Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2067: Baden Baden

Baden-Baden, a spa town full of European nobility.

Since this time, Baden-Baden has been favored by celebrities in Europe and all over the world, and many people have come here. It is said that Baden-Baden is the favorite city of Napoleon III. He has been here many times for a few days. .

Not only Napoleon III, but Emperor William also brought his family to spend the summer. In addition, the small town of Baden-Baden also hosted Bismarck, Queen Victoria, Russian Tsar Alexander, and William of Prussia—he was almost murdered here.

These monarchs and the ZZ family have a soft spot for this place. They like to choose this place for gatherings, bathing, or coming here for leisure and vacation.

Those who came to Baden-Baden included not only the emperors, generals, but also many literati and inkmen who came here for vacations, bathing, and looking for inspiration for writing, which earned the town a reputation.

Russian writers Dostoevsky and Turgenev, German composers Wagner and Brahms, and American writer Mark Twain have all been here. Among them, Brahms was in Badenbaum. Deng lived the longest, and he lived in a small local building for ten years.

Most of the tourists who come to Baden-Baden come for the hot springs.

Mark Twain left a famous saying when he soaked in the hot springs here, "You will forget yourself in 5 minutes in the Friedrich Baths, you will forget the time in 10 minutes, and the world in 20 minutes."

So being in Baden-Baden is not only a body bath, but more importantly, a person\'s body, mind and soul are infiltrated and cleansed-the small town’s moist air, beautiful environment, and uniqueness The culture bathes people. It can be said that bathing is the essence of the culture of this small town.

Music master Brahms once said that he will always have an unspeakable yearning for Baden-Baden. It is not just him. With the efforts of Schumann, Brahms, Liszt, etc., this small town 200 years ago It became the center of European salon music.

Brahms wrote a lot of music here, Delacroix also painted a lot of landscape paintings for Baden-Baden, many works of music composer Brahms were completed here, and here is his former residence. .

Now, the charm of Baden-Baden is not diminished back then. It still attracts tourists from Europe and the world, who come to worship, visit and hold various meetings in an endless stream throughout the year.

The ongoing G20 meeting of global central bank governors and finance ministers is held in this small town. Of course, after the meeting, these global economic leaders may have a frankness in the hot spring bath. .

The former Yangcheng spent a few pleasant nights in Baden-Baden. These experiences can still be found in his mind. There, you can enjoy a complex bathing process derived from ancient Rome, as well as modern Take a dip in the hot spring in a human way.

Looking up at the white clouds and blue sky, the laziness and exhaustion along the way disappeared in an instant.

At night, the surroundings are quiet and everything is silent. The mountains shrouded in the night seemed to have fallen asleep, getting up with clothes, walking along a gentle path, facing the night breeze, aimlessly, walking forward.

The night breeze in the valley is bitter and quiet.

Looking up, the few stars hanging in the night sky appeared bright and high, and everything under the night sky became blurred.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "That\'s it, Baden-Baden, I like this place~"

William seemed to have expected it, and smiled slightly, "Decided?"

"It\'s decided. Baden-Baden is a holiday destination. The castle can be bought as a holiday resort, and I remember that the house prices in the town are still strong. Of course, it can also be used as a hotel or wedding venue and rented out to make money to maintain the castle. s expenses."

William spread his hands, "That\'s your problem. After the transfer to you, I can\'t control how to operate it."

After a pause, he said, "I will tell Charles in a moment that you don\'t need to participate in the later activities and you won\'t join in the fun with other people. It\'s boring."

"I know, remember to ask him to give me a discount. I won\'t sell it if it\'s too expensive~"

"Don\'t worry, I will help you watch it, and I will definitely not let you suffer." Le Shu Bar

. . . . . .

May 5, Wednesday, Liverpool, rainy.

It has been raining for 3 days, and there is no sign of stopping. Although it is not big, it has been raining so continuously, which is definitely a test of the turf of the stadium, but there is no wind, which is good news.

Fortunately, Liverpool\'s massive investment in the past two years has kept Anfield\'s turf at the top of the Premier League, even if it is not a big problem to guarantee two consecutive high-intensity matches in a day.

But for the turf protection staff, work must not be sloppy. Today is the most important day for Liverpool in more than ten years. No, no, maybe even the away game 7 days later, but for Anfield people, today is In the final, under their guarantee, the team will win the ticket to Cardiff Millennium Stadium and launch an impact towards the team\'s second Champions League trophy in the new century.

