Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 323: Lock in Podir Bank

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Of course, to become a safe deposit box of global wealth, Switzerland\'s magic weapon is of course not only the secret law.

A more important feature of traditional Swiss private banks is the partnership system. Their operators must bear unlimited personal responsibility for bank operations and customer interests. This is the main difference between them and large financial groups such as UBS and Citigroup.

In other words, private bankers even use all family assets as collateral to protect the interests of their customers; on the contrary, if a joint-stock bank fails, their customers can only receive full or partial compensation based on the bank’s book assets.

In fact, it is very difficult for a private bank that manages hundreds of billions of Swiss francs to fail. If Wells Fargo Bank fails, then it will not be so lucky. If you think about how the subprime mortgage crisis came about, you will know the United States. Why don’t people want to make a deposit?

This characteristic of traditional private banks is undoubtedly very important for high-end customers, because their most important issue is nothing more than who will be responsible if something goes wrong.

The partnership system has an absolute commitment to the rights and interests of customers, and because the partners are a hereditary bank family, the bank is named after the family to protect the achievements of the past two hundred years and the reputation of the family. This responsibility is particularly heavy. Therefore, this kind of private bank conducts business. Will be very cautious and conservative, and this responsibility is positive for customers and banks.

This is one of the reasons why most Swiss private banks are unwilling to expand. Sometimes small is beautiful. The attractiveness of large banks lies in their market channels and purchasing power, while small boutique banks are considered to be more able to provide personal information. In those “small and sophisticated” private banks, customers will like the feeling of being cared for as family members.

The book "Small is Beautiful-Human-Oriented Economics" published more than 30 years ago by the British economist Schumacher is now receiving more and more attention. This book is regarded as a classic by many scholars, and people have gradually realized the small The unique charm of sophisticated enterprises, in fact, small independent private banks deliberately maintain their existing scale, both to maintain their traditions, and to determine their position in this fiercely competitive market, that is: only treat asset management as their own The main and even the only business.

There are many large banking groups and they are listed companies. The operating pressure can be imagined. Their focus is to maximize the interests of shareholders. Therefore, a lot of energy is used to manage financial statements and pay attention to earnings per share. It is really difficult to promote less products and more refined services.

On the contrary, because small professional private banks have a partnership system and their customer relationships are simple and clear, banks can concentrate on managing customers’ assets and put customer interests in place, and because they are "small", they can respond more flexibly to customer needs , More personalized in terms of service.

This kind of personalized service does not refer to warm services such as arranging travel holidays for customers, walking dogs for customers, and raising children for customers. Of course, these are sometimes very important, but it refers to finding a suitable investment method for customers.

For example, when the market is falling, some customers think that this will be a bargain-hunting opportunity, and some customers are only willing to wait for the next wave of upward trend to be established before entering the market, and truly personalized services should be tailored to customers We can make different suggestions for our risk tolerance, length of investment period, cash flow requirements, etc., so as to give customers peace of mind and peace of mind while seeking investment returns.

Compared with large banks, boutique banks also have a professional advantage. They know customers from large families better. If many large banking groups are good at wealth management, then ancestral business management or inheritance management is the ancient private banker. Our unique skill.

As we all know, large commercial banks rely on professional management. Once senior managers leave or retire, they will no longer be responsible for the results of their operations. It is conceivable that if wealthy family businesses ask them about the constant and sustainable operation of Hengchan, There is no doubt that some are difficult.

As for traditional private banks that have been passed down for hundreds of years, the partners themselves are billionaires, and they can "empathize" the needs of those wealthy and aristocrats. For customers who are also big wealthy families, family-owned private banks can propose more In order to ensure a reasonable asset management model to ensure the stable growth of customers’ family and corporate assets, and to pass them on to the next generation, perhaps only the rich can truly understand the needs of the rich.

This is what the Yang family and many Chinese people urgently need. With a market in demand, the private bank established by the Yang family in the future will not have to worry about not attracting deposits, and there are more than 3 tons of gold as reserve collateral, which greatly strengthens its own resistance. The ability to risk.

When an ordinary person hears that a bank has 3 tons of gold reserves and a bank that does not have any hard currency reserves, who would he choose to give the deposits to? This is actually the same as the significance of national reserves of gold, and it becomes a guarantee for stabilizing the economy and reducing the probability of bankruptcy at a critical moment.

This is the end of science popularization. So far, the Yang family has finally unified the concept of operating their own bank, which is to follow the Swiss traditional private bank system operation and strive to build their own bank into a century-old enterprise.

