Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 30: Empty glove white wolf?

(PS: I suddenly found a big bug in the chapter yesterday. I wrote a bit hurriedly and didn’t pay attention. It was the protagonist’s Korean language problem. After thinking about it, it’s too stupid to set the protagonist not to speak Korean. I have to emphasize that he uses it every time. English speaking is too long-winded.

Let’s just do it, the default protagonist can speak Korean, otherwise I’m troublesome to write, and everyone looks at it. As for the previous related plot, I will slowly change it when I have time. I apologize to everyone. This is Xiaopang’s pot. Once I wrote a book, many places seemed immature. I\'m really sorry. )

   "The Hershey Company?" Li Renyuan adjusted his sitting posture, put down his wine glass and confirmed to Yang Cheng.

   "Hershey Company!" Yang Cheng nodded affirmatively.

"Jason, do you mean? Acquisition?" Li Renyuan took a breath. Of course he knew Hershey. Lotte and Hershey still cooperate in country Z. Hershey is the second largest company in country Z. shareholder.

   Yang Cheng likes to see people who have never seen the world before, and laughs inside.

   However, he can also understand that Lotte\'s strength is much stronger than Hershey\'s just by the vain data of scale and market value. After all, Hershey specializes in food business, and Lotte is a chaebol-level enterprise that spans dozens of fields.

But sometimes the status is not purely sorted by strength. For example, Michael Jackson has a lot of wealth in his life, but compared to the bosses of listed companies that control tens of billions and hundreds of billions of market value, they are not in an order of magnitude. In my heart, Michael Jackson\'s position and influence have left those bosses dozens of blocks away.

Similarly, Hershey’s chocolate confectionery business is No. 1 in North America, and it is almost monopoly No. 1, with a market share of more than 90%. Lotte has no business to be No. 1 in Asia. As the second leader of Lotte Group, Li Renyuan Obviously understand this, so I was so surprised when Yang Cheng said that she would buy Hershey. Moreover, as far as he knew, Hershey\'s profitability was good and there was no risk of bankruptcy. Why should people sell it?

   Li Renyuan couldn\'t figure it out, so he could only watch Yang Chengzhuang 13 quietly.

   "Chairman Li does not know that the Lehman family of AB InBev is currently seeking to acquire Hershey, and as far as I know, Lehman\'s shareholding is not low."

   Li Renyuan was puzzled, "In that case, what else do we need to enter?"

Yang Cheng raised his hand, indicating that he hadn\'t finished speaking, "Chairman Li doesn\'t understand the inside story, and the actual controlling party of Hershey is the Trust Committee of Hershey...", slowly telling the situation of Hershey, Li Renyuan He listened very carefully, some things he knew, and some things he had heard of for the first time.

"So Lehman ran a few steps ahead of us at most. It is far from the time when the coffin is to be concluded. It is still too late to enter the venue. Don\'t forget, Hershey owns the shares of your lotte food company Z. Man’s appetite, the next step is to annex Lotte’s country Z business, President Li, time is not waiting."

   Yang Cheng took a sip of red wine and summed up his speech. Seeing Li Renyuan fell into deep thought, he did not urge him, picking up his chopsticks and eating again.

   Li Renyuan didn\'t mind. The purpose of discussing things at the dinner table is to relax, and the atmosphere is good. Otherwise, it is better to go to the meeting room to talk meticulously in suits and shoes.

   "Since Jason is your intention, you must have a plan ready?" Li Renyuan asked this question, which meant he was interested.

   If you are interested, just continue to talk about it. I\'m afraid that he won\'t be tempted. Then what he said is useless.

   "Of course, the plan is ready, just wait for Chairman Li to nod." Yang Cheng put down his chopsticks and looked at Li Renyuan with a smile.

   Li Renyuan pondered for a moment and wondered, "I don\'t understand, you Yuanshan has never been involved in the food business, and the acquisition of Hershey is not in line with the purpose of Yuanshan Capital. What is the purpose of your active joint lotte acquisition of Hershey?"

   The old fox won\'t take the bait easily. The fox is extremely cunning, without sufficient assurance, it will never put itself in danger for the prey.

Of course, whether there are other reasons for this, Yang Cheng doesn’t know. He just guessed that the Xin family’s internal fighting has reached a fierce stage. At this time, it will expand to the United States and have to face Lehman, a behemoth. Li Renyuan has some scruples.

"Chairman Li has been worried. Our family has a personal conflict with Lehman. The acquisition of Hershey is mainly based on lotte, and there is no interest issue. So far, Yuanshan has no plans to expand into the food industry. You can rest assured that Finally, all the shares of Hershey held by Yuanshan will be transferred to Lotte."

   Yang Cheng only vaguely pointed out the purpose of Yuanshan, and did not mention the specific contradiction, but it was enough to dispel some of Li Renyuan\'s doubts.

"I can\'t take charge of such a big thing by myself. I need to go back and discuss with Chairman Xin. Can you give me some time?" Li Renyuan really can\'t be the master. Lotte is a family business after all. The real decision is Xin, Li Renyuan is A loyal performer.

   Of course Yang Cheng understands, raising a red wine glass, "No problem, but I still have business in the United States. I will stay in Korea soon. I hope President Li will give me an answer as soon as possible. I wish we can cooperate happily."

When Li Renyuan saw this, he also raised his wine glass and touched Yang Cheng. The crystal wine glass made a sweet "jingle" sound, "Okay, in fact, from my personal point of view, this cooperation is good for us and full of tempting. I can’t find a reason for rejection, I hope we can cooperate sincerely."

   Each finished the red wine in the glass, and the female manager came forward immediately and poured red wine for the two again.

