Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2093: Want to fart

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From 1971 to 1975, the North Sea Oilfield entered a harvest period for oil and gas exploration.

In the waters of the United Kingdom, the Brent oil field and the oil fields of Oak, Oriel, Piper, Comorante and Ninian have been discovered successively; in the waters of Norway, the Stafjord oil field and Espen have been discovered. Oil and gas fields; many oil and gas fields have been discovered in the waters of Denmark, the Netherlands and other countries.

Almost every country has its own cake, of course, the UK is undoubtedly the highest share.

As a result, the North Sea Oilfield, which integrates superior geographical location and high-standard crude oil quality, was officially born, and gradually developed into a world-famous giant oil and gas production area, and has a profound impact on the international oil trading market, or the reputation of Brent crude oil So high.

In fact, the development of the Beihai Oilfield’s fiery cooking oil was assisted by the historical process of Europe.

After the end of World War II, Western countries entered a golden period of rapid development. During this period, oil consumption increased sharply and gradually replaced coal as the world\'s number one energy source. European countries also began to upgrade their industrial equipment from coal-driven to oil-driven.

In the short term, a large number of energy replacements have caused great headaches in Europe, which did not have much oil. In addition, Western Europe was falling into economic stagnation during that period. Only a stable and low-priced oil supply can enable Western European countries to ensure national economic security and safety. ZZ is stable.

However, if you want to eat the cake, you must first determine the share. Whoever has one more bite and one bite less is a matter of every negotiation. Therefore, before struggling to find oil, the division of the North Sea has first become a thorny issue for Britain and Norway. , This issue is very complicated. For example, the platform is on the British side, but the oil from the opposite Norway is taken away. Whose oil is produced?

The North Sea between the United Kingdom and the European continent is mostly the exclusive economic zone of the United Kingdom and Norway. The southeast is the exclusive economic zone of Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. The United Kingdom and Norway have the largest border in the North Sea, so the two countries are in this issue. The differences are also greatest.

Since the waters north of 62°N latitude are areas directly related to Norway and the Soviet Union, and the Soviet naval submarine base is located in Murmansk, because of fear that the Soviet Union suspects that Norway is using exploration opportunities in the North Sea to monitor the movement of its navy, Norway has always I dare not rush to propose maritime division and oil exploration in the North Sea.

Therefore, in the process of dividing North Sea oil fields, Norwegian ZF always makes difficulties for various reasons, intending to delay the development of North Sea oil.

Under this circumstance, the oil-starved British ZF could not sit still, and after a certain degree of compromise, it hurriedly accepted the 35% control of the North Sea.

After solving the thorny problem of sea area division, since the 1970s, under vigorous development, the North Sea oil field has gradually become Europe’s main energy supply, and the United Kingdom, which used to import 99% of its oil, has become the fifth in the world. Large oil and gas exporter.

Not only that, because of its high quality and stable output, Beihai Petroleum quickly gained the favor of European countries.

The discovery of the North Sea oil field has helped the economies of industrial countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Denmark in a period of weakness. It has also enabled the United Kingdom to use a barrel of North Sea Brent oil as a market reference price, thus becoming a global oil futures. The center of the transaction.

Moreover, compared with the oil trenches in the Middle East, European countries have complete capabilities from offshore equipment to oil refining, and they are their own oil fields. It can be said that the United Kingdom has eaten the profits of the entire industrial chain.

If not, the empire’s sun would have stopped cooking long ago!

At that time, European countries had proven oil reserves in the North Sea as early as the beginning of mining. At that time, due to technical reasons, the figure obtained was as high as 5.7 billion tons; natural gas reserves had reached 3.53 trillion cubic meters.

Such a large amount of energy reserves directly promoted the development of Scotland\'s third largest city, Aberdeen, making it an oil industry center that integrates storage, refining and transportation, and has the reputation of "European Oil Capital".

However, although professional organizations have repeatedly refreshed the total reserves with new technologies, the crazy mining has made the North Sea\'s oil reserves less and less. This is an inevitable event, so pessimistic news has also emerged, such as: the dry North Sea , What\'s the future?

At present, the daily output of crude oil in the entire North Sea has fallen from a peak of 6 million barrels to more than 2 million barrels.

In order to maintain oil production, oil companies have to increase their exploration efforts in the North Sea to discover new oil fields. However, the newly discovered oil fields not only cannot compare with the large oil fields discovered in the 1970s and 1980s, but even compensate for the decline of old oil fields. The production gap of China is impossible.

The small oil fields held by Roman and Yang Cheng are already the oil fields with the largest reserves discovered in recent years, and due to various factors, they have not fully exploited, that is, their oil field is far from reaching. Peak production.

Take the legendary Brent oil field, for example, the Brent oil field, which once produced as much as 400,000 barrels per day, began to drop sharply after the 1990s.

By 2015, two of the three operating platforms in the Brent Oilfield had ceased production, and the only remaining platform had a daily output of less than 1,000 barrels per day.

