Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 220: No control?

At noon, at Jason Manor, White greeted the door in surprise, drove the door for Yang Cheng, and asked strangely, "Jason, did you have lunch?"&1t;/

Yang Cheng got out of the car and patted Sunny, who was speechless and with wet red eyes, motioned her to go back to the room first, and casually chatted with White, "Don\'t mention it, a bad day, give us something to eat."&1t;/

Of course White will not go into the end, "Okay, but there are not many ingredients left in the refrigerator. The chef planned to go out in the afternoon to purchase."&1t;/

"Just make a few desserts. I don\'t have any appetite to eat. I\'ll talk about dinner in the evening." Yang Cheng waved his hand casually. He didn\'t notify White to come back for dinner in advance. The lack of ingredients at home is normal, and he will not anger White for this. &1t;/

"Okay, I will order the following preparations, wait a moment."&1t;/

Yang Cheng sighed, went back to his room and changed into a comfortable set of home clothes before coming to Sunny\'s room. &1t;/

At the door, I tried to push the door. Fortunately, the door was unlocked. I stepped in. I saw Sunny’s clothes and didn’t change. I covered my head with a quilt. I approached and listened carefully. The sound of sobbing came from under the quilt. Come. &1t;/

Yang Cheng pressed her temples with a headache, sat on the side of the bed, and gently lifted the quilt. Sunny, like a frightened bird, turned over instantly, not wanting Yang Cheng to see her sad look. &1t;/

"Sunny, don\'t cry, wait until I give you revenge, what a big deal? It\'s not worth it to be angry for this kind of person." Yang Cheng really can\'t comfort people. In his opinion, comfort is also the most incompetent. &1t;/

Sunny sniffed, raised Ewha\'s rainy face, and gently shook his head, "oppa, I\'m fine, don\'t you take revenge on jessica, okay?"&1t;/

"Why?" Yang Cheng asked in a puzzled way. His code of conduct has always been that whoever makes himself angry will make him angry for a lifetime. &1t;/

"No, you promise me!" Sunny wiped away the tears from her face, while staring at Yang Cheng with piercing eyes, stubbornly forcing Yang Cheng to agree to her request. &1t;/

"What can I do after you have said so? But Quan Ningyi, don\'t stop me." Sunny didn\'t want to say the reason, and Yang Cheng didn\'t ask too much, and she responded helplessly. &1t;/

Sunny pulled up the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile that was uglier than crying, "Thank you oppa."&1t;/

Then the two chatted a few more words, and Yang Cheng said some gossip and funny things. After Sunny\'s mood calmed down a bit, he pulled Sunny downstairs to eat something and went back to the room to coax her to sleep, and he was relieved. &1t;/

After kung fu everywhere, a phone call came to South Korea and asked Liu Jianjun to check Quan Ningyi’s background and South Korea’s industry. Since he wanted to retaliate, he would naturally kill him with a single blow. The reason why a snake would never die would be harmed, even children Everyone understands that Yang Cheng certainly would not make such a low-level mistake. &1t;/

After all this was busy, before Yang Cheng could take a breath and take a break, he received an email from his general Ryze Khan again. She cheered herself up in the sand and started reading with her mobile phone. &1t;/

"This year, global corporate M&A activities have soared to the highest level since the financial crisis. The total global M&A transactions surged by 47%, breaking through the US$3 trillion mark.&1t;/

This is the most active period of mergers and acquisitions since 2oo7. Large-scale mergers and acquisitions have come back with a strong momentum. Historically low borrowing rates, active capital markets and high stock prices have spawned large-scale transactions that may reshape the industry structure, especially In the pharmaceutical, technology and media industries. &1t;/

Industry insiders estimate that the thirst for mergers and acquisitions is expected to continue until next year. The United States and the United Kingdom will play the role of leaders, and Europe will also join the boom. &1t;/

. . . ”&1t;/

It took a few minutes to read Ritz’s analysis on the global M&A wave. It mentioned that the integration of resources in the aviation industry is about to enter the gc period. There have been many small and medium-sized aviation companies around the world since the beginning of the year. This wave of buyout transactions is gradually spreading to medium and large airlines. &1t;/

Not only that, the energy industry, which is closely related to the aviation industry, is also one of the most active areas in this wave of mergers and acquisitions due to continued low oil prices. &1t;/

Ryze Khan’s email meant to ask Yang Cheng whether 4D Space should join the wave, because every economic wave represents an opportunity for expansion, and because the banks are now arbitrarily lending money, the interest rate is at a historically low level. You don’t need to use the money for nothing, not to mention that the four-dimensional space is all high-quality assets, and there is no excessive debt, which is definitely a strange existence on Wall Street. &1t;/

Yang Cheng also talked to Ritz about his vision for the airline, so it is not surprising that Ritz specifically pointed out the possibility of acquiring an airline in the email. &1t;/

What makes Yang Cheng hesitate is that he does not have an advantage in capital reserves. It is very unrealistic to complete the acquisition transaction at one time. There is no merger condition between New Times Media and his target Delta Air Lines. The media company is an airline and has no relationship at all. Even if the two boards of directors agree, the market may not recognize it. After all, New Times Media has no experience in operating an airline, so even if it borrows from a bank, it may not pass the review. Not to mention that the group of shareholders of New Times Media may not agree, even if he is now holding 1oo%. &1t;/

