Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 303: Gold, a lot of gold (1)

"No hurry, there are still a few things left to you." Yang Cheng waved his hand and motioned Carson not to leave.


"You go to the Royal Bank of Scotland to open an exclusive account for the manor, which is managed by you. I will transfer a sum of 30 million pounds into it. This fund includes the budget for the complete renovation of the castle and the purchase of tools for the manor. Daily expenses, of course, the salary and bonus of the servants must also be paid out of the account. I calculate it and it will probably be enough for the next 2-3 years. Of course, if it is not enough, I will add it.

Yang Cheng is familiar with this set. In the United States, his Jason Manor and ranch are all handed over to White. In this regard, White has never let him down. I believe Carson will do more than White. outstanding.

"Good sir, what are the special requirements regarding the vehicle configuration of the manor?" Carson asked dutifully.

"No requirement. You don’t care about the vehicles I usually drive. I will purchase them separately. You only need to purchase the necessary vehicles for the manor. I will use the Rolls-Royce Phantom for my formal trips, and buy 3 more for use. The vehicle used to receive guests can be Gust or Bentley Mulsanne or Mercedes-Benz. It doesn’t matter anyway, and my bodyguard needs at least 2 Range Rover Range Rover. Look and buy the others." Sometimes, I feel helpless. In the field of top luxury passenger cars, there are only two brands to choose from, Rolls-Royce and Bentley. He is really tired of sitting.

"Understand the master, I will arrange it, then, regarding food, does the master have a taboo?" Carson took out his notebook to prevent himself from missing important information, and wrote down one by one. This is what he needs to know. Never allow himself and his men to make mistakes in the future.

Yang Cheng shook his head, but then said again, "Recruit me a chef who is proficient in many Chinese cuisines. I occasionally need to change my taste."

"Okay, I will get acquainted with the master\'s habits as soon as possible, so as not to make mistakes."

Yang Cheng said with a chuckle, relieved, "Carson, don’t be nervous. People who have been with me for a long time know that I am very open to people around me. As long as I don’t make principled mistakes, I won’t blame them for minor mistakes. After you go down, you can tell the servants that you don’t have to be too restrictive in doing things. As long as you do things honestly, I can still promise a stable future."

Carson solemnly thanked you, "I thank you master for the servants. This is their greatest wish."

"Well, I don’t need to be too serious. I will tell you a few words about the choice of maid. My biggest hobby in my life is women. Beautiful women. I’m not afraid to tell you. The reason why I choose maid is to have When you need it, you can be satisfied, so this candidate must be cautious. I don’t want things that hurt your face, do you understand?” Yang Cheng patted Carson on the shoulder, staring intently at Carson’s face. With the old face, as long as there is a trace of hesitation or disdain on Carson\'s face, he will immediately replace the housekeeper. He does not need the housekeeper of the Virgin to be by his side.

Fortunately, Carson did not disappoint him, as if what Yang Cheng said was just a very ordinary trivial matter, "Master I understand, I will carefully select the maid candidates, and then sign a secret agreement with her, so that she will not try Higher thoughts."

Yang Cheng smiled with satisfaction, "You are very good Carson. I hope we can get along happily and successfully in the next few decades."

"I hope too, sir." Carson bowed slightly, echoing without any mood swings.

. . . . . .

The renovation of Beihai Manor started from the outside. As for the renovation of the interior, Yang Cheng had to wait until Yang Cheng left the UK, otherwise it would affect his normal rest.

The entire manor is very active and wide, but there are only two large buildings. One is the main building, which is the main castle for Yangcheng’s daily life, rest and reception of guests. Behind the main building, between the forest and the backyard garden, there is another The main building is a small two-story castle connected by a long corridor. It is the servant’s castle. The servants including the butler live here. They also store the villa debris. The stables are connected to the first floor of the servant building. , 100 years ago, stables were equivalent to modern garages.

If you take a helicopter and look down from the air, you will find that the entire castle building is connected to each other in a deformed Z shape inlaid in the garden. However, due to disrepair, the front and rear gardens and gardens of the castle have become messy, and the shape is no longer visible. Wild flowers and weeds grow vigorously.

Yang Cheng wandered around in the manor alone, pushing each room away and inspecting it again. This was his territory, and it was necessary to be familiar with every inch of the corner.

Every time he met a servant, he would stop and say hello to Yang Cheng respectfully, which made him very annoyed. Some regret that Carson canceled the limitation of the servant’s range of activities. No wonder he followed the rules a hundred years ago, except for cleaning the castle in the morning. At the time, only the personal servant of the butler and the servant foreman can appear in the master’s living quarters.

From this point of view, those complicated rules and harsh requirements are not only due to capitalism\'s discrimination against the working people of the lower strata.

But in order to show his closeness to the people, he specifically ordered Carson to cancel this rule, only requiring servants not to show up at random when there were guests in the castle. Yang Cheng suddenly felt a little needless to do so and lifted a rock to hit him in the foot.

I visited the kitchen, the basement and the indoor swimming pool. Of course, the swimming pool has not been cleaned up and the water has not been released. He has no conditions for activities, so he has to go back to the study and light a cigar to think about Sky TV.

