Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 324: Arrive in Tenerife

The two old men, Yang Yuanshan and Liu Muqian, had completely different moods. They each held a fishing rod and spread out the telescopic terrace on the side of the yacht. They sat on the sofa and sipped red wine in the sun without talking, waiting for fish to bite. After the hook, the rod was closed cleanly and without forgetting to mock the other party\'s fishing skills. I didn\'t feel bored every day, but rather happy.

Oh, I almost forgot to say that Liverpool and Manchester United\'s national derby won a narrow 3:2 score. According to Yang Orange\'s reward rules, the players always get 2.5 million pounds of winning prizes, and Loew After agreeing, on the night of the end of the next league game, flying the Jason and Yuanshan to the Canary Islands to attend Liu Yun’s birthday banquet, it is also considered a leisure time, to provide players and players’ families with a short holiday to ease the fierce competition The mental pressure brought by the Premier League.

The five-day sea trip was fleeting. When Yang Cheng stood in the cockpit, looking at the Canary Islands from a distance, tears filled his eyes and almost fell. Okay, it was a bit exaggerated, but he couldn’t suppress his inner excitement. Yes yes.

After all, this man is a land animal. He can’t leave the mainland for too long, or he will be suffocated. At this time, Yang Cheng couldn’t wait to jump out of the sea and swim to the island in one breath. Of course, he just thought about it. Either sleep in the sea or feed the sharks.

Although the Canary Islands are administratively an autonomous region of Spain, from the perspective of the map, the Canary Islands are actually far away from the Europa continent, but across the sea from Western Sahara in Africa. The entire archipelago is divided into a dozen large and small. It consists of several islands, among which Tenerife and Gran Canaria are the most famous.

The Yang family deliberately chose Tenerife as the venue for the birthday banquet this time because there are more natural attractions on this island for invited guests to play.

In order to gain momentum this time, the Yang family invited hundreds of guests to Tenerife. In order to provide the best and most attentive service, Janssen signed two resort hotels under Ritz Carlton and Starwood. , Tenerife’s most famous "Golden Beach" is within the scope of the resort. When the birthday banquet is held, including the beach, the entire peninsula where the resort is located will become a private domain, and tourists are not allowed to enter.

The yacht slowly sailed into the harbor and berthed smoothly at the temporary berth under the guidance of the guiding boat. The white sails in the harbor were dotted with seagulls spreading their wings and crowing. It was a peaceful and peaceful scene. Yang Cheng couldn\'t wait to jump ashore and spread joy. Running back and forth, the feeling of being down to earth is wonderful.

After running a few back and forth, Yang Cheng thought about the scenery on the island, which is very similar to Santorini in Greece. The sunshine on Tenerife is very strong, so the buildings on the island are pure white and blue. Color, this warm-toned architectural style looks exceptionally harmonious under the golden sunlight, a bit more dreamy, just like being in a fairy tale world.

Similar to the planning of all islands, Tenerife is also the main road around the island. The coast is the most prosperous part of the island. When Yang Cheng and the others arrived, it was lunch time and the sun was extremely hot, even in shorts and short sleeves. , Can not dissipate the heat in the body.

The convoy sent by the resort was already waiting at the pier, but after soliciting everyone’s opinions, Yang Cheng did not immediately take the bus to the hotel. Instead, he asked the manager who followed the convoy to pick up the people to lead everyone to the island’s most distinctive feature. After having lunch at the restaurant and eating seafood for 5 days at sea, Yang Cheng’s delicate appetite was faintly dissatisfied and urgently needed to change the taste.

Of course, don’t expect to be able to eat here, the food here is still biased towards Spanish, Mediterranean style, big lobster and the like are indispensable, Yang Cheng deliberately placed an order for the meat on the recipe, and he can eat it with his current appetite. Next cow.

Yang Cheng\'s family and accompanying servants and bodyguards approached the 20th person, and the small restaurant was directly filled with the restaurant. The restaurant owner simply put a sign of suspension of business at the door and devoted himself to serving Yang Cheng\'s family. This posture can be done by blind people. It seems that they are big customers, and they are not a compelling Michelin star restaurant. It is obvious that if you make a lot of money, you can let it go.

All kinds of exquisitely presented delicacies were brought up one by one, all from their own family, so you don’t have to worry about so much. Yang Cheng directly served a plate of smoked beef and Iberian roasted pork barbecue combination, paired with Tenerife The island\'s special red and green sauce was eaten with relish.

It has to be said that the Yangcheng, which has been eaten in countless top dishes in Manhattan, really has a sense of satisfaction that is not inferior to Michelin restaurants from this ordinary dish with a price of less than 40 US dollars, mainly because of the large amount. How much resentment does the restaurant’s small family feel, after all, what a grievance it is to not be able to eat enough in the face of good food.

The "jingle" sound of silver tableware colliding with the disk filled the entire restaurant. Everyone concentrated on the food, so there was no thought and extra mouth to speak.

After eating hesai, Yang Cheng finally lost his troublesome appetite, wiped the corners of his mouth with a satisfied napkin, and restored his slow and elegant manner. He casually forkped the vegetable salad and ate small bites to relieve the greasy stomach. .

"Dad, how did you arrange it? What do I need to do?"

Yang Sen was waiting for his wife to eat shrimp. Hearing Yang Cheng’s question, he thought about it and said, “Don’t worry about the other things, just entertain the young people you invited. This time, there are entrepreneurs and wives from various families. The elderly are all arranged in Ritz-Carlton, and the young people are brought to Starwood. In the evening, you young people can enjoy the carnival without disturbing our rest."

Of course Yang Cheng would not object, and he was also afraid that some of the young masters who came with the adults in the family could not let go, that would not be in line with the purpose of this party.

"Then how do we get our goods?" Yang Cheng nodded and said that he understood and asked again that the issue of gold bars is obviously more important than having fun.

"Well, what\'s your opinion?" Yang Sen asked rhetorically without thinking about it.

"I can\'t wait to wait until the banquet is over, and fly back to Texas in advance on the grounds that Grandpa and Grandpa are unwell. By the way, Grandpa, is there a private airport near your ranch? Can our plane land directly without saving money. I have trouble flying to a public airport."

Yang Yuanshan has a small appetite, so he put down his knife and fork after a few bites, sipped the specialty scented tea drinks on the island, and said, "Well, the airport is okay. I have an old friend who should be on vacation in Miami at this time and borrow his airport. It is not difficult to use."

Yang Cheng slapped his slap, "Isn\'t this solved? When the Yuanshan fly over, let Hansen and the others install the aircraft overnight, and arrange for guards, there should be no problems."

"Be careful and don\'t let your guard down. There are still two days before the official start of the banquet. Anything can happen, especially the group called Eiffel. Once the dog jumps over the wall, it will definitely cause us a lot of trouble." Yang Sen was not at ease. Exhorted.

Yang Cheng nodded, "I won\'t let Hansen follow me these days. Anyway, there will be no danger on the island. Let him take care of the yacht. If anything happens, he will immediately drive the yacht to the high seas."

After speaking, he turned his head and asked Hansen at the table behind him, "Hansen, did you hear that?"

"Yes, don\'t worry, boss, death won\'t let people **** the goods from me." Hansen clapped his chest and firmly pressed the guarantee.

Yang Cheng laughed, "It\'s not that serious. Life is still important. After eating, you can take your brothers back to the yacht. Thank you."

"No hard work, boss."

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