Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 29: Li Renyuan

"Mom, I was wrong..."

   With the determination to die across the Dadu River, Yang Cheng got through his mother\'s phone, and before the other side spoke, he confessed his mistake first, shouting that it was miserable.

   "Where is the mistake?" Liu Yun\'s voice did not appear to be turbulent, as if she was not angry at all and did not care about it.

   But Yang Cheng is the one who knows Liu Yun best. This is precisely the tranquility before the storm.

   trembling lips, biting his posterior molars, and said whispered, "Mother, don\'t worry, I\'m fine, I promise, there will be no next time, you calm down."

   "I\'m not angry, why am I angry?" The voice was extremely flat, the battle was approaching, and there was a mass of death on the battlefield.

   "It\'s over, my mother is really angry this time." Yang Cheng cried repeatedly in her heart.

"Ahem... Mom, why don\'t you wait until I\'m done and take you out for a trip? Where should I go? Panama? Mauritius? Or Tahiti? Mom, didn\'t you always want to go? Dad, I know that I am busy with work every day. It is not romantic at all." Yang Cheng was very alert and tried to divert the gunfire.

   If you let Yang Sen know, you must cut him off.

"Little bunny, you are getting better and better, and you are still working on the unspoken rules? You are quite good, let’s talk about it, what conditions have you promised other girls?" Finally, the war broke out like a million masters A flood of steel rushed towards Yang Cheng. . . I can\'t make it anymore, it seems not suitable for writing fairy tales.

   Yang Cheng was shocked, and the phone was thrown onto the bed like a hot potato. Even so, 3 meters away, they couldn\'t stop his mother\'s anger.

"Wrong, mom, when did I engage in unspoken rules, slander, it\'s the **** Megan, naked slander, this is someone deliberately framed me, you can not listen to the villain\'s slander." Yang Cheng grabbed. Hair, crying miserably to the phone on the bed.

   "Come here, I don\'t know you yet? It\'s better to recruit me truthfully now, or I will fly to Korea now and wait to meet, and see if I will take your skin." Liu Yun threatened not to be moved.

   Yang Cheng is now a dumb eating Coptis and can’t tell. It can’t be said that he traveled here. Those things had nothing to do with him before, but your son did it.

"I didn\'t mention it before, but this time about Megan, I didn\'t promise her at all. She was purely instructed to frame me. Mom, you can tell right from wrong and call the shots for your son." Yang Cheng felt June Feixue, he was wronged, more wronged than his elder Dou E.

   "Go, don\'t interrupt, still call the shots, what do you do? Thank God if you don\'t go out to harm others." Liu Yun disapproved.

   paused, and did not give Yang Cheng the opportunity to continue screaming, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, quickly resolve this matter, or your mother will have no face to go out."

   "Yes, yes, I will solve it right away, don\'t worry." What else can Yang Cheng say, at this time, only following his mother is the truth.

Respectfully waiting for my mother to hang up first, and then lay down on the bed for the rest of my life. The cold sweat on his back quickly evaporated under the action of the air conditioner. The coolness of the spine made Yang Cheng hated Louis Lehman. .

   squeezed both hands, turned over from the bed, picked up the phone again and started the call.

   "Ellen, are you busy now?"

   "Busy, very busy, don\'t bother me if it\'s okay." Allen replied\'sincerely\'.

   Yang Cheng is dumbfounded, don’t you know if this is a polite remark?

   "Something, something, do you know the news about me on the Internet?" Of course, Yang Cheng won\'t be interrupted, just calling it.

   "Well, what\'s the matter?" Allen responded indifferently.

   "What\'s wrong? Don\'t you be angry? Your best brother has been framed."

   "Someone else doesn\'t know about you, am I still not sure? Didn\'t I have a B number in my heart? Why did it break this time?" Allen sneered scornfully.

   Yang Cheng felt that he had turned over a heinous crime in his previous life. In this life, he has come to forgive sins. What kind of people are around him.

   "I swear, I promised her nothing this time!" Yang Cheng looked up at a 45-degree angle, doing the last struggle.

   "Hehe, yes, remember to answer like this once you go to court, I believe the jury will have a different sense of you."

"Fuck, I don’t want to explain it. Believe it or not, I didn’t do it anyway, and there are people who are obviously proud of the black hand behind it. 100% is Louis Lehman. I want you to help me check the politics of the Lehman family’s close relationship. Characters, and their ill-informed materials." Yang Cheng hated it more and more, whether he warned or not, or he would fight back after he was rectified, it would be a disease in my heart sooner or later, and I must vent it.

