Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 221: David Geffen's rejection

After sending Sunny back to Beverly Hills from the airport, but instead of going home, he turned into Angelo Avenue. On the side of the road, he met David Ellison, who was also in a formal suit. The destination of their trip was exactly Jack Warner Estate is located at the end of Angelo Avenue and has experienced most of the history of Hollywood.

This property with an area of ​​more than 13,000 square feet was commissioned by the legendary Jack Warner that year. This surname must be associated with a name or brand with a little bit of common sense. Yes, it is Jack Warner and his three brothers. Together they founded the Hollywood giant Warner Bros. and have been operating together for 40 years.

The Jack Warner Manor, built more than 70 years ago, covers a total area of ​​10 acres. It is said that the manor house also houses a floor where Napoleon stood when he proposed to Josephine. It is of great historical significance and Beverly. One of the most famous top mansions in the villa.

Of course, this manor has already changed ownership. It is also the protagonist that Yang Cheng and David Ellison will meet today. David Geffen, one of the Big Three of DreamWorks, is also popularizing Yang Cheng along the way. With related information, it is said that David Geffen’s purchase of Jack Warner Manor was about US$50 million at the time, but to this day, Yang Cheng conservatively estimates that the market value of this manor is at least US$60 million. After all, he has been the owner for two consecutive times. They are all figures on the apex of the pyramid in Hollywood or the City of Angels. Don\'t think that old beauty is not superstitious.

   And Yang Cheng thinks that although the price of Jason Manor he currently lives in is almost the same as Jack Warner Manor, if it is sold at the same time, most people will give priority to Jack Warner Manor at the same price.

Speaking of David Geffen, a man of God, his life can definitely be made into a classic Hollywood blockbuster, bearing the labels attached to him by the outside world, "Hollywood gangster", "billionaire", "coming out of the closet" "Wait, but all this seems to have never affected him, because he has always believed in his own way, "If you want to succeed, don\'t care too much about what others think of you." This seems to be something everyone can say Motto, but David Geffen explained it personally.

   But anyone who is familiar with David Geffen knows that he actually dated women in his early years, but later he publicly stated that he was gay.

Since then, many business figures will underestimate his business intelligence because he is gay, and rumors about him have been endless. Yang Cheng has heard many legends, such as David Geffen having an employee who specially looks for and receives him "Objects"-they are called "Geffen Babes", and there are even rumors that he and Keanu Reeves have secretly married...

But David Geffen, who is on the cusp, is a media tycoon himself. Of course, he knows the media’s urination and the rules of the game best: the powerless talents are photogenic and declared, and they are called "Punking Innocent", which is really stealing the spotlight, and he is David Geffen. The masters of Hollywood can completely ignore them and use all their strength in business warfare.

However, although David Geffen remained silent on the rumors about his private life, he was also extremely loud when he was speaking, and he was clear-cut and unscrupulous, just like he has always been a staunch liberal supporter, and he is very important in political activities. One of the big donors of the Donkey Party, as early as the Zipperton era, he was one of the big benefactors of the Zipperton camp.

   is farther away, mainly because the experience of the legendary tycoon David Geffen is really interesting~

Drive along the tree-lined road into the private driveway and pass the signs at the crossing to clearly inform the guests that you have entered the territory of David Geffen’s manor, which is different from the common coconut and palm trees in Beverly Hills. The green plants seem to be as unique as their owners. The huge canopy formed by tall and sturdy trees shades the sky and provides natural air conditioning for the manor, which is environmentally friendly and beautiful.

As the car turned a corner, the gate of the manor came into view. The manor housekeeper in black and white uniforms respectfully waited in front of the door, waited for the car to stop, and greeted him with a cordial smile to open the door, "Good day, welcome to Geffin Manor, Mr. Yang, Mr. Ellison."

"Thank you, did you interrupt Mr. David Geffen\'s rest?" Yang Cheng stood outside the car door and scanned the front courtyard of the manor from left to right. The plants and trees, even a slate, are full of artistic flavor, which is in line with the Hollywood tycoon. Temperament.

   "No, Mr. Gefen has long been waiting for the arrival of the two, please here." The butler responded and turned sideways in front to lead the two Yang Cheng.

Collections of art can be seen everywhere in the entrance corridor. The Beatles’ concert robe, the out-of-print album of Guns and Roses, and Michael Jackson’s signature shirts are all delicately framed and hung on both sides of the corridor, whether it is He himself or the guests visiting the manor can appreciate these valuable works at the first time.

