Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 284: FBI onsite

After hanging up Ian Al\'s phone, Yang Cheng didn\'t stop to catch his breath, and found Liu Jianjun\'s number from the address book and dialed out.

"Shao Yang, what\'s your order?" Liu Jianjun\'s iconic flattery, Yang Cheng always hears it, and she has a sense of sight in the Gaoyao, not to mention, listening to it occasionally will help smooth the body and mind.

Of course, he was still thin-skinned, and he was not ashamed to encourage Liu Jianjun to carry forward this tradition, so he cleared his throat and started talking about business, "Well, what\'s the situation in Korea? Park Donghae hasn\'t done anything recently, right?"

"Recently, nothing has happened. The theaters are operating normally. Even the charity organizations that play the autumn wind are temporarily silent. Park Donghai has become a robot. He goes to work and home on time every day, except for these two places. He\'s not going anywhere." Liu Jianjun was reporting truthfully, but there seemed to be no greasy news, but Yang Cheng felt a sense of depression as the rain was coming.

"Yeah", ignoring Liu Jianjun on the other end of the phone. He took off his leg on the table and tapped his fingers on the table. There was a pattern, but the rhythmic tapping sound made Liu Jianjun became nervous involuntarily, and only felt that his heart was also rising and falling with this rhythm.

Suddenly, Yang Cheng stopped the movement of his hand, the knocking of "Da Da" stopped abruptly, and Liu Jianjun\'s little heart on the phone jumped to his throat in an instant, feeling that his lips were a little dry, for fear of this one. The young master made something difficult to deal with.

Last time I received an order from Yang Cheng to destroy Quan Ningyi’s printing factory, but he left a piece of chicken feathers. If he were not willing to spend a lot of money to attract some local snakes, I’m afraid Yang Cheng’s industry in Korea would not be able to operate smoothly. Going on, of course, these Yang Oranges are unknown, and Liu Jianjun will not say to take credit. This is the duty of a subordinate and a dogleg.

Just listen to Yang Cheng muttering to herself, "Pu Donghai, if you don\'t clean up early, it will be a disaster sooner or later."

Liu Jianjun didn\'t dare to speak up, and continued to keep his mouth tightly shut. The work of serving people was getting worse and worse.

"You~" Yang Cheng just said a word, and Susu knocked on the door and came in to ask for instructions. "Boss, Mr. Elon Musk\'s secretary called and wanted to have lunch with you. Do you want to agree?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, Elon Musk, although he had never met before, but he had been well known for this reality version of Iron Man for a long time, why would he suddenly invite himself to dinner?

But in the next second, he found the answer himself, thinking that he found out that 4D Space was shorting Tesla stocks, and secretly scolded Allen that fat man didn\'t know how to be careful when he did things.

He hesitated while holding the microphone and nodded, "Promise, has the other party set a spot?"

"Well, it\'s at the Waldorf Astoria." Susu replied, nodding his head.

"Okay, tell the other person that I will be on time for the appointment."

After Su Su went out, Yang Cheng raised the phone again, and then said, "Lao Liu, you work hard, go and check Park Donghae’s Lao Di, the surnames of the upper-class families in South Korea. Picking up the third generation must be implicated. I suspect that someone from his own family is helping Pu Donghai out."

Liu Jianjun stubbornly said, "Uh~ Shao Yang, you are not talking about the Qing~Wa~tai lady Pu?"

"Why? Do you think it\'s impossible?" Yang Cheng asked with a smile.

"No, no, there is a possibility, but ~ the person who sits in that position shouldn’t be so small?" Liu Jianjun just guessed who Yang Cheng meant to be, but in him From the angle of view, it’s really hard to believe that those who have ascended to the throne will lose sight of the situation and easily settle grudges with people from large foreign families for a small matter.

Yang Cheng curled her lips, she didn\'t know if she should say Old Liu Shanliang? He is still naive, and his innocence is comparable to Mou Jiao.

"Okay, just do what I said, I can still cheat my own company?" I didn\'t bother to explain.

"Yes, Shao Yang, and I want to apply with you. Can I set up an investment department in the company? I recently discovered a lot of small companies with potential and worth investing in." Liu Jianjun is now thinking about developing CY entertainment, and it\'s radiant. In the second spring of his career, even the wives and children who are far away in the Shanghai stock market can\'t even care.

"I have no problem here, but you don\'t want to ask me for funds. The head office is going to carry out several big plans at the same time, but there is no spare money to transfer to you." Yang Cheng blocked the conversation first, lest Liu Jianjun speak for a while , He is not easy to refuse.

"No, Shao Yang, there is no need for transfer from the head office. CY Entertainment is operating well, with about 1.5 billion won in spare money. Investing in some small companies is more than enough."

"That\'s good, you can decide these things yourself, but I remind you that after all, there is a small head in South Korea. You will fall to the United States to help me sooner or later with your abilities. You must be mentally prepared and don\'t adjust at that time. Come here, I misunderstood me to pick peaches." Yang Cheng said lightly, but actually beating Liu Jianjun.

How can Liu Jianjun, who is so human, not able to tell? He hurriedly said in favor, "How come Shao Yang, I work for Shao Yang wherever I am, and I never dare to have any delusions."

Hearing Liu Jianjun’s consistent flattery, Yang Cheng felt a little relieved. After all, this man was too far-fetched, and his subordinates were too far away, and his mind was wild, and it was difficult to control it. These days, there is no shortage of self-righteousness and taking everything as it is. For the proud people who have done their own credit, at present, Liu Jianjun is still worthy of trust.

Finally, as usual, Liu Jianjun was asked to take care of his before she hung up the phone, stood up and moved her muscles and bones. This body must be kept in motion at all times. A little relaxation is like rust. Comfortable.

Suddenly, the office door was opened, and several upright looking guys broke in from the outside. Susu with a pretty face full of anger was blocked behind and shouted, "You can\'t come in without an appointment. Get out quickly, otherwise I will call the security guard. Up."

Yang Cheng stood there, looking blankly at a few serious faces that wrote\'I am the FBI\' on his forehead, and shouted unceremoniously, "Get out, no search warrant, trespass into my office, you FBI It\'s really lawless."

The leader of the black man seemed a little surprised. How did Yang Cheng know that they were the FBI and did not wear a uniform, but since they were recognized, there was no intention to hide it. Just like the scenes often appearing in American TV series, he took out evidence before Yang Cheng. For a moment, he said, "FBI, agentjones (agent Jones), this time I want to ask Mr. Yang to cooperate. There are a few questions you need to answer."

At this time, Hansen rushed in with the entire bodyguards group, surrounded the FBI groups, stood without fear in front of the black agent named Jones, and warned, "Unauthorized trespass into private territory, I But you have the right to shoot you directly, and take out your credentials. I want to verify. Who knows if you are an impersonator."

Jones didn\'t take Hansen\'s words seriously at all. He bypassed Hansen and went to the desk, staring at Yang Cheng with a sharp gaze, "Mr. Yang, we have received reliable news that you have sheltered the murderer in the New York shooting. If you don’t want to cause trouble, we invite us to the bureau for interrogation, and I hope you can take the initiative to cooperate, otherwise everyone will not look good.)

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