Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 281: Caught

Yang Cheng returned to the hotel and went shirtless. When Xu Xian was inextricably separated in the big*, she didn\'t know that the woman who was not in his eyes, but was thinking about how to use him to plot Seize their own interests.

In Wendy\'s mansion on Fifth Avenue, it was still the living room in the afternoon, but without the excitement of afternoon tea, there were only two women sitting opposite each other. One of them was not pretty, and his expression was very tangled.

"Wenwen, I have said everything that should be said, and besides, you are not at a disadvantage in this matter. The kid from the Yang family is young and strong, and looks very handsome, not to mention his strong wealth and resources. He has changed other women. I\'m afraid I don\'t need to mention it. I tried my best and stayed with him a long time ago. Why are you reluctant?" Wendy stared at Liu Wenwen fiercely, and said aggressively, seeming to place all hope in him. My good "best friend" body.

"Sister Wendy, I\'m not unwilling, but what you asked me to do. Once exposed and discovered by Young Master, my life will be over." Liu Wenwen bit his lip, not daring to look directly at those murderous eyes.

"Hehe, Wenwen, have you forgotten how you got here today? Would you like me to remind you?" Wendypi said with a smile, saying that he wanted to remind, but it was Chi Guoguo. Coercion.

"Don\'t dare, Sister Wendy\'s help to me will never be unforgettable." Liu Wenwen shook his head quickly and explained in a panic.

Wendy\'s tone slowed down, but she was still very blunt, "If this is the case, is it too much for my sister to beg you for such a small favor? Don\'t worry, I know what you are worried about, you secretly record it, come back and give me the video. No one will know the whole process. I\'m here to talk to the kid from the Yang family. For his own reputation, I won\'t let the video be exposed. What else can I do to you?"

Speaking of this, he stopped concealing his face, and continued with a smirk, "At that time, you try to pretend to be a little weaker. It is best to create the illusion of being forced. Then the Yang family will have nothing to do. I can only deal with me obediently, and I won\'t let you get angry, and I don\'t want to and can\'t tear my face with him, it\'s not good for me, is it?"

Liu Wenwen knew that the other party was determined, and would not listen to his own evasive explanations, so he felt cool in his heart, so that when he remembered the\'tacit understanding\' conversation with Yang Cheng in the afternoon, he had some comfort in his heart and felt that he was not hopeless. At least that man has the ability to hug himself?

. . .

The next morning, the red morning sun rose from the horizon, and the golden sunlight turned into silk threads and sprinkled onto the bedroom through the window screens. Yang Cheng, with the eyes of appreciating the beautiful scenery, opened the sheets and looked at the white and slim curves, especially the pair. Without restraint, the proud upper circumference that hangs naturally under the action of gravity, cherry-like bumps dotted on the charming blush, is like a small lotus in the middle of a pond in the early morning with a pointed corner, cute and attractive!

A feeling of pride rose in Yang Cheng\'s heart. This is a treasure that countless men want to have, but only he can enjoy it alone. He looked at the delicate face in his deep sleep, brushed his cheek with his big hand, and lowered his head to moisturize. With a light kiss on her cheek, she re-covered the sheets, with a smile from ear to ear, grabbed her mobile phone and went into the bathroom naked, humming an unknown little song, and happily washed her up,

Last night, Yang Cheng was once again indulged in Xu Xian’s different experience with endless amorous feelings between her desires and shame. Some yu~ can’t stop it. How can such a superb product let people go? MMP, it seems that after taking the time to spare, she must go to South Korea and go to Xu Hyun\'s house to solve her worries, so that this woman can follow herself with all her heart.

After making up his mind, Yang Cheng shampooed her hair a few minutes faster, and quickly ended the shower. She walked out in a bathrobe with a fluffy face, and easily selected the clothes to wear today from the cloakroom, tiptoe. Came to the living room, dressed neatly, and left Xu Xian with a note to go to work first, and drove back to the company in vigor.

As soon as he entered the office, it was probably because of the fragrant kiss that Susu gave that had the effect of adding luck, Hansen rushed in with good news.

"Boss, I caught someone. I didn\'t expect that Tim Decay was so stupid that he would throw himself into the snare." Hansen rushed into the office eagerly, facing the shy face, bowed his head and hurried past him. Susu turned a blind eye. At this time, it\'s better not to be rude. Could it be that he saw the boss molesting his assistant in the office early in the morning? Such a second-degree thing, even Andrew\'s Erha can\'t do it.

Yang Cheng stared at Hansen in an angry manner, and waited for Susu to help close the door, and then laughed and scolded, "Asshole, remember to knock on the door when you come in later, and don\'t want to think that your boss is doing business. What should I do? ?"

Hansen, the rough guy, has a rare expression of\'shyness\'. Well, if you have a big grin and a big white teeth, it would be too shy to be outside, "Boss, I must pay attention to it in the future. Isn\'t this too happy? After working with my brothers for 2 days and 2 nights, I finally caught the bastard."

Yang Cheng nodded slightly. Of course, he would not really blame his henchmen. Hearing Hansen’s report, he stood up excitedly. This was really good news. He was wondering what kind of handle would make him Felix Morgenthau\'s old fox couldn\'t hold his breath.

"Well done, the reward will not be less, UU reading where did you catch Tim? Didn\'t you say that he is very good? So uncomfortable?" Yang Cheng casually encouraged One sentence, curiously asked, it is indeed easy to make people wonder, the information of that guy shows that he is at least a special soldier king-level figure, no matter how tightly arranged the manpower is, he will not be caught in such a short time, right?

Hansen was stunned, smiled bitterly and scratched his head, "Boss, right near our company, Tim suddenly appeared in New York early in the morning yesterday morning, he was walking around Bryant Park before dawn, and just happened to bump into me. The guy went out to buy supper, and grabbed it back. To be honest, when I first caught Tim, I also felt something was wrong, but that guy’s mouth was so stiff that he didn’t say anything. Without your instructions, we too Didn\'t dare to use the means, don\'t you come here to ask for instructions?"

Yang Cheng seemed to be listening to a cold joke, with three big question marks on his forehead, and a puffy expression on his face, "Aren\'t you kidding me? The reward order has not been lifted, and Tim went back to New York grandiosely? Then, without hiding his traces, ran to Bryant Park in the early morning to relax? How coincidentally, was hit by your people? In the end, he didn\'t resist, and let you take it obediently? Is his brain flooded? Or? Am I dreaming?"

Hansen was scratched by Yang Cheng\'s series of questions. He really didn\'t know the answer. It sounds weird, right? But the fact is like this, give him three darings and dare not take the root of this matter, Yang Cheng teases the dull son.

"Boss, you can spare me. Tim is in the security room anyway. Would you like to ask him in person?" Hansen complained bitterly.

Yang Cheng laughed angrily. He raised his leg just like a kick, and said angrily, "You too have eaten too much meat, and your IQ is about to drop to a negative number. I will fine you not to eat meat for a week and lead the way." )

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