Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 328: This

As soon as Yang Cheng spoke, he lashed out at the Donkey Party’s current ruling policy, “In fact, whether we want to admit it or not, the United States is already in a state of fruition. If we don’t stop it, this road of failure will become even greater. Go further."

"You don\'t agree with Aoguanhai ZF?" Jamie Dimon asked very seriously. This is a very serious problem. If a Chinese American, an outstanding Chinese with social influence, he doesn\'t agree with Donkey Party in his heart. The political views of the People’s Republic of China will inevitably affect the entire race, which is unacceptable to the Donkey Party.

Yang Cheng was noncommittal, spreading out his hands and said, "Aoguanhai is a puppet. He listens to the lobbying of the consortium on major issues and can only find his presence on small things that are not important and do not involve the distribution of interests. This is the biggest failure of a president. , Because what he lost is not only the middle class, but also unpopular among the lower American people.

Look at Hollywood today, because of skin color issues, under the guise of\'political ~ governance\', falsification, this is just a microcosm of the false prosperity of the US economy. Ooguanhai’s long-term governance philosophy has made the entire US economy actually It\'s a mess. The average personal savings of a family is less than $1,000, and there is actually only one payroll from survival to bankruptcy.

As the middle class carrying the heavy burden of the United States, the per capita foreign debt of 60,000 US dollars, the middle class is about to go bankrupt, our comrade Guanhai is still in the mood to engage in LGBT, big~ma~ legal, and tear down the wall to welcome refugees from all over the world. Wait for extremely absurd policies.

These **** logics are about to toss up all the wealth of this country! "

Jamie Dimon and McCorbert looked at each other. In fact, don\'t others know what Yang Cheng said? Can\'t those American elites see it? No, they know, but they won\'t say, because the current good situation is the most enjoyable time for capitalists who live by sucking the blood of the people, why does Wall Street support the Donkey Party? In essence, the donkey party is willing to pay for Wall Street\'s greed.

The subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 has actually sounded a wake-up call for Americans and Wall Street. But the strength of Wall Street lies in the fact that they dare to tie the US ZF and the world to jump into the sea. Don’t want to die? Then take the money and save me.

At that time, in order to prevent Wall Street from collapsing, the Fed not only used taxpayers\' money to provide low-interest or even interest-free loans to financial giants led by MG Chase, for them to purchase companies and banks that were on the verge of bankruptcy but had countless high-quality assets at cabbage prices.

In fact, as long as you carefully read the bankruptcy list at the time, especially the banks, you will find that the giants that actually caused the subprime mortgage crisis are alive and well. The real unlucky ones are the regional interstate banks and who deposits in these banks. What? American middle class!

What was the unemployment rate at its peak in the United States that year? 33%! This is a very terrible number. One out of every three adults is unemployed. Are these unemployed poor people who are already poor? of course not! The poor have no food to eat, so where can they go bankrupt? It is the American middle class who originally lived in spacious houses, rich material lives, and happy families!

After Oguanhai came to power, not only did he fail to help the middle class, but because of his skin color, he overemphasized\'political ~ governance\'. At a certain stage in the United States, there was once a situation where blacks were regarded as gods. Friends are called racial discrimination!

As for the final victory of Big Mouth, it was actually a kind of revenge from the middle and low-level groups. After the general election, the editor-in-chief of the Atlantic Monthly, Jeffrey Gordon, interviewed former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

In the interview, Kissinger said: "The big mouth phenomenon is largely because the American middle class feels that their values ​​are threatened by the elites and academia, so they reacted. Of course, there are other reasons, but this is the main reason. the reason."

In this depressive atmosphere, Yang Cheng continued his attack, "Today\'s America is like a real and modern version of "The Emperor\'s New Clothes". The Donkey Party has been in power since it has allowed taxpayers to create the 2008 financial crisis. The moths on Wall Street paid the bill, which almost doubled the national debt of the United States, reaching the current debt of nearly 20 trillion US dollars, making the United States today a completely naked emperor.

In this way, there are some trumpet-blowing politicians and Wall Street **** who are praising the United States of Guoben. The mainstream media trumpets that the ZF during the Oguanhai period is the freest and most democratic ZF in the history of the United States. The performance of the brain will get retribution sooner or later.

Of course, I am not saying this to prove that I reject the donkey party. After all, I have to say that the moths, including myself and everyone here are members of the blood-sucking moth army.

I want to explain to you the fact that the Donkey Party has stepped on the middle class in the United States and they are bound to fight back. Don’t forget, who are the hundreds of people who really hold the right to vote? ! Are the elites of the middle class!

Do you think these people will vote for Donkey Party candidates who are trying to continue to **** their blood?