The occasion was wrong last night. I just had a drink with Edmond and didn\'t have the opportunity to mention the acquisition of the shares in their family. It seems that Prince William needs another time to discuss it.

It’s just a coincidence that Edmond’s family holds nearly 4.4% of Sky TV’s shares, which is not a small one, equivalent to one-ninth of his expected goal. He is very dissatisfied with the domineering behavior of suppressing profits and not allowing dividends. I feel that the shares are no longer useful in the hands. It happens that the capital chain is relatively tight recently and there is an intention to show gloves.

At this time, I was lucky enough to meet Yang Cheng\'s door. Sometimes Yang Cheng wondered if his protagonist\'s halo was too strong, but who cares, at least this 4.4% of the shares should be easy to pick up.

Except for Edmond’s shares, according to the data and analysis of the survey, the remaining shares that Yang Cheng may get are basically concentrated in the hands of British investment banks. This group of vampires are pragmatic guys, as long as they give enough excitement. It’s easier to talk about the price of China, at least than it’s easier to face those small shareholders who are pointing to the shares to eat. It seems that this trip to the UK is much smoother than expected.

However, if there were no turning points and accidents at this time, wouldn\'t it be equivalent to a trip to Britain for nothing?

. . .

On December 9th, London, which was finally sunny for a day, was once again shrouded in dark clouds. The drizzle of rain poured over the entire land of England. The coast of the North Sea where Yang Cheng is located is no exception, and because of its location by the sea, water vapor Absolutely, the rain is a bit heavier than in London. If you look at the castle from a distance through the rain screen, the gloomy mystery will make people tingle, like a vampire’s lair. People are afraid to come close.

Of course, people in the castle would not have such absurd thoughts. In the morning, perhaps because of a sudden change of bed, Yang Cheng tossed over and over all night, half-dreaming and half-awake sleeping at all, and was bombed by thunder several times. She was so excited that Yang Cheng, who woke up early in the morning, shocked the servants who were cleaning, and her thick dark circles matched the zombies.

It\'s less than 7 o\'clock, the castle is full of bright lights, the servants are busy cleaning the temporarily unoccupied area in the castle, and Yang Cheng is sitting leisurely at the head of the long table in the small restaurant, acting as a master, breakfast It is the simplest butter bread with fried eggs, and occasionally a sip of hot milk, the stomach is warm, and then I feel alive.

Carson had been waiting behind him, and seeing the milk in the Yang Cheng cup bottomed out, he immediately refilled Yang Cheng with the oversized stainless steel vacuum flask.

This small restaurant is for the owner’s usual use. The large restaurant is generally not opened except for guests, so the decoration style is more life-like, not as solemn as other areas in the castle, and it looks more cozy. It is newly installed on the wall of Yang Cheng On the TV, the price tag attached to it hadn\'t had time to take it off. I thought it was only installed yesterday. Carson, the housekeeper, wanted everything to be comprehensive, so that Yang Cheng would not be dull when eating.

At this time, a program called BBC Breakfast is being broadcast on TV. It is similar to Good Morning America\'s status in the United States. It covers current affairs, entertainment and sports, business news and other fields. It is the highest-rated morning program in the UK.

Yang Cheng puts butter on the From time to time, he looks up at the picture. Now it is playing the scene when the William and his wife set off to visit the United States and boarding the plane. On the TV, the William and his wife are waving at the camera. Remembering that the one million donation promised by William had not been honored, he quickly beckoned to let Carson come over.

"Yesmylord, what\'s your order?"

Yang Orange pointed to William on the TV and said, "I promised William to donate 1 million pounds to Princess Diana\'s Bereavement Children\'s Fund. This money will go to the account of the manor. You will pay the money as soon as possible and notify William\'s secretary. "

"Okay sir, I\'ll set off to open an account at the Royal Bank of Scotland in Shoreson in a moment, and make money by the way." Carson\'s voice just fell.

At this moment, a blonde beauty dressed in a maid costume with a panicked face suddenly broke into the restaurant. Carson\'s face sank immediately. This kind of unruly thing happened to his hands, which really made him face. Sweeping the floor, just about to scold, the maid pointed outside the restaurant and yelled to Yang Cheng and Carson anxiously, "Master, Mr. Carson, go and take a look. The swimming pool floor suddenly collapsed, inside~ inside is~"

Knowing that something big happened, Carson didn\'t scold it anymore, but said with a calm face, "Don\'t worry, speak slowly, what is it?"

The maid swallowed, her breathing became rapid, and she looked at Yang Cheng and Carson in disbelief and said, "Gold, a lot of gold."

Yang Cheng was stunned. This was the former residence of the king. It was normal to have hidden wealth, but he didn\'t think there would be much. Therefore, he ate the bread without delay, took a sip of milk, and gave a satisfying shot. After burping, Shi Shiran got up and stretched, and slapped his chin to the two Carsons who were waiting for his instructions, "Lead the way, how much gold can you have, it scares you like this."

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