"By the way, about the Seoul forest land, can we talk about how to develop it?" After the female manager stepped aside again, Li Renyuan asked, that compared to Hershey, that land is a cornucopia for development. It didn\'t seem to be the slightest difficulty, and the money was simply given for nothing. Of course he was more interested.

   Yang Cheng smiled indifferently, "The land is not in a hurry, you can\'t run off there anyway, you can develop it anytime."

   Li Renyuan turned black immediately, and cursed in his heart, "Little rabbit, don\'t see rabbits or scatter eagles."

   Yang Cheng sneered in his heart, "Huh, old fox, I still want to empty the glove white wolf, there is no door."

Of course, outsiders don’t know about this inner activity of the old and small. In fact, the main reason for finding Lotte is to rush to the front to attract Lehman’s firepower, while the Yang family secretly shot a black gun in the back, otherwise the money was given for nothing. Lotte, that piece of land is clearly making money, even if you can\'t eat alone, who can\'t cooperate with you, why should you have lotte?

   Li Renyuan instantly wanted to understand the twists and turns here, and secretly scolded Yang Cheng for a black belly.

However, he does not dare to call the shots without authorization. If it is placed in the heyday of lotte or in peacetime, Li Renyuan will be able to make a decision directly, but not now. The Supreme Emperor, the prince and the second prince are fighting for the throne. Who can finally sit down? It’s hard to say that if you don’t discuss it with the Xin family, it’s not a rebellion.

   The dinner here is almost over, Yang Cheng and Li Renyuan have their own thoughts, and they are insincere in what they say. The atmosphere of the scene is embarrassing.

   In the end, Yang Cheng was even more uncomfortable, mainly facing a 50-year-old old man. There is really nothing to talk about. There is no common language between the two sides. You can\'t let him discuss with Li Renyuan which female star in the entertainment industry is better.

   After agreeing to give the answer as soon as possible, Yang Cheng took Hansen and left the club.

In the first contact with Li Renyuan, Yang Cheng was generally satisfied. Both parties have the intention of further cooperation. This is a good start. However, he is not prepared to sit still and hand over the choice to Lotte, which is too much for him. Passive, after all, he couldn\'t control the other party\'s thoughts. Lotte really wanted to make a way of getting around, and Yang Cheng\'s plan would be completely aborted.

   So he must prepare lotte for some excitement, some motivation, so that lotte has to tie himself to Yang Cheng\'s warship.

   "It\'s time for Park Donghai to fulfill his promise." Yang Cheng sat in the back seat of Rolls Royce, looking at the neon lights on both sides of the street, and muttered to herself.

   Compared with the daytime, Seoul is full of people at night and it is very lively. Looking at the bustling street market through the car windows, the shops are lit up with dazzling lights, reflecting the entire air into a mottled color.

   Looking at the couple leaning against each other on the street, Yang Cheng\'s inner loneliness surged again. He took out his phone and found Hannah\'s phone number in the address book, and dialed out without hesitation.

   "oppa? Is that you?" Hannah asked in disbelief.

   Yang Cheng loosened his tie, unbuttoned the neckline of his suit, and sighed with relief, "Why? I can\'t call you?"

   "It\'s not, it\'s.. Um... It was a bit unexpected." Hannah paused for a long time, and didn\'t dare to say that Yang Cheng was wrong.

   "Hehe, okay, I was a little busy before, do you have time now? Come out to eat together?"

"Um... I\'m shooting a pictorial now, and I will be free after the shooting. Can oppa wait for me for a while? It will be fine soon." Hannah paused, although she was afraid that Yang Cheng would be angry, she told the truth. The situation.

   Yang Cheng\'s temper is not so surly, and she said very understandingly, "It\'s okay, so let\'s send the address to my mobile phone and I will pick you up. When I arrive, you will be almost finished, right?"

   "Yeah, thank you oppa, I can take pictures very quickly." Hannah replied again and again, her voice filled with joy.

   hung up the phone, waited 10 seconds, Hannah’s message was sent over, showed the address to the Rolls-Royce driver, told him to go to this place, UU read www.uukanshu. Before Com came out of the clubhouse, Li Renyuan sent this car to him specially. Yang Cheng did not refuse. It was a deep cooperation relationship. This can bring the two sides closer. There is no need to be hypocritical. Let\'s talk about the Rolls-Royce Phantom. Sitting is indeed more comfortable than Mercedes-Benz, at least the space is large enough.

   Not far from getting, the driver said that it is Samseong-dong, where there are many studios, and a large part of South Korean print ads were born there.

The driver’s skills are very good and he arrived at the destination quickly and steadily. He was sensible and got out of the car to find someone to find out that it was indeed here. Then he helped Yang Cheng open the car door. Naturally, Hansen would not rob him. Cheng did not give special instructions. Generally, he would always stay 2 meters behind Yang Cheng. This position would not bother Yang Cheng. Once an emergency occurs, with Hansen\'s explosive power, he can rush to Yang Cheng with one stride. .

Originally wanted to call and ask when Hannah would come out, but thought that if people did not finish their work, it would not be a good interruption. He was also a little curious about the place where the models took pictures, so he carried his hands and walked like the emperor\'s microservices. Enter the studio.

This is a three-story red brick building, which seems to belong to a company. The first floor is set as the reception area, but at this time the staff came and went and were busy with their own affairs. No one noticed Yang Cheng and Hansen. Two outsiders who arrived suddenly.

Yang Cheng didn’t care either. He was also very happy. He looked left and right, followed the signs and walked to the second floor through the stairs. The decibels here rose suddenly and the scene was noisy. Yang Cheng stood outside and looked inside, except The human head is a black camera. Anyway, it\'s black, and the heat from the bright fill light turns the second floor into a sauna room.

   Yang Cheng, who was standing by the side for a while, felt sweat on his back, and muttered softly, "This model\'s job is not easy to do."