Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 308: 1 question after 1 question

The next day, Yang Cheng and his family didn’t wake up for breakfast until after 8 o’clock. It was still the small restaurant, and it was raining heavily outside. Yes, the rain yesterday hasn’t stopped until now, but it’s getting worse. There is a posture of submerging the British Isles.

Yang Yuanshan drank hot milk and sighed at the pouring rain outside the window, "I am afraid that this heavy rain will not stop half of the time. It seems that we will be staying in the UK for a while."

Yang Cheng finally slept peacefully last night. At this time, she looked refreshed. She could even eat a few more breakfasts. Although the chef in the manor is British, he is proficient in various cuisines such as Italian, French and Western. With sufficient raw materials, he played new tricks for breakfast. For example, today’s breakfast is not simple bread, egg, milk, but Spanish seafood porridge with Madeleine cake, seafood porridge and Madeleine cake. The high-sweetness taste blends perfectly, sparking a different and wonderful spark in the mouth.

Even Liu Muqian, who always prefers Chinese dishes, was full of praise for this set of collocations, and even called out the chef to praise him orally.

At this moment, a rare family gathered for breakfast, and it was very uncomfortable with the sound of rain rushing outside the window.

Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but smile when she heard grandpa\'s emotions, "Then stay a while, anyway, your ranch is taken care of."

"I\'m not worried about the ranch, but I\'m afraid that the night will have many dreams." Yang Yuanshan said vaguely, there is no way, there are servants waiting at the breakfast, and some things are not easy to say in front of outsiders.

Yang Sen drank freshly squeezed apple juice, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said, "Yang Cheng temporarily transferred a small team from home, plus the people we brought, enough to protect the castle, and it is located in a secluded suburb. There are no people in sight for several kilometers. No matter how powerful the thief is, you can’t infiltrate without disturbing the guards. Don’t worry, Dad, but it’s really a problem to put it in the pool like this. You have to find a way to cover it. ."

Liu Yun elegantly cut the bacon rolls. In the mouth of the small mouth, hearing Yang Sen\'s words almost reflexively turned back, "You are nonsense, you are not talking about it, all right, don’t think about it so much. To eliminate the possibility of a dangerous birth, it is better to take a good rest during this time and treat it as a holiday."

Yang Cheng agreed, "My mother is right, and I don\'t think you have to stay at home. You can go to London to meet with old friends and get in touch with each other. Being too nervous can easily arouse suspicion from the outside world."

Yang Sen has been stunned by his wife for a lifetime, and he has no right to speak at home. He dare to refute the leader\'s words? I had no choice but to dejectedly nodded, "That\'s OK, the weather forecast says it\'s just drizzle in London, and it won\'t affect our outing activities. Shall we go out for a while?"

Yang Yuanshan is a veteran otaku, and his network is in the United States and country Z. The United Kingdom really doesn\'t know any friends. "I won\'t go, stay in the castle and help my grandson tidy up the flowers and plants."

Liu Muqian is different. As a director and shareholder of two top financial groups in the UK, he can be described as having friends everywhere in the British Isles, and Liu Yun’s stubborn attributes are inherited from him, making jokes about her family is like drinking water. Simply, "You old guy, your personality is too withdrawn, what\'s wrong with getting to know more friends? Come with me later, play with flowers, and introduce you to a few people. They are all old bandits like you."

Yang Yuanshan was anxious, blowing his beard and glaringly cursed, "Fuck off, old fox, the one who is near the ink is black, what kind of bird can you call your brother?"

Yang Cheng smiled awkwardly at Carson, and hurriedly stepped up to make a round of it, "Grandpa, grandpa, you two should rest and talk about business. Who of you knows the helicopter manufacturer? I am going to order a private helicopter for use in the UK. For domestic travel."

"Buy a helicopter? Hmm~ This manor is indeed a bit biased. When I ask you, the headquarters of Bell Company is in Fort Worth, Texas. I have dealt with their directors." Yang Yuanshan took the initiative to take the task. It\'s incumbent to help grandson.

Yang Cheng said cheerfully, "That\'s great. I\'ll find another channel for the province. Grandpa, you tell Bell directly, I want their most advanced medium and large helicopters, and I must give them a discount."

"I know, just ask."

After breakfast, the family dispersed. Fortunately, Yang Cheng had the foresight and bought enough vehicles for his family to use. When Rolls-Royce and Bentley disappeared into the rain, Yang Cheng called Carson to him. The study, questioned, "Did the royal family live in this manor before it was sold to me?"

Carson thought for a while and replied, "After the royal family took over the renovation and used it as a summer residence, it was only in the early days. The Queen and her family came here a few times because they found it fresh, and then even if they were traveling, they chose Edinburgh or back to Windsor. In the small town, no one has been here in Beihai Manor for nearly 20 years, and only regular cleaning is arranged for the most basic maintenance."

Yang Cheng still frowned, "That\'s not right. Renovating the castle is a big project. How could there be no basement for gold bars?"

Carson said with a hint of speculation, "Before I came, UU read to help me familiarize myself with the work environment as soon as possible. He specially asked a colleague in charge of the castle history research work and asked for a structural diagram of the castle. It shows that the swimming pool was later remodeled and used to be the concubine\'s greenhouse garden."

According to Carson’s speculation, it was the workers responsible for the renovation that directly built the swimming pool on the base of the garden without moving the foundation, but Yang Cheng pondered for a while and shook his head to deny this inference, “It’s still wrong, the swimming pool goes underground. The excavation was at least 1.2 meters deep. Did King William IV dug 4-5 meters underground for the secret of the vault? How big was that?"

Yang Cheng is now in a dead end, and he is still unwilling to turn around. He has to get through the alley and go out. He is not to blame. If this doubt cannot be solved for a day, he will have to worry forever. In fact, he knows it himself. , No one would use such a large sum of wealth to set him down. The stingy British royal family is even more unlikely. If they found this gold bar and sent it to Windsor Castle to hide it, they would let them be buried for many years?

He wanted to find the engineers and construction staff who were in charge of renovating the castle and ask them clearly, what exactly did they do back then, letting go of such a large fortune, and finally making themselves cheaper?

I don’t know if he watched too many movies and opened his mind. Is it possible that the workers in charge of refurbishing the castle did realize the existence of gold bars, but became greedy to hide it, and waited for a way to unlock the gold bars. Come out for your own?

In Yang Cheng\'s view, this was the only reasonable explanation for the British royal family\'s ignorance. But at that time, those workers were really so patient? Waiting for decades and not ready to do it? One headache after another, Yang Cheng felt that he was going to be Edogawa Conan or Sherlock Holmes.

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