Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 304: Gold, a lot of gold (2)

"Gold, a lot of gold!"

Yang Cheng stared at the golden patch of gold in front of him, and swallowed unconsciously, only then did he understand the true meaning of the maid\'s words just now.

Just led by the maid to the side of the castle, where the indoor swimming pool and the flower room were, all the servants who received the news rushed over first, whispering around the dry swimming pool, and when Yang Cheng walked in, He closed his mouth subconsciously, but the shock on his face couldn\'t dissipate.

Yang Cheng stood on the edge of the pool with her shoulders on her shoulders, looking at the big pit that sank in the bottom of the pool and the piles of gold bars that were impossible to estimate. The whole person was in a state of complete daze. What the **** is this? Buy a castle and get gold? Although it has long been known that the ancient nobles had the habit of hiding gold bars at home, Yang Cheng never imagined that one day he could find treasure in the castle where he lived. Could these gold bars be God’s compensation for not opening gold fingers?

In an instant, Yang Cheng thought a thousand times, but he is now a billionaire. No amount of gold is as valuable as his company, and the meaning is far greater than money! The trance was only a matter of a second, and he quickly recovered his state. He turned his head and glanced at Carson. Seeing that he was still the serious face of Furui Bubo, he chuckled and instructed, "Let the servants go elsewhere to work. , Here is temporarily closed, call Hansen and the others in."

Carson bowed, "Master!"

"Okay, don\'t look at it, just go out to work on your own work." Carson is very majestic in the mind of the servant. As soon as the order was given, the instinct moved, Yang Cheng could see that some people\'s eyes flashed. The complex feelings are, to be precise, jealous! This is normal. If he had changed his previous life, he would now fall into the gold bar and be unable to move.

After everyone had gone out, Yang Cheng asked Carson, "Has the transfer procedure of the castle been completed?"

Carson shook his head, "Beihai Manor involves royal assets. Even if the prince decides to exempt all taxes and fees, the key is that this castle has a very good historical significance, so the procedure is more complicated, and it takes 3 days at the earliest."

Yang Cheng is worried about what Carson knows clearly, but because he is afraid that the final ownership of the gold is unclear. The best way now is to go through the transfer process as soon as possible and listen to everything. Then even if it comes to The Hague Yangcheng Accountable.

Soon, Hansen, who was notified, rushed in with the bodyguard team, "Boss, what happened."

Yang Cheng pointed to the swimming pool and let them see for themselves.

Hansen\'s movements seemed to have been rehearsed in advance. They looked down and saw Huang Jin dumbfounded and turned to look at Yang Cheng. After confirming that what they saw was true, Hansen said with emotion, "Boss, your luck is too good."

Yang Cheng rolled his eyes, isn\'t this nonsense, "I have a share for those who see it, and I will give Carson a bonus later, don\'t I need to say more about your current task?"

Hansen\'s heels came together with a crisp "pop", and he promised with a grinning smile, "Boss, don\'t worry, no one can take away a gold chip from here with us."

"Of course, there is no doubt about your ability, but there are too few manpower, do you want to drop another group from home?" Yang Cheng patted Hansen on the shoulder, first affirmed his confidant\'s ability, and then tactfully suggested. .

Hansen hesitated, and nodded, "It\'s really not enough manpower, why don\'t you just transfer a small team?"

Yang Cheng has nothing to do. Hansen is professional in these things. "Go call and let them fly over as quickly as possible."

After ordering Hansen, he pulled Carson and said, "Find two trustworthy servants who are responsible for counting the number of gold bars. Hansen and the others are only responsible for security. In addition, you can find a way to get Hansen and the others a batch of light and heavy weapons, I think This can\'t trouble you, is it?"

Carson did not live up to Yang Cheng\'s hopes, and nodded neatly, "Good lord, I will arrange it properly."

Yang Cheng liked Carson\'s answer more and more, and it seemed that there was nothing he could not accomplish.

Jumped out of the pool with a relieved smile, walked to the side of the pool, picked up a gold bar and weighed it a few times in his hand. The weight is about 1o ounces, which is nearly 3oo grams, and the size is between modern standard gold bars and storage. Among the large gold bars of specifications.

Specially made 1o ounces of gold bars is for easy handling and carrying. If according to the current state reserves of gold, a 4oo ounces of gold bar is about 16 kilograms in weight. It takes a lot of effort for ordinary adults to carry one. It is one thing to pick it up, the key is not to move it away.

Yang Cheng bent down and knelt on the ground, with his head sticking out from the cavernous hole. Although it was dark to see, it was even harder to see to the bottom. But assuming that the entire pool is buried under the same specs of gold bars, I’m afraid there will be an increase. Ten thousand roots.

What is the concept of tens of thousands of roots? Let’s make a simple math problem. 1 gold bar is 10 ounces. Let’s calculate the total amount of 10,000 roots. That is 10 thousand ounces. This weight is probably between 2.8 tons and 2.9 tons. If you still think this number is relatively general, then from another perspective, the Riksbank, one of the oldest central banks in the world, is also one of the central banks of other countries. Its gold reserves rank 28th in the world, with a total reserves of 125.7 tons. , And Yang Cheng’s white-collected gold immediately accounted for 2.2% of the Riksbank’s total gold reserves.

Looking at the world’s gold reserves, this 2.8 tons of reserves is enough to rank in the top 9o, and even close to many Eastern European countries, such as Hungary\'s 3.1 tons, Slovenia\'s 3.o tons, etc., and the entire planet is only There are only 195 countries and 30 regions. In other words, in terms of gold reserves alone, Yang Cheng has surpassed more than half of the world’s countries and regions in one fell swoop. It can be established in Africa with this batch of gold. Of course, this is a country. Just kidding, he wouldn\'t be so busy, he would dream of an emperor in a place where birds don\'t **** and lives are worthless.

However, leaving aside the strategically significant gold reserves, if only the value of gold is counted, it is the same. According to the current market price of more than 12oo US dollars per ounce, the total value of this batch of gold is only US$120 million. .

Then again, Yang Cheng didn\'t even want to sell it in the past. Suddenly a large amount of gold pops out of his hand. A fool can guess that it has something to do with Beihai Manor. He still doesn\'t want to fall out with the Royal Family. Therefore, this batch of gold is destined to continue to sleep underground for a period of time, at least, he needs to plan well.

To be honest, after the initial surprise and ecstasy, Yang Cheng, who had calmed down, was not surprised at being able to dig out large sums of gold from the ground. You must know that the most peak period in British history was called the sun never set empire. Because the sun never sets? That is, where the sun rises, there are their territories, and the night will never be seen. It is true that there are British colonies all over the world.

Especially in Africa, which is rich in all kinds of minerals and precious metals, even the old man of God does not know how much wealth the John Bulls looted from Africa. Therefore, a former British king had a shocking wealth in his old life. In a very pretentious sentence, it is very reasonable!

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