So today’s work must not be missed. Hughes, the leader of the turf maintenance team, is an old Liverpool man. He has been working in Liverpool for more than 30 years. Here he has witnessed the rise and fall of the team and can be said to be integrated with Liverpool.

"This is Anfield!" This sentence was deeply engraved in his mind and almost became his motto. Every team that visits Anfield is his enemy. If it weren\'t for the rules, he would have been there. Bombs were planted in the turf to blow up those bitches.

But he can’t do that. What he can do is to let the team play on the flattest and most comfortable turf. Because of Loew’s arrival, Liverpool’s current tactics are very magnificent. Whenever he sees the guys using their skilled feet By uploading control on the court and turning the enemy\'s head around, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in his heart spontaneously arises. This is the biggest praise for his work.

Originally, according to Mr. Love\'s instructions, today the turf needs to be watered a lot, one is to make the ball faster; the other is to cause trouble to the opponent, once the studs are not ready, just wait to play in Anfield.

Originally, Hughes had worked hard and prepared to give his opponent a record of Mawei, but it is a pity that the old man was naughty, and he stole the job from him.

However, he has no complaints. The rain for three consecutive days has made the turf comparable to a roller skating rink, and it is easy to fall when standing on flat shoes, not to mention those who need to do rapid acceleration, emergency stops, and change directions on the court. Action players too.

It was originally a happy thing, but Hughes couldn’t help getting nervous. He liked football since he was a child and once joined a professional team, but his body didn’t allow him to go further along this road, but he did not choose to stay away. Use another way to continue his passion.

With a professional foundation, coupled with the experience of more than 30 years, it may be touted to say that he is half a coach, but he must understand football better than the fans. Playing on such a stadium is actually fair to both sides of the game. Liverpool His home court advantage is about to be polished.

But he couldn\'t do more, the work he should have done was done, and the rest was up to the lads.

"Hughes, do you still use water spray today?" a young guy who had just been recruited shouted, scratching his neck.

No way, no shouting. As early as 2 hours ago, a large number of fans surrounded Anfield. They were cheering and jumping. The noise that broke out had long caused the eardrums of the people in the stadium, but no one was there. Complaining, on the contrary, if it is not for work needs, they also want to join in.

This young guy obviously did not have a clear judgment on the situation. Hughes was in a state of irritability. Hearing this idiotic question, he instantly lit the explosive barrel and yelled at his neck, "Are you a fool? Water? Do you want our players to perform acrobatics on the court? Damn, which **** brought you in, Anfield doesn\'t need an idiot!"

The boy was scolded by a dog-blood sprinkler. He blushed and couldn\'t say a word. He wanted to explain but didn\'t know what to explain. He also knew that he asked a stupid question, but he was too nervous and had to do something to relieve the tension. He didn\'t want everyone\'s efforts to be wasted because of his own mistakes, but the more nervous he became, the more blank his head became, so that the general problem of brain disability would blurt out without passing the brain.

"Asshole, open all the drainage facilities for me, all, immediately! Right now! In addition, arrange for artificial drainage. I don\'t want any water bays in the stadium before the whistle starts! Give me a move, you guys didn’t eat Supper?” Hughes’s loud voice is comparable to a loudspeaker. In time, under the double noise of music and fans’ cheering, everyone on the stadium still clearly heard him. command.

At this time, no one noticed that an elegant gentleman walked at the entrance of the player\'s entrance. He did not bring an umbrella and let the rain wet his hair and expensive suits.

However, he didn\'t look embarrassed, but rather energetic, with a smile at the corner of his mouth and deep eyes staring around him. The fans began to enter the stadium one after another, preparing for the start of the war.

The passageway is even more busy. Reporters, stadium staff, Juventus coaches, everyone is busy, no one noticed this man who brought glory to the Red Army again-Liverpool coach Loew.

Standing in place for half a minute, feeling the tension of the approaching battle, he walked calmly to the sidelines. He just heard Hughes\'s roar and couldn\'t help but say, "Are you nervous? Mr. Hughes?"

The Liverpool man who was still very irritable just turned his head back, and the moment he saw Love, his posture immediately became respectful, "Good evening Mr. Love, yes, I am very nervous, my legs are shaking, if I was standing on the court, and I must be nervous to move my legs, let alone kick the ball."

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