Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 28: caveat


   "Crash rub..."

"Fuck, shit, she is a bitch."

   80% of the new MacBook, in front of the angry Yang Cheng, can no longer maintain an elegant posture. The screen, keyboard, and fragments of chips are dead.

   Yang Cheng panted heavily, whip the corpse against the laptop in a hateful manner, stepped heavily on the back of the sofa, and started thinking about countermeasures.

   Just now, Yang Cheng returned to the room after lunch. Before Hannah was notified, he received a call from his father and asked him to read a piece of news on the Internet. Then the computer became like this.


   Yang Sen\'s anxious voice came from the phone receiver, pulling the furious Yang Cheng back to his senses, patronizing and venting, forgetting that the phone hadn\'t been hung up.

   picked up the phone again, took a deep breath, calmed down, "Sorry dad, I\'m a little excited."

   "It\'s not a bit, it\'s too excited, so something like this will make you lose control of your emotions. What can you do?" Yang Sen was very dissatisfied with Yang Cheng\'s immature performance, and criticized in a calm voice, allowing Yang Cheng to calm down slowly.

   "You are right, you will pay attention later." Yang Cheng apologized sincerely.

   "Alright, let\'s not talk about it yet, what do you think about this matter?" Yang Sen didn\'t hold on to his pigtail either, it was important to deal with business matters.

   Yang Cheng pursed his lips, "Obviously, Megan is a cannon fodder, and someone is behind it."

   "This is nonsense." Yang Sen showed no mercy at all.

Yang Cheng realized that this was nonsense after she said it. Everyone with a discerning eye could see it. No one instructed behind. Why did TMZ publish Megan’s revelations in the form of an exclusive interview and put it on the front page of the headline. I really think that the American people eat melon. Too much, too boring to care about everything?

   But since this news is placed in such a prominent place, it is determined to take the initiative to attract the attention of the people, after all, the word red sofa has disappeared for a long time.

The Hollywood red sofa can be traced back to World War I. At that time, when there was an audition, a red sofa was placed in the room. When an auditioning actor, regardless of male or female, sees the red sofa, it means you have to make a choice. I dropped my clothes and lay on the sofa waiting for the producer and director\'s luck, in exchange for the opportunity to act in a movie. Once I became famous, I still retained my self-esteem, and insisted on my own efforts to become famous.

At that time, the inconvenience of information flow has nourished the living space of this unspoken rule. After all, no celebrity is willing to admit that he has sat on the red sofa after becoming famous. As long as the celebrity does not say it, the directors and producers who enjoy the benefits will not. Speak out.

   This tradition continued until the 1990s, and then gradually disappeared.

   But in fact, the unspoken rules have not only not disappeared, but have intensified and spread to all walks of life, especially in Europe and the United States.

  Simply speaking of Hollywood, after the disappearance of the red sofa, there are so-called policies and countermeasures. In order to better enjoy the convenience brought by power, the big bosses have derived a broker system. What does it mean?

Engage in unspoken rules in Hollywood and implement a system that guarantees both parties to the transaction within the legal framework, which is the so-called broker system. People living in the United States, Canada and Australia for a certain period of time understand that in many industries, both buyers and sellers You can\'t talk directly, you must go through a broker (for example, the local tyrants of Country Z have invested in the United States and Canada in recent years to buy a house).

   is mainly for precautions. For example, the US police often engage in fishing law enforcement. Major US media and more independent investigative reporters will also deliberately throw bait to lure those big and public figures into the bait.

Once the xing scandal is exposed, it will be a series of lawsuits, huge compensations, and devaluation of the identity image. It is precisely because of the judicial system and the characteristics of news and public opinion in the United States that Hollywood\'s bigwigs are the most secure if they have the desire to be "fishy". The way is introduced through a broker.

   As for the strange illness, he didn\'t take it seriously. This kind of thing is vulnerable. If he wants to, he can crush the rumors by going to the hospital.

Yang Cheng is also furious because he is familiar with this routine. Judging from the interview with Megan\'s revelation, he didn\'t give back when he got involved. It\'s really unreasonable. No one can record every sentence. Right? She said that you had promised her a certain condition, but who knew if you actually did not promise?

   People have always sympathized with the weak. Once a xing scandal touches the body, it is like a leech. It is not fatal at first, but it will stick to you and **** blood continuously until you are ruined.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, the unspoken rules are all scums and beasts. In the eyes of big people, this Nima is the rule of the game. Everyone is playing. You give your body and I give you what you want, or name or name. Profit, fair trade, no one is dirty, but there is a kind of person. You obviously get what you want, but as your ambition grows, you want more. If you are not satisfied, I will raise the table. Everyone, don\'t make it easier.

You can only admit that you are unlucky when you encounter this kind of rogue. Yang Cheng is now unclear even with eight mouths. If the people behind him spend money to buy a few of Yang Cheng’s former 419 objects, he will come out to slander him. , Then he won\'t even think about turning over.