Moreover, Yuanshan Capital has been following up on the Delta Air Lines case, and Yang Cheng also instructed Ritz to buy as much Delta Air Lines stock as possible with free funds. If the rhythm suddenly changes, Yang Cheng is worried. It would backfire, which put him in a dilemma for a while. &1t;/

The afternoon sun lay lazily on every corner of the manor, and the gentle breeze was like a lullaby. Yang Cheng, who was lost in thought, also fell asleep in this warm and cozy atmosphere. &1t;/

I don\'t know how long I slept, a sensation of itching came from my nostrils, he subconsciously sneezed, slowly opened his sleepy eyes, and found that Sunny was lying on him and laughing. &1t;/

I was stunned, rubbed Sunny\'s little face spoiledly, and smiled silently, "Little girl, are you in a better mood?"&1t;/

"Well, thank you oppa, I\'m fine." Sunny\'s chin touched Yang Cheng\'s chest, her big eyes blinked sadly, and she changed to a sunny face. &1t;/

"That\'s good." Yang Cheng replied, stretched and yawned. &1t;/

"Oppa, I\'ll be back tomorrow." Sunny said reluctantly, standing up suddenly. &1t;/

Yang Cheng stretched her waist for a while, "Walking in such a hurry?"&1t;/

"Yes, I just took time to ask for leave, and I have to hurry up when I go back." Sunny rubbed her head, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, and said depressed. She was also reluctant to live like this. The time with Yang Cheng is always worry-free. Carefree, with a sense of security without losing the joy of life. &1t;/

"Alright, I happen to be going to Country Z the day after tomorrow. If you are here, you won\'t be able to accompany you."&1t;/

After a pause, a smirk suddenly appeared on his face, the so-called yin~yu, the eyes that were still hazy just now, suddenly green light appeared, and the mouth said ambiguously, "In this case, should we take advantage of it? Time, hurry up and do something good for your body and mind?"&1t;/

"What are things that are good for physical and mental health?" Sunny really didn\'t react, looking at Yang Cheng with a dull face, but then became lighter, Yang Cheng picked up her princess and ran upstairs, using practical actions to her Explain what is good for physical and mental health. &1t;/

When she understood it, she could only express her\'dissatisfaction\' with a high-pitched whistle. &1t;/

Phoenix bun gold clay belt, dragon pattern jade palm comb. Go to the window and smile and help each other, lovingly said: Is the thrush deep and shallow? &1t;/

Keeping a pen and cuddling for a long time, trace the flowers and try their hands. Waiting for a moment to hinder the embroidery time, and asked with a smile: How do you write a book for the double mandarin duck? &1t;/

. . . &1t;/

Early the next morning, Yang Cheng sent the unlovable sunny on the flight back to Seoul with a sad expression. &1t;/

Why do they have such an expression? Let\'s also talk about the earth-shattering battle yesterday afternoon. &1t;/

how to say? Maybe it was because the two of them were affectionate, and the physical strength that was easily touched was a big problem. They weren\'t the Yang Cheng opponents who had exploded in the small universe. Soon they began to beg for mercy and let Yang Cheng play around like an inflatable doll. Effortlessly to clear all the way, but also thanks to Sunny as a young member who practiced dance all the year round, she is very flexible and can satisfy Yang Cheng\'s evil taste, unlocking various difficult action poses from afternoon to night. &1t;/

And through this unilateral crusade, Yang Cheng, in the sunny petite body, is also fully aware that loli has three advantages: voiced voice, soft body, and easy to overturn! &1t;/

Of course, this is not the key. Perhaps it was the first time that the two generations added a piece to experience the pleasure of loli, which caused him not to stop the car for a while, and the reason for not clearing the warehouse for a long time resulted in overcapacity of food, and failed in the last critical moment. The gate was well controlled, and the brain poured in. Four batches of hundreds of millions of tadpoles followed their memory and natural migration to find their mother. &1t;/

Speaking of science, judging by the probability of combining healthy adult men with women of golden childbearing age, the possibility of killing people is still very high. This is also the reason why Sunny’s expression is so ugly. She is positive these days. In danger. &1t;/

After the smoke disappeared last night, when the two cuddled together to feel the aftertaste of the net tide, they also talked about the possibility of giving birth to a small also expressed her true thoughts, she didn\'t mind. Have a baby for Yang Cheng, but the premise is to change the time period? She is only 25 years old, even 27 according to South Korea\'s calculations. She is in the best age of a woman and is not ready to completely withdraw from the show business. &1t;/

Having said that, I am afraid that only Yang Cheng knows it, and there is no deliberate factor in her heart. &1t;/

Of course, he is not child-controlled. He always has the dispensable idea for the next generation, but since he crossed over, he has hit the target quite a few times, but none of them blossomed, and everyone was worried after he changed. Is it a sequelae? &1t;/

It is not a day or two for him to have such doubts, so he is often on a whim during the sprint phase of physical and mental movement, upholding a shameless mentality that one sheep is driving two sheep, and sending his countless descendants to the hotbed. , Anyway, it\'s just an experiment. If he is born, he can afford it. It doesn\'t matter if he doesn\'t. Continue to be a single noble! &1t;/


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