Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2065: Freiburg Freedom Palace

Because Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were close relatives married, their nine children are all carriers of hemophilia. Fortunately, all nine children have grown up healthy and have married and married royal families in many European countries. Intermarriage, now let’s introduce the nine children of the two and their offspring.

The eldest daughter, Princess Victoria, was married to Prince Frederick, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Prussia, who was later Emperor Frederick III of the German Empire. The two had four sons and four daughters. The eldest son was the last emperor William II of the German Empire. A daughter, Princess Sophie, married King Constantine I of Greece. The last Greek King Constantine II was the grandson of Constantine I and Princess Sophie. Queen Sofia was the wife of the former Spanish King Juan Carlos I. Granddaughter of Constantine I and Princess Sophie.

Is this relationship messy enough?

The second daughter, Princess Alice, was married to Hesse in Germany and the Grand Highway Dwyer IV of the Duchy on the Rhine River. The two had two sons and five daughters. One of them was Princess Alexandra married to the last emperor of the Russian Empire. Gula II, she was the first to die among nine siblings.

It is precisely because of these two marriages with Germany that the British royal family has found two good footholds in Germany, which can be regarded as the dowry of the two princesses at that time.

One of them is located in the beautiful town of Freiburg on the edge of the Black Forest in Germany.

Speaking of German tourism, people often immediately think of Berlin, Munich, these world-renowned metropolises, or famous tourist attractions such as Neuschwanstein and Heidelberg, but there are many very beautiful small cities in Germany scattered among the beautiful mountains and rivers. Freiburg is one of them.

Although the town is not as well-known as the places mentioned above, it is also unique and it can be described as "raised in a deep boudoir".

There are many such places in the Black Forest region of southern Germany, and Freiburg is particularly unique as the "Black Forest Capital".

Freiburg, which literally means "Freedom Castle" in German, is a small city in southern Germany not far from France and Switzerland. Its unique geographical location also makes Freiburg an important industrial and commercial town in this area. . In the 12th century AD, small towns appeared here. After the 15th century, during the time of German Emperor Frederick III and his son Maximilian, Freiburg gradually became a trading center for steel and salt.

However, in the famous Thirty Years\' War in the 17th century, Freiburg was besieged and occupied by the Swedes. The city suffered heavy losses and only 2,000 people remained.

After that, Freiburg was ruled by Austria and France for a long time. During World War II, Freiburg, which was located in a remote location, did not escape the ravages of war.

On November 27, 1944, Freiburg suffered the worst air strike in history. 80% of the buildings in the city were destroyed and more than 3,000 people died.

The landmark building in the center of the city-the ceiling and glass windows of the Freiburg Cathedral were damaged, but the main body of the building survived miraculously. This also made the surviving Freiburg old people believe that they were inspired by God. Favored people, this is also the reason why Freiburg\'s happiness index remains high.

Although Freiburg Cathedral is not as famous as Cologne Cathedral, it is not inferior in terms of scale and architectural art.

The construction of the Freiburg Cathedral began in 1200 and was officially completed in 1513. Although the project lasted for three centuries, the victorious Freiburg people will tell you that the famous Cologne Cathedral was built due to a shortage of funds. It took many years to basically complete the project, and Cologne is still raising funds for subsequent projects.

Compared with this, the construction of Freiburg Cathedral with strong local financial support is already fast.

Because it is located at the gateway to the Black Forest, Freiburg Church uses a large number of red sandstones rich in the Black Forest as building materials. These sandstones are easily weathered and eroded, so they often need to be replaced.

Therefore, the exterior building materials of the Freiburg Cathedral seen on a tourist trip are almost brand new, but the interior decoration still basically maintains the original appearance.

In particular, the group of sculptures of biblical figures above the entrance of the church’s gate are more lifelike. As people’s education level was very low in the Middle Ages, church sculptures have become the best teaching materials for common people to understand biblical stories. The group sculpture of biblical figures at the entrance of the church also gained the reputation of "Bible without Words".

These are what William told him, this guy seems to have gone to Freiburg not less, and he is very cherished by the scenery there.

But the more Yang Cheng listened, the stranger her expression became. How could this guy resemble a crazy sale.

"I tell you, when you go to the Freiburg Cathedral, don\'t just look at the Bible statues. You must pay attention to the walls on both sides of the church door. On the mottled walls, you will find some weird patterns. It looks like bread, some looks like a stone.

In Europe, churches were not only the center of urban areas, but also often the location of various markets. This tradition has been maintained even today.

The bread and stone patterns carved on the outer wall of Freiburg Cathedral are the standard sizes of bread and building stones set by the market administrator.

What’s interesting is that with the quality of the harvest and the changes in market conditions, the standards vary from year to year, so a bunch of bread and stones of different sizes and shapes are left on the church wall. And the patterns of other goods. "

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded. It was really interesting. This kind of history cannot be learned in school.

"I like Freiburg, especially in the old town. The gravel roads meander between the old buildings. Every corner seems to hide a tortuous old history. If you are in the small streets of Freiburg, Listening to the local people sighing is like the flow of water."

Yang Cheng looked at each other in surprise, this guy was quite capable of pulling words.

"On almost every road, there will be a stream that flows homeopathically. On a sunny summer day, these gurgling streams are undoubtedly the most beautiful scenery in Freiburg.

To this day, there are roadside creeks in Freiburg with a total length of nearly 10 kilometers. This entire water supply system has been established since the 13th century. At that time, the purpose of building these creeks throughout the city was to provide access to all streets. Provide fire fighting water.

If there is a fire, every resident can fetch water from the doorstep of the house for disaster relief. Since the 14th century, Freiburg has never had a large-scale fire.

After World War II, the locals re-paved these creeks. Of course, with modern firefighting facilities, the firefighting mission of the creeks no longer exists. Now they are only a part of the memory of the city of Freiburg.

However, there is still a romantic legend about this creek in Freiburg. It is said that if a foreigner accidentally steps on the creek, he will be married to a Freiburg native.

However, I stepped into the water there early, and in the end I didn\'t talk about the beautiful Freiburg girl. "

Hearing this, Yang Cheng smiled directly, "Dare you say it again, I will record it for Kate~"

William smiled awkwardly, "Ha~ it\'s okay, just say it, it\'s all when you were young."

Yang Cheng did not continue to tease him, "Let’s talk about the castle~"

" The castle is located on the outskirts of Freiburg, in a valley within the Black Forest. It is not as large as the Neuschwanstein Castle, but the surrounding scenery is charming, warm in winter and cool in summer. Princess Alice used to escape the heat castle.

Moreover, the environment is quiet and there is only one small road in and out. It currently belongs to the Royal Castle Management Committee. Freiburg has always proposed to buy the castle back and open it as a new tourist attraction after renovation.

But the committee has never agreed, but there is no spare capacity for maintenance and renovation.

If Charles speaks, it won\'t be a big problem for you to buy it. "

Yang Cheng frowned, "Is there any information? I only heard you say that it doesn\'t seem to have any concept."

"No problem, I\'ll send someone the information later. By the way, the name of the castle is "Liberty Palace"."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Wow, this name is very angry~"

"Princess Alice personally got her name, probably to commemorate the arranged marriage."

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