Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2088: Create a championship ring

Although he didn\'t get much money, Yang Cheng also prepared a surprise. He was ready to follow the NBA and create a batch of championship rings, waiting for the first home game of the next season to be distributed to the players in the witness of the fans.

This is also a way to improve cohesion, and it can also tell everyone that you can get more in Liverpool!

After Gerrard withdrew, Messi touched the back of his head a little bit shyly, and said in a low voice, "Boss, I want to say thank you, thank you for bringing me to the Premier League, and thank you for your trust in me. , I can only repay you with a championship trophy."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Needless to say between us, Leo, the reward you bring to me is beyond your imagination, but I am very interested in the big ear cup. I hope you can bring the big ear cup next month. Come to my wedding."

"Of course, I must not let you down."

The two simply said a few words, Messi said goodbye and left. There was restorative training in the afternoon, and he could not be absent.

After everyone left, Luo Yue joked with a smile, "I didn\'t expect this world-famous superstar to be so introverted in private."

Yang Cheng shook his head helplessly. In fact, Messi was a year older than him, but in front of him, he was as shy as a child, and he couldn\'t imagine what he was like when he was a child.

"You flew over in advance, your girlfriend didn\'t complain, right?"

Luo Yue patted him strangely, "What are you talking about, how can she complain about such an important thing."

Yang Cheng was just joking, of course he wouldn\'t be serious, so he signed the document and said to Luo Yue, "Let\'s go, take you to try Liverpool\'s snacks."

What snacks are there in Liverpool? Fish sticks? roasted beef? The trilogy of British dark cuisine is available here.

But don’t listen to outsiders talking nonsense, at least it’s not bad, but it’s definitely greasy to eat every day, but it’s good to try it occasionally. The British version of beef stew is still very tasty and it goes well with bread.

After dinner, they returned to the manor by helicopter. The young couple walked hand in hand along the stream in the back garden. The summer garden was full of flowers, but the colors were not as bright as the orange sunset.

The viewing pavilion in the garden is located on a slightly higher ground, from here you can overlook the North Sea, with a wide view, and you can have a panoramic view of most of the manor.

Luo Yue pointed to the arrow tower under construction in the distance and asked, "Why are you repairing those lost arrow towers?"

Yang Cheng said, “The first is to keep the manor with the most complete facilities. When it is open to the outside world, you can let the primary school students go in and play and look far away;

The second is that some secret space is needed in the manor, and the people in the castle are not suitable for people to come and go. It is better to be placed in the arrow tower, except for fixed personnel, no one can approach. "

Luo Yue was curious, "Private space?"

"Hmm~ I told you that we are doing research on the golden mask of Tutankhamun?"

"Yes, I remember, it\'s in the arrow tower?"

"Yes, you can\'t see it here, you can see it from the castle towards the coast."

"Well, how is the research?"

"The progress is average, it\'s just confirmed that the golden surface has the properties of memory metal, but this kind of thing can\'t be rushed, it has to come a little bit."

"Memory metal, black technology?"

"Ha ~ almost, if I really research it out and find relevant resource mines on the earth, then our family can guarantee at least 5 generations of worry-free."

Luo Yue sounded dizzy and wisely ended the topic, "Will you accompany me to try the wedding dress tomorrow?"

This time she deliberately flew here in advance, just to try the wedding dress. There is still one month before the wedding. If the wedding dress is not suitable, it is better to leave time for the tailor to modify it.

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Tomorrow? Hard to say, there may be something tomorrow~"

Luo Yue pouted his mouth and didn\'t believe it, "You just made excuses on purpose~"

Yang Cheng reacted greatly, "How is it possible, how could I deliberately excuse such an important matter, but I will meet with LV designers tomorrow to discuss the replacement of Delta Air Lines uniforms. If it ends early, I will definitely rush over."

When Yang Cheng heard something important, Luo Yue didn\'t entangle her. She had never liked to entangle such trivial matters.

But she was quite interested in what Yang Cheng said, "Why are you suddenly changing your uniform?"

"In Bastian’s opinion, he thinks that American airlines are too old compared to the newly emerging airlines in Asia and should be younger in details, such as the average age of flight attendants, and of course the color and style of uniforms. In fact, rivals such as American Airlines have already done it. Delta has only upgraded the details of the uniform. To be honest, we are one step behind."

But Yang Cheng couldn\'t flatter American Airlines\' new uniforms.

The main color of American Airlines\' new uniforms is charcoal gray. Gray is popular in this series of designs, with gray skirts, gray shirts, gray jackets, gray pants, and gray sweaters.

The airline chose a softer silver as a prominent hue to distinguish different types of work. In the final analysis, silver is just a luxurious version of gray.

The styles of these uniforms still follow the design of navy uniforms, and are not even different from those of Southwest Airlines. The uninspired flight attendant uniforms also show the overall state of the US aviation industry: increasingly uncomfortable flight experience, Increasingly expensive air tickets and the status quo of a lifeless and uncompetitive industry.

It seems to be saying: American airlines no longer need to pursue excellence.

This is true for American Airlines, and so are other airlines.

Of course, the tailoring of the uniform is impeccable, but the choice of gray proves that American Airlines does not have the courage to stand out. Gray cannot reflect the unique temperament of American Airlines. Wearing such a uniform makes American Airlines flight attendants among the many airlines. The may be the functionality of the uniform, which ultimately has the upper hand in appearance. The seemingly glamorous flight attendants and flight attendants actually have to undertake tedious physical work during the flight, and the design of the uniform naturally complies with This feature of flight attendant service replaces fancy decoration with practicality.

In fact, in the history of American aviation, the design of flight attendant uniforms is not as pragmatic as ever.

The flight attendants of the airlines of the last era wore miniskirts and knee-length boots. It was a true portrayal of the swinging 1960s and the free 1970s. For a whole decade, American Airlines even became a stage for fashion designers. , All kinds of styles competed with each other, the flight attendants at that time were also very young.

But since then, airline uniforms have begun to pay more and more attention to practicality and functionality. Especially recently, considering that the uniforms are sold again after being eliminated, they will fall into the hands of criminals or be used to avoid security checks. RB airlines even Uniforms equipped with tracking devices are launched. Of course, RB does need uniforms with this function. After all, many movies performed by two or three people have similar tracking plots.

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