Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2090: Obiang


William is now going to Beihai Manor just like returning to his own home. Old Carson specially cleaned up a Duke\'s suite for him, so that the Duke’s family can live here when they come to play. William is also welcome. He also moved a bookcase from his home and a permanent residence. Stance.

As soon as he entered the door, this guy rubbed his hands and shouted without the image of aristocrat, "Man, where\'s the wine? Come on, I can\'t wait~"

Yang Cheng really didn\'t want to pay attention to him, it was too shameful, and the words were the same as the female votes.

"Let\'s go, go to the garden room~"

He greeted him, and took William to the sun room facing the garden. The wine was awake and ready to drink. Old Carson also arranged cheese and ham to go with the wine.

I couldn\'t wait to get old Carson to get a glass. William picked it up and shook it and smelled it. Then he sipped it and said contentedly, "Good wine, do you have any more, sell me two bottles?"

Yang Cheng also took a sip, and gave it to him, "I want to eat a fart, but I still want it. This is the one I took from Xiangjiang after spending more than 10,000 pounds."

William shook his head regretfully, and said intoxicated, "Good wine is always rare, and the taste of good old wine is even more unforgettable."

In fact, compared to the other famous wineries, Obiang’s reputation is really not that big. If you don’t believe me, go out to inquire about it. Most people have only heard of Lafite and Mouton, but rarely have heard of Obiang. It\'s too young for ordinary people to have access to it, so naturally they don\'t know.

But in fact Obiang Manor is a famous garden with a long history. It was opened as a vineyard as early as the 14th century, and it has maintained a good development in the subsequent operations.

Another point of Obiang’s pride is that it has successfully escaped the phylloxera that ravaged all French vineyards in the 19th century. It is one of the surviving gardens among many vineyards, so it has always enjoyed the "King of Graff". Famous name.

Although grapes have been planted in the 14th century, it should have been a winemaking estate since 1525.

Jeanne de Bellon, the daughter of the mayor of Libourne near Bordeaux, married JeandePontac, a wealthy nobleman.

Jeanne is beautiful and attractive and is the mayor\'s most beloved baby.

When she got married, the mayor gave Obiang Manor to her daughter as a dowry. Jeanne was beautiful and a show of everyone, and she was naturally loved by her husband.

Therefore, JeandePontac bought a mansion next to the manor for Jeanne in 1533, called MaisonNobledeHaut-, and included the territories in the manor.

Soon afterwards, he built the Chateau Aubion for his wife next to the mansion, so the Chateau Aubion can be regarded as the most romantic, beautiful and elegant one of the Bordeaux estates, and its wine label The castle has been used as a trademark pattern.

Later, the Pontac family owned the Obiang Manor from generation to generation.

In 1666, the Pontac family opened a restaurant and tavern in London, which specializes in French cuisine and Obilan wine called PontacsHeadTavern.

At that time, it was the favorite gathering place for fashionistas in London. At that time, French wine was exported to the UK in bulk, and it was bottled and labelled in English only after arriving in the UK. Orbion was the first wine bottled in the country of origin and labelled in French for sale in the UK, but it is very popular and expensive.

At that time, Obiang\'s usual annual opening price was 550 lire per ton, Latour was 450 lire per ton, and now the more famous Lafite is only 410 lire per ton.

At the end of the 17th century, the descendants of the Pontac family had no children. After their death, Obiang Village fell into the hands of his brother-in-law, the Fumel family.

In the French Revolution in 1794, the heirs of the Fumel family were guillotined and their property was confiscated. After the French Revolution, the descendants of the Fumel family bought the Obiang Manor back, but soon sold it to the Napoleonic Diplomacy Minister Talleyrand.

Obiang has experienced countless ups and downs, but no matter who takes over, he is taking care of him, and it is well preserved.

The wine of Obiang was also the first red wine "exported" to the United States in history. At the end of his visit to France, the U.S. ambassador to France took six boxes of Obiang wine to his hometown, Foggy. Nia, it can be seen that politicians hundreds of years ago knew how to enjoy life outside of busy work.

In the four centuries later, this estate rich in royal wine has changed ownership many times. Among its owners, there are many outstanding figures in history, including admirals, archbishops, French first commander-in-chief of the Republic and the Guiena region. Officials, the three mayors of Bordeaux, these distinguished owners of all kinds, invisibly put a shining golden border on the elegant image of Obilan.

In 1935, another interesting story of buying and selling took place at the Obilan Manor. Glarens Dylan, a very wealthy American financier, decided to buy a top estate in Bordeaux, the wine mecca, because he liked wine very much.

Dylan originally decided to talk about the White Horse Manor in the Sheng Ai Beauty District, but due to the heavy rain and fog that day, and the cold weather, he felt uncomfortable, so he wanted to find a place to rest and clean up.

As a result, he walked into the Orbion Manor not far away and became a guest of the manor. Under the hunger and cold, Dylan was overjoyed while drinking the wine of Obiang and eating the delicious meal prepared by the manor.

After talking, it was learned that the owner also intended to sell the manor, so the two parties hit it off and the deal was made on the spot. Since then, Dylan and his descendants have always owned the Obiang Manor.

Dylan’s son Douglas Dylan became the US ambassador to France in 1953, and of course he was also the owner of the estate.

After Douglas returned to the United States, he became the Minister of Finance of Kennedy ZF. In 1967, Douglas\' daughter Joanne married the Prince of Luxembourg, Obiang Manor became her dowry, and UU reading was in charge of her ever since.

After the death of the prince, Obiang Manor followed Qiao Ann and passed on to Moqi in 1978. He also became the current chairman of Obiang Manor.

Another thing worth mentioning is De Mas, the wine family of the Obilan Estate. The first to join the winery was George De Mas, and he joined Obiang as a winemaker in 1921.

His son Jean was born in the Obiang winery and inherited his father\'s business as the winemaker of the estate. The current winery master winemaker Felipe has also become a member of the current estate management team.

A family of loyalty and conscientious work in one estate for three generations is rare in the world.

The Demas family is also recognized as one of the top winemakers in Bordeaux. In 1961, they were the first to break the tradition, use new technology and equipment to make wine, introduce stainless steel fermentation barrels, etc., and created a unique new era famous winery with a unique taste. Red wine.

At that time, all the listed estates retained the traditional brewing method. This move is incredible, but so far this has been a model for most top estates to follow.

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