   "Uh... Are you going to go to war?" Allen didn\'t dare to make a joke.

"What kind of battle? The children are playing around. You punch me and I slap. Don\'t worry, I know it." Yang Cheng shamelessly classified Louis Lehman in his 40s into the same age group as him. , The children are young and vigorous, and can\'t be hit. If you retaliate against each other, no one can fault it.

   "OK, I promise to find out even after he played it a few times at night." Alan, who was afraid that the world would not mess up, agreed with a grin.

   Hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng thought about it. The depressed mood didn\'t relieve much. Only after spending an afternoon in the gym swimming pool, did the stuffiness accumulated in the chest disappear.

  . . . . . .

   In the evening, Yang Cheng just swam 400 meters, drenched in a bath towel and walked to the recliner by the pool. The phone kept calling.

   "Hello, is this Mr. Yang?"

   "I am, you are Xin Zhengyi?"

   "Yes, good evening, Mr. Yang, did not disturb you?"

   Yang Cheng wiped his hair, lay down, took a sip of lemonade and smiled, "Hehe, no interruption, have you arranged a meeting time?"

   "Yes, if you have time tonight, Li Renyuan, vice chairman of Lotte Group, would like to invite you to dinner."

   Yang Cheng thought for a while, quickly settled the matter and returned to the United States, and agreed, "Yes, location?"

   "It\'s in the JN area, our lotte clubhouse, not far from your hotel. I will send a car to pick you up at 6 o\'clock."

   "No problem, are you back too?"

   "Yes, thanks to you."

   Yang Cheng noticed that Xin Zhengyi’s voice was filled with joy. Could it be that he was promoted?

   "The words are serious, see you later."

"See you later"

It was already past 5 o’clock at this time, Yang Cheng swam around again before returning to the room to change clothes. At 6 o’clock, Xin Zhengyi’s phone rang on time, and Yang Cheng took Hansen and took the laborer sent by Lotte. Sles.

   It is the evening rush hour. As the most prosperous city in Seoul, JN district is crowded with roads. The 10-minute journey takes more than double the time.

   "Good evening, Mr. Yang." Xin Zhengyi stood outside the car and bowed to Yang Cheng.

   "Good evening, please come down to pick me up." Yang Cheng nodded slightly in greeting.

   "This is what I should do, please here, the club is on the top floor, Vice President Li is already waiting for you to come."

   Xin Zhengyi stretched out his hand and leaned on his side to lead the way.

   Take the exclusive elevator to the top floor. The main color of purple is purple, which shows the nobleness of the owner, and the atmosphere light that has been dimmed specifically highlights a sense of mystery.

   After entering the club, Xin Zhengyi led the way without saying a word, Yang Cheng followed with curiosity, and Hansen looked around vigilantly.

   Turn left and right. After walking a long corridor, he stopped in front of a door engraved with a special symbol.

   "We\'re here, Mr. Yang, please inside." Xin Zhengyi opened the door, but the thick and heavy door that passed through the special package made no sound.

   As the door was pushed open, the light became brighter again, and a strong smell of cologne came on.

   "Haha, this is the son of Mr. Yang Sen of Yuanshan Capital, right?" Dressed up similarly to Xin Zhengyi, except that he was older and more aggressive, Li Renyuan greeted him.

Yang Cheng recognized him at a glance. In his previous life, when he browsed the news about the suicide of the vice chairman of Lotte, he deliberately searched for Li Renyuan\'s photos. He thought that within a year, the high-ranking minister of Lotte\'s humerus would fall. I felt awkward.

"Aniohasai, Vice President Li, I am honored to meet you, you are an elder, just call me jason." There was no time for him to think about it, and he took two steps to reach out and shook his hand with Li Renyuan. Say hello in a few Korean words you just learned to show respect.

   Look down on the stick again, but it cannot be denied that Lotte, as one of the five largest chaebols in South Korea, possesses several times the wealth of their Yang family. As the second in command of Lotte, Li Renyuan is qualified enough to be respected by Yang Cheng.

"Hehe, okay, I\'ll just call him by name. As expected, I\'m not as well-known as when I met. They all say that the heir of the Yuanshan Yang family is a dude. When I saw Jason today, he can be called a young talent." Li Renyuan should have won. The baptism of Confucianism, her speech and demeanor reveal an elegant demeanor. This kind of temperament Yang Cheng has only been seen in her grandfather.

   As for the grandfather Yang Yuanshan, in the words of his grandfather, he is a complete bandit, and he has nothing to do with elegance in this life.

