Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 283: Love?

When doing a poll at the time, a media reporter interviewed a shop owner in Chicago and said: It is shameful to announce the video; a cashier at a restaurant in Florida said that although the scandal has tainted the president, the zipper is worthy of forgiveness. He is also a human being. This is the privacy of others; and an old lady in Missouri urged the zipper, believing that the release of the video was just a ploy by the party to win the people’s impeachment of the president.

Sure enough, the subsequent public opinion polls showed that Congress should not expose the video. This was humiliating the president. It was even more true that Zipperton refused to answer the details of his relationship with Lewinsky. Afterwards, Zipperton’s approval rate soared. By 9 percentage points, nearly 70% of Americans oppose his resignation or impeachment.

Well, I have to say that Zipperton’s personal charm is still very strong, and more importantly, Zipperton’s political performance at that time was pretty good. The unemployment rate and crime rate were continuously declining. The economic situation in the United States was very good. Most of the US People are very satisfied with their lives. This is the president\'s credit. Therefore, the president\'s messing with men and women has nothing to do with other people, as long as he manages the country well.

In fact, this is the value of Westerners. Private and public ethics are very separate, and personal privacy is very important. The president\'s messing with it is the president\'s private affair. It cannot be overstated and cannot decide whether to step down.

It can be seen that the speaker of the House of Representatives who has been forced to resign since the end has been trying his best to promote the impeachment process to bring Clinton down. But Morgenthau is different. He is not the president. He is just a parliamentarian who uses his power to act as an umbrella for others to steal the interests of the people. His resignation will not have much impact on this country. If this scandal is exposed, the common people He will definitely scold him for not being able to raise his head in this life, and his political career will be completely over.

However, the above reasons are only superficial. The internal party struggles and factional interest disputes involved are not known to the outside world. It is definitely not as simple as the analysis of later media. Especially when the Senate was clearly controlled by the Elephant Party at the time, why the final impeachment failed. Not to mention that it is related to the polls. They are all fooling 3-year-old children. The so-called democratic supremacy advocated by the two parties in the United States is nothing more than intra-party democracy. They never really care about the interests of ordinary people.

Therefore, before the final voting session in the Senate, the Donkey Party represented by Zipten and the Elephant Party represented by Xiaofeixie must have reached a compromise agreement after fierce political confrontation and exchange of interests, such as keeping the Donkey Party. The presidency will continue until the end of the term, and the next term will be unconditionally replaced by a representative of the Elephant Party.

Not to mention, all tm are conspiracy theories, or that sentence, the president is the president and the members are members of parliament. The status of the two is not the same. Naturally, Morgenthau shouldn’t expect him to enjoy the same treatment as the president. Morgenthau sees this very clearly, otherwise he would not exert such great efforts. First, he sent someone to kill Bill, and then tried his best to get the secret video. , Tried to destroy the evidence, but unfortunately, he hadn\'t calculated it halfway to kill Yang Cheng, Cheng Yaojin, and he got the U disk one step ahead.

Yang Cheng repeatedly watched the video several times, and finally fixed the frame at Morgenthau inadvertently looking up, and found through the window the panicked face during the sneak shot, then the picture went black and the video stopped abruptly.

To say that Bill\'s luck was bad enough, he could retreat silently, using this candid video to make his headline account name move the world, but exposed himself in a critical juncture and lost his life for it. , I really picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon.

Copy and save this video to his own cloud disk, unplug the U disk and put it in the safe, check it carefully several times, leaning on the boss chair, and thinking about what to ask Morgan for, he is not in a hurry He took the initiative to jump out to find the door, anyway, it won\'t be long before Morgenthau will receive the news that Tim Decay is in his hands, and Morgenthau will be anxious to negotiate terms with him.

Yang Cheng is now sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, regardless of the east, west, north and south winds, and everything will wait for Morgenthau to come by himself.

Thinking of this, my mood became a little bit brighter, as if bathed in the spring breeze. Taking advantage of his free time, he picked up his phone with a smile and called Ian Al, who is far away in Liverpool. After all, he is likely to have a bigger move in the UK. , Liverpool is his bridgehead in Great Britain, he still needs to show his concern appropriately.

"Boss, good afternoon." Ian El suddenly received a call from the big boss, and he seemed excited and nervous. In his perception, Yang Cheng usually doesn\'t call and doesn\'t care about the club\'s current situation. There must be nothing good when the phone comes.

Yang Cheng put his leg on the desk and lazily vomited, "I am here in the morning."

Ian El said nothing for a while, "That~boss, good morning."

