Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 331: Infighting?

"Jason, where did you go? I have a good meal to find!"

Little Lizi found Yang Cheng near the bar and shouted from afar.

Yang Cheng\'s heart tightened, and then she clutched her stomach, pretending to be uncomfortable, "Damn, I don\'t know what dirty I ate, my stomach has been uncomfortable and I just came out of the toilet."

Xiao Lizi didn\'t have any doubts at all, and came forward and cared, "My stomach is broken? Does it matter? Didn\'t go to see the doctor?"

Yang Cheng just found an excuse and gestured with a tie cup, "It\'s okay, I feel more comfortable now, you see, I am ready to drink."

"Haha, that\'s good, come with me, everyone is waiting for you to play the game." Xiao Lizi obviously didn\'t drink less, his face flushed with alcohol.

Just when Yang Cheng rejoined the rave party, in an ordinary apartment in Leeds, England, there was a fierce quarrel about him.

"Eiffel, did we just let that kid go? That\'s more than 100 million dollars worth of gold. If we get it, we will have nothing to worry about for the rest of our lives."

The burly man who was talking had a pair of triangular eyes that looked unusually awkward, and his expression was very dissatisfied and even a little shameful.

Unlike triangular eyes, Eiffel is completely a gentleman. His old clothes still can\'t hide his bookishness. Wearing Harry Potter-style round-frame glasses, he gently wipes the steel pipes and smooth steel pipes on his hands. The surface was polished brightly by him, glowing with a charming metallic luster. While rubbing it, he picked it up from time to time and pointed it at the hollow part of the round tube with his eyes, as if he was checking for transparency.

Hearing the triangular eyes, he chuckled and pushed his glasses and said, “We must be self-aware. There are some people in this world that can provoke, such as the Earl of Edmond family, but some people we can’t afford, such as the young Yang. Mr."

Triangular eyes don’t believe in evil, and angrily thrown off the screwdriver, staring at Eiffel sternly, and shouted, “Damn, because of your words, we have been delayed for 2o years, and now because of your cowardice, we have to give up. The wealth at your fingertips, risking your life to break into the earl’s castle, do you deserve our trust? If you can’t give us a reasonable explanation, we’d better part ways."

The movement in Eiffel\'s hand was stagnant, he raised his head and stared at the triangular eyes with that peaceful but extremely focused gaze. After a long while, he sighed, "I know you have doubts about my decision. It doesn\'t matter, but you have to believe me, that jason Yang is not annoying. Didn\'t I show you his information before I made this decision to give up?

The record above is clear. He is not only the heir of the big New York family, but also closely related to organizations such as the Chinese Mafia, and besides him are several killing machines that have rolled off the battlefield. You I feel that if we just add a few broken guns, if we really want to match up, how many chances will we have? "

Triangular eyes propped on the table, the blue veins on the neck violently glared at Eiffel, "Don’t dare to admit that you are timid, we are not as scared of death as you, you have only two roads now, one is to go back to London with us and find that The kid settled the bill and asked him to divide the gold bars obediently, or we would disband, as we never knew each other, you steal your earl’s castle, I’ll go ask for my gold bars, you think about it."

Eiffel did not speak, and turned to look at the three people who had stepped aside at the beginning of the quarrel. Seeing that they lowered their heads and dared not look at him, he knew what the result was and didn’t bother to speak. Anyway, he asked for nothing, because they Don\'t believe in yourself anymore.

It\'s just that he still didn\'t give up, and said tremblingly, "Since you are determined to follow Philip, I won\'t stop it. I just want to remind you at the end, be careful, you still have your family to take care of."

Philip has triangular eyes. He has a name like "Steak", but it fits his appearance, and he is as strong as a cow.

The small one of the three raised his hand like a schoolboy, and said weakly, "Eiffel, it’s not that we don’t support you, but we really need money. What kind of life has everyone been living these years? It’s not that we don’t know that we need this money so much to improve our lives. What\'s more, even if you don’t think about it for us, you have to consider it for your daughter? You have the strength to get into a prestigious school, but you have to give up because you can’t afford it?”

Eiffel suddenly exploded and shouted angrily to the little man, "You don\'t need to worry about my family\'s affairs. Is your head getting water? Or are you looking at the computer all day and fooling yourself? Are we here now? It’s a tourist? That Earl Edmond’s house hides countless treasures. Although I don’t know how much it is worth, it is definitely a considerable number. Could it be that you think an unarmed old guy is more heavily protected than Jason Yang’s. Guys still hard to deal with?

And we have already made a perfect With our technology, if we are lucky, even if we return to London, the Edmond family will not discover that the treasure is stolen. "

Philip said in a shadowy voice, "Eiffel, we didn\'t say to give up the earl’s treasure? It’s just that we don’t want to give up that batch of gold bars, which are ours. Now that they are snatched by shameless villains, we should take them personally. Come back! If you want, we can go to the earl\'s castle first, and then find a way to get the kid surnamed Yang to hand over the gold bullion, without delay!"

When he said this, Philip still clenched the punching bag\'s big fist and waved in the air, as if to cheer himself up.

Eiffel grinned and looked at Phili as if he was stimulating, but he couldn\'t say anything to blame. The reason is that all of this was caused by him. If he hadn\'t been cautious, he would have waited for 20 years. It will not cause Beihai Manor to change ownership, and that batch of gold bars will fall into the hands of others.

As for these close friends in the past, they were blinded by greed at this time, and it was useless to say anything. If that is the case, then according to Philip\'s words, it is good to get together and go away, and then each will be well.

"Forget it, I hope you good luck. If, I mean, if you have an accident, I will try my best to help take care of your family." Eiffel solemnly promised.

Fei Li was a bit disapproving, obviously he didn’t think he would miss, but the little man who spoke before said apologetically, "Thank you Fei Li, if we finally get back the gold bars, we will definitely have your share. You spend money to cultivate skills, and we will always keep this kindness in our hearts."

The other two also nodded, but Philip looked at the brotherly drama with a blank face, with a trace of disdain from the corner of his eyes, but it was just a flash, and no one noticed.

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