Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 223: Change coach

Yang Cheng, who was on an emergency flight to Liverpool, had no choice but to let Liu Tianxian’s pigeons go. Originally, he had agreed to return home together. However, Yang Cheng temporarily adjusted his itinerary and the plan could not keep up with the changes. It was just that Yang Cheng didn’t know. After the call, he sighed with relief, if he knew how much he would feel aggrieved.

In the early morning of October 20th, Yang Cheng looked at the gray clouds outside through the porthole on the Yuanshan. Without the captain’s announcement, he knew that the aircraft was about to enter the airspace of Great Britain. The weather was so good, no wonder the British saw the sun. As if in heaven, the drizzle is indeed romantic, but it can\'t stand the world. It\'s only strange if the body doesn\'t get moldy after a long time.

Fortunately, the rainy weather did not affect the normal take-off and landing of the aircraft. The Yuanshan landed steadily at John Lennon Airport, taxied to the end of the runway, and docked in the hangar specially leased for him by the Liverpool Club under the guidance of the ground guidance vehicle. On the plane, he changed into a British dress in a windbreaker suit, stepped down the gangway, and boarded the chairman\'s car of Liverpool color.

Il Ain, who came to pick up the plane, sat in the rear of the Rolls-Royce, reporting with an unnatural expression, "Boss, because the major leagues in Europe are now in full swing, and the top coaches have contracts. It was difficult to dig a wall at the beginning, but I still selected several famous national team coaches, namely the German national team coach Loew, the Dutch national team coach Hiddink, the Brazilian national team coach Scolari, and Far away in the Silver Fox Lippi who just finished the season in Country Z."

   Yang Cheng\'s complexion was as gloomy as the weather in the UK, and he took a thick pile of materials with a cold expression, and considered it carefully in his mind while flipping through it.

Soon, he pulled out Hiddink and Scolari\'s information and threw it on Il Ain. "The luck of these two is greater than the strength, as an alternative, the main attacker Love and Lippi, you Contact them personally, so they don’t have to worry about the treatment, and they can also be assigned a part of the transfer power. Of course, the specific transfer operation is still implemented by you. The goal of this season remains unchanged. On this basis, to ensure the qualification of the Champions League There is no upper limit."

Il Ain sighed quietly. Fortunately, his work ability was recognized by the boss. He did not deprive the CEO of the club’s most important power. He quickly patted his chest and felt a sense of dying for a confidant. "Don’t worry, boss. , There must be no mistakes."

"Well, quickly settle the matter of the head coach. You give me your heart and soul in the negotiation with lvmh, let me make a pound less, let me ask you." Yang Cheng most values ​​money, and the reason why he is so angry He rushed to Liverpool because of Rogers\' ignorance of current affairs.

   "Understand the boss, let\'s go to the hotel to rest and rest? Yesterday the team just came back from the away game. Today is the team\'s vacation time." Il Ain tentatively suggested.

   Yang Cheng closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and instead of answering, he asked, "Which is our current ranking?"

   Il Ain replied without hesitation, "At present, our team has achieved four wins, one draw and three losses, and is temporarily ranked seventh, because the points gap is not too big at the beginning of the season."

"After the new coach arrives, we will determine a list of signings as soon as possible, and strive to reinforce the team during the winter transfer period. In the second half of the season, we will try our best to achieve good results while running in. Next year, I will propose a championship task for the club. If you can’t complete it, you can just submit your resignation letter and leave. Don’t make excuses for me. I’m too lazy to listen.” Yang Cheng’s attitude suddenly became radical, which made Il Ain a little unclear, but he didn’t dare to refute. After biting his molars, he bit his scalp and agreed.

Rejecting Il Ain’s suggestion to go to the hotel to rest first, he went directly to the Melwood training base, had a cordial condolences with the young players of the echelon, and gathered the parents who accompanied the young players to train and did a deep dive. communicate with.

After this round of activities, the young players and their guardians have a strong sense of identity and belonging to the club. Not only that, Yang Cheng also specially emphasized the special care for talented players, as long as you can show enough in training. Ability and talent, the club will not hesitate to invest money to train you as a star, of course, you must play for the club in the future.

This seemingly show-making activity is not aimless. Youth training is the root of a giant team’s enduring success. Looking at the world football, La Masia movies do best in this regard. No, it’s a football school. The children from La Masia are deeply influenced by Barcelona’s skills and tactics. When they grow up, they don’t need to run in too much. They can seamlessly connect with the first-tier teams in the fastest time. Yang Cheng also thinks The Melwood Base was built into La Masia in the United Kingdom, and it has become a holy place in the hearts of young football lovers all over the world.

Later, I took advantage of the lunch time to have lunch with the club’s management team. At the table, I learned about the various problems that the club is facing. For example, the technical director of the team suggested that the club is currently on the sideline and the back line. There is a serious shortage of talents, and I hope to make effective supplements during the winter transfer. Regarding this point, Yang Cheng made a decision on the spot. The people who should buy should not be merciless. Money is not a problem. In that case, I really need to be able to tell Messi or Ronaldo. To join, he is absolutely willing to offer a blank check, because with the appeal of these two superstars, he can earn it back no matter how much he spends.

