Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2066: New Castle of Baden-Baden

Where is the other castle? "

"In Baden-Baden, I don\'t need to say you know this small city, right?"

"Of course, I think Baden-Baden is more suitable than Vegas as a place for people to indulge. It is a place regarded as a paradise by countless European aristocrats and upper classes. It is called the summer residence of Europe."

"Yes, the castle is also built in the Black Forest. It is only a 15-minute drive from Baden-Baden. It is very convenient. Where you live, you can enjoy a holiday all year round."

Baden-Baden, Germany is not only a long history, but also unique. It not only has the largest opera house and concert hall in Germany, the most beautiful casino in the world, but also a famous tourist attraction and international conference city in Europe.

The world in the town is splendid-luxurious shopping centers, international racetracks, ancient castles, Europe\'s second largest opera house, and the exotic hot spring baths...not only that, but also the cultural and sports facilities here There are everything, a dazzling array of shops, small and exquisite cafes and restaurants, a resort in an absolute sense.

It is a picturesque and picturesque German town, a small city in Central Europe full of humanities and boundless life!

Although people have returned, their hearts are still in Baden-Baden. This is the most frequently thought of phrase by everyone who leaves there.

Baden-Baden is located in the southwestern part of Germany, in the Os Valley on the northwestern edge of the Black Forest. It is only 7.5 kilometers away from the Rhine River on the border between Germany and France. The town is backed by green hills, facing the beautiful water, and winding along the valley. Charming and colorful.

There are two ways of saying the origin of Baden-Baden: One is that in German, "Baden" means "bath" or "swimming". Therefore, to this day, this small town still has many bathrooms. ;

The second is that in the center of this small town, there is the Oss River meandering, and the clear water of the "Baden" and "Baden" passes through the valley. This small town was named "Baden-Baden".

Although the first statement has a higher credibility, the latter statement is more in line with the romantic temperament of Baden-Baden, "Baden" and "Baden", how full of rhythm and poetry!

It is said that a long time ago, when building Baden-Baden, the monarch at that time had an idea, that is, he hoped to give a reasonable "play" and "imagination" to this unique natural scenery.

Simply put, it is a good combination of the natural landscape and local culture, so he recruited many famous designers to his palace.

He told the designers, “The sky here is particularly blue. Is it to consider letting the sky as the roof of Baden-Baden, and then ‘planting’ various beautiful buildings under the sky.”

Thus, people saw how grand and creative this design is today.

These great architects did a good job of realizing the original concept of "taking the sky as the roof".

Nowadays, Baden-Baden is full of gardens and green spaces. Villas, palaces, pavilions and chairs seem to have grown from the ground, and there are no traces of artificial axes.

Walking into Baden-Baden, it feels like you are in a large garden, where there are large tracts of lawn, with white openwork iron carved pavilions dotted in the middle of the lawn; green trees and flowers are lush, and towering old trees are sparse and scattered in the middle; Between all kinds of ancient trees, there are buildings of different styles in twos and threes, and the calm medieval buildings exude the prosperity of the past.

Observing carefully, each building has its own characteristics, but none of them gives a sense of frivolousness.

Slowly moving forward along the winding road, a small medieval-style town scattered across large plains and river valleys, like a majestic picture scroll, slowly unfolds.

From time to time on the street, I saw an old German man or woman holding a shepherd dog, or wandering, or sitting still, or drinking and chatting.

Elderly, slender gentlemen wearing old-fashioned suits and well-textured top hats pass by; if someone asks for directions, they will speak slowly, answer carefully in English and give a little guidance, being polite and not overly enthusiasm.

The older ladies are elegant and slightly fanciful. Most of them wear long skirts and have extraordinary temperaments.

Time seems to slow down here, walking into this ancient town, I feel a different freshness and nature.

The very worth mentioning scenery of Baden-Baden is the ancient castle. Here, "old castle" is not a general term, but an exclusive term. From the Lienpoort square along a small street on the left of Sophie Road to the hill Go, after a small square, you can see a building on the left, which is the town hall of Baden-Baden, go up and turn left, cross the market square, and there is a road leading to the mountain to the north. Stone steps path, along this path you can walk straight to the ancient castle.

There are two castles in Baden-Baden. The oldest one is on the northern hill. It is known as the ancient castle. It was built around the 12th century. The castle closer to the city is called the New Castle. It was built in 1479. It is located on the Florence Hills blessed by the sun.

It is said that the new castle, which was once the residence of the Marquis of Baden, was built in Gothic style at the beginning, but unfortunately, the castle was burnt down in 1847 and was later rebuilt in Renaissance architecture and kept intact to date.

Time went by to 1995, because the local government could not afford the expensive maintenance costs, in a sensational auction, all the items in the castle were sold by Sotheby\'s auction house, but were eventually taken over by the British royal family.

From time to time, members of the British royal family live here when they come to the summer capital for vacation, so it is usually not open to the public. However, the platform in front of the castle is still considered to be the best place to enjoy the spectacular scenery of Baden-Baden. Land, especially at dusk, accompanied by sunset clouds, overlooking this charming small city, its love and scenery, can only be appreciated, can not be said!

Now that William has said it, it means that it is not for sale, and in the eyes of Yang Cheng, it seems that the new castle in Baden-Baden can grasp his mind better than the Freedom Palace in Freiburg.

After all, Baden-Baden has not only the scenery comparable to Freiburg, but also the hot springs that the whole of Europe envy.

As early as the 1st century AD, the ancient Romans discovered a mineral spring with a temperature of 69 degrees in the valley where Baden-Baden is located, so they began to build a large bathing place, and called this place Aquae, Aquae-meaning bath .

According to historical records, in 213 AD, the Roman emperor Caracalla came here to enjoy a hot spring bath.

Since then, the hot springs in Caracalla have been preserved. Today, Baden-Baden still has a hot spring bath named after him-Caracalla-which is one of the most beautiful and largest hot spring baths in Europe One.

The famous Caracalla baths are built with white marble and are quite modern. The baths cover an area of ​​one thousand square meters and are equipped with multiple indoor and outdoor hot springs and saunas. You can enjoy the whole fruit here or wear swimsuits.

In addition to the Caracalla Baths, Baden also has a famous thermal bath: Friedrich Baths.

Friedrich Baths was built in It took 8 years to build. The large baths have steam baths, water baths, running water baths, diving baths, etc., as well as natural spring mud baths and carbonated baths. There are many types, but the Friedrich Baths only have indoor baths, and only whole fruit baths.

In the 17th century, almost the entire city of Baden-Baden was destroyed by fire due to the war, and even the castle on the hill was not immune.

It wasn\'t until the end of the 18th century that it thrived again, and the entire city became a health resort.

It is said that the source of the hot spring in Baden-Baden is about 2000 meters below the ground, and the average spring water temperature is about 68 degrees Celsius.

The spring water here is not only drinkable, but also has a variety of curative effects. Soon, Baden-Baden became the "Europe\'s Summer Capital", echoing Paris, which is known as the European Winter Capital.

It’s not bad to have a holiday castle in Xiadu. Yang Cheng reluctantly came to Charles’s palace. Until now, his mentality has changed. If the price is right, he can really buy it and go to Baden every year. Baden soaks in the hot springs, come to a play of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

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