Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 282: Video content

Yang Cheng took the lead in coming to the security room. In addition to the two bodyguards who usually followed Yang Cheng, there were also four faces that were slightly unfamiliar but could occasionally be seen. Seeing Yang Cheng coming in, they all stood up and greeted respectfully.


Yang Cheng nodded in return. Seeing the aura of those people, they were exactly the same as Hansen and others, and they must be good soldiers and strong generals.

Under the guidance of one of them, he entered the compartment next to the security room. Tim Decay was tied to a chair in a way that was extremely difficult to break free. He was closing his eyes and rested. He seemed to be in good condition, and he did not appear to be caught. The expression of hopelessness and listlessness after grasping it, but this makes no sense. Shouldn\'t he worry about his daughter?

He carried a chair and placed it in front of Tim, and Da Ma Jindao straddled it. Tim heard the sound and opened his eyes slightly, but Yang Cheng\'s appearance was not familiar to him and he had never seen it before, so he did. So a momentary doubt, but fleeting.

Yang Cheng hugged his shoulders, did not rush to ask questions, but carefully looked at this tough guy with sloppy appearance and strange behavior everywhere. After a long while, his inspiration flashed, and suddenly he grinned and said, "Tim, this is Jason Yang. , What should you want to tell me?"

Hansen took a peek at Yang Cheng behind him, wondering why Yang Cheng said that. They probably hadn\'t seen each other before.

"You\'re Jason Yang? That\'s right, I should have thought of your yellow race." Tim\'s words are also confusing. The dialogue between him and Yang Orange seems to be in another dimension alone. Other people do not understand at all.

Yang Cheng leaned on the back of the chair with a smile on his mouth. It was just a test. Tim’s answer just confirmed his guess, and he nodded slightly, "Don’t talk nonsense, just talk about your conditions, it can be met. I will try my best to be satisfied. If it is too much, I will treat you as if you have never been there before, and I will pass you on directly, and I can also earn a good impression."

Tim Decay’s complexion was very calm. Even if he was tied up, he did not have the consciousness of being a prisoner. "You should have found out about my daughter?"

Yang Cheng understood Tim\'s trace and nodded, "On this condition?"

"I need you to arrange for my daughter and I to go to a country without extradition clauses, and there is still US$10 million." Tim said his conditions in one breath, and Yang Cheng frowned and muttered, "There are still many requests. ."

However, Yang Cheng was too lazy to bargain. It would be better to have some advantages with Morgan Sorrow if he had this skill. Besides, these conditions were not difficult for him.

After pondering for a while, he simply agreed, "Yes, where is the thing?"

Tim is also a strange person. He didn\'t question Yang Cheng\'s integrity at all. "The plate is stuck under the bench behind me when I was caught in the park."

Yang Cheng turned his head and glanced at Hansen. Hansen understood, and immediately led people downstairs to fetch the plate.

"You stay here for a while, I will find a way to take your daughter out and arrange for the operation in Los Angeles. After the operation is successful, I will arrange for you to leave the country." Yang Cheng waved his hand to let the bodyguards loosen Tim Dickie and his Plan to inform one by one.

"Yes." Tim rubbed his strangled red wrist and replied briefly and neatly.

Not long after Yang Cheng returned to the office, Hansen followed up out of breath, put a gray disk on the desk, hesitated and asked, "You know Tim?"

"I don\'t know." Yang Cheng picked up the pan to play, and replied without raising his head.

"That\'s how it seems..." Hansen hesitated to speak, and after half-talking, he closed his mouth.

Yang Cheng\'s helpless expression. Although he could guess what Hansen wanted to ask, he was still unhappy that he wasted his brain cells like this, and sighed, "It\'s not surprising that Tim has the ability to avoid everyone\'s sight, but Deliberately put moths to the fire and take the initiative to deliver them?"

"Strange! But I think he is desperate." Hansen also has his own opinions.

"He is really desperate. He can only choose a me who has no conflict of interest with him and is more credible in comparison to do the transaction." Yang Cheng nodded in agreement with Hansen\'s ideas, and further added.

"So that\'s the case, then how to arrange him next?" Hansen suddenly realized.

"First find him a safe place to live, everything will be decided after I finish watching the video." Yang Orange does not want to break the contract, but to determine the value of the video content, if the potential benefits are far greater than his offending Morgan The risk of Suo, then Tim Decai and his daughter, Yang Cheng Baoding.

Conversely, if the value of the video content is not as great as imagined, then Tim Decais will not have the need to protect him. Of course, his daughter Yang Cheng will definitely be saved. After all, innocent people should not be involved. In the battle of interests.

Don’t think that Yang Cheng is cold-blooded. The reality is so cruel. If Yang Cheng is an ordinary person, he can naturally shed his blood for the sake of friends and promises. Unfortunately, he is not. In the world he lives in, everything is headed by profit and all decisions. A good word must be considered in both actions and actions, not to mention a passer-by who has nothing to do with Yang Cheng, has never seen before, and has no emotion at all.

