Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 327: Force you to stand in line

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and made a gesture of listening respectfully, "So, what kind of cooperation was it that shocked MG Chase and Citigroup?"

McCobert fought against Yang Cheng and patted Yang Cheng’s hand, "Relax, buddy, in fact, we have already learned that you have cooperated with Conrad and Roman, and they have agreed to join Citigroup. Now We are partners now."

Yang Cheng felt his brain hurt, and said in his heart, "Damn, it must be the big mouth of Abu who is spreading all over the world, and everyone knows it. From the beginning, there were only a few family plots to the United States giant Koch family. , And now to put Wall Street in a carriage, what is this going to do? Shouldn’t this be a secret cooperation? Has it reached an agreement with ExonMobil?"

No one has answered his question for the time being. I listened to McCobert continue to say, "Delta Air Lines’ importance to Yuanshan is clear to us as outsiders. Therefore, in this cooperation, Citi and MG Chase agreed in principle with Yuanshan as The largest shareholder and major operator control Delta Air Lines, but we need board seats to ensure our own interests."

Hearing this, Yang Cheng mocked mercilessly, “Even the guys in Hell’s Kitchen know that Citi and MG Chase wear a pair of pants. Together, the shares will exceed Yuanshan’s shareholding ratio. Isn’t the right to speak in your hands? Do you really use me as a 3-year-old kid?"

McCobert was not at all moved by Yang Cheng’s angry attitude. He stretched out **** and gestured at Yang Cheng, "This is the second point I want to say. Citigroup and MG Chase share affirmation. If it is less than Yuanshan’s shareholding, this can be put into the agreement, but the voting rights must be in our own hands. Once we find that Yuanshan has done something that is not conducive to the company, we have the right to reorganize the board of directors in conjunction with other shareholders."

Yang Cheng stared at his father and saw that he had been smoking a cigar and refused to express his position. This bad guy can only be done by him, "Mike, I can barely understand the position of Citigroup, but Jamie, what does MG Chase mean? He owns about 5% of Delta Air Lines. Now, in conjunction with Citi, cede the position of the largest shareholder to Yuanshan, which seems to be inconsistent with your interests.

Not to mention the importance of the cooperation proposed by Roman, the reduction of fuel costs can indeed increase the revenue of the airlines, but this number is not surprising. For MG Chase, which holds thousands of trillions of dollars, it is just a drop in the bucket. To be honest , What do you want? "

Jamie Dimon didn’t want to sell anything. He pointed to Conrad and smiled, “The Atlantic Yard project that you discussed with Conrad, we already know that MG Chase has no reason to turn a blind eye to this big business that makes no money. American Airlines is just the beginning of cooperation. Through Delta Air Lines, Yuanshan can see our sincerity and lay a solid foundation for in-depth cooperation in the future."

"But you already hold shares in Yuanshan." Yang Cheng did not accept this statement. He thought that MG Chase was putting pressure on Yuanshan and forcing Yuanshan to go public soon.

"No, no, I mean full cooperation, not only in business, but also in other fields." Jamie Dimon\'s smile looked mysterious, and Yang Cheng\'s head was all messed up. What is full cooperation and not only in the business field? No matter how powerful Yuanshan is, it cannot be separated from the business category. Does he know that there are other areas of investment?

Wait, Yang Cheng suddenly raised his head, with an incredible expression and horrified eyes, passing by the smiling faces of the few people in front of him, he thought of a possibility, because apart from business, there is only ZZ, ZZ Since ancient times, it has been inseparable from commerce.

If you want to cooperate in the ZZ field, then these two Wall Street bigwigs come to the door, just to force Yuanshan to stand in the team, it seems that there is only this possibility.

As for who the two powers represent, everyone is unsure. Oguan Hai has repeatedly praised Jamie Dimon as the most outstanding banker and a financial expert he can trust. Wall Street has long been a stable vote of the Donkey Party, because the Donkey Party’s candidates are very good at drawing pie on Wall Street before the election. Moreover, the Donkey Party emphasizes centralization. A powerful federal ZF is undoubtedly a big deal for Wall Street capitalists. They are more beneficial, after all, capitalists need the support of ZZ.

And Jamie Dimon and McCorbert came to the door at this time, obviously they are preparing for the next general election. They are drawing allies for the Donkey Party. According to the unspoken rules of the general election in recent decades, donkeys and elephants Taking turns in power has gradually evolved into a trend. Now it is the Donkey Party, and there is more than 70% chance that the Elephant Party will win the next term.

However, ZZ has always been the birthplace of miracles. Before the results of the general elections, the donkey party must naturally do everything possible to build momentum for its candidates. Even if it fails in the end, it must be a good **** stick and must not let the enemy go smoothly. In the upper ranks, let\'s say they are full of confidence in their own candidates.

Although the status of the Chinese in the United States has not improved significantly over the years, it cannot be denied that the Chinese have gradually got rid of the low-key, weak, and unwilling style of the previous generation, and have slowly stepped onto the big stage, in all walks of life in the United States. The industry and various fields show the demeanor of the Chinese. Especially with the emergence of Yang Cheng, a rich Chinese man, the mainstream society has gradually become accustomed to his appearance on various media platforms. To a certain extent, Yang Cheng Has become a representative of the Chinese, how could such a change escape ZF\'s eyes?