And at this lunch meeting, the club learned about the big boss’s firm determination to change coaches. Looking at the young but cruel and handsome face, no one dared to speak for Rogers. After all, Rogers’ actions were more or less Less provoked the status of the entire club\'s management, everyone is not very good-looking, in that case, they all agree with the boss\'s decision.

After lunch, Yang Cheng discussed with Il Ain about the surrounding expansion plan at Anfield. In addition to increasing the number of stands, this expansion also involves as many fans as possible while entering the stadium to watch the game. The commercial development around Anfield includes the creation of a stylish five-star hotel, which will have both football and Beatles music elements, allowing visitors to Liverpool to enjoy one stop Experience the glorious history of the city of Liverpool;

In addition, Yang Cheng is also preparing to take several unowned land around Anfield to prepare for his future expansion of the British business territory. Now he sits on the big gold mine of Liverpool, how can he not use it? The value is maximized.

The busy afternoon was not over yet, Yang Cheng received a call from Abu at the office. Since leaving from the Eclipse last time, the two have not contacted anymore. The oilfield issues discussed on the yacht seem to be gone. The same.

   However, things backfired. Abu\'s phone call once again caused severe pain in Yang Cheng\'s head.

"Come on, Ill, come with me to London, Roman Abramovich invited me to watch the game at Stamford Bridge, you go with me, by the way, check whether Chelsea have suitable players for us, and find a way to dig them." Yang Cheng rubbed his temples, and said to Il Ain, who was opposite the desk.

   "But isn\'t it Monday today? The league hasn\'t finished yet?" Yang Cheng suddenly wondered.

   "Yes, Chelsea\'s game against Crystal Palace was arranged by the FA to tonight. It seems that it was because of something held at Stamford Bridge last Friday. I am worried that the turf will be affected." Il Ain also replied ambiguously.

"Follow him, let\'s go directly to the airport. The traffic in London is bad enough. Don\'t be late." Yang Cheng sighed with emotion, and left the Melwood base in tandem with Il Ain and drove there. airport.

   As for the coach Rogers who is jumping and happily, Yang Cheng never thought of seeing him from beginning to end! Rogers has been excluded from Liverpool\'s plan.

  . . .

At 6 o’clock in the evening, London had a day of light rain. It seemed to have heard the call of the fans and turned off the tap before the game started. For that matter, the air was still filled with water vapor, and the sun also went off work on time and no longer glowed for London. At this moment, London is even more gloomy.

After arriving at Stamford Bridge, Yang Cheng and Il Ain watched the crowds of fans after getting off the bus. They couldn\'t help but sigh that London is an eye-catching market. The popularity of the market is far beyond what Liverpool can compare. Don’t forget that today is Monday. The people who started the new week at work have been busy for a day and are still willing to spare valuable rest time to stand with the team. This kind of spirit is commendable.

   It was Abu’s confidant Marina Granovskaya that came out to greet Yang Cheng. This woman started as a secretary next to Abu and went all the way to the position of Chelsea CEO. She is called the Queen of Chelsea. The price it paid is hard to imagine.

   has the ability and is very strong, which makes Marina have an unparalleled A decent black windbreaker with a golden scarlet scarf highlights the overbearing character of this woman.

"Mr. Yang, welcome to Stamford Bridge, the boss is waiting in Box No. 1, please come with me." There is no nonsense, and the hard-line manners can be seen at a glance, even in the face of Yang Cheng, a top rich man whose wealth is comparable to her boss , Do not change her style, because she has set her own position. She only needs to respect one person in her life, that is, the boss Roman Abramovich. Even if the rest of the people are offended, as long as Abu is not losing power, she can protect her. She is safe and sound.

Yang Cheng nodded slightly to lead the way in front of her head. She didn\'t care about this woman\'s rudeness, but Il Ain\'s face was very upset. It is said that the two are of the same status. In such a formal occasion, everything should be polite. Say hello, Marina not only didn\'t, but also completely ignored him. Where did this put the face of the dignified Liverpool CEO? Do you still need to be mixed with European football?

   But Yang Cheng did not express any opinion. He was even more insurmountable as a subordinate, so he had to smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach, looking at Marina\'s enchanting back with a sharp sword.

Riding the dedicated elevator to the top floor, Marina didn’t say a word or even a brief introduction to the home court. Now even Yang Cheng is starting to get upset. He shouldn’t be bothered by this little man in his state of mind, but Anyway, it\'s also the guest invited by your master? This attitude had to make Yang Cheng suspect that the other party had ulterior motives.

Under the guidance of Marina, she entered the Stamford Bridge Box 1 with a dark face, and did not look at the number of guests in the box. Abu sneered at the smiling face, "Roman, you have a big temper. ."