Hansen went to arrange Tim’s place. Yang Cheng was the only one left in the huge office. The autumn sun was so bright that it filled the entire office. It didn’t look empty at all. It was just the quiet atmosphere that could be heard. The average person may not be able to adapt.

Yang Cheng took a long sigh of relief. He took the Apple notebook, plugged in the earphones, and plugged the disk into the port. The movement was very slow, as if frame by frame was frozen. When the disk was opened, there was only one file in the video format. After hesitating for a few seconds, a trace of entanglement flashed across his face, and finally he double-clicked the mouse repeatedly to start playing.

At the beginning of the video, the lens was a little shaken, it seemed to be adjusting the best shooting angle, and the dim scene proved that the shooting time was in the evening when the day was not completely dark.

The camera shakes for about ten seconds before it gradually stabilizes, but it still wanders a little. It should be taken by hand-held shooting. I saw the camera aimed at a common 4-story townhouse in New York. Look at the architecture of this villa. The style should have some history, and the identity of its owner is definitely a celebrity, but the video still has no focus until now.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng had enough patience with this video. Soon, his patience was rewarded because of the amazing scene.

Yang Cheng subconsciously leaned forward following the rotation of the camera, staring at the laptop screen intently. At this time, the camera just swept across the bedroom window on the third floor of the villa. The curtain was somehow opened, and it was blocked by the curtain before. The yellow light came out of the window for an instant, and the camera stagnated. Then, when I saw a man and a woman, a total of three figures appeared by the window. Because the camera was looking up from the bottom up, the face was not very clear.

Just when Yang Cheng screamed and couldn’t see his face clearly, the sneak shot seemed to hear Yang Cheng’s inner call, and began to move forward slowly, while adjusting the focus to the maximum and zooming in, although the video became It became blurred, but Yang Cheng still recognized the face of the man and one of the women at a glance. Because of the extreme surprise in his heart, he unconsciously burst into swearing, "I **** your uncle!"

In addition to shock or shock on his face, the man was not surprised, it was Felix Morgenthau, no doubt, and one of the two women, draped in gold, prostrated on the edge of the window, trembled, and suffered the attack from the back of the man, except heranos. Who else can Holmes, the company\'s beauty?

"The old man\'s body is okay, he can still pick two at his age?" Yang Cheng smiled and praised in his heart.

Although because the distance is too far, the face is blurred when the video is taken. Apart from guessing who it is, it is impossible to tell whether the expression is enjoying or suffering, but these are not important. Yang Cheng knows that he earns When it\'s big, the Senate bigwigs engage in qingse deals with beauties. Don\'t be too hot about this kind of news. Morgenthau will definitely be drowned by the spit of excited netizens.

Of course, exposure in the newspaper is a last resort. Yang Cheng would not be so stupid to take the video to make news. In that case, it won\'t be profitable except to offend Morgenthau and the big guys of his faction. What\'s the use of peak? On the contrary, it is better to make good use of this video to exchange more practical benefits with Morgenthau. I believe that big people like Morgenthau will be very aware of current affairs.

Don’t underestimate the power of this video. This is real evidence. I think that the Xing scandal caused by Zipperton and the White House intern in the past became the third president in American history to be impeached. Although the final impeachment failed, it cannot be denied. However, although 15 years have passed, the scandal heroine Lewinsky also moved to the UK in, but in recent years 66 continuous recordings, blue skirts with zippered DNA, etc. Evidence will still have a negative impact on Zipper\'s life and his wife\'s political career.

As for why at the time of Clinton\'s impeachment trial, the Senate voted not to pass the guilty verdict on Zipden, and even many members of the opposition party voted against them, not wanting Clinton to step down. The reasons are complicated. On the surface:

At that time, the Stahl prosecutor had always been the political opponents of the Zippertons. In the process of questioning Zipperton, Stahl deliberately asked Zipperton several times about aggressive behavior and other aggressive questions. The only way to do this was The purpose is to humiliate the President, and the decision to publish the interrogation video is also the political enemy of the Zipper, which is the Congress controlled by the Elephant Party.

However, the practice of humiliating the president so much is to steal the chicken and lose the rice. The so-called too much is like this. It has aroused the sympathy of a considerable number of neutral Virgins, um, the Virgins, not to mention the common people in the United States are not fools. In the eyes of these people, the President Even if Lewinsky should be punished when he got involved, he wouldn\'t be so humiliated.

In fact, the brain circuit of the Americans has always been the biggest unsolved mystery in the world. There is no way. Whoever makes the first 6th in North America is the United Kingdom and European countries. What about people waiting? The descendants of these scumbags are now Americans who are extremely keen to intervene in other people\'s home affairs. In essence, what is the difference from those market thieves and hooligans who are always spying on other people\'s finances or women\'s dirty behavior?

Okay, the above passage is purely a joke. We guys can\'t help in this trade war, so don\'t you let it leak in your book? ()

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