When the Chinese began to face up to their status and rights, let alone, the votes in their hands alone were enough to make the donkey and the elephant pay the price to fight for it. I am afraid this is exactly why Jamie Dimon and McCobert came to the door. Because the Yang family can influence the choices of Chinese.

Moreover, the Donkey Party is not the first to come here. Compared with them, the unwelcome big mouth is obviously more foresighted. It has sent a daughter and son-in-law to try with Yang Cheng a long time ago, but for some reason, Yang The family did not respond! (It\'s purely because the river crab is making power, what else can there be, huh!)

Of course, the above is all Yang Cheng\'s guess, whether it is correct or not has yet to be verified. After a while of silence, he opened his mouth and said, "I heard that Mrs. Zipten has the intention to participate in the next general election?"

Until this time, Yang Sen laughed in relief, "What am I talking about, this kid is a ghost, do you still want to bend with him? You are lucky if you haven\'t been fooled by him!"

Although this doesn\'t sound very good, anyone can hear the pride in Yang Sen\'s tone.

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes. Did anyone say that she kissed her son? Besides, it is better than IQ. Two pieces of him are not Yang Sen\'s opponent.

Because of the very good relationship with Liu Muqian, McCobert treats Yang Cheng as a nephew in his later life, "It\'s really good, then what do you think? Don\'t worry about your father, he has to look at it from the perspective of your family. Question, you only represent you personally."

Yang Cheng blinked, feeling very entangled, whether he should pretend this 13 or not, especially since he has a mirror image of the future of the general election. This feeling of knowing the result but not being able to say is really uncomfortable.

When he was thinking, other people didn’t bother. This was not for Yang Cheng to answer simple math questions. The answer was quick and accurate. It involved ZZ and changed other peers. I’m afraid I’m sitting with them. There is no chance at a table.

After thinking about it again and again, Yang Cheng felt that it would be beneficial for him to be more forward-looking, and cleared his throat and said, "First of all, I want to make sure one thing, you all want Yuanshan or the Yang family to support the donkey party. right?"

Everyone nodded and laughed without saying a word.

"Then the question is here, Uncle Conrad, what is your position? The Koch family is a firm conservative." Yang Cheng looked at Conrad, the question was pure curiosity.

Konrad Koch held the cigar\'s finger and lightly touched Yang Cheng, "This year\'s Elephant Party candidate is not capable enough, and like you, I only represent myself."

"Well, in that case, I will also talk about my own views. I stated in advance that this is just an idea and will not be put into action. First of all, I must emphasize that I am not optimistic that the Donkey Party will win the next general election, even if there is The Chinese forces represented by the Yang family participated in it."

As soon as Yang Cheng came up, he set the tone for his remarks, that is: I am not optimistic about you, unless you give up huge benefits, you will not be able to convince the Yang family to support it.

Everyone\'s expressions were different, and surprise appeared on everyone\'s face at the same time. They did not expect that Yang Cheng\'s opinion was so firm. This showed that Yang Cheng was not optimistic about the prospect of the donkey party. A heavy pressure rushed towards Yang Cheng. Then, changing to another person, the cold sweat that had long been oppressed by this aura was even fidgeting.

However, Yang Cheng seemed very relaxed and calm, because he saw too clearly about the future. This kind of advantage is not something that anyone can compare. He already knows the result, and naturally he will not shake his opinion due to external pressure. In fact, before the results of future elections came out, even Mrs. Zipton herself did not expect to lose so tragically, the Donkey Party not only lost the White even the House of Representatives and the Senate. Keep it, the defeat was a mess.

Of course, even the most authoritative media, when predicting the outcome of the general election, the worst view is that Mrs. Zipton will be reluctant to lose, and then she will win the hearts of the people with a glorious defeat and strive to break the possibility of her opponent\'s re-election.

Unfortunately, after the final vote came out, the entire United States was wailing. It was incredible. It clearly won the hearts of the people. It clearly won the strongest support from Wall Street and Silicon Valley. It clearly has a stronger foundation for ZZ, and its opponents are even the party. Why is the result like this when the internal support is not enough?

Some people say that Mrs. Zipten lost to her husband because Zipten sent fruit photos to minors at a critical moment, and was stolen by deliberate hackers and made it public. This directly caused many firm supporters to shake. Own position

It is also said that Mrs. Zipperton completely lost to her pride and underestimation. The unscrupulous media advertised that Mrs. Zipperton would be the final winner before the voting started. This created an illusion that she would win without doubt. At a critical moment, she gave up going to her own ticket warehouse to boost her morale, instead attacking the opponent\'s city, wanting to commit a massacre and let the opponent be defeated, but the result was the reality of neglecting Jingzhou;

Others said that all of this was Oguanhai’s fault. In order to preserve his reputation, he did not forcefully take action at a critical moment-ordering the FBI to block the evidence of the mail door, causing the opponent to seize the loophole and attack it, causing Mrs. Zipton Lost popular support.

In fact, all the above statements are just a fig leaf for Mrs. Zipperton. The most important reason is that the Donkey Party committed itself to death during the ruling period, and actively abandoned the ballast stone of American social stability-the middle class!

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