"I didn\'t dare to be, the younger generation really squandered for a while, now I want to open it, this won\'t help my father share some of the work." Yang Cheng also did not shy away, and generously admitted the misfortune of these years, which seemed very free and easy to outsiders. , But only Yang Cheng knew that he was not the one who did those ridiculous things before, but he had only suffered it for generations, so there was nothing he dared to admit.

"Young people, when anyone is not impulsive, I also came here from that time. It would be good to be able to rein in the cliff in time. Let\'s go in and talk. I specially prepared Z national dishes for you. I don\'t know if it suits your appetite." Li Renyuan He kindly took Yang Cheng\'s hand and walked into the room.

   Different from the small rooms that Yang Cheng saw when he came to Korea, this suite is probably more than 300 square meters in size, including a separate reception space, a tea room, a restaurant, and a small kitchen for the chef to cook on-site.

   was held by an old man, Yang Cheng was very upset, but couldn\'t break free, let him pull it to the restaurant, a huge round table that could accommodate 10 people at the same time was filled with delicious food.

   Sitting next to Li Renyuan, Xin Zhengyi greeted Hansen to sit down a few places. After the four people were seated, the young and beautiful female manager smiled and asked for instructions, "Vice President nim, can the dinner begin?"

   "You can start..." Li Renyuan nodded against the female manager.

   After receiving the instructions, the female manager slapped her hands in the kitchen. The uniformed service staff held a tray and placed a cup of soup in front of everyone.

   "This is the ginseng chicken soup boiled with aged Korean ginseng. It is a Korean characteristic. Let\'s have a cup to nourish the stomach first." Li Renyuan came over and introduced Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng saw that there was not a drop of oil, it was almost boiled into milky white chicken soup, and she nodded, not to mention the ingredients, just the skill of making the soup can be seen with care, he does not believe that the other party will use milk to make the soup. Fool him.

   After thanking me, I took a sip from the spoon. The rich chicken soup scent filled my mouth, and the finest Korean ginseng astringent essence was all incorporated into the soup, as if there was a stream of heat running through my heart.

   You can’t drink much of this thing. Yang Cheng is still young and full of vitality. It would be embarrassing to get a nosebleed if it gets bigger.

   "Good soup, the chef has worked hard." Yang Cheng took a few sips and put down the spoon and exclaimed.

   "Haha, if you are satisfied, come and eat some food." Li Renyuan needs more qi than Yang Orange, so he has a cup of soup, and his face looks red.

   Li Renyuan’s warm hospitality made Yang Cheng feel uncomfortable, so he let go of his stomach and ate.

   Until everyone was half full, the female manager poured red wine for Yang Cheng and Li Renyuan, it was time to talk about business.

   "Jason, I heard the justice say that the land in your hand is going to be developed in cooperation with our lotte?" Li Renyuan shook his red wine glass, squinting his eyes and smiling like an old fox.

   "That\'s Manager Xin should have reported the details to you, right?" Yang Cheng put one hand on the back of the chair, turned sideways, facing Li Renyuan in front, seeming a lot more casual.

   "Well, Justice told me, but I remember that the land was in the hands of Tairong Real Estate..." Li Renyuan expressed his doubts.

   Yang Cheng glanced at the female manager who was waiting for him with a decanter, and wondered whether she was Li Renyuan’s concubine, and he could also listen to this occasion.

  Of course this is their own housework. He can\'t control it, and replied without concealment, "It turned out to be, but President Park sold the land to me before he was admitted to the hospital. His old man took great pains for the company."

There was a little admiration on his face, but his words turned black and white. It was obviously that he came to threaten, but when his mouth turned into Park Tae-young who took the initiative to ask for help, if this shameless remark was heard by Park Tae-young, would he be angry and direct When he wakes up, Pu Donghai is unlucky.

   "It turns out that Old Brother Park really wants face, and he would rather trouble you than ask old friends like us for help." Li Renyuan also learned about Pu Tairong\'s admission, and his face was sad.

  Yang Cheng secretly pouted her lips, and said in her heart, "Fake mercy, Tai Rong is not forced by you today."

   I was sad for a few seconds. Seeing Yang Cheng tasting the red wine without interruption, he secretly cursed the little fox. Li Renyuan coughed softly, "Justice said, Jason, do you have a better project to cooperate with?"

  I finally got to the point, Yang Cheng said sternly, "Indeed, this project is closer to Lotte\'s pillar industry than real estate development."

   "Oh? Then I will listen carefully." Li Renyuan raised his hand to signal Yang Cheng.

   With the smile of the fish biting the hook, he said faintly, "I don\'t know if President Li has any thoughts about the American Hershey Company?"