Hearing the opposite changed, Yang Cheng scolded with a smile, "Don\'t be so nervous, I don\'t eat people. I called to ask about your head coach. How did you choose? Is there any result?"

When it comes to business matters, Ian Ayre is not so restrained. "Boss, according to your instructions, I personally talked to the Lippi team and the Love team in detail, and both of them expressed a strong attitude towards the handsome whip who took over Liverpool. They have the same interest but the same concerns, that is, whether the club will reform according to their vision, they have doubts about this."

Yang Cheng changed his mobile phone, leaned forward and took a sip from the coffee cup. He hiccuped, "I said this very clearly last time, isn\'t it? As long as I have an extraordinary result, the club can do it. Decentralization, including part of the transfer recommendation power, can be handed over to the head coach and his team. What is there to doubt?"

Ian Aire explained embarrassingly, "Boss, you may not understand the situation. There are several clubs in the Premier League who have not good reputations outside. They have done contradictory things more than once. There have been such cases in Liverpool\'s history. ,and so..."

"Oh, then how are you going to solve it?" Yang Cheng understands this, but this is not a reason why the club leader can shirk responsibility.

"Boss, I have contacted both sides separately. For Lippi and Love, I personally prefer the latter. After all, Love has always been on the Europa continent, accepting the most advanced technical and tactical concepts anytime and anywhere, and Love is worth the gold At his coaching age, he has a lot of time to transform the team, which is undoubtedly more in line with the club\'s long-term interests.

Mr. Lippi’s age is still too big. If it’s just a transitional acting coach, it’s okay, but at the age of more than 70, it’s probably difficult to stick to the highly competitive and super fast-paced Premier League for a long time. We will still have to Trouble with the coach.

It’s better to try our best to attack Clef this time, solve the problem of Liverpool’s coach once and for all, and put our club’s power commitments to him one by one on paper. I believe that when Loew is facing a new challenge, he should He has the courage to face difficulties. After all, as a famous coach, he has not proven himself in club-level games. "

After listening patiently to Ian Al’s overall consideration, Yang Cheng had a new perspective on the Liverpool CEO, and therefore slowly dispelled the idea of ​​changing the leader.

However, he also raised his own question, "You also said that Love has never proved himself at the club level. How can you guarantee that he has the ability to lead Liverpool to the top of the Premier League? Everyone knows that the national team has assembled the best in the country. The stars of Germany, especially the German national team, have placed special emphasis on the role of the system. If they are out of this category, will Loew appear to be uncomfortable?"

Ian Ayre laughed wryly on the phone. This boss is really a wicked evildoer. From the beginning, he took over the team and his knowledge of football was only on the surface. Up to now, he can raise questions about the football system. Now, It\'s getting harder and harder to fool.

I can only say truthfully, "Boss, there is no guarantee about this. No one can predict the result before it comes out. In fact, this is also a bet between our club and Love. Before that, we can only give the most adequate trust."

He paused and added, "Actually, we can sign a betting agreement with the Love team, such as what results are achieved, the annual salary and contract period will automatically increase, etc. ~ ~ I believe there is a contract Restrained in the back, Loew will inevitably put out 120% of the effort to bring Liverpool well.

Moreover, with our current staffing, Loew will buy one or two stars when he takes office, and the lineup is not inferior to the German national team. "

Yang Cheng is still willing to let professional matters go to professionals. Since Ian Al said so, Yang Cheng must of course express his trust. "Yes, your ideas are comprehensive. I will fully support you here. Let go. Go ahead, as long as I see that the club is improving, even if it\'s only a little bit, then I will be patient with you and Liverpool up and down, and wait for the day of Phoenix Nirvana."

"Yes, boss, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations." Ian El said excitedly.

Yang Cheng groaned, "I will go to London to watch the Victoria\'s Secret show next month. Then you can join me, and I will stop by to watch a game in Liverpool. I hope the new coach will be in place by then."

Recently, the news that Victoria\'s Secret Angels have come to London has made a lot of noise in the UK. The upper class, including the group of single dogs, are looking forward to the arrival of this event. Ian Air is no exception. Months, enough for him to gnaw on the hard bone of Love.

"No problem with the boss. In fact, Loew has already moved. I believe you won\'t have to wait for you to arrive in the UK to receive news of a Liverpool officer\'s coaching change." Ian Al promised.

Yang Cheng laughed, "Okay, but such heavy news must be published on the newspaper website of New Times Media first."

For things like taking care of the same business, Ian El will certainly not be disappointed.

"No problem, boss, wait for my good news." ()

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