Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 325: Celebrities gather in Tenerife

The airport located in the western part of Tenerife Island has welcomed so many private jets for the first time since its completion. Various types of Gulfstream, Bombardier, Dassault, Brazilian Industrial and other mainstream business models gathered together. It\'s a top aviation exhibition.

Perhaps due to the large number of hangars, most of the private jets cannot be accommodated. Most private jets can only be parked to the end, far away from the open-air apron of the terminal building, and separated from the roundabout by a net. Many islanders who like to join in the fun They drove past the airport and saw the elegance of private jets. Of course, taking a selfie with the airplane as the background is essential.

Yang Cheng hasn’t been able to take any time off these days. He kept going to the airport to pick up guests from the resort, and then returned to the airport non-stop. This time there was a bit of noise. It may also be the first time for Liu Yun, a newly emerging fashion demon. The reason for holding large-scale gatherings, the gold worshippers in the entire fashion circle and the scheming **** who scratched their scalps and moved closer to Manhattan, how willing to miss this excellent opportunity to show their courtesy, come together one after another, of course not everyone can join The number of invitations is limited after all.

Because the guests here are not all fashionistas. Most of them are business partners of the Yang family. Of course, Yang Cheng’s son-in-law is not a minority, and there are countless celebrities in the cultural and sports world. Few attached invitation cards, this is the goal pursued by those who can\'t find a way.

The islanders with good deeds made the celebrities they saw in the past few days into ppts and posted them on Facebook and Twitter. The Jay-z couple walked closely together, Wendy Murdoch and her little girlfriend made a coquettish appearance, Georgina Bron Berg brought the Manhattan daughters to the stage. These people who have always been media darlings gathered together. Can they attract the attention of the media?

This is because Yang Cheng has found a lot of long-tube cannons at the airport, making Yang Cheng unbearable. He can only notify the landing guests to come out of the VIP channel specially opened by the airport, and immediately get in the car to the resort after receiving them. Try to avoid being interrupted by reporters for invited guests.

Of course, for those who are pointing to the flashlight to eat, there are not so many scruples, they are eager for more reporters to fill the airport.

David Ellison and Xiao Lizi, who are relatively close to Yang Cheng, were the first to arrive. Yang Cheng was not polite. They were pulled to be strong men as soon as they got off the plane. Ellison was in charge of the second-generation son, and Xiao Lizi was in charge. Receiving celebrities in the cultural and sports circles, the two of them are placed there in their respective circles, and no one will not give face. Therefore, although the scene is a bit chaotic, there are no mistakes.

. . .

On December 18th, at 9 am local time in the Canary Islands, the equatorial sun shrouded the islands, and there was no shade of shade. Yang Cheng rushed to the airport early with two good friends under the stove-like sun. Liu Yun The luxury island birthday party will be held tonight. Today is also the most intensive time for guests. Therefore, Yang Cheng and the others dare not ask for it. The three people have made preparations with a clear division of labor, mainly directing the vehicles to line up. , Don’t get into the wrong car.

"Jason, it seems like this is the first time Mrs. Yang has held such a high-profile birthday party?" While waiting for the first group of guests to land, Ellison leaned against the VIP aisle counter, playing with him in an extremely white suit. Asked casually about his hairstyle.

Yang Cheng stood with her hand in hand and nodded, "Indeed, my mother is relatively low-key. This time, my dad and I forced her to do it. I also want to take this opportunity to call a friend we haven’t seen for a long time. Deepen the feelings."

Little plum is getting fatter and sweating while standing under the air conditioner. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with a square silk scarf and complained, "Jason, you have to prepare two for me tonight, no, four beautiful girls, otherwise I will never do this thankless thing again."

Losing friend Ellison immediately laughed and said, "Haha, Leon, you are too fat, can you handle 4 with your physical strength?"

Like being stepped on a cat\'s tail, Xiao Li counterattacked angrily, "Asshole~Don\'t say 4, I can deal with 6 as well."

Yang Cheng smiled, ignoring the two second cargo, pointing to the business jet that was taxiing on the runway in the distance, "Don\'t make a noise, it should be the Arnault family here, cheer up, if you two are today Drop me the chain and see if I don\'t crack your luan eggs!"

"Hey, rest assured Jason, I will never give you this opportunity. For the beautiful and noble Mrs. Yang, I haven\'t been hilarious for several days. I am in good spirits today." Xiao Lizi stuffed the square scarf into his chest pocket. Sorting out the shape carefully.

Not long after, Bernard Arnott and his wife Helene, followed by Anthony Arnott and his wife, walked out of the VIP passage one after another. As the host, Yang Cheng took the lead to greet him, put on an elegant smile, and solemnly thanked him, "Morning Good Bernard, Hailin, thank you very much for taking the time to attend my mother’s birthday party. It’s a great honor."

Bernard, who was full of silver threads, patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder affectionately and smiled, "Jason, you are too polite. Liu is not only the most important member of our company, but also in life. My good friends, just as we just finished London Fashion Week, the beautiful Canary Islands vacation will be convenient for us. This time we will stay a few more days."

Arnault’s wife, Hailin, looks very similar to Liu Yun, full of classical artistic temperament. After all, she was once a pianist. Although she was not familiar with Yang Cheng, she said that she was intimate when she spoke. Your mother and I are very good friends. You are her pride and you deserve to be a new generation of young talents."

