Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 222: Annoyed SMS

David Geffen has always dared to speak and do. Yang Cheng, who is so straightforward, was mentally prepared before coming. But when David Gefen was so frank and blunt that he was not optimistic about the media in the new era, this still made Yang Cheng proud of his heart. Somewhat unacceptable.

   "Why? Is the media in the new era not strong enough?" David Ellison couldn\'t hold back, perhaps because of the good relationship between him and David Geffen, he didn\'t need to talk too much and asked bluntly.

"No, little David, and Jason. To be honest, I am also a loyal user of the Toutiao app. I am more than happy with the rise of media in the new era, and your successive acquisitions have also proved to the outside world about management. Regardless of the vitality of the layer, both in terms of financial strength and ready-made company structure, New Times Media is the best choice for DreamWorks Animation." After a sweet date, Yang Cheng and Ellison did not feel happy. On the contrary, the mood became heavier.

   Generally speaking, the front is foreshadowing. The harder the boast means the more violent the transition.

Sure enough, David Geffen cleared his throat and turned to say, "However, it is easy to nostalgic when people are old. Although I have already cashed out the shares of DreamWorks, after all, it is full of my memories. It is me and two friends. For the miracle created at the end of my career, I don’t want DreamWorks Animation to end up in the dust. Therefore, I am more optimistic about Comcast’s ability to resist risks than I am not optimistic about New Age Media."

Yang Cheng and David Ellison looked at each other helplessly. This meeting with David Geffen was considered a disadvantage. They did not expect to be overshadowed from the beginning, which also disrupted Yang Cheng’s thoughts. The prepared wording must be overturned and cannot be used anymore.

  The courtyard is quiet, only the breeze is rustling the leaves.

Perhaps not wanting to see the atmosphere too embarrassing, Eddie Lambert changed the subject and said, "Jason, do you know if New Age Media has any plans to raise funds? It’s just that we didn’t know each other before, now you can’t take me Excluding, I am very optimistic about the prospects of Toutiao app. To show my sincerity, I will send you a free message. You may not know it? Google has started to contact Silicon Valley investment and consulting companies to show its intention to acquire all the business of Toutiao app. , And as far as I know, several companies are already preparing to conduct public relations with you."

   Yang Cheng\'s pupils shrank. This news undoubtedly shocked him. It hasn\'t been a day or two for the headline to be targeted by Google. This is not surprising to him, but is he about to act so soon?

   Uh~ But if you think about it, you can understand that using the pissiness of the two Silicon Valley hooligans, Google and Facebook, to impose acquisitions on potential opponents is their usual routine.

   asked with a funny smile, "Then what is Google\'s offer for Toutiao app?"

   David Geffen also looked at his old friend Eddie Lambert curiously. Obviously, he was also the first time he heard this news.

   Eddie Lambert stretched out a palm and shook it in the air, "5 billion dollars."

"Hiss..." Rao is David Geffen, who has countless wealth, and took a breath of fright at the price. This number itself is not high nor can it scare him. What surprised him so much was the headline app. How many days have they been born? In other words, Yang Cheng, a young man, spent a few months creating a fortune of 5 billion US dollars out of thin air. This is still not counting the other businesses of the new era media. This ability to attract money is even the supervision of David. Gefen couldn\'t help but be speechless.

   Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, expressing his approval for this number, and he could also feel Google\'s attention to headlines, otherwise, he would not use such a sincere price from the beginning, which clearly left room for Yang Cheng to raise the price.

However, Yang Cheng has no plans to buy at all. He has a comprehensive plan for New Era Media. It is more in his interest to package a media group that includes the Toutiao app for listing. Now the billions of cash will not entice him. If it is based on this Turning it up several times, he might seriously consider the possibility of selling headlines.

"Mr. Lambert, thank you for your news. New Times Media will not raise funds anymore in the short term. However, if there is a C round, I will definitely invite you to participate and share the wealth feast." Yang Cheng said to Eddie Lambert and His ESL investment company is open.

Regardless of Eddie Lambert’s personal net worth of only US$23 billion, this hedge fund manager from Goldman Sachs is notoriously well-known. ESL is also helping companies such as David Geffen and Dell’s founder Mike Dell manages the funds, and ESL Investment is the largest shareholder of Sears Holdings, one of the world’s top 500 companies and one of the world’s top ten retailers. Eddie Lambert used US$12 billion to bet on Sears Holdings that year. The greatest achievement in his career.

For such a talented person, Yang Cheng is one million welcomes. In his opinion, if you want to raise the stock price as much as possible after the listing of New Era Media, it is inseparable from the help of this group of investment industry predators. When most stockholders or small investment companies choose stock investment, they will subconsciously follow in the footsteps of winners. Looking at the current shareholder list of New Era Media, whether it is Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alibaba, or Bill A, CEO of Pershing Plaza Kerman, or Morgan Stanley have such characteristics.

Suddenly, Yang Cheng felt a vibration in his thighs. He took out his mobile phone and took a look at the cup of coffee. Yang Cheng turned his head and said hesitantly to David Geffen, "Mr. Geffen, originally This time I want to ask you to come forward to persuade Jeffery to accept the offer from New Times Media, but since you already have a place in your mind, I will naturally not be overwhelmed."

After a pause, I continued, "I only emphasize one sentence in the end. Comcast\'s internal structure is too bloated, which is really not conducive to the newly added DreamWorks Animation to grab resources, or Comcast\'s financial support for DreamWorks Animation is definitely not as powerful as the media of the new era. You must know what the biggest problem of DreamWorks Animation is currently? I won’t say more nonsense. The meeting today is very pleasant, and there will be opportunities in the future. Mr. Finn and Mr. Lambert must go to my place and sit down. We can talk about art collection."

"Uh, it\'s final, I will carefully consider what you say, but you can rest assured that I will not express my opinion easily on DreamWorks Animation." David Geffen also saw Yang Cheng\'s He didn\'t do much to detain him, just said something to make Yang Cheng feel at ease, and then sent him and Ellison out of the manor.

   Yang Cheng suddenly said goodbye because he received a text message that made him angry. Before entering the manor, he deliberately switched the phone to silent mode, and the call could not be made.

The text message came from Liverpool’s CEO Ian Al. The other party said on the text message that the club was in trouble. The head coach Rogers seemed to have heard of the intention to change coaches from the top and was trying to inflame the anger of the fans and try to expose the conflict with the club. Going out and letting the fans come forward to confront the club, he has some confidence to do so. After all, Liverpool\'s record in all competitions this season is pretty good, winning more than losing.

   However, the opponents who lost in those games were either strong teams or difficult teams. What does this mean? It shows that the team has lost the strength to fight hard and the courage to fight hard. This is not the character that a team should have when positioning a giant, and at this time the club is discussing with LVMH about chest advertising and jersey sponsorship. The result is the decision. The only criterion for the contract price, making trouble for the club at this time is equivalent to stealing money from Yang Cheng\'s pocket. How can we not make Yang Cheng angry!