However, the problem facing the Yang family at this moment is that there is no suitable acquisition target. Two private banks like Long Ao and Baida are not within the reach of the Yang family. Even if they have enough capital to acquire, they will not sell. .

Therefore, the family discussed for a while, and after some screening, they finally reluctantly defined the target as a boutique bank called "Bodier". This private bank was established in 19oo and has a history of over 100 years. It is gradually going downhill. , But its advantages such as complete settlement capabilities and offices in more than a dozen mainstream metropolises around the world are more important to the Yang family.

Of course, the most important thing is the price. Although Bodier Bank is in charge of more than tens of billions of dollars in funds, its actual net assets are only more than 50 billion U.S. dollars, and successive investment failures and profit declines have led to a certain degree of trust in Bodier. In the crisis, as of today, Bodier has only absorbed less than 100 million Swiss francs in new assets in 2014. This means that once the depositary funds in the hands are due and withdrawn by customers in a short time, Bodier Bank will Facing a situation where no funds are available.

The Bodier Bank is solely owned by a small Swiss family and there are no partners, which gives the Yang family an opportunity.

However, even so, Bodier Bank does not mean that acquisitions can be acquired. Switzerland itself has great doubts about foreign acquisitions of local banks and believes that it will destroy their original financial order, but the market economy does not allow ZF to pass. Therefore, the Swiss Federal Central ZF and the Federal Ministry of Finance jointly formulated a series of provisions and measures to restrict foreign investment.

What\'s more, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, also known as FInma, is not a display. If you want to successfully acquire Bodier Bank, you must get the approval of this department, otherwise you will not be able to conduct business at all.

Forget it, if you talk too much, it\'s all tears. Yang Cheng thinks that grandpa is worrying about this matter. He doesn\'t need to waste his brain cells. When the time comes, he will have a directorship in the bank, and he can call himself a banker when he goes out.

Sunseeker, known as the Rolls-Royce at sea, pays particular attention to the comfort of the yacht. Although the yacht code-named 147 leased by Yang Cheng is a mass-produced version, it does not lose its luxury at all. The ordinary custom version of the yacht company, such as the modern and simple decoration of the Hyde Park high-end apartment, greatly relieves the possibility of visual fatigue. The white cashmere carpet, stepping on it, makes people unconsciously relaxed, forming a kind of home warmth.

After the discussion, the Yang family didn\'t move a place at all. The 3oo-degree viewing hall is an excellent place to enjoy the sunrise over the sea. Here, we eat breakfast while waiting for the sun to rise.

Looking around, a faint pink halo appeared at the place where the sea level connects with the heavens and the earth. It was a half-covered halo that seemed to have nothing but nothing. With a trace of imperceptible microwaves, suddenly the sun appeared. After the light, the sky, the clouds, instantly endured like a The shadow of the sun in the sea was obscured by the waves, and you could only see golden waves in the sea. It was still shining with golden light, and the whole world was suddenly illuminated. This kind of spectacle can only be seen by being above the sea.

In the next few days, there will be endless wanderings. To be honest, Yang Cheng does not understand the great minds of the explorers who travel around the world in sailboats. He is on a luxury yacht with a length of more than 4o. , As long as you don’t encounter strong winds and waves, you can be safe, even so, he feels bored. Those explorers have to endure the dizziness caused by the turbulence and adjust their sails from time to time to avoid being caught by unknown evil winds. Blowing off the route is utterly troublesome. What fun is left?

Don’t think that the sea scenery is a kind of entertainment, except for the first time you take a boat. Anyway, Yang Cheng is a bit tired after watching the beautiful sunrise and sunset for two days. Otherwise, it is a blue sea. I felt that it was still the blue sea, except for the whales that occasionally surfaced to "show fountains" and ridiculed human ignorance.

With the idea of ​​killing time, I spend my whole day watching movies in the audio-visual hall, or just connect my mobile phone to the stereo to make a simple karaoke for self-entertainment.

Occasionally, he jumped into the sea and circled the yacht one more time, and he had to be always on his nerves to prevent sharks, whales and other ocean tyrants from taking his life. From time to time, he would get on the motorboat and go out in the wild. As long as you jump into the water, you can\'t fall dead.

Then there is sleep. There is no fixed time at all. I sleep when tired, eat when I wake up, play in the sea when I am full, and go back to sleep. Such a repetitive "decadent" life almost made my family think that he was sick again. ()

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