   Yang Cheng suddenly had a sense of seeing himself as Harvey Weinstein, MD, just a few years later, in the center of Hollywood power, how did Harvey, who was at its peak, ended? That\'s it! Familiar recipe, familiar taste.

   "But are you really okay? The photo was taken very realistically, and it looks really painful." Yang Sen suddenly cared.

   Yang Cheng laughed, "Dad, I was drunk that day. I got a headache in the morning, and I hit the ground a few times. Did you have that situation when you were young? How serious is it."

The photos attached to the revelation were provided by Megan. Three in a row. In the photos, Yang Cheng was curled up on the carpet in pain, but Yang Cheng kept holding her head with her hands and covering her face completely. There was no frontal photo, and she didn’t know. Is it because he doesn\'t want to offend the Yang family too much, or Megan hasn\'t taken a picture at all.

"Well, I have had it too, it\'s fine." Yang Cheng was relieved when he heard Yang Sen\'s words without doubt, or said that people can\'t do bad things, once they have been worried all day for fear of being discovered, Yang Cheng Although he didn\'t do anything wrong, there was a big secret hidden in his heart, which was more stressful than doing 100 wrong things.

"Dad, is it possible that Louis Lehman did this? The only thing we might offend recently is him, and the Lehman family has a good relationship with Conscart. They acquired Time Warner a few months ago. And Time Warner is the backer of this TMZ website." Yang Cheng was afraid that Yang Sen would hold onto this matter, and quickly changed the subject.

Yang Cheng’s analysis is very reasonable, and Yang Sen’s approval came over the phone, “This possibility is not unavailable, and I’m wondering if Lehman has discovered our actions, and for this reason, we wooed Conscart. Don’t forget, Kang. Skat’s headquarters is located in Pennsylvania, and their influence in Pennsylvania is much more powerful than ours. If Conscart really helped Lehman endorse and put pressure on the Pennsylvania prosecutors, it would be difficult for Catherine Kane. Withstand pressure."

   "Then they used my black material to make us feel overwhelmed?" Yang Cheng asked along Yang Sen\'s thoughts.

"Obviously isn\'t it? We are in trouble and can\'t spare our energy to take care of Catherine Kane. If I guess right, the next step is to get rid of Katherine Kane. Then they are on the way to acquire Hershey. , The last stumbling block will be removed."

   Yang Cheng couldn\'t believe it, "Then how did they discover that we were doing it?"

"I don\'t know, it\'s not important, it\'s actually not difficult. If they have a complete plan for this acquisition and the reactions of all parties are taken into account, then find someone to follow our family members." Yang Sen\'s indifferent words are stable. The role of the military mind, as if everything were under control, gradually eased Yang Cheng\'s somewhat anxious mood.

Speaking of the Yang family, it can be regarded as a disaster, because the fart is more related and dragged into the vortex. Lehman has nothing to do with the Yang family if Lehman does not buy the Hershey, but Catherine Kane is a figure that the Yang family must protect and must not be said to give up. Just give up.

   Compared with this matter, Yang Cheng\'s black material is nothing more than a shame.

   "What should I do now? At least now the news hasn\'t revealed my true identity, but has it spread all over the circle?" Yang Orange kicked the sofa leg helplessly.

   "Hehe, you know you are ashamed?"

   "Dad, do you still want to tease me?" Yang Cheng rolled his eyes, UU read www. uukanshu. com held his face as if afraid to see anyone.

"Don\'t worry, I think this may be a warning given by Lehman. Otherwise, we will directly point out your true identity. Our trouble will be even greater. Of course, this will force the Yang family to participate in the war. Man can\'t afford it either."

   Yang Cheng opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth in surprise, "No? Then why didn\'t you tell me earlier."

   "I just thought of it too..." When he said this, Yang Sen\'s voice was obviously lacking in breath, and his expression of guilty conscience was probably embarrassing.

   "I\'m fainted, so I don\'t have to worry about it?" Yang Cheng couldn\'t complain about Dad. She smiled bitterly and shook her head. It seems that she has been doing this today.

   "Wait for me to look up and give you a definite answer. I just thought that the news reported by TMZ will usually be reposted by many newspapers and periodicals. But this time your news came out and no one reposted it. Don’t you think it’s strange?"

   "You mean someone said hello specifically?"

   "I can\'t think of the second possibility."

   "Okay, let me know after you confirm."

   "Well, how is your place?"

   "Already connected with Lotte, no problem."

   "Well, you have also paid attention to safety recently, so as to prevent someone from going offline and jumping over the wall in a hurry, should I send two more people over."

   "I see. Don\'t worry, Dad, I won\'t use it for the time being. Hansen and Andrew are two of them. I can handle it."

   "Okay, then I\'ll hang up. By the way, I\'ll remind you. Your mother knows about it. I\'m so angry. I don\'t want to carry the pot for you. I will fill in the pits I dug myself, goodluck!"

   Listening to the busy tone from the phone, Yang Cheng couldn\'t even squeeze a wry smile.