Not only that, the number of new oil and gas discoveries in the UK is also dropping sharply. According to the British official statement, the UK only discovered 4 large oil and gas fields in 2010, which was not only a significant decrease from 13 in 2009, but also fell to the bottom of many years. No. 5 Novel Network

Similar to the situation in neighboring Britain, Norway’s newly-proven oil and gas resources have declined year after year, and almost no large oil and gas fields have been discovered in the past decade.

Moreover, the development of submarine oilfields takes a long time, from rough seismic wave physical exploration to meticulous drilling and core sample exploration, to installation of equipment, cost accounting, and application for development permits, which often take more than five to ten years.

Of course, precisely because of the difficulty and high cost, this large-scale offshore equipment itself is also a large market with a high threshold, and country Z is also accelerating its catch-up in this regard.

Therefore, the oil field that Roman discovered is definitely the kind of pie-in-the-sky.

In addition to the dying oil reserves, high taxes and high environmental protection requirements are also one of the major reasons for hitting the North Sea oil fields.

Due to the overall economic downturn, the large amount of taxes paid by the oil and gas industry to the British ZF has become increasingly important. In order to make up for the lack of fiscal revenue, the British ZF has increased its taxation on the oil and gas industry.

Under increasingly stringent environmental protection treaties, North Sea oil development companies have to increase costs to meet environmental protection regulations. Even Roman and their small private oil fields, which are not very legal, cannot escape the clutches of taxation.

Just like the United States, you are taxed for killing individuals. As long as you are taxed, no matter what you do, the relevant departments will not trouble you. On the contrary, even if you hide in hell, someone will chase you behind. Let you pay taxes.

The capitalist world is so cruel, and there is a cost to breaking the law. Otherwise, the three of them are stupefied and rushed into the British turf to grab food, and only now have someone jumped out to question?

It\'s not that they have paid taxes honestly. Essentially, they are still making contributions to the United Kingdom. That\'s why ZF turned one eye and closed one eye. As for BP oil\'s interests? Hehe, what\'s the matter with me? You are all motivated young people who legally pay taxes. You should go out to a duel for issues other than taxation.

Then, BP Petroleum took the lead in launching a trouble. Everything was predictable. First, it asked the well-connected MPs to raise questions, and then used the pressure of public opinion to put the hat of stealing oil on the three of them, and finally waited for them to fail. Go to BP for peace, and then the lion will open his mouth to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Yang Cheng\'s attitude towards this is: I want to eat!

Is it true that the media industry chain that Laozi has worked so hard to lay out is a joke? Engage in public opinion? Light a lantern in the pit-how about looking for **** (si)?

Even if you pull Lao Mo in, Yang Cheng is not afraid. Besides, Lao Mo is not necessarily willing to be this **** stick. He is now single-minded to sell Fox and become a major shareholder of Disney without worry. Offending Yang Cheng, a rising star, is not worthwhile for an oil field.

To be honest, BP\'s confidence is nothing more than its relationship with the British ZF.

But don’t forget, Yang Cheng and the three of them are not vegetarians-Roman Abramovich, one of the few oligarchs who survived polar bears in the new century, is that the figure who avoided the butcher knife, afraid of your BP oil?

Konrad Koch-descendant of the top American consortium, only God knows how much money the Koch family has.

Yang Cheng-a new generation of media tycoon, the king of traditional media and new media, although his background is a little bit close, but he holds the right to speak in public opinion, and neither he nor his family is a random plaything.

In the face of these three rich and powerful stinky rascals, it is better to take off their clothes and lie down on the bed and wait to be ravaged. At least you can have a good time. Why bother?

BP oil is not starving, right? To put it bluntly, it\'s nothing more than greed. I don\'t know which senior BP made a decision. It\'s really the birthday star hanging himself to eat chicken.

Now that they have made a move, there is absolutely no reason to shut up and be beaten. The counterattack is affirmative. The key is how to counterattack?

Scolding back lightly? It doesn\'t hurt or itchy, UU reading www. is useless.

You have to fight back, and you have to hurt each other, telling them that they are not easy to provoke, this is enough energy.

Then came the idea. Back then, when BP’s oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded and caught fire, the crude oil spill accident that caused it lasted for several weeks. The crude oil pollution caused great challenges to the ocean. At that time, it was affected by sea wind and currents. The spread of the leaked crude oil at a depth of 1,600 meters under the sea is unpredictable.

Within the hundreds of square kilometers that it flows through, marine life will inevitably be affected, including fragile coastal marshes, which are also at risk, and will even affect the development of fisheries in coastal areas.

For such a serious matter, it is impossible for BP Petroleum to take the past lightly. Although many years have passed, the impact continues. Now it’s time to pull the corpse out, and what Yang Cheng has to do is to become that. The corpse whip, with a leather whip in his hand, beat you hard!

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