It didn’t take long for David Geffen’s shiny bald head to appear in front of Yang Cheng and the two of them. Unlike Jeffrey Cassenberg’s baldness, David Geffen’s sideburns were still slightly white. It belongs to the Mediterranean and wears gold glasses. He is more artisan than the style that appears under the flash light everyday, but whoever thinks this Jewish tycoon is so bully is wrong, DreamWorks Except for Spielberg, the Big Three are slightly more refined, the other two are worthy of the fierce head shape of the bald head, and the style of work is strong!

"Look, who is here? Haha, it\'s been a long time since my manor has been visited by such young children, jason and David, your arrival makes the manor seem to be back to spring, welcome." David Geffen is full His spirit is completely different from that of an old man in his 70s, but his politeness still makes Yang Cheng feel like a chill. There is no other way, this big man\'s xing orientation is hard not to make normal men awkward.

   However, when he was just about to say a few beautiful words, the person who had turned his back to the direction of the door just turned around, his heart jumped, and he whispered to himself, "Damn, Eddie Lambert!"

This is a well-known figure in the field of hedge funds in the United States and even in the world. As an ESL investment manager, he is known as Steve Jobs in the investment world with his maverick methods and outstanding performance, even Warren Buffett. A great man with a thumbs up can\'t help but his return on investment is even better than that of the old stock man.

There have been rumors that there is an investment genius behind David Geffen, taking care of his billions of property. Now it seems that this person is none other than Eddie Lambert. After all, he can be dressed in David Geffen’s home. Pajamas appear, ha ha~

Stunned is one or two seconds. David Ellison has already shaken hands with David Geffen. Both of them are called David and they are very close. David Geffen spent a lot of money from Larry Lisson took over luxury yachts, and the two top rich men were both very personal figures, and naturally maintained a good friendship. Therefore, David Geffen called David Ellison the Jr. David, and Ellison called him It is not so strange that David Geffen is an uncle.

After the two people exchanged greetings, Yang Cheng also spoke a few polite words with David Geffen and Eddie Lambert, and at his invitation, went to the salon area by the pool with Eddie Lambert to take a seat, butler Deliver coffee and some snacks in time.

   The landscape of this manor is not as invincible as Jason Manor, because this manor is nestled in the middle of the mountain, one side is hidden by the mountain, the view is relatively not so wide, but the denser green plants make the scenery more delicate and unique.

   Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee, and his expression immediately enriched. He has to use one word to describe it, that is, satisfaction! The smooth taste in the mouth, plus the unique taste of hot chocolate, with a touch of earthy taste and slight Chinese medicine taste. For people who have been educated by nobles since childhood, they should not distinguish this kind of coffee beans. too easy.

   "The good Luwak coffee, I am afraid that it will become more and more difficult to drink in the future." Yang Cheng said with a sigh of taste.

   Indonesia\'s Ruwak coffee, many people may be confused by the name alone, but when it comes to its popular name, ‘cat feces coffee’, everyone must have heard it.

This nickname is entirely because the production process of Luwak coffee is rather peculiar. It is produced by wild civet cats in Indonesia that eat coffee fruits during night predation. After a few days of fermentation in animals, the coffee peels and peels are digested. The pulp and the coffee beans excreted from the body are collected and processed. It is the fermentation process and digestive enzymes in the civet that create the unique flavor of Luwak also The uniqueness of this production method has contributed to the expensive price of Luwak coffee, which is as high as 160 US dollars per pound. In recent years, due to the destruction of the civet living environment and the unstable climate, the production of Luwak coffee has increased. It is scarce, and the total output of last year was only more than 400 kilograms. Under the condition that market demand remains unchanged, prices will continue to rise.

   Regarding the type of coffee Yang Cheng sips, none of the people present felt that there was something wrong or surprised, as it should be.

   David Geffen smiled and echoed, “It’s true. I don’t have many coffee beans left in the batch this year. If I want to drink it next year, I might have to go to the auction to grab it.”

   "Hehe, the world is changing so fast, even coffee beans can be shot." Eddie Lambert followed with emotion.

Seeing that the atmosphere began to warm up, Yang Orange put down the coffee cup and turned to the topic, "Mr. Geffen, you must have heard about New Times Media’s plan to acquire DreamWorks Animation. I don’t know if Jeffery has talked about us. I told you, but today I made a special visit to get your approval. This is of great significance to the success of New Era Media’s acquisition of DreamWorks Animation."

"Jason, can I call you that? Actually, Jeffery has relayed your meeting to me. I have to say, you did a good job. My old man hasn\'t praised a young man like that in a long time. Yes, but you also know that I am no longer a shareholder of DreamWorks Animation and I am not qualified to comment on this matter. If I have to choose a next home for DreamWorks Animation, I am very sorry, I prefer Comcast!"