Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2094: Impact of the leak

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The next day, the day before the Champions League final, Toutiao app pushed an article from the depths of the soul to torture around the world.

At the beginning of the article, I quoted video footage and satellite pictures taken after the crude oil explosion. Obviously, from the sky, BP Petroleum said that it leaked 5000 barrels of oil from subsea oil wells every day. This figure is undoubtedly an underestimate.

In fact, in the three-and-a-half weeks since the accident, the amount of submarine fuel injection has been 5 or even 10 times the above estimate. Although the leakage plugging measures taken soon have contained the expansion of the disaster, the harm has actually been caused. .

However, BP Petroleum pretended to turn a blind eye and just tried to make false reports to avoid greater responsibility.

Next is an interview with an oceanographer. According to the scientist, some samples he collected from the sea at that time showed that the leaked crude oil changed from a liquid to an emulsified "mousse" and then into a viscous tar mass. Piece.

Although the wind-eroded tar masses are relatively less destructive, they are still very viscous when they spread to the beach, which can cause great impact and pain on marine animals and plants.

Although the use of oil-displacing agents on the sea can accelerate the physical and biological decomposition of the leaked crude oil, the oil-displacing agents have no obvious effect.

What worries marine biologists is that the toxicity of oil-displacing agents may have a direct impact on marine life, while the indirect impact is that more crude oil remains in the ocean depths far away from the sea, which constitutes a long-term impact on the deep ocean ecosystem. influences.

The article also inserted a video: two underwater robots used optical sensors to map the diffusion of crude oil on the seabed, including the editing process of collecting water samples for detailed analysis, proving that the content of the article is well documented.

Immediately afterwards, pictures including some "sticky tar clumps" appeared on Florida beaches, which proved that what the experts said was true, and it did have an impact on people\'s lives.

Of course, what is more serious is for sea creatures.

Mexico’s deep-sea seabed has two ecological environments: in areas where marine sediments are infiltrated by hydrocarbons, clams, mussels, and symbiotic bacteria that use sulfide and methane as energy live, and they also live with a long life span and can survive. Centuries-long polychaete tube worms;

Corals living in another marine ecological environment live by catching prey swimming nearby or by sinking debris from the sea surface.

The bottom of these marine food chains contribute most of the power to the entire food chain. If they are affected, then the entire marine life chain will have major problems.

Higher-level marine mammals, especially the bottlenose dolphins living in the Gulf of Mexico, the endangered sperm whale, and five endangered species of sea turtles.

There have been deaths of varying degrees, as evidenced by photos.

In addition, fishing grounds within an area of ​​18,000 square kilometers in the Gulf region that provide food for humans were also closed after the oil spill. The purpose is to protect people from eating shellfish contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are contained in oil. One of the carcinogenic ingredients.

The blow to fisheries is not only economic. Many people who depend on it for survival will lose their source of livelihood and cannot eat or sell. There is not much they can do.

The article specifically listed a few fishermen who were hit. They originally lived a happy life with no shortage of food and clothing. However, after the oil spill, they lost their financial resources and could only go out to work. They have lived by the sea all their lives, lacking the necessary means of making a living on land, and their lives have gone from bad to worse! Little Bookstore

However, the ‘culprits’ of the whole incident did not pay any attention to it, or even a hint of apology. They only paid attention to their own losses and ignored the safety of others. This was heinous behavior.

The article used very strong language to criticize BP Petroleum\'s inaction and bluntly stated that they are responsible for it!

Yang Cheng is also considered an arrogant Englishman, and will not do much about it. They are unwilling to take this "unnecessary" responsibility on themselves. If you change to a softer opponent, you just have to apologize honestly. , And took out a small amount of money to compensate the victim, Yang Cheng\'s move was self-defeating.

But in the opinion of the British, this opening is absolutely impossible to open. Once it is opened, more\'victims\' will definitely come forward to claim compensation from them. Just one or two, if there are hundreds or thousands. ? If a family loses $10,000, BP will suffer a great loss, so they can only deny it and apologize verbally at best.

However, Yang Cheng has successfully aroused public anger. Can a mere sorry extinguish the public anger?

Without Yang Cheng\'s control, BP can also escape the catastrophe by diverting contradictions and diverting attention, such as exploding a certain star\'s shocking gossip. . .

It\'s a pity that this trick is not easy to work at the source. Since Yang Cheng made a move, it must be like the back wave pushing the front wave, and the wave is stronger than the wave. Want to divert your attention? nonexistent.

Sure enough, as soon as this article came out, BP\'s stock price fell in response. It was definitely the result of man-made manipulation, but it also indirectly proved the anger of the masses.

A few hours after the article was published, Yang Cheng received a call from Roman. Through the phone, he knew how happily he was smiling. "Man, good job, this bunch of rubbish, you have to teach them a lesson, let them I know we are not annoying~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "This is just the beginning. Just wait and see. I have people write a hundred and eighty articles, and they will be posted in the next few days. I will wait to see when BP will develop the conference."

"I guess they won\'t recognize it. If this is the case, there is no need to develop the conference. Otherwise, when someone asks questions, how do they answer? Will they express their toughness? It will undoubtedly make the masses more irritated. I have to say, you The trick is so beautiful, it directly hit BP\'s weakness. The cover-ups they have done in the past few years have all been dug up by you." Roman did not hesitate to praise.

Yang Cheng smiled, "Okay, UU reading, I have a move here, you must pay attention to safety, and be careful of BP\'s tricks."

"He dare, if they dare to break through the bottom line, then don\'t blame us for using more cruel means to retaliate." Roman said viciously. In his opinion, BP would not do such unwise things.

But then again, it\'s already stupid to shoot at them three inexplicably, and where do you want to be stupid?

Afterwards, Conrad also called and praised Yang Cheng fiercely. Yang Cheng\'s counterattack was quick and powerful. It was too appetizing for him. If Yang Cheng was by his side, he would like to kiss him.

"Man, do it with confidence, Roman and I are your solid backing." Conrad promised.

Yang Cheng said, "I see, are you flying to Wales tomorrow?"

"Yes, it will definitely arrive before the game."

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