Yang Cheng quickly said modestly, "Hailin, you are too rewarding, I am just Yu Yin, the ancestor of the alliance."

This is not a polite place. Yang Cheng quickly changed the subject and introduced David Ellison and Xiao Lizi to Bernard. Everyone is a celebrity. Even if you don’t know each other, you’ve heard a big name. Besides, they are all mixed in a circle. See, under Yang Cheng\'s deliberate centering, she quickly became familiar with it.

After sending Bernard and Hailin into the car to the Ritz Hotel, Yang Cheng gave Anthony a hug and hammered him in the chest, "Thank you brother."

"Don\'t talk about jason, you know, I like to play around the most." Anthony, dressed in cool clothes, shook his bangs and smiled indifferently.

He and David Ellison are familiar with each other a lot, don’t talk nonsense, there is time to chat in the evening, pulling the supermodel wife into the car behind and heading to the Starwood Resort.

The arrival of Bernard Arnott’s family seemed to have opened the valve. Distinguished guests came to Tenerife in an endless stream, Liu Muqian’s Chinese friend in Southeast Asia; the Yang family’s Chinese family with a lot of connections in North America; Shan’s board of directors, shareholders and partners; then Yang Cheng’s friends and the Liverpool team arrived.

However, the two who came afterwards made Yang Cheng very surprised. Abu and Konrad Koch came together. You must know that Yang Cheng sent invitations to the two of them out of etiquette. It was really unexpected that the two would give them. This face.

What was even more unexpected by Yang Cheng was that MG Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Citi President McCobert, these two big brothers actually took the same business jet and flew over from Switzerland in the dust, and brought Yang Cheng’s little boy. The heart was frightened. The two heavyweight Wall Street figures would never fly here to participate because of Liu Yun\'s birthday. Obviously this is a bit beyond the scope of the script.

However, Yang Cheng was not good at listening to the public, so she could only send the two into the car with doubts, and then called her dad without daring to delay for a moment. These two were sneezing and the global economy was shaking three times. Existence, the journey is calculated in seconds, if they say they have no purpose, they don\'t believe in killing Yang Orange.

Time does not allow him to think too much. There are too many guests, some of whom he does not know, so he can only temporarily put aside his suspicion and deal with the immediate matter well.

Towards noon, Yang Cheng’s baby sister, Situ Yanran, who was in a pale pink floral tube top tulle dress like a fairy descending to the earth, stepped on golden high heels and held Grandpa Situ out of the VIP channel, again bringing Yang Cheng a big surprise I don’t know how many years ago Grandpa Situ left Hawaii last time.

Grandpa Situ still smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, and said with concern, "Little Orange, can\'t you be too busy today?"

Yang Cheng saw Situ Yanran hiding behind his grandfather and making a face at him, making it difficult for him to make a face. She quietly glared at the girl and nodded to Grandpa Situ, "Yes, there are too many people here, they are all big people." I can\'t neglect it. If my grandfather and grandfather know that you are here, they will definitely be crazy about joy. Your old friends have also come a lot. This time they must have a good gathering."

"Haha, I know, otherwise I won\'t fly over specially. Okay, I won\'t delay you. Send someone to see your grandpa. Yanran will take care of you." Grandpa Situ laughed up to the sky. The voice is as powerful as Hong Zhong, and even David Ellison, who is used to seeing big people, can\'t help but look sideways.

"Are you worried about Yanran following me?" Yang Cheng said with a smile and sent Grandpa Situ into the car, holding Situ Yanran\'s round shoulders.

Watching the car go away, Yang Cheng turned and looked at Situ Yanran carefully. She was still beautiful, but she smiled a little bit more than the last time we met, and became more A little bit back to the way she was when she was a child, with a gentle substitute Situ Yanran pinned the wind-blown hair behind her ears and said softly, "Little girl, do you miss me?"

Situ Yanran\'s smart and dark eyes were full of affection, but she smiled and said, "I don\'t want to, Brother Orange, you are a big villain, you never know you care about me."

Yang Cheng\'s petting eyes joked, "It\'s all my fault. Don\'t be annoying if you call you every day from now on?"

"No~" Situ Yanran held Yang Cheng affectionately, opened her mouth and stopped talking.

Yang Cheng knew what she was thinking, and said helplessly, "You just think about that kid Wu Hanyang, right?"

Being pierced in her mind, Situ Yanran suddenly refused to follow her, pulling Yang Cheng\'s arm around and pouting, and said coquettishly, "No, who cares about him? He went to New York for so long, and he didn\'t even give a call. I fight, just like Brother Orange, are bad guys, and you all come to bully me."

Yang Cheng laughed secretly. Since Wu Hanyang was taken to New York by him, he has devoted himself to law courses. He doesn\'t even have enough time to eat, and he still wants to fall in love? Yang Cheng doesn’t feel distressed, anyway, this is his original purpose. If the relationship with Situ Yanran really stands the test, no one will disagree, but if you can’t hold on, don’t blame anyone for being cruel, it’s all That kid asked for it.

Of course, you can’t say that, and falsely comforted him, “He’s okay, he can eat and sleep. Although studying is a bit harder, it’s not a big deal to pay more for you. You, don’t worry about him.”

The little girl has a thin face, her fair skin quickly rises with a peach, she smiles like a flower and nods her head, "Yes, don\'t worry or worry, right, Brother Orange, before coming here, dad asked me to ask you if you are interested. Contract a sugarcane plantation in Hawaii?"

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