I think the answer is obvious, impossible! "

However, Yang Cheng knew that the other big reason for Big Mouth\'s final victory was actually the most important reason, which was the strong support of Jewish forces, but he would not say it.

From the perspective of a bystander, he has a somewhat abnormally big mouth in his behavior. As a shrewd businessman, like the little boy who tells the truth in Andersen’s novels, he clearly recognizes the problems in the United States and bravely jumped out to pick out the problem. Sore, the problem was raised, but what is ridiculous is that the mainstream media and politicians with ghosts in their hearts, for their own personal gain, relentlessly teased him, ridiculed him, humiliated him, and desperately surrounded him.

But it is precisely because of this that the experience of the big mouth aroused the sympathy and rebellion of the middle class. "If you are so to us, then we will vote for the people you hate, and you will be angry!"

More importantly, Mrs. Zipperton herself is covered in mud, and she has a face that others are dirty, which is a bit ridiculous.

Judging from the decrypted emails, it is an indisputable fact that Mrs. Zipton\'s foundation received money from a certain country during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Her husband, who could not control the zippers of his pants, was asked in an interview whether he had affected the Secretary of State’s decision-making. He confessed that donors often made some requests. As for whether to take action, the outside world was not allowed to do anything. You know, but you don’t need to think about it and know the answer. Legally speaking, this kind of behavior has violated the provisions of the US Anti-Corruption Act. Employees of companies or their families dealing with foreign governments cannot accept foreign government money or other things. benefit.

In contrast to Mrs. Zipton’s various corrupt transactions, Big Mouth not only participated in the election campaign out of his own pocket, but also publicly stated on many occasions that if he was elected, the annual salary of US$400,000 US President would not get a share. His “pragmatic” "And "selflessness" won (deceived) people\'s respect.

As for all the things he did not do his job properly after he came to power, spent taxpayers\' money, and went to his own industry to spend on vacation, everyone just smiled. This tm couldn\'t be more normal. The saints under the world have long died! Er Lengzi will always be Er Lengzi, he will not become the emperor because he is rich, he can turn two into three. God has no such ability!

Yang Cheng expressionlessly uncovered the scar that had just grown, and once again exposed the **** wound to the sun. This made the complexities of Jamie Dimon and McCobert, the creators of everything, extremely embarrassing, but They did not refute, or said they did not have the capital to refute. Everyone knew that what Yang Cheng said was correct, and they did not interpret the problem from a publicly known point of view. But Yang Cheng added himself to the critics\' ranks. Is there any reason to refute? Didn\'t you watch Conrad Koch and Abu both have a playful face?

As a close friend of Ooguanhai, Jamie Dimon still wants to explain a few words, "Actually, Ooguanhai is not easy. He has to balance the interests of all parties and revitalize the US economy in the cracks. This is his merit. , We can’t ignore it.”

Yang Cheng sneered at this, "I don\'t think the U.S. economy has recovered, and I don\'t agree that this is Oguanhai\'s feat. He is about to be in power for the 7th year. Liberalism is prevalent in the United States, and its presumptuousness has arrived. Crazy point.

First, the legalization of **** marriage, and then the passing of the **** toilet bill, which allows boys to freely enter and exit girls’ toilets, as long as they feel that they are girls, my god, this is simply unheard we live In primitive tribes in Africa? Will I wear straw clothes in the future? Put the hoop on your lips?

I am not opposed to freedom, because it is the legitimate rights and interests of the people, but freedom must also pay attention to the law and basic ethics. In the future, hooligans will enter and exit the women’s toilet at will, and then just shout that they are a woman, and they will be exempt from punishment? If this is the case, I suggest that everyone immigrate as soon as possible and leave this crazy country, because morality has fallen to such a point that it is already a precursor to the collapse of this country. "

This is not funny. The most ridiculous thing is that, during the campaign, Mrs. Zipperton actually promised to appoint Oguanhai as justice to fill the position of the dead Scalia. This directly stimulated the most sensitive level of American society. The last line of defense for nerves!

The United States is a country built on Christianity. The grassroots beliefs in the United States still have a certain foundation. The law is the most important cornerstone of this country. These responsible Christians know one thing. They think that the general election is not so much an election. The president, it\'s better to elect the justice!

In the United States, only laws and regulations will be enforced. Executive orders will not work. In a sense, who is the judge is even more important than the outcome of the presidential election. This will directly affect the future of the United States for up to four points. The political, economic, social, cultural policies and ideological trends of a century.

The Supreme Court of the United States is composed of 1 Chief Justice and 8 justices. The principle followed by the Supreme Court is the "five pass system"! The judge’s vote is often the last straw that crushes the camel. Will the grassroots in the United States allow a ‘sinner’ who puts them in dire straits and become the last line of defense for upholding the law?

The answer is simple: absolutely impossible!

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