce the reorganization of the Delta Air Lines board of directors." Yang Cheng brought the topic to the front of his eyes. There is still more than a year before the general election. Don’t rush to make a choice. I also took the opportunity to test and see if the Yang Family\'s attitude had any intention of leaning towards it.

Jamie Dimon nodded, "Of course, we have already talked to your father about the Delta Air Lines shares, but I want to know your further plans and what changes will happen to the company after you take control of Delta Air Lines. "

Yang Cheng and Yang Sen looked at each other and said truthfully, “None of us are professional aviation managers, so our daily operations will still be handed over to professional managers. What I want to emphasize is that we cannot ignore the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. The market, using our Chinese identity to enter the country Z market, is our greatest gift to Delta.

In recent years, the economy on the other side has grown rapidly, and ordinary people’s pockets have become thicker, and the proportion of outbound travel, study abroad, family visits, etc. will increase significantly, and the United States is definitely their first choice. If they don’t take the opportunity to get a share of the pie , God will never forgive us. "

After a pause, seeing the classic smiles of vampires before foraging appeared on several people’s faces, they continued, “And we will soon have an advantage in fuel costs lower than other airlines. Believe me, Delta’s 2o15 annual report will be very beautiful. , Don’t have to say what this means? I wish us great fortune."

"Hehe, Jason is right. The other side is a huge market with a population of 100 and hundreds of millions. Since we have inherent advantages and there is no reason not to take advantage of it, do we have to wait for our deadly enemy, American Airlines, to make a move first?" Konrad Koch I very much agree with Yang Cheng\'s words, and raise his glass to signal.

Yang Cheng nodded slightly and joked to Jamie Dimon, "Jamie, MG Chase has a lot of shares in American Airlines, right? When the stock price plummets, don\'t blame us for being cruel."

Jamie Dimon laughed up to the sky, waved his big hand, and said domineeringly, "This loss is not in the eyes of mg Chase. In fact, this is also a means of hedging operation. Both companies bet at the same time, no matter which one We can all make money if we have the upper hand."

Yang Cheng suddenly curled her lips upset, "shit, Wall Street is so smoggy because of your bastards. You have to put everything in, and you don’t give any soup to others to drink, and you have to wipe your shit. Ass, all good things are taken by you, we little ones are still playing a fart!"

Regarding Yang Cheng’s grievances, Jamie Dimon said he was also helpless, "Who said that we have participated in everything? We did not participate in your new era media."

Yang Cheng smiled triumphantly, and spit out bluntly, "That\'s because you don\'t have any eyesight, look at Morgan Stanley, you don\'t want to sneak into the village to shoot a gun, ask me to say that after the reorganization of the new millennium, mg Chase has been eating It\'s getting ugly, but Morgan Stanley has always followed the investment route, unlike you who have to participate in everything."

Jamie Dimon touched his nose, his old face couldn\'t hold back. At any rate, he was also a guest of the top of the world. Now he is "humiliated" by Yang Cheng, a young and rising star in Manhattan. No matter how thick he is.

Upon seeing this, McCobert hit the snake on the stick, staring at Yang Cheng with piercing eyes, "I said jason, you just don’t want to see you, Citi didn’t offend you, not to mention you’re still our most honorable Citigroup. Customers, how come New Age Media should bring us."

Now the entire United States knows that a baby was born in Manhattan. Since the rise of Silicon Valley, the days of Wall Street have not stopped. New forces in Silicon Valley are attacking them every day. People still have the confidence not to play Wall Street, so that these years Wall Street can only watch Internet giants such as Google and Facebook eat fragrant and spicy food, and they follow behind to eat some leftovers. That suffocation is not mentioned.

Finally, a new era media sprang out under his nose. A discerning person knows that this is an Internet media empire that can grow into the level of Google and Facebook in the future. He only hates that the new era media has grown too fast under Yang Cheng. Soon they missed the best time to invest before they had time to evaluate and analyze, and it is not too late to reappear.

Yang Cheng thought for a while. This matter can be resolved. Anyway, the C and D rounds of financing are in his plan. Who is to take to play is not to play? Citi\'s relationship is really good. Naturally, there is no reason to refuse, so he simply responded. Said, "This is not a problem. New Times Media\'s Series C financing is expected to be completed within the first quarter of next year, and the subsequent Ipo will also require Citi\'s help."

McCobert\'s eyes were bright and infiltrating, "Is there already a plan to go public? Don\'t I want to raise the D round?"

"The D-round financing has to see the capital consumption at the time. I think it is not a good thing to introduce too many shareholders. It is better to go to the stock market as early as possible to collect money, and I can cash out in a fair manner, otherwise my wealth will be a waste. There is no use of paper." Yang Cheng said of money, he became frown. Numerous big plans in his mind need money to promote, and he only has New Times Media in his hands, which can raise funds in a short time. With huge amounts of funds, he does not need shareholder urging at all, and no one wants the company to go public more than he does.

"No problem, Ipo is wrapped in Citigroup, and promises to sell the stock of New Times Media at a sky-high price." McCaubert\'s chest slammed loudly. He was a tens of years old, and he was not afraid to shoot himself to death.

A few people sat on the terrace and chatted for nearly an hour. At this moment, the sea breeze is slowly blowing in with the temperature of the sunset. The cozy and comfortable environment will always make people forget the time. Seeing the sky gradually darken, the campfire on the beach is burning. Zhengwang, the aroma of the barbecue is like installing a precision guidance system, and it gets into people’s noses. Now, let alone young people like Yang Cheng, even the steady bankers like Jamie Dimon in the past can’t sit down. Lived, one after another got up and walked to the beach, the birthday party is about to begin. . .

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