Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2089: died

This time I specifically sought out LV’s young designers to create a series of uniforms for us throughout the year. One set per season, closely following the current popular elements. On this basis, we must take into account practicality. For this purpose, Delta Air Lines Two million US dollars were used to reward young designers who stood out. Yang Orange explained.

Luo Yue suddenly asked in surprise, "So it\'s a form of tender?"

"Yes, what? You want to participate too?"

"Yes, it\'s very interesting, and I have a good vision, I should be able to give you some reference opinions." Luo Yue said very lightly, but the meaning in his small eyes is: if you dare to refute, you will die!

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Okay, tomorrow I will let someone pass the design sample to you. When you try the wedding dress, take the time to take a look and give me advice at any time."

Luo Yue squinted his eyes with satisfaction, as if saying: Count your acquaintances.

. . .

On the second day, the winner was a young designer who had just joined LV\'s women\'s clothing design department. The proposal she submitted was based on the original navy blue and added the aristocratic element of purple for embellishment. At the same time, in the spring and summer In the style, the latest trend elements are incorporated, and the version completely gets rid of the word\'retro\' and is closer to the young.

But this also poses a big test for Delta Air Lines. You can\'t expect a group of aunts to wear a sense of sex, right?

This means that Delta Air Lines will recruit a group of young and beautiful flight attendants to join the team. As for the aunts, either retire or switch to logistics. Anyway, the $2 million cannot be spent in vain.

The winning plan was well received by Luo Yue and Yang Cheng. The plan was decided with little entanglement. Then Yang Cheng placed the order on behalf of Delta Airlines, and the production will also be handled by LV\'s foundry in country Z.

At the same time, Luo Yue\'s wedding dress was confirmed, of course, there are still several details that need to be revised.

This time Sarah Barton designed a set of three wedding dresses for Luo Yue, and even the bridesmaid’s dresses were made by her herself, worthy of every pound for Yang Chenghua.

The most important main wedding dress, that is, the wedding dress worn during the ceremony is a classic trailing style. The color is naturally white that symbolizes dream and purity, but the difference is that it incorporates romantic pink elements on the basis of white. The trailing part is dotted with hundreds of pink diamonds, shining in the sun.

And considering that the wedding ceremony will be held on the island, when designing the wedding dress, the gentle sea breeze is taken into consideration, so the wedding dress will have a floating effect under the sea breeze due to the special pleated lines. In addition, the neckline of a tube top The design also makes the wedding dress add a touch of charm on the basis of solemn dream.

Needless to say, the materials are all top-notch. It is worth mentioning that Sarah Barton also deliberately incorporates the elements of the country Z. The surface of the white wedding dress is embroidered with dark patterns. It is a phoenix pattern, only in the sun. It will only emerge when there are sufficient conditions.

As soon as this plan came out, Luo Yue fell in love, and Yang Cheng also thought it was very beautiful. The key is to have a sense of sexuality without being exposed, which is enough. He doesn\'t want his bride to show his figure too much, after all It is the conservativeness of the Orientals that prevails.

. . .

As soon as he returned to the castle with a happy mood, he saw old Carson greet him with a solemn expression, but even so, he did not forget the etiquette and respectfully welcomed the host back.

Yang Cheng gave a vague wink to indicate that she had something to say, and Yang Cheng said to Luo Yue, "You go up and change your clothes first, and I will talk to Carson."

Luo Yue glanced at Carson, nodded sensibly, and took his maid upstairs.

Carson hurriedly said, "Recosta is dead~"

Yang Orange was startled, "When did it happen?"

"In the early hours of the morning, he used to go out at a fixed time every morning to fetch milk and newspapers, but he was late today. Our people waited for about half an hour and knocked on the door when they felt something was wrong. No one responded, and he was helpless. I opened the door and rushed in, and found that the person hanging in the living room was stiff."

Yang Cheng\'s face also stiffened, "Hanged?"


Yang Cheng cursed secretly, "Where are our people?"

"After he notified the supervisor, he called the police. There was no way. The violent break was so loud that many passersby saw it." Carson said for the brother in charge of the guard.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "This is not important. He shouldn\'t talk nonsense. The key is Recosta. Why did he suddenly commit suicide? No, is it a suicide?"

"It should be certain that our people never let the house out of their sight from beginning to end. Our people are watching the front and back doors. If outsiders sneak in, they will definitely be found."

Yang Cheng took a breath. This is not good news. Now everyone who cares knows the relationship between Recosta and himself, and it didn\'t take long for him to give up, and he died!

This dirty water will be stuck on my head no matter what, this is really a person from the sky in a pot at home, this is no luck, too much! The good mood just now disappears~

Of course, he didn\'t panic either. After experiencing the same thing once, he had a psychological expectation. Besides, he didn\'t kill anyone. What was he afraid of?

"As long as it can be proved that Recosta really died by suicide, is it all right?"

"In theory, this is the case, at least we are legally tenable."

"Then it\'s okay, besides, as long as C~I~A is not behind the scenes, no one in the UK will take the initiative to make life difficult with us."

It would not be depressed to think about it this way, but he was still puzzled, why did Recosta suddenly think of suicide?

He also knew that Carson couldn\'t answer this question, so he didn\'t ask at all, beckoned at him, and went upstairs by himself.

Luo Yue just finished changing his clothes. Seeing Yang Cheng\'s face looked solemn, he couldn\'t help asking, "What\'s wrong? What happened?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, but still didn\'t tell her about the death. After all, it was unlucky, and turned to, "Nothing, a little thing, are you hungry?"

"A bit~"

"Go downstairs to eat, I will go down after changing my clothes~"

Luo Yue looked at him suspiciously, holding Yang Cheng\'s cheeks in both hands, and raised his head solemnly, "I am your wife, no matter what, I will bear it with you."

Yang Cheng was stunned, and there was a burst of electricity in his mind, "Uh~ well, Recosta is dead, suicide."

Luo Yue was also taken aback, "Is that the black congressman?"

"Yes, we had parted ways before, but I didn\'t expect him to commit suicide like this."

Luo Yue frowned, "It doesn\'t matter to you, right?"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "What do you think? If I did my hand, would I still pretend to be surprised in front of you?"

Luo Yue first heaved a sigh of relief, and then solemnly said to Yang Cheng, "I don\'t care what you have done before, but from now on, you are not allowed to do anything that hurts the world, have you heard?"

Yang Orange scratched his head, what is this, it was so serious, but it was forced to fight back.

But these words don\'t need to tell Luo Yue, a woman still has to keep a kindness and simplicity in her heart.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t~"

. . .

After eating with great concentration, Luo Yue took the maid to the garden to pick flowers. She was going to try to make flower cakes.

Yang Cheng wasn\'t in such a good mood. After sitting in the study for a long time, he called William.

"What\'s the matter, buddy?" William sounded very noisy over there.

Yang Cheng frowned and asked, "Inconvenient to talk?"

"Uh~ wait for me~" After William said a word, he heard footsteps, and then the noisy background sound gradually disappeared.

"Okay, let\'s talk about it~ I just participated in a charity event and the scene was a bit messy~"

Yang Cheng said, "Recosta is dead~"

William asked subconsciously, "Did you?"

Yang Cheng cursed, "Fuck, why I did everyone\'s first reaction?"

William smiled, "What are you doing with such a big reaction? I don\'t think you are so stupid. He died at this time. Whether you did it or not, it has nothing to do with you. So anyone can kill him, except You can\'t."

"Just you are smart~" Yang Cheng stunned, and then asked, "Please help me stare. I mean the Scotland Yard side. I don\'t want bad news about me to come out."

William of course will not refuse, "No problem, I will help you stare, and let you know the news as soon as possible, don\'t be nervous man, since you didn\'t do it, then you won\'t have any problems."

"I understand, well, you are busy."

"No, no, the event is over. I am now in the car and ready to go back. Would you like to come out for a drink?" William suggested.

Yang Cheng hesitated, "I just came back and I am too lazy. If you want to drink it, come to me. It happens that I have a bottle of Obiang from 1989. I just took it back from Xiangjiang. Would you like to try it?"

"Really? I know you have a good drink, wait for me, it will be there in 2 hours~" William shouted excitedly.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng told Carson about William\'s coming through the walkie-talkie. He would wait until the time was about to start drinking and wake up early.

The year 89 is one of the best vintages in the history of Bordeaux. The wines produced in this year are almost not bad, not to mention the Aubian Manor which produces one of the most prominent and expensive red wines in France.

Obiang Winery is located in the northern part of the Graf region of Bordeaux, which belongs to the Pessac-Leo Lian region.

With an area of ​​109 acres, the manor is the smallest manor among the "Big Five" famous estates in Bordeaux. The red wine produced by it also reflects an intellectual and gentle style.

The annual output is only 10,000 to 12,000 boxes.

This is also the only winery among the five famous wineries that is not in the Médoc region.

In the past two years, Yang Cheng sent people to auction wines all over the world, which caused quite a stir, so that as soon as his people appeared at the auction, they would receive the highest level of treatment.

Of course, he also rewards the organizer with a good price. Whenever a famous wine is listed, he will be notified as soon as possible. In the past two years, at least 50% of the famous wines sold by several well-known auction houses have entered Yangcheng\'s wines everywhere. It